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1/3/06 Episode




Show starts out with Maggie, Caroline, Doug,, Julie, Hope, Bo, Jen, Frankie, Abby, Max, Bonnie, Roman and most of the others huddled around the bar reacting to Celeste’s vision and to fears that there loved ones were hurt. The Hortons are worried about Mickey, the Brady’s are worried about Shawn Sr., Lexie is privately worried about Tek and hasn’t told anyone yet about talking to him and his phone going dead, and Sami and Lucas are worried about Will who is out with friends.-

-Maggie expresses to Alice, Hope, Bo, Jen, Frankie, and the others how worried she is about Mickey. Caroline says she feels the same way about Shawn Sr. The phone went dead and that loud bang gave her chills. Bo and Roman decide they need to go out and see what is going on. Hope wants to go to. Bonnie rolls her eyes but Romans tells her to stay put and that he will be back to get her. Bonnie doesn’t want to stay since no one there likes her and she is trying to show everyone that she has turned over a new leaf. She begs to go with Roman. He agrees. Lexie offers to go too (secretly thinking of Tek and recalling the loud crash and the phone going dead) since she is a doctor. Abe offers to go but Lexie insists he stay since he is blind and can’t help much (not knowing his sight is almost 100%). As Abe is about to tell her he can see, Lexie takes off with Roman, Bonnie, Hope, and Bo. Before leaving Hope recommends that everyone go home since the storm has let up for now and is supposed to pick up later. Doug and Julie decide to take Alice home and Jen, Frankie, Max, and Abby all agree to go with them to the Horton house to wait for news. They ask Maggie and Caroline to come too but Maggie says she needs to clean up and Caroline says she needs to help since it was there party so both insist they stay. They need to keep there mind off worrying. The others leave and say they will call if they hear anything as Maggie and Caroline say the same and hug each other and hope things are ok.

-Lucas and Sami are both trying to reach Will. Neither is successful. They are both worried. Lucas reassures her everything is fine and comforts her. Austin jumps in and does the same which unnerves Lucas and Nicole. Carrie is off in the distance and recalls getting the call from Becky and learning about Austin being the one taking over her company. We then see a flashback to right after the phone call and Austin asking her if something is wrong (as Sami, Lucas, and Nicole look on with glee). Celeste’s scream and all the worry about Mickey, Shawn, Will, etc prevented her from confronting him. When they finally had time to talk, we hear Carrie tell Austin they need to talk but not now since she is worried about her nephew, grandpa, and Mickey. He agrees and they decide to talk once things calm down all. Flashback ends. Carrie has tears streaming down as Lucas comes over and aks her what is wrong. She says that now is not the time to discuss it with everything going on. He agrees to let it go. Austin then comes over which angers Lucas again and he lashes out at Austin for always trying to steal his thunder. Austin doesn’t know what he is talking about as Lucas calls him on comforting Sami one minute and then coming over to talk to Carrie while he was trying to do both things but got interrupted by him. Carrie breaks up the fight and thinks its time that they go home. Sami jumps in and says that she can’t she needs to look for Will. Austin and Carrie agree to help her as Austin asks her if she is ok. She says she is fine and Austin brings up the fact that she has been keeping her distance from him and only talked to him when she asked him to talk once things were calmer. She again says she is fine and says she wants to help find Will. Sami thanks Carrie as Carrie says they will both put their difference aside to find Will (as she privately puts what she knows about Austin aside to find Will as well). Lucas is left alone with Nicole who mentions that it looks like they are both outsiders as usual. Lucas has a depressed look on his face and decides that he will look for Will on his own and leaves as Nicole decides to go home and make her own drinks to celebrate the eventual breakup of Carrie and Austin and the future of Austin’s company and, possibly, her own future with Austin.

-Abe tells Celeste he wants to go with Lexie and the others. Celeste disagrees since he only recently got his sight back. She also remembers her vision of disaster having something to do with Lexie and thinks maybe something may happen with Lexie and Tek. She tells Abe to stay put but Abe wants to go. Maggie and Caroline see this and decide they can’t wait any longer and tell Abe they want to go with him. Both women acknowledge their happiness with Abe having his sight back and ask if they can go with him since he can help them find out what may be going on since he is still commander technically. He agrees to let them come as Celeste says she will go to as she continues to have the vision of screaming people and fire and loud crashes. She decides to keep them again to herself recalling the panic that ensued at midnight when she screamed. The four are later in Celeste’s car and hear about a massive pileup at one of Salem’s busiest intersections during the height of the storm. Maggie looks at Caroline in horror as she realizes that Mickey and Shawn Sr had to go that way to return to Chez Rouge. Abe calms them and says that they will go to the accident scene and check it out first to see. Even if anyone they know was involved, it doesn’t mean they were hurt. They may just be backed up in traffic. Maggie and Caroline remember the crash they heard on the phone at midnight and Celeste’s vision and fear the worst as Abe looks at Celeste who looks at him, both knowing that the chances are high that Mickey and Shawn Sr may have been affected.

