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The Storm - Episode 31

In the limo-- "You didn't come here to hurt him, did you?" Emily asked now afraid for her husband's life. "Of course not. I came to help him, Mrs. Smith. It's Emily isn't it?" Damien replied as he leaned forward and laid his hand on her knee. She pulled herself from his hand quickly. "Yes it is, and I wish you didn't do that." just the thought of being in the car with him made her nervous and afraid. He may have been Zander's uncle but it didn't give him the permission to make advance



The Storm - Episode 30

Jason's Penthouse -- Even though Jason had been laid up from the shooting for weeks now, he was still on top of things that were going on in Port Charles, and what was happening with Zander and Emily. He wasn't happy at all about Sonny going to the county jail for 3 weeks till the trial and had his own plan ready to go into motion on his order. The only problem Jason had with his plans, was his sister getting caught in the crossfire. Elizabeth had gone shopping, like every Friday befor



The Storm - Episode 29

The Penthouse -- Sonny stormed into the penthouse, his anger could be seen by everyone. Victoria and the officer that was assigned to Sonny followed him into the apartment. "You have an hour Sonny, you better use the time wisely. This tantrum is not helping anything, you know that." Victoria said as Carly heard the commotion downstairs and came running down the stairs. "What is going on down here?! There are children sleeping upstairs." she said as she saw Sonny outraged about somethi



The Storm - Episode 28

As they walked into the front door of the courthouse, Zander asked .."What are the chances we'll get the decision we want?" "I think the chances are pretty good, Zander. With your testimony and the circumstantial evidence we submitted, I think we have a good chance of a victory." Ric replied as the four of them walked down the hallway towards the courtroom. Ric opened the door to the courtroom and they all filed in and took their seats. Alexis and Ric at the prosecution table and Zander wi



The Storm - Episode 27

The Courthouse-- As Zander stood with Emily talking with Alexis and Ric, he could feel Sonny's eyes piercing through him. His attorney came over to the table and congratulated Ric on a job well done. Ric accepted her hand and shook it graciously. Sonny got up from his chair and rubbed against Zander as he passed him on the way out of the courtroom. Zander glared in Sonny's direction as he walked out the door. "I can't believe him. He now knows that he is my father and still has no words



The Storm - Episode 26

The Courtroom - Zander testifies -- Zander looked over at Sonny sitting at the table to his left and felt nothing, there was no love for the man who shot his stepfather. Sonny was in for a rude awakening if he thought he was going to get away with raping his mother and killing Frank. Zander assumed that Sonny remembered all of what happened that night, the argument that ensued between he and Frank, he didn't realize that much of that night and led up to it was a big black hole for Sonny too



The Storm - Episode 25

On the docks -- After leaving Ric's office, Zander found himself sitting on the docks for a while. He sat alone on the bench just looking out over the choppy waters. The breeze had picked up and the water rippled in and out against the pier. He decided he had stayed long enough in town, it was time to go back to the cabin and be with his family. He reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out his cell phone. "Marcus ... can you pick me up at Pier 33? No, everything's fine, I'd just like t



The Storm - Episode 24

The PCPD Squad Room -- Ric walked into the squad room with a purpose, the folder in his hand. He slammed down the folder on the desk of an unexpecting police officer. As he did, Mac came out from the interrogation room wondering what was going on in his squad room. "What is going on out here?!" Mac asked as he approached Ric was obviously upset about something. "You tell me that Sonny isn't walking out of here tonight, Mac?! Give me something we can hold him on!" Mac hung his head. He



The Storm - Episode 23

Ric's Office -- A few days later, Zander had agreed to meet Ric in his office to talk about the case against Sonny. Ric had already served the arrest warrant and searched Sonny's penthouse for anything that may help build his case. Alexis was asked to sit in on the discussions, since she and Ric both would be handling this case. Ric sat behind his desk jotting down some notes on his legal pad, when he heard a few knocks on the door. "Yeah, it's open." he called from his desk. The door op



The Storm - Episode 22

At the cabin -- The morning sun filtered through the trees and into the bedroom window, she awoke to being alone and she sat up in bed quickly. "Zander?" she called out for him with no answer. She slipped from the bed and put on her robe and slippers before she headed out the door of the bedroom and down the stairs. She searched the down stairs and found no one, but a fresh pot of coffee that was made. She went to the front door and opened it, thinking that Zander had gone to see his bro



The Storm - Episode 21

Emily steadied herself against the bed post so she wouldn't fall over from shock when Zander told her that Michael was name Sonny used when he first got into the business with Frank. "Sonny Corinthos is your father?!" she replied in complete amazement at Zander's revelation. Zander scratched the top of his head and really wondered to himself if what he had dreamt was the truth. "I don't know Em, I'm just telling you what I remembered. Sonny shot Frank because Frank was going to shoot him f



The Storm - Episode 20

At the cabin -- A few days had passed since Alexis had visited the cabin, and Zander was no closer to remembering then he was 3 days prior. He was getting frustrated with himself because he couldn't remember, all he wanted to do was to punish the man who shot and killed his father. Emily sat with him every night trying to keep his mind off of his past the best she could, but it was getting more and more difficult as time passed. The pressure on Zander to remember began to tighten on him,



