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NEW PROMO! <br> <br> <br> The moment fans have been waiting for is HERE! <br> <br> <br> <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="350"></embed></object><br> <br> <br>



New Opening!

NEW OPENING! <br> <br> <br> Here is a new opening. Now that Kristen and Willow's real connections have been revealed, I can add them in the opening where they belong. And this is a more fitting song, as well. <br> <br> <br> Voila! <br> <br> <br> <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="350"></embed></object>




Episode #283 - Wednesday, January 10th, 2007: Austin lashes out at Carrie for her lies and betrayal, but she says it happened after their break up. Austin screams and yells telling her that she is a hypocrite for breaking up with him for taking Sami’s side, but she is allowed to go back to Mike the second things get rocky. She tries to explain, but he says he does not want to hear it and leaves her in the hallway of the courthouse. She cries and seeks out comfort in Mike’s arms. Bo, Roman, S




Episode #282 - Tuesday, January 9th, 2007: Sami is ecstatic when her plan works and her nephew, Keith, gets a bone marrow donor match from either Will or Georgia. Simone rushes to the hospital to be with Keith for his bone marrow donation surgery. Marlena tells John all of the reasoning behind her retirement, and he supports her, but she isn’t looking for his support. She flashes back to all of her encounters and horrifying visions about Kristen, but little does she know that Kristen Blake is




CASTING CALL! The blog can now confirm that it is doing a vast, four month long casting call for a one of a kind actress to play the role of a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty who knocks the socks of anyone she meets. For the sake of casting, the character has been given the name of "Ashley," but that will soon change when she comes to Salem in the summertime. Ashley is described as a funky, spunky, creative, fiesty, ditzy in some ways, beyond intelligent in others, tomboy fashionista. The a




RUMORS! Rumor #1: It looks like a younger leading man who is outrageously popular with fans will be given his walking papers in February due to a storyline-dictated exit. Rumor #2: His on-screen lover may also be temporarily written out in a dramatic way that is also storyline-dictated. Rumor #3: Kristian Alfonso (Hope)'s leave has ended, and she's back with a handful of juicy scenes set to air in February. Rumor #4: The blog is interested in nabbing Noah Segan to play Connor Lockhar



Kristen's plan REVEALED!

Episode #281 - Monday, January 8th, 2007: Will successfully convinces Georgia to come with him to be a bone marrow donor at the hospital. She is confused, but he tells her just to listen to him! The two youngsters make their marrow donation at the hospital. Sami hopes that either Will or Georgia will be a match for baby Keith so that she won’t have to confess that she stole Carrie’s baby. Mike and Kayla are confused as to why Simone has taken them both of the case of her baby, but they are




Episode #280 - Friday, January 5th, 2007: Carrie and Mike discuss how he confessed his love for her on New Year’s Eve and their kiss, as well. Little to do they know that someone is listening to their conversation. Billie calls Jack and says they need to talk about his confession of love. Greta lies in her bed at the Salem Inn in post-coital bliss. She recalls her passionate night of lovemaking with the man of her dreams. Sami schemes and plots and figures out a way to get her nephew, Kei



Two Characters Gone!

Two Characters Gone! After this week, readers should not expect to see much of Jaime Lynn Bauer and Bill Hayes who play Laura Horton and Doug Williams, respectively. The two talented cast members have now joined Lauren Ambrose (Stephanie Johnson) and Tonya Boyd (Celeste), who also last aired this week. "Both of them will last air on Friday, and they will both be written out in a very open ended way."...says the headwriter. "Julie will still be on the canvas which bodes very well for a return




Episode #279 - Thursday, January 4th, 2007: Jan and Cassie team up to discuss ways they can help Cassie pass off her baby as Max’s and ways Jan can land Jeremy’s heart. Billie flashes back Jack’s New Year’s Eve confession of love. OPENING Cassie asks Jan why she suddenly changed her mind and agreed to help her. Jan covers for her mother and does not tell Cassie that they are really cousins. Lucas recalls his kiss with Sami on New Years through the prison bars. Will and Lucas decide to s




Episode #278 - Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007: Mike Horton reveals to Bo and Roman that Celeste is going to survive. He says the assailant stabbed and poisoned Celeste much like the Salem Slasher did in the 1980’s. Mike tells the Brady Brothers that Celeste was drugged into a drug-induced coma. The Salem Police Department allows everyone at the Penthouse Grill to leave. OPENING Jan approaches Cassie, Jeremy, Max, and Abby. Cassie fears Jan is going to tell Jeremy the truth about him really b




Episode #277 - Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007: Jan reels from Megan’s confession that she is a Dimera. Jan is confused. She tells Megan to explain herself. Megan pulls Jan aside to the balcony of the Penthouse Grill and tells Jan that it’s true! She is a DIMERA! Celeste is rushed to University Hospital. Bo and Roman cannot believe it when Kayla and Mike tell them they found a raven feather in Celeste’s hand. Bo asks Roman if he knows what this means…Roman says that of course he does. Steve




Episode #276 - Monday, January 1st, 2007: The Salemites scream and run for cover as the glass from the skylight shatters and falls into the main dining room of the Penthouse Grill. All of Salem reacts to Celeste’s bloody, lifeless body that rests before them. OPENING! Steve is confused as to why Kayla has just slapped him, but she runs off to care for Celeste. John tries to comfort Marlena who was the person closest to being directly under the skylight and thus the person closest to Celeste