-Jack and Greta return to their hideaway or what Jack calls their “lair.” Greta is still upset about the plan and she wants to tell Jen right away and can’t believe Jack dragged her off. Jack insists that Jen has a lot on her mind and reminds Greta of Celeste screaming at midnight and all the worry about Mickey and Shawn Sr. He says Jen is worried about her uncle and doesn’t need stress. He also says that she is getting closer to Frankie now and that his plan is working. He thanks great for everything she has done and for saving his life even though he is going to die anyway. Now he can at least make sure his plan works and that his family is set for life without him. He says that is all thanks to Greta. We then see a flashback of Jack drowning in his car. Then a man in scuba gear knocks on the window and helps Jack out of the car. He shares his air tank with him and gets him up to the surface and to shore. Once at shore, Jack looks up to see Greta who thanks the man for helping her. She says she had just cam back to Salem to visit John and the Hortons and to see him and his family. She heard he was dying and wanted to come and say goodbye and tell him that she forgave him. On her way to the Horton’s, she noticed what looked like a car floating in the water before she went up the bridge. She got out and went to one of the houses near the river and asks a man for help. He luckily had a scuba suit and she paid him to help her since it as dangerous. She knew it would take the authorities a long time to come and the car was already sinking so she knew it was her best chance to save someone. She was gonna call the authorities once the person or persons was saved or recovered. She didn’t realize it was Jack until the man was close to shore with Jack and she saw his face. We then see Jack fill her in on everything that has happened and his plan for Jen. He talks about his suicide attempts and then realizes that now he can fake his death and put his plan into action. He doesn’t need to kill himself. He can now spare his family pain. He begs Greta to help him and to pay off the man who rescued him to stay quiet. She is reluctant but Jack gets emotional and explains his reasons again and Greta being the good person she is agrees and pays the man off. Flashback ends. Jack also thanks her for renting this cabin in her name so they can stay close by in hiding to make sure everything he planned is working. Greta is still upset and reminds Jack that she has money and knows many big people in the medical field. He can still be cured but he will never know if he doesn’t try. Jack says its too late and that nothing can cure him. Greta insists that Jack tell Jen and together the three of them can find a cure. Jack refuses and reminds Greta of why he is doing this. Greta expresses how much she admires him but says that Jen, Abby, and JJ would want to be with him his last days. Jack still refuses. Greta then offers to make him a deal. She won’t tell Jen a thing if he leaves Salem with her and works with her to find a cure. His secret will be safe and him and her can travel the world to find a cure. He will just have to disguise himself. Jack thinks and then asks about her being a princess and her obligations. Greta says to not worry. She is getting sick of it and only still does it to help people. Besides, they can’t boss her around so she has all the time she needs to do what she wants. Jack thinks again as Greta begs him. He agrees as Greta makes the call to warm up her private plane. Jack then thinks to himself that maybe he can find a cure and that its worth a shot. If there is one, he hopes he finds it before its too late for him and for him to be with Jen. If not, then he will just have to be in isolation for good and let Jen be happy with Frankie. Greta says its all set and then goes to pack as Jack does the same. They decide to leave in the morning.

-At the accident scene, we see cars all over with helicopters overhead and sirens heard all over. Ambulances are arriving at the scene as John is running frantically around helping victims. John helps an elderly women out of her car. He is thinking about Marlena and believes that during the chaos Alex drove off with her since he doesn’t see the car he stole. He just couldn’t drive away to give chase and leave all these people so he had to stay and help. Marlena wouldn’t want him to leave all these people behind for her and he is has experience from his past in dealing with situations like this. Just then, John sees something shocking out of the corner of his eye. It’s the car Marlena was in with Alex. John races over there(finally recalling seeing Alex’s car hit the pole) and sees that the pole has fallen on the car. Both Alex and Marlena are unconscious. John moves the pole over to get to Marlena’s door. She has a gash on her head and isn’t breathing. He also can’t get her leg out without her help We then go inside Marlena’s mind as she is walking in the dark wondering where she is. Then we see memory flashes of her early days in Salem, her relationship and marriage to Don Craig, DJ’s death, her sister’s Samantha’s murder, her relationship and marriage to Roman (we don’t see Wayne in these just reactions from Deidre in them since Wayne is Alex), and the birth of Sami and Eric. We also see Marlena with Hope at her wedding to Bo, hugging Alice and Caroline, and spending time with Carrie. Memory flashes end. Marlena is hearing John’s voice asking her to wake up and to breath saying they all need her and love her. Marlena then wakes up. As she wakes up, she says, “It’s all coming back to me.” John thinks her memory has returned. Just then, John smells gas and sees that there is a gas leak. He shakes Marlena urging her to help him. Marlena, still out of it a little, asks what is going on. John tells her and she begs John to save her. He says he needs her help and needs her to pull herself up as he lifts the pole up. She agrees and does what he says. He then grabs her and pulls her out but falls backwards with her in the process. They recover and Marlena thanks him for saving her. He says he loves her and that he will always save her. As they get up, we see that John cut his leg badly when he pulled Marlena out. She doesn’t notice as he covers it up. As he carries her up the hill due to her head injury, Alex’s car explodes causing everyone to scream. John and Marlena assume Alex is dead and that the nightmare is over. Marlena is take to an ambulance where she tells John what happened and that all her memories returned but nothing about John. John says its ok and that in time they will. With Alex gone, they have all the time in the world. The EMT says that Marlena has a concussion but its not serious. Both are happy and Marlena insists that John and her help out with the victims. John disagrees saying Marlena has been through enough. Marlena insists saying she needs to forget everything that has happened with Alex and tonight. She also doesn’t want to leave him and thinks the more she is with him, the more likely her memories of him will return. John gives up and lets her stay as they go to work on the victims. They are stunned when they check out a car that drove into a building and can’t believe who they find.

