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Story ideas for various soaps, past and present, active as well as the dearly departed. Hey, if they'd have listened to me they'd all be in better shape. :P

Entries in this blog

June 2018

Okay here goes (lol). Working within the framework of existing storylines.  This story is spread out over the course of two weeks or so, mingled with other stories.  The time-frames are not precise as this is just a rough layout of ideas that I haven't even fully thought.  Just writing as I'm thinking...   The only thing that would half-way interest me in the Jack startup story is if Jack convinced Ashley to partner with him (when a disgruntled Ashley decides that Billy isn't listening



Who's that Girl?

Reed is sick of picking up trash on the side of the road as part of his community service, so he tries to plead his case in favor of a less dangerous task than being exposed to oncoming traffic by the roadside.  Surprisingly, the judge agrees and allows him to complete his community service in another area, only there is only one other option-- service at a longterm care facility run by a Catholic charity.  Disappointed by the prospect of spending so much time in a potentially depressing pl



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