ANNOUNCEMENTS! Due to a New Year's Trip, the blog will be on hiatus until Wednesday, January 3rd. That evening, however, expect to see two action packed episodes posted! "The last episode of 2006 changed everything."...says the writer. "There's no going back now. Every story is FULL THROTTLE from here on out. It's going to be a wild ride!" Here's what reader's can look forward to this week!: The debut of Greg Rikaart as Andrew "Andy" Donovan. Lauren Ambrose and Tonya Boyd will last "air




Episode #275 - Friday, December 29th, 2006 - PART TWO!: STOP! Click here if you haven't read PART ONE! Celeste continues to visit with her mystery guest, who clutches a knife tighter and tighter. Celeste tells the person that her premonitions about Alice’s attempted killer are getting stronger and stronger, clearer and clearer. Celeste says that she is glad for this time to catch up with her good friend. The attempted killer clutches the knife once more. Celeste tells her guest that she i




Episode #275 – Friday, December 29, 2006: The New Year’s Eve party at the Penthouse Grill in the Titan building begins. Everyone in Salem gets decked out and dressed to the nines in order to ring in the new year together. They realize, however, that their main goal of the evening is to help raise the funds in order to rebuild the Horton House and to help the family pay for Mickey and Alice’s medical bills. Kayla, Marlena, Greta, Melissa, Abby, Cassie, Belle, Kate, Vivian, Georgia, Carrie, Laur




Episode #274 – Thurssday, December 28, 2006: Exactly one week has passed since the vicious attack on Alice Horton. It is now New Year’s Eve. The Salemites have stoically celebrated Christmas, going through the motions of the rituals of the holiday, but really neglecting the joy that the day brings. With Caroline, Alice, and Mickey all in the hospital and Jennifer’s recent death, there was little to celebrate in Salem this year. Everyone reacts to Celeste’s prediction that Alice’s fire was ar




CASTING UPDATE! Greg Rikaart (above) will first "air" as Andrew Donavan, son of Shane Donavan and Kimberly Brady, on Monday, January 1st. Charles Shaugnessy will be returning as Shane Donavan for ten episodes to help ease Andrew into the cast. Janice Dickinson and RuPaul Charles Andre will appear the week of January 8th. Jay Kenneth Johnson's first airdate as Philip has been pushed up significantly to January 12th, which is the day JKJ debuts on the real show! Ari Zuker (Nicole Walker)




FAMILIES PROMO! The families of Salem are a very important tradition of DAYS. In the coming months, family connections and the children of Salem will grow increasingly important as the winter storylines unfold. It will all lead to a culmination of drama! As a tribute to the upcoming goings on in Salem, I have put together a slideshow of the families of Salem in order to set things straight! If there are any questions as to who people are or as to why how they fit in with a certain family, fee




Episode #273 – Wednesday, December 27, 2006: Kayla and Mike continue to perform CPR on Alice. The ambulances and fire trucks arrive. Kayla and Mike manage to get a pulse from Alice, and they take her away in the ambulance. The Horton’s and The Brady’s rush to the hospital to be with Alice. The arsonist returns to the church and snatches his or her mask and dark attire from the bushes where he or she recently stashed it! OPENING! Bo seeks some medical attention on scene from E.M.T.’s. They




Episode #272 – Tuesday, December 26, 2006: Simone learns from Annie’s landlord that Annie has left town and returned to Sunset Beach. She is unable to find Sami, as well. When she reads the paper, she learns that Sami is in prison…for the murder of Alan Harris! Cassie and Jeremy are face to face! Jeremy recognizes Cassie as the girl he had sex with months earlier. Jeremy then realizes that Cassie is pregnant! John, Belle, Bo, Carrie, Eric, Frankie, Georgia, Kayla, Jack, Marlena, Laura, Mel




Episode #271 – Monday, December 25, 2006: - The Horton House continues to burn to the ground...with Alice inside sleeping! - The assailant escapes back to the church. He/She ditches the mask and dark clothes and throws them behind the bushes in front of the church. He/She enters St. Luke's. OPENING! - Jan sees Jeremy, and she is outraged at the site of him. She flashes back to his exposing her in front of Shawn and Belle. Jan vows that she will get revenge on Jeremy for setting her up. B




TWO RECURRING ACTORS GONE! Josh Taylor (Roman Brady) and Lauren Ambrose (Stephanie Johnson) will last air as Roman and Stephanie in January. Both characters will be written off in very open-ended ways. Since both actors are recurring with the blog, it will not come as a complete shock that they are being let go. "Roman's exit is going to have a lot to do with Alan's murder trial and Sami being on trial for the crime. His return was only supposed to be temporary for when Carrie's baby 'died.



Press Release

EVIL IS IN SALEM! As readers now know, the December 22nd episode of the blog has launched a new, mystery storyline. The headwriter is here to offer some insights into the storyline. "It's definitely going to be a huge story. I want it to rival the Salem Serial Killer of '03 and '04 and the Desecrator of '95. This is actually going to be a story that takes the reader on a trip down memory lane through the show's rich history. Bo Brady is going to have his hand's full investigating these crimes



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