-As Bo, Hope, Bonnie, Roman, and Lexie arrive at the scene they meet with John and Marlena and discuss everything that happened. John and Marlena say that they have not seen Mickey or Shawn Sr but they have seen someone else they know. Lexie, recalling Tek, asks who. John says Tek as Lexie then asks where he is so she can care for him. John says she can’t-he is dead. Lexie refuses to believe it and asks where he is. John points to a body bag near an ambulance and tells Lexie that his car was sent flying into a building on impact from the car that started everything. Lexie races over to him and opens the bag crying. She yells out a bloodcurdling “NO!!!” and laments the way she treated him. Abe, Celeste, Maggie, and Caroline arrive and check in with the others. Abe hears Lexie scream and goes to her with Celeste. Lexie then recalls all the times she had with Tek and everything that happened. She then tells Tek that she did love him and care for him and that her life won’t be the same. As she turns around, she notices Abe and Celeste behind her with Abe having a shocked and betrayed look on his face.

-Chelsea’s car is in a ravine. Patrick and her are unconscious. Chelsea stirs just as the car bursts into flames. She begs Patrick to wake up. A mystery man, who was in the wooded area watching, races over to Patrick’s door. Chelsea asks who he is. The figure doesn’t respond. He gets the door open and drags Patrick out. Chelsea begs him to help her but the man doesn’t respond and drags Patrick into the woods. Chelsea screams for help as she is trapped in her car and can’t seem to move her legs. She says she is sorry and that she will repent, The flames spread and grow closer to her.

-Sami, Carrie, and Austin are looking for Will. They have checked everywhere and can’t seem to find him. Lucas meets up with them and is there just in time to catch Austin comforting Sami with a hug, something that Carrie witnesses as well. Meanwhile, Will (now played by Jeremy Sumpter) is with some friends in the woods. The kids are drinking beer and are high. They are trying to push Will to do it but he refuses. The kids rag on him so he gets mad and runs off. As he is walking through the woods, he sees a car in flames. He runs over and asks if anyone is in there. He then looks down in front of him to his right and sees a badly burned body. He runs over and is disgusted at what he sees. The person is screaming in pain as Will asks the person who they are. The person, recognizing Will’s voice, screams painfully “Will, its me...its Chelsea!!!” Will looks stunned as Chelsea continues to scream in pain.

-John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Roman, Bonnie, Maggie, and Caroline are all together. They are checking with EMT’s and other personal to see if Mickey and Shawn Sr, were involved. Maggie goes off in another direction and sees a car on the side of the road. She hears that the car was hit by the car driven by the person who kidnaped Marlena Evans and that the same pole that hit that car landed on this car. The others catch up with her as Marlena says to John that its her fault that the people in that car are hurt or worse because Alex wanted her and she bought into everything he said. Had she not they may not have been involved with what happened and no one else, including those in that car, may not have gotten affected. John reassures her that the real fault lies with the car that started this mess and that Alex is only responsible for his part. Everyone looks on as Caroline says how much the car looks like Shawn’s. The door is then sawed open ad taken off by the fire department and when the door is taken away Maggie gets closer and sees Shawn Sr’s and Mickey’s bloody faces inside. She lets out a horrifying scream as everyone else comes over and screams “No!!!” Maggie and Caroline both scream alone as Bo and Hope and John and Marlena hold each other. Bonnie then grabs hold of Roman to comfort him as we then see Maggie and Caroline being held back my EMT workers and officers as the screen mixes those images of Maggie and Caroline with Mickey and Shawn Sr. In the car bleeding and then the screen freezes on that and fades to black.

Tomorrow-Abe lashes out at Lexie, as does Celeste. A family gets bad news. John collapses. Will works to save Chelsea. A huge secret concerning Victor and Caroline is revealed.


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