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What If Your Favorite Soap Were A Film...

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I think I was still wondering about the recent thread on who people would choose to write for soaps from other mediums. Anyway, what would you imagine as the perfect scenario for your favorite soap as a film. I mean actors, director, writers, etc. As for me...

As the World Turns


Lily finds out that she's adopted, while James Stenbeck has just come back to haunt Barbara and kidnap Paul. Kim finds out that Bob slept with Susan. Margo is raped. The ending sets up a sequel as the once dead Shannon appears at Duncan and Jessica's doorstep, Connor scores a coup at the Walsh stockholder's meeting, and Frannie discovers a creepy room in her boyfriend Doug's house.

Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson (Since Robert Altman obviously can't do it)

Produced by Miramax

Adapted Screenplay by David Mamet, based on the work of Douglas Marland

"As the World Turns On and On" theme by William Orbit

Lucinda Walsh - Meryl Streep

Lily Walsh - Evan Rachel Wood

Holden Snyder - Channing Tatum

Dusty Donovan - Zac Efron

Iva Snyder - Hilary Swank

Josh Snyder - Mark Wahlberg

Emma Snyder - Kathy Bates

John Dixon - Christopher Walken

Andy Dixon - Hunter Parrish

Margo Hughes - Felicity Huffman

Tom Hughes - George Clooney

Bob Hughes - Michael Douglas

Kim Hughes - Glenn Close

Frannie Hughes - Jennifer Finnigan

Nancy Hughes - Elizabeth Taylor

Lisa Mitchell - Goldie Hawn

Susan Stewart - Mimi Rogers

Emily Stewart - Scarlett Johansson

Hal Munson - Bruce Willis

Barbara Ryan - Diane Lane

Paul Stenbeck - Shia LeBouf

James Stenbeck - Ray Liotta

Duncan McKechnie - Aidan Quinn

Jessica Griffin - Kimberly Elise

Shannon McKechnie - Andie MacDowell

Connor Walsh - Jennifer Connelly

Doug Cummings - Colin Farrell

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