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July 11, 2006



-Jennifer is still confused over Jack and Frankie. She doesn't know he can she can break either one of their hearts. Meanwhile, both Jack and Frankie consider letting Jen go to be with the other man. Jennifer overhears and informs the both of them this is up to her. She needs to choose and one of them just can't pull out. There is too much at risk for all of them. She is just so confused as she loves both of them. Alice, Doug, Julie, Caroline. Shawn Sr, and Mickey watch Jennifer and wonder how she will ever choose.

-Abby and Max sit together and wonder if they will ever get off the island. Max says he can think of worse things then being stranded with Abby. Max goes to get them drinks and, while away, he can help noticing how close he is getting to Abby. He wonders where it could go and what Chelsea would think about it. While alone, Abby wonders the same and wonders if getting close to Max is right. She remembers what Chelsea did to him and says it's Chelsea's loss and her gain if something should happen. Max remembers how Chelsea hurt him and went MIA before everything happened and he decides if she gave up on them being an item so will he.

-Bo, Billie, Roman, Abe, Austin, Lucas, and Kate all talk about observations they have noted on the island. They need to figure out a way through the force field and a way to the control room of the island. They should be able to find something there to aid in an escape attempt. Austin and Lucas are worried about Carrie and plan to look for her first thing after busting through the force field. Roman agrees. Shawn then walks by and asks of anyone has seen Mimi. She went for a walk and never came back. They offer to help him find her and they all take off as Mickey stays back with Alice. Jennifer, Abby, Max, Jack, and Frankie join the search too.

-Mimi is shocked that Bonnie wants her to confess all. She tells Mimi that she just had the hell scared out of her and she doesn't want to go to hell or she her kids go to hell. She wants them to live happy lives and she has steered them off course-she was wrong and now they need to right the wrongs they made. Mimi agrees and reminds her mother she has been telling her this. Bonnie says they need to find Patrick and steer his life in the right direction too before it's too late. Bonnie even admits she will quit smoking and drinking. She can't beleive what she has done and forced Mimi to do. She was a terrble mother but they will correct everything now. Mimi agrees and says that even if she loses Shawn at least she will have everything off her conscience. Mimi says they need to admit everything right away. Shawn and the search team arrive and he asks Mimi what she needs to tell him.

-Belle is shocked to see Rex next to her. Rex says he made the noise in the bushes. He heard screaming so he was on his way to help so that was the noise she heard and the noice that drove Marlena away. Belle asks how he got on the island. He says that Cassie was kidnapped. Someone tried to copycat the SSK "murder" but the only problem was they failed. They tried to make it appear she was stabbed and stuff her in a pinata like her "death" three years ago while they were at their apartment in Chicago. Rex came home and caught the assailant who broke in. It was "Tony" (really Andre), who just escaped from prison. He had what looked like fake blood and a syringe in his arm so clearly it was another illusion or ruse to fake Cassie's death. Rex struggled with "Tony" and was knocked out. "Tony" still drugged Cassie but just ran off with her without faking her death yet again. Rex woke up in enough time to follow them to a private airstrip outside of the city. He secretly got on board the plane unseen. Once they landed, he could not get out right away or he would have been seen so "Tony" and Cassie got away but he knows they are there. Belle asks him if he knows about all the deaths. Rex is convinced they are all a fake too. Belle fills him on about Marlena and Rex thinks she is being controlled, as does Belle. Belle asks him if he got over Mimi and met someone. He says he didn't-he still loves her despite everything and seeing her marry Shawn made him realize that. He regrets letting her go and realizes that they could have still worked things out and he could have forgiven her but it's too late.

-Marlena hides in the jungle. She will not let anyone get in her way, including her precious daughters. Anyone in her way will be stopped as she will get her revenge on all those on the island.

-Lexie asks Stefano if he is behind the plot. He says he is responsible but also had help. He asks her to come with him and he will explain everything. Lexie refuses and she slaps her father. She asks him if he is responsible for Abe's death and the deaths of everyone else. Stefano says none of them are dead. Lexie is stunned. Stefano admits that the first island plot had him involved as well. Lexie asks him why he would do this and why he would put her through so much pain. Stefano says he will answer all that in detail later when he gathers everyone on the island together for a big finale party. Lexie asks him what he is planning but Stefano just asks her again to come with him. Lexie refuses and demands her father tell her everything now.

-Greta is still in the file room searching around. She finds a file with her name on it and opens it. She reads through and is shocked by something she sees. Without saying anything, she folds the file up and takes it with her and leaves the room. She does not want to stay there long out of fear of getting caught and decides to tell the others about this place since it may contain vital info. She is stunned by the contents of the file and wonders if it is true and, if so, how it will affect herself and her father.

