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August 3, 2006



-Victor arrives at the hospital and sees the doctors trying to save Philip's life. Kate and Belle are begging him to live as Shawn, Rex, Mimi, and Cassie watch nearby. Victor can't bear to see his son like this and has recalls seeing the tape Ernesto made of Philip's reaction to all the lies involved with Claire's paternity. Victor blames all this on himself as it was Ernesto's hatred for him that resulted in Philip's kidnapping and he helped cover up Claire's paternity. Even if his son survives, he will hate him. The doctors manage to stabilize Philip but he has now clipped into a coma. He will need massive surgery to repair all the burn damage to his body and face. Victor leaves as he can't stand to see his son like that and feels that he shouldn't be there right now after his role in all of it.

-Kate and Belle ask about Philip's chances and are told they are slim. They are devestated. Shawn leaves. Belle asks him to stay but Shawn says that her place is with her husband right now. They can focus on their relationship when Philip recovers. Kate thanks Shawn for his kindness.

-Mimi comforts Rex, who still considers Philip a brother and a good friend. Cassie interupts and reminds Rex of what Mimi did to him. Rex lashes out at Cassie and tells her to mind her own business. That was the past and he has already forgiven Mimi for it. Mimi is stunned. Rex confesses that he never stopped loving or thinking about Mimi. He couldn't even stay angry with her. Mimi is touched. Rex asks Mimi if he can talk to his sister alone. Mimi leaves hopeful that she may have Rex back. Shawn overhears and comments on how quick she puts there marriage to bed. He tells her not to worry as he will be getting divorce papers in the morning. Mimi admits she never stopped loving Rex just like he never stopped loving Belle so maybe they weren't meant to last no matter what. Shawn leaves as Mimi begins to think about a second chance with Rex.

-Greta sees Victor leaving the hospital while she waits for the results of her DNA test. She plans to tell Victor everything if it is confirmed he is her father.

-Chelsea enters the records room and finds the computer already on. It appears someone was recently using it so Chelsea wonders if someone is soon coming back. On the page that is pulled up, it has medical information on Philip Kiriakis. Chelsea figures a nurse or doctor is probably looking for some info that may be of help in treating him. Chelsea is afraid to use the computer for fear of someone coming back and taking notice. At that moment, the knob begins to turn. Chelsea hides in the back of the room behind a file cabinet. A nurse enters with another nurse. She seems very upset and confused and admits that she can't understand what this means. The other nurse tells her to call Dr. Carver as she is Philip's primary doctor. They leave to call her but not before closing up the records page and putting it under password lock. Chelsea realizes she can't get in so she will need another way to find out about Hope being her mother and who her father may be. She sneaks out of the records room and returns the keys she stole to the nurses station. She turns around to find Max, who wants to know what she is up to. She asks why he isn't with Abby. He says Abby wanted to be with her family and he wanted to go look for her anyway. They haven't talked in a long time and he feels like they need to after the way they left things. He gently touches her arm and Chelsea has a flashback to her rape. She jumps away from Max as he asks her what is wrong. She hides her rape from him and tells him she has alot on her mind and alot to do. Max feels like she is pushing him away and he wants to know why. Chelsea says she just needs some time and space right now to deal with some stuff. Max is upset and agrees but warns he isn't waiting around forever for her. He leaves as Chelsea realizes she may pushing him even further into Abby's arms. She is also trying to think of a way to find out if Hope is her mother for sure and needs to think of a way to have a DNA test or check DNA without anyone knowing. Greta overhears and asks what Chelsea is up to.

