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July 10, 2006



-Mimi cries out for Bonnie to wake up after she ran into the force field was tossed back. Meanwhile, Bonnie has an out of body experience where she is brought to purgatory. She is met by a man dressed in white who appers to be an angel. Bonnie asks if she is dead.

-Belle slowly walks forward to embrace Marlena but Marlena backs off. Belle asks what is wrong. She tells Belle to just turn around and run away. Belle asks what is going on. Marlena tells Belle she wants revenge for all the wrongs done to her. People have always tried to control her and now she won't let that happen anymore. That is why she allied with Stefano because the island plot was the perfect setup for her revenge plans. Now she can take out everyone in Salem and pay them back for the hell they out her through. Belle asks her what she means by everyone and what she means by payback. What is she mad about? What is going on? Marlena tells her to stay out of it ...and out of her way.

-Carrie is stunned to see Alan. She gets up and back away. She wants to know how he got to the island and how he got out of jail. Alan says he was released for good behavior and he was on the plane that brought up a group of Salemites to the island to go after the Dimera's and save Marlena Evans. He knew Sami was on board and was also hoping to keep a low profile and help out from a distance in hopes to show everyone he changed. Carrie doesn't buy it and asks what is really going on.

-John is off searching for the others. Shane is on his own searching in another direction. John has left Hope, Chelsea, Maggie, Victor, Eric, Nicole, and Celeste back in the cave hideaway for safety reasons. He hopes he can find Belle, Greta, Lexie, and Sami so they can all begin to search for Marlena and the Dimera's.

-Lexie and Greta continue to move their way through the catacombs. Greta thinks about everything that has happened to her since returning to Salem and about being involved in this. She thinks about what may happen if some of them, perhaps herself, don't get off alive. She thinks about when her mother revealed who her father was on her deathbed and thinks about whether she should tell her father and that world that she is his daughter. Meanwhile, Lexie is still searching for Sami. She notices a camera and realizes she is being watched.

-Sami is shocked by the discovery she made in the file. "This can't be true. He was proven to be my father. He has to be." We then see a picture of what appears to be a man getting plastic surgery. There is also a DVD disk. Sami closes the file after reading through almost all of it and decides to hold onto it to further support the disk that contains all the Dimera secrets. She leaves the secret file room.

-Stefano announces Ernesto as his partner. Ernesto corrects him and says that he is the true brain behind this operation-not Stefano. The captive island of presumed dead Salemites idea was his and Stefano was a big part in making it happen more efficiently. That is all. Stefano is mad about this but keeps his mouth shut saying they are both equal in power. Stefano reminds Ernesto not to test him. Ernesto is aware Stefano has more power but he was merely stating the fact that the island idea was his, not Stefano's. Andre defends Stefano too and warns Ernesto not to cross the Dimera's. Ernesto admits he would never do that after all the Dimera's did for him. They saved his life. Stefano and Andre are pleased and hope he keeps to his word or he will be permanently taken care of. Ernesto is well aware. Stefano orders Bart and his men to take Patrick and Tek away. Ernesto tells Stefano to keep them with him. He wants to "play" with them a bit. Stefano agrees to do so and leaves to go handle some business. He tells Andre to stay with Ernesto, Patrick, and Tek while he goes to find Lexie. There are some things he needs to handle. Andre agrees and stays back as Stefano leaves. Stefano orders Bart to find Carrie Brady ASAP. He can't run the risk of any of the rescue team members finding her.

-Alan explains to Carrie that he went through hell in prison. The wardens, prisoners, etc all mocked him for being shot and defeated by a girl. The damage done by that bullet wound made him insecure about his manhood and having all those men in prison heckle him-it was nothing bit constant mental and physical abuse. They would laugh at what Sami did to him but he is not mad at her. He raped her and did horrible things to Carrie and to sami. He deserved everything he got and then some. Going through hell in prison changed him. He is not the same man. He even sought out a counselor in prison and was helped a great deal. Carrie still doesn't buy it. She begins to bend over in pain again. Alan says he saw Carrie running away from the guards and knows something is wrong. Carrie says she is worried about her baby and she is losing alot of blood. She admits that she feels faint. Alan admits he knows away off the island to get her help but there may be only room for two people. Carrie refuses to go anywhere with him. She doesn't trust him. Alan begs Carrie to reconsider-her life is at risk and her baby's. Carrie keeps refusing but then gets a sharp pain and passes out in Alan's arms. Alan realizes she is getting worse and decides to get her off the island via the method he knows about.

-Belle can't beleive Marlena's behavior. Belle reminds Marlena of who she is and says that she is not the same. She thinks her mother needs help:

Belle: Mom, you need help. Something is wrong. Nothing you are saying makes sense. You love us. I don't know what you mean by the island plot you mentioned and almost everyone you know in Salem is dead. You loved them and you love me and all those that came to this island to find you and help you.

Belle finally runs over to Marlena and grabs her as she tries to get away.

Belle: Let me take you to dad. We can all help you!

Marlena: I don't want help. I don't need anything from any of you except for you all to leave me alone and stay out of my way!!! I want my revenge for what you all did.

Belle: What did we do? You should be after the Dimeras. They did this. They must have you brainwashed again or maybe everything you have been through has made you snap.

Marlena: I am not crazy. I am finally in control. I want everyone to pay, Dimera's included and they will. I will get my revenge for everything I was put through.

Belle: This is crazy.

Marlena: I am not crazy. I am listening to the voices in my head. They don't control me because they are me. The voices are me helping to make decisions and helping to plan what I need to.