The Storm - Episode 19

At the cabin -- Zander laid with Emily in his arms till they both had fallen asleep on the overstuffed couch in front of the fireplace. She began to stir and woke up in Zander's arms. She quietly got up from the sofa and went up stairs to check on Devon, who had slept through night, surprisingly. Zander felt her get up off the sofa and he turned into the cushions waiting for her to return. Emily walked down the stairs and went back to the couch to check on her husband. She pulled the afg



The Storm - Episode 18

At the cabin -- Zander sat down with Emily and took a deep breath before telling her about Sonny's arrest for killing his father. Zander hadn't talked about his father's death to anyone, not even to Emily. He had made excuses for the nightmares that followed over the past 15 years to anyone who would ask about them. She saw the seriousness in his face and an overwhelming concern came over her. "Zander, what is it?" "There is something that I haven't told you, something that has haunte



The Storm - Episode 17

At the hospital -- Meanwhile at the hospital, Jason still unconscious was wheeled out from the surgical wing and into a recovery area till he woke up. Monica emerged from the double doors and saw Elizabeth and Alan still sitting and waiting in the chairs outside the ICU. She approached cautiously, trying to think of the words she would tell Elizabeth. Jason's recovery would not be easy, nor will it be short term. Elizabeth looked up when she heard someone approach. "Is it over?" she



The Storm - Episode 16

Ric's Office -- Ric picked up the phone and dialed it quickly. "I need an arrest warrant drawn up, now! I don't care what time it is, I need one immediately! Name? Sonny Corinthos Charge? First degree murder .. Yes you heard me right. And I want it on my desk ASAP!" Ric slammed down the phone and turned his attention back on Steele. "Now, if you excuse me I have an arrest warrant to serve." Ric added as he got up from his desk and directed Steele towards the door. "Now wait a minute,



The Storm - Episode 15

At Ric's Office -- While Zander and Emily were safely away at the mountain cabin, Ric was on the case of Detective Steele. He too was curious as to why Steele was focusing the investigation on his brother. He had made a few phone calls to contacts he had in Florida to get more information about the murder case Steele was digging into. "Look, I know you don't have much information about this case, but I need to find out more information then what I do have." Ric ordered as he spoke with s



The Storm - Episode 14

***WARNING*** This episode contains R material for a fade to black love scene. At the cabin -- Darkness had soon fallen around the cabin, as they enjoyed each other's company in front of a roaring fire, and two glasses of wine. She had gotten up from the sofa and took the afghan from the rocker in the corner and brought it back to wrap herself in as they watched the crackle of the fire in the stone fireplace. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, a kiss so gentle, so sweet. He



The Storm - Episode 13

The Penthouse -- Emily came down the back stairs with her bags in hand and dropped them on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. She noticed he was in deep thought about something and went to him. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" she asked as she stood there next to him caressing his back with her hand. "I just got reamed out by my older brother." he said with a blank face. "Well did you deserve it?" she giggled, not knowing why he was given the third degree by Ric. "I don't know



The Storm - Episode 12

The Penthouse-- The smoke from the explosion hours earlier had cleared the way for the sun that rose over the horizon of the harbor. Zander climbed out of bed and slipped on his robe and slippers. He looked back over his shoulder and saw her sleeping peacefully. He walked down the stairs to the kitchen and made a fresh pot of coffee. After last night he need something stronger, but with the medications he was taking, coffee was the strongest drink he'd be having for a while. He noticed as



The Storm - Episode 11

"Hey what's the big idea having the television on, some people are trying to get some sleep." Emily said as she shielded her eyes from the light coming off the tv. "It's nothing, go back to sleep. I gotta go. I'll be back as soon as I can." he said as he quickly got dressed. "You are in no shape to be going anywhere, Zander. You're still re-cooperating from having a bullet taken out of you." she replied concerned for him. "This can't wait, sweetheart. I have to go take care of something



The Storm - Episode 10

The Penthouse -- Emily waited till she heard the door slam before she took one step down the stairs. She had put Devon back in his crib after feeding him his breakfast, she figured he'd go back to sleep for a few more hours, that seemed to his routine lately. She made her way down the stairs just as Zander and Ric began talking about something she shouldn't be hearing, because as soon as they noticed she was in the room, they clammed up as usual. "Don't mind me, I'm just heading to the k



The Storm - Episode 9

Zander's Penthouse -- Daylight soon came over the horizon of the bay, and Zander awoke to the ring of his cell phone that was tucked away in his jacket pocket which hung on the back of the chair. He slowly slipped from the bed and tried to keep his balance as he walked over to answer it, wincing with every step. He flipped it open and said hello to who was calling. "Zander? You have company that has been sitting outside the building all night." the voice said as Zander padded out into th



The Storm - Episode 8

At the hospital -- Another week had passed and Zander was finally ready to be released from the hospital. Emily and Devon had been playing in the waiting room for about an hour before Monica came to get them. "Hey, there's my big boy!" she said to Devon as she approached him. He looked up, smiled and reached for the person he knew as grandma. She picked him up in her arms and kissed him on his cheek, just hugging the stuffing out of him. Emily collected Devon's toys laying on the table



The Storm - Episode 7

Jason's room at the hospital -- Emily stood in the doorway of her brother's room and cautiously approached his bedside. She had waited till Elizabeth had taken a walk before she came in to see Jason. She didn't feel the tension would be good for his recovery. As she approached him, he awoke from his light sleep. "Hi." he said as she took a seat on the swivel stool next to the bed. "Hi." was all she could say. She wasn't sure what to say to him. He had always been there for her and now th



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