-Hope, Chelsea, Maggie, Victor, Eric, Nicole, and Celeste got sick of waiting in the cave and are now off trying to look for Shane, Bonnie, Belle, Sami, Lexie, Greta, and John on their own. Celeste senses that great danger is upon them and that lives are being changed as they speak. They bump into Shane and he lays into them for leaving the safe confines of the cave. Hope says she was the only one that was going to leave but the others wanted to follow since they all agreed to work as a team. Shane hopes they can find the others and do what they came to the island to do.

-John is with Sami in the cave and he asks her again if something is wrong. Thinking about the file she found, Sami wonders if it all could really be true and if John could be her father. She wonders if she should even tell him. John is confused and wants to know if Sami is ok. Sami has flashbacks of being a little girl and John, as Roman, raising her. She then has flashbacks of all the times she has lashed out at John telling hin she hates him. She wonders what will happen if the man she has hated for blowing her parent's marriage apart is actually her father. She starts to get overwhelmed with emotion and tells John to just stay out of her business and says they should just leave to find the others. John grabs her and demands to know what is wrong. He practically raised her and he has always known when something was wrong with her. He wants to know what it is.

-Marlena tries to find a place to hide to lay low for a bit. She manages to find a store room full of supplies and explosives.

Marlena: Yes this could work nicely. Why wait to destroy them? I mean, sure, it would be fun to torture them and toy with them first but I can wipe them all out right now by blowing this chunk of rock sky high. Of course, I would die too and that would be a waste-but not if I place these babies properly to ensure my safety and not theirs. Clever plan Marlena. Clever plan, indeed.

Marlena then decides to place a bundle of explosives right in the middle of the island since it could send shockwaves through the whole island and maybe cause more damage. The center happens to be nearby to where John and Sami is. Marlena sets the explosives up cliffside and sets them off. Everyone on the island then hears a massive explosion that created an earthquake on the island. The ground begins to shake.

-The shaking ground opens up beneath Hope creating a crater. Hope falls in and is grabbed last second by Chelsea who tries to hold on to her. Shane, Celeste, Eric, Nicole, Victor, and Maggie hang on to trees for hear life. One tree gets uprooted and prepares to fall on Victor as Maggie sees it beginning to come down.

-Shawn holds on to Mimi as Bo holds onto Billie. Austin, Lucas, Roman, Abe, and Kate all brace themselves and hold on to a tree. Shawn Sr and Caroline hold on to a building as do Abby and Max. A piece of the building breaks off and is falling towards Jack. Jennifer screams out to him as Frankie races over to stop it. Abby sees its too and races to help her father. Frankie pushes Jack out of the way and both Abby and Frankie get hit as Max and Abby cry out to them.

-Back at the New Salem Brady Pub, Alice and Mickey hold on tightly to the table as things around them begin to fall apart with debris falling everywhere.

-Greta is racing through the catacombs to find cover when they begin to cave in. A huge pile of debris then falls on her.

-Lexie is being held on to by Stefano. He radios Andre to find out what is going on but no one seems to know. Lexie is shocked to hear Stefano talking to an Andre and asks if that is who she thinks it is. Before Stefano can answer, both Lexie and him are toppled over by debris.

-Rex and Belle hang on to each other as they try to find cover. They see Shane and the others and call out to them but a tree falls near them as both of them jump out of the way and fall to the ground.

-John and Sami are in the cave. The whole thing begins to cave in. Sami thinks they are going to die and begins to get hysterical. John holds her and tries to calm her as they are both thrown back against the cave wall. Sami begins to wonder if she should tell John about what she found since this may be it for the both of them. If he is her father, she wants to be able to say goodbye to him even though he is the man she has hated for years. As rocks and boulders fall around them and John tries to shield them both, an emotional Sami decides to tell him everything:

Sami: John, there is something I need to tell you. If we are going to die in here, you need to know this and I need you to know this.

John: I won't let us die in here Samantha.

Sami: You still need to know because the truth needs to come out ocne and for all. Maybe we can get to the bottom of it once I tell you. If we die here, I want to be able to say goodbye.

John: What are you talking about? What is going on Samantha? You are acting like you know something I don't. Your talking about some truth and saying goodbye to me when we both know you hate me.

Sami: John, I...I need to tell you. John...your my...you could be my..

Sami begins to pull out the file she found as she begins to admit her discovery to him but the cave walls begin to cave in. John tells Sami to move to the back of the cave where the cave in isn't as dangerous. She tries to tell him about what she wants to but he keeps interupting and tells her to go. Sami starts moving but sees one of the cave walls about to collapse. She calls out to John but he doesn't hear her. She runs over to him as she tells herself that she can't let him die, he may be her father. As it is about to collaspe, she yells "Daddy!!" . Sami pushes him out of the way and wall falls on her as John looks on in horror and calls out to Sami. He begins to move the rocks and boulders and calls out "Samantha!! Samantha!!" as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.

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Not only did Samantha do a completely selfless act, she could have died saving this man's life.

Wonderful work. :)

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