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About this blog

My attempt to create a sensible narrative from the events following March 1979 on "Days of Our Lives".

Not as detailed as my other DAYS blog, this one's just for some fun. Feel free to comment and shoot some ideas at me, I'm down for anything. Let's create a parallel universe DAYS that didn't get quite so messy.

Entries in this blog

DAYS1979: The plan (I think I've run out of steam for this one tbh)

I gotta focus my energies on one project at a time. As much as I'd love to plot this one out, I just don't feel like I've got it in me right now, while I've got so much else on my plate. So...here, have a look at what I'd planned for this and tell me what you think. Admittedly, some stories are further developed than others, so if you're curious about anything in particular, I'm more than happy to elaborate. I ultimately wanted Donna to stick around and become spoiler to Bo and Hope, as I feel T


beebs in Episodes

DAYS1979 #3 - June 1979

JUNE 1979   Susan, fresh back in Salem, pays the David Martin Clinic a visit, and the first person she visits is Tom, who is thrilled to see her back in Salem. When he presses Susan as to the reason for her visit, Susan informs Tom that this isn't merely a visit, Susan and Anne are back in Salem permanently. Things with Eric didn't work out, and she feels that, no matter what, she's at home in Salem. Tom is thrilled to have her back, and wonders if Susan will return to working at the D


beebs in Episodes

DAYS1979 #2 - May 1979

Marie and Laura embrace, not having seen each other for awhile, but the happy reunion is short-lived. Marie is concerned to learn that Laura hasn't told anyone in Salem of her visit. Marie insists that Laura tell her family of her whereabouts, but Laura pleads with Marie to keep her secret, if only for a few days. She just needs to be alone. In Salem, Bill heads for the airport, hoping to find out where Laura flew to. When the desk clerk is reticent to share that info, Bill pleads, insis


beebs in Episodes

DAYS1979 #1 - April 1979

So, I decided to bite the bullet and make another DAYS Alternate Timeline blog. After months of writing up recaps of the late 70s and into the (GOD-AWFUL) 1980 Nina Laemmle run, I got so frustrated by the missed opportunities on the show, that I decided to have some fun and build some stories of my own based on what Ann Marcus and Elizabeth Harrower had set up. If any of you have ideas, suggestions, questions, complaints, have at it. Let's have some fun together with this, and run with the story


beebs in Episodes

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