-John and Sami arrive at the penthouse. John can't beleive how different it feels without Marlena. Sami says that nothing is the same without her. John explains he asked Sami there because he wanted to talk to her before they get the DNA results as to if he is Roman. He knows that Eric will get used to him as Roman and Carrie too but he isn't so sure about Sami as she has hated him for most of her life. Sami says she doesn't want to discuss the matter as she doesn't beleive John is her father. John recalls her behavior on the island and how certain she felt about the info she found. John thinks Sami is only denying it now because it is close to being confirmed true and she is hoping it isn't. John also notes how Sami saved his life and now, after thinking about it, he beleives when she saved him she called him "daddy." Sami denies it but John can see it is true. John tells Sami that no matter what happens she has and will always be his daugther, just like he always felt Eric and Carrie were his. That will never change. Sami begins to tear up and says actions speak louder then words and John destroyed her family. John points out that if he is Roman that may as well negate everything as he was married to her mother. Sami is silent and then tells John she is leaving as she doesn't want to listen to this. They don't even know if it is true yet. As she leaves, John tells her that he isn't sure if he wants it to be true. On one hand, it may be like a gift from Marlena to help unite them as a family. On the other, that would mean so much of his life was a lie. Sami walks out. Outside the penthouse, Sami begins to cry and then vows that if John is her father she will never accept it no matter how right it feels to her. She doesn't care what anyone says. Meanwhile, John puts on a collection of Marlena's favorite songs and looks at a photo album of her. He stares at a picture of them at their second wedding and a single tear drops from his eye as he tells Marlena he will never find anyone else and will never forget her.

-Maggie continues to lash out at the world and blame herself for Mickey's death. She is tempted by the liquor bottle in her hand. She looks at a picture of Mickey and asks for strength. She is nothing without him and is already losing control. Her hands begin to shake as she fights the urge to drink. She gets frustrated and tosses the bottle at the wall, shattering it. She realizes she needs to get out of the house before she goes insane but she also doesn't want to deal with the world and all their condolences and what not. She looks at all the pictures and then has a series of flashbacks of Mickey and her. She realizes she needs to get out of the house and leaves.

-Victor sees the lights on in the Brady Pub. He knocks and Caroline answers. Caroline tells him that he shouldn't be there. Victor says no matter what she or here family says he is going to be there for her. She lost her husband and she needs someone to be there for her. Caroline says she has her family and they agreed to let this go if she stayed away from him. She can't be seen with him-all it will do is cause further pain and heartache. Their relationship already killed her husband so she can't afford to do anymore damage. Victor reminds Caroline that Shawn Sr was also upset about Rex and Cassie and the Roman situation so it is unfair to pin this all on their affair. Caroline says that their affair was what put it over the top and given his health it was bound to kill him. She blames herself and feels guilty that she is letting Victor take the majority of the blame. Victor says he will do anything for her. Caroline tells him if he ever loved her and if he means what he says then he needs to just stay away from her. They are through and they should never see each other. Victor doesn't understand but Caroline thinks it is for the best and begs Victor to obey his wish as he said he would do anything for her. Victor tells her that he loves her and always will and he wants to be there for her. Caroline tells him to leave and just stay out of her life. It is for the benefit of themselves and their their loved ones. A heartbroken Victor leaves but not before taking one last look at Caroline and telling her he loves her. He walks out and sees a distraught Maggie in tears walking by. Maggie and Victor both look at each other and can see the heartbreak in each other's eyes. They embrace each other as Victor tells her it's ok and that everything is going to be fine. Caroline watches from inside the Pub and tells Victor she loves him too and always will but it has to be this way. Maggie can use a friend too and Victor can be that friend-just as long as he stays away from her no matter how much it hurts. Caroline sees Maggie and Victor comforting each other and says goodbye to Victor while, outside, Victor quietly says goodbye to Caroline and that it just must've never been meant to be as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

On the Next Days...

Victor to Maggie: I promise I'm not going anywhere.

Greta to Chelsea: I may be able to help you but you need to tell me what is going on.

Mimi (who is overhearing two nurses talking to Lexie) Oh my God. This changes everything!!!

Belle to Shawn: We have a daughter together and that means we should be together.

Mimi to Belle and Shawn: Not necessarily.

Roman to Kate: If I'm not Roman Brady, I am nothing!!!

Nicole to Eric: I want to know what is going on right now!!!


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