Belle: Listen to yourself. Voices?! Something is wrong mom. Those voices are not you. Maybe they are from being being brainwashed or maybe you are sick like Aunt Samantha.

Marlena: Shut up!! Shut up!!! The voices are me. I am in control. They are me. Let go and just stay the hell out of the way!!!

Marlena throws Belle off of her but she grabs on again. Marlena's eyes widen and rage is evident. She grabs Belle by the neck violently and begins to choke her.

Belle (grasping for air): Mom what are you doing? It's me-it's Belle!!! It's your daughter!!

Marlena: I am doing what I have to regardless of who you are. Nothing and no one will stand in my way.

Belle tries to get her off but she can't. Marlena violently jerks her around and continues to choke her.

-Bonnie is told my the angel that she is not dead but she is in trouble. She was brought up for a reason-and that was to tell her that her misdeeds have not gone unnoticed and that she will burn in hell if she does not change her ways. She is getting a second chance here. Bonnie asks why she would be given one. The angel explains that if Bonnie changes so will Mimi and maybe Patrick. Their lives have been sent down the wrong path because of her and she is the only one that can change that. Bonnie thinks about what she has done and about the things she pushed Mimi to do and tried to push Patrick to do. She realizes she needs to change and also make things right for her kids. She knows what she has to do. The angel says that is Bonnie's mission and if she does it, she will save herself and her kids from burning in the flames of hell and from alot of pain. Bonnie is sent back down to earth. When she leaves, the angel says, "Complete your mission and your reward will be at hand." Bonnie finally wakes up and Mimi is happy. She tells her mother not to try to get through the force field. Bonnie tells Mimi about her out of body experience and she tells Mimi that she has had a change of heart. They need to tell Shawn and Belle everything so they can save both of their souls and ensure themselves of a better life. Mimi is stunned by this.

-Belle tries to break Marlena's hold on her but can't. A noise from the bushes leads Marlena to beleive someone is coming and she breaks the hold she has and runs off while telling Belle, "You got lucky this time but next time you won't if you don't stay out of my way." Belle gets up and recovers wondering what the noise was and how her own mother could try to kill her. She now knows how far gone her mother is. Belle worries that the noise was Dimera men so she begins to run off but is grabbed from behind. She turns around and is shocked: "Oh my God. It's you!!"

-Alan brings Carrie to the other side of the island. He remembers where he saw a secret control box under a rock and hit a button which opens a side store room on the cliffside. There is a jetski, hovercraft, and a small paddle boat in there. Realizing he has no time with Carrie being ill, he takes a rope and uses it to tie him and Carrie together so she doesn't fall off the jetski while unconcious. He gets on it with her tied to his back and the jetski takes off and moves away from the island.

-Patrick, Tek, and Andre are with Ernesto. Andre is just keeping an eye on them while smoking a cigar. Tek wants to know why Patrick wasn't shocked by Ernesto. Patrick says he knows him well by way of his dealings with Stefano. Ernesto mentions how Patrick and him don't see alot of each other but he does happen to know Patrick's deep, dark secret. The one Stefano has held over his head for years. Ernesto reminds Patrick that some already know about Tek's past and already know that Tek and Patrick work for Stefano but if anyone he knows and cares for learns about his skeletons-he will be lose everything that he has. Ernesto reminds Patrick that he is a threat to him, just like Stefano is, so he better abide by his wishes as well. He tells Tek the same even though many know about his past but that doesn't mean Stefano or himself can't find ways to hurt him even more. Tek and Patrick both look on horrified and wondering how they can ever get out of this.

-Greta walks through the catacombs and notices a island guard enter the secret file room (that Sami was in)for a security check. Greta wonders what is in the room. She finally notices the security cameras and realizes she can't be caught on them going in the room. As the camera moves, she opens the door like the guard did and enters the room. She sees all the secret files and the computer and wonders what she may find.

-Lexie is wandering through the catacombs and is worried about the cameras. She wonders if Sami and the others got caught because of them. She wonders if whoever is monitoring her on the cameras will come capture her. She wonders about who in her family could be in charge of everything this time. "That would be me, my darling daughter," says Stefano walking up behind her. Lexie turns around stunned, "Father?!" "Yes, my Alexandra. It is so good to see you," he responds as he embraces her and holds her in his arms.

-Sami, after making her way through the catacombs once again, finds herself back at the place where she entered them and starting walking through this maze. She goes back up the staircase and decides to give things a try and see if she can open the secret entrance she fell through again. She pushes and hits it but it won't budge. She gets frustrated and throws a rock at the side wall. The door opens and she makes her way out. The door closes behind her. She holds the file and disk in her hand and wonders if it is all true and what this means for everyone. She puts the disk in her pocket and stuffs the file in her jacket, making it rather puffy. She wonders where Lexie went and reaizes she may have left. She prepares to leave the cave when John enters.

John: Samantha. There you are. We have been looking everywhere for you. Have you seen Lexie or Belle?

Sami: John.

John: That's my name. Something wrong?

Sami looks at John as she thinks about the info she found. She turns around and quietly says to herself,

Sami: What do I do? Do I tell him? Do I tell him that he could be my father? That he may be the real Roman Brady?

She turns around and looks at him with tears welling in her eyes and silently says,

Sami: Daddy?

The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.

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Very, very nice. LOVED the ending. Things are moving at a good clip now. Big stuff is happening in every episode.

Fine work. Can't wait for Tuesday's show.

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