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-The next morning Lexie calls Hope and tells her that she could do the paternity test TODAY if Hope would like and then Hope says absolutely and Lexie tells her to come to the hospital around three o clock.

-Jan prepares to leave the hospital and thinks about how she can break up Shawn and Mimi.

-Kayla tries to jog Steve’s memory by showing him a video of their second wedding.

-Mimi is in her apartment and she calls Bonnie and tells her that she needs to meet with her ASAP.

-A woman drives her car into the garage of the Spears Mansion and when she steps out she walks into the mansion and says “Wow, its been a long time since I have been in the old home.”

-While Kayla and Steve are watching their wedding Steve all of a sudden has a flash of memory.

-Bonnie arrives at the loft and asks Mimi what is wrong and Mimi tells her about how Jan is out of her coma and she is afraid that Jan will break up Shawn and her.

-Hope calls Bo and Patrick and tells them that about the paternity test being today.

-While a taxie takes Jan to the Spears mansion Jan grabs her cell phone and starts dialing the number and then someone in an apartment picks up his phone and says “Hello” and then the camrea goes up to the mans face and the man is…. Rex Brady!

-Steve while watching the movie says “I remember” and then Kayla asks what is it that he remembers and then Steve says “I remember our wedding!”

-Bonnie tells Mimi that Jan couldn’t possibly cause any trouble for her and Shawn because everyone knows that she tried to kill Victor and that she kidnapped Shawn.

-Jan says hello and then Rex says “Jan?” and then Jan says that he is right she is back and then she says that he needs to come back to Salem because she has heard that his sister Carrie is in town and that she is getting married soon and hten she thinks to herself that if she gets Rex back to Salem it will draw Mimi away from Shawn.

-While Lexie is looking over Hope’s pregnancy she says “Oh my Gosh…. How am I gonna tell Hope this.”


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