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Posts posted by halee

  1. That's how I feel. I cannot even watch right now. Ron is not going to be happy until he turns General Hospital into Passions. This show get's stupider, campier everyday. And what's even more frustrating is how he seems to relish in pissing off fans on twitter. I really don't get why they allow him to tweet. He is SO unprofessional. He is not doing the show any favors.

    Le sigh. Wake me up when it's over too...if it ever is.

  2. I love how blase Jane is, and I'm not surprised to find out it wasn't her choice to be submitted. Wonder why Gloria Monty refused to submit her the year she won? Wow, I mean....ugh, I've never liked her just based on the things I've read (especially how she was totally fine with wanting the Q's to be killed off when she was EP the second time). Still, you'd think GM would want recognition for someone other than TG. Eh, oh well.

    Guessing from Gloria Monty's reputation it was probably because Jane had long left the show by the time of the Emmy's that year. She probably figured if it didn't benefit her or GH screw Jane.

  3. Okay I would like to preface this by saying I am in no way a prude or puritan, but I have been totally skeeved out by GH lately. I find this Luke completely creepy sexually and now Ava and Sonny are doing it in the Q crypt after a funeral? Do people like this? Really. I'm asking. People are enjoying this stuff?


  4. I'm with you. And not only did he sign the prenup, when he divorced her he didn't ask for money. He "set her free."

    I am so over all this history rewriting, ridiculous cartoon villians somehow getting justified with all their evil doings, and the fact that potentially anyone could be wearing a mask or not who they appear to be. There are no stakes or consequences anymore. It's hard to invest in a show like that. *Sigh*

  5. apparently Tracy bought Luke's lie hook line and sinker and thought Kiki was lying about Luke grabbing her ass

    Actually she had another look of 'what the hell is wrong with you' at the end when Luke called Kiki a little bitch. I'm sure he'll talk his way out of that tomorrow, but at least she had a moment.

  6. On a show where we have had two Scooby mask reveals within about a year and Dr. O was made chief of staff (even though it makes zero sense, just because they like the actress ) I don't have a lot of faith in these writers not being lazy. RC and FV are like the Barnum & Bailey of daytime.

  7. Yes I was re-watching my 92 & 93 clips this weekend and there definitely was no love lost between Bill Eckert &Ned/Tracy/Edward to say the least. However I've clipped all my stuff down to "just Tracy & the Q's" so I don't really know the connection btw Eckert & Sonny. I could pull out the old dvds I guess, but since they are more than likely rewriting history for this story...why bother.

  8. So I have actually really been enjoying the past few days of GH. The party has been fun with all these different characters interacting. I'm liking and intrigued by the "Luke" story. My only wish is that Tracy wises up soon and doesn't come off as a COMPLETE fool. I'd like her to notice before Ned comes to town. If Ned is the one who notices before she does...OY!

  9. I feel like it's programmed Luke too and not Eckert or a mask. I feel like that's the more interesting way to go...which probably means I'm wrong and it will be Bill Eckert or yet another Scooby mask reveal that RC