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Posts posted by MoTheGreat

  1. ABC had the show starring Margaret Cho in the mid 90's but it flopped and they tried to reboot it by firing all the Asian actors except Cho and bringing on a bunch of white actors for her to play off of. Hope this show is a success.

    I'm sure that a white person or two are going to be on there. I believe I gave Margaret Cho show a chance but I'm going to pass on this one. I already know how it's going to be. Maybe if they do something different, I'll watch.

  2. I think there's room for both prestige dramas and crazy soaps under the sun - I love both. I can watch Hannibal or The Fall or GOT or whatever and still have room for Empire and TWD. They're all excellent, and I'm sure someday I'll finally get around to watching Breaking Bad and I'll dig that too. There's no rational reason to like one and resent the other, but people do it. I think what makes a lot of critics insecure is that the middle ground used to be reserved for stuff like Shonda Rhimes shows or whatever, and Empire doesn't pretend to play by the rules or pretenses towards legitimacy of shows such as those.

    Too many critics love to say that those nighttime soaps (including HTGAWM, which I think is pretty bad, or the various dreadful fantasy shows) or procedurals, stuff like Person of Interest or Sleepy Hollow or Supernatural or Elementary or whatever, are actually not what they appear to be, to claim that they're actually very smart because of some quirk of their premise or overall character which proves they're something different. I find most of them very ordinary and uninteresting, but the point is that they had some sort of hook which allowed a lot of critics to pretend this was actually something with a more highbrow or genre element that makes them something different. Empire is simply a soap, it's not pretending to be something more high-minded or progressive (its progressive credentials are its pedigree and cast makeup), and it's one populated by people of color behaving questionably, and I think all of that mix makes people very insecure. Especially in an age where any kind of pop culture criticism is expected to be driven by how well you tout your ideology.

    Most of these critics are white so they understand white crime shows but when it comes to black crimes to them it doesn't make since.

    It all boils down to if your struggling to survive your going to something that you never thought of doing.

  3. I see on youtube people are calling it a racist show. I see because it's on Fox. I wonder if another station like Tv One produce it, what they would say.

    Specking of Fox & black drama. I wouldn't mind the reboot of New,York Undercover, I don't see how black people can complain about that.

  4. I doubt there will be a second half. That would have them airing all throughout the summer. Unless they want that, they'll keep it 12 episodes or wait until September for a longer season.

    Well at least I knew they were going to get renew. I read the article & they was saying it was too soon

  5. I am interested in learning more about Andre and his backstory. Maybe we will get to see some flashbacks of him as a kid, giving us more insight about him.

    One thing we know is that when Andre was little he use to be there at some of Cookie & Lucious drops.

  6. Andre was older when she went to jail. He had to be at least 8 or 9. Right?

    Yes, he was around that age. But remember Cookie & Lucious had a lot of things going on back then. That's why I bring up after Lucious got big, He should had a steady person around the kids.

    You know that lady that he mention when talking to Hakeem at the club. & Hakeem ask what happen to her & Lucious said she got killed, I wonder did she mention something to Lucious about Andre. & Lucious had her killed or he killed her. Or Andre did something to her, & Lucious cover it up.

  7. Jamal came to see her, fine. However, Andre has a mental illness that Cookie is more than aware of. Right now, she doesn't need him for anything, so she is ignoring him. If any one of these guys need her right now, Andre is that person. He's doing too much to win that company, and its clearly not good for him.

    Besides CookieLu being at odds, I'm really intrigued by what will happen with Andre. This will get really bad, and I can't wait.

    How she knows that Andre sick in the head, when she was in jail. Lucious or one of the nanny should have told Lucious. Lucious the one who should know.

  8. Andre is being horrifically ignored by both parents, and Cookie is the worst when it comes to parenting. She is worse than Luc. Luc is about business. Cookie is about Jamal and using him against Luc. Meanwhile, to make things happen, Andre has gone off his meds [because he probably feels stifled by them] so that he can win this contest and run that company.

    My heart goes out to him.

    Cookie was the most close to Jamal. he's the one who came to see her in jail. He's the one who kept her up on the news in the family. Andre went to a Ivy league school to forget about his coke jailbird selling mother.

  9. Agreed. This is about power & position.

    Hakeem and Jamal aren't competitors yet but Hakeem has already exhibited jealousy for Jamal and I think their parents' games will put them on opposite sides.

    I don't see Hakeem being jealous of Jamal. He wouldn't ask Jamal for help. I see Hakeem as Lucious & Jamal as Cookie in that they have an understanding of each other.

  10. I've never heard of it but what did they say if you don't mind sharing? I'm very fascinated by the character of Andre. He's the one to watch because he's so silent. You never know what he's thinking or plotting and I find that it gives him a certain edge. Which I love.

    The girl said she watch the show twice. Andre stare at Lucious like your're not going to do nothing. Then once things got messy. He goes in the corner, like he's a scare child. Or he's literally trying to restrain himself from actually from doing something.

    She mention that he seems detach maybe because his bipolar. The first child will kill for his mother. He condition himself because where he at, to not react off basic instinct.

  11. MoTheGreat...the battle is about who will lead the company. I suppose that the person who has the biggest star will take the reins.

    But my point is that Hakeem & Jamal doesn't see each other as rivals. Even though Hakeem brought it up in last week episode, but he was talking more about the artist side. But he still goes to Jamal for help. He even told his father that Jamal help him with the song. In this week episode Jamal told him what Cookie was up to. This is about Cookie vs Lucious & Andre & his wife scheming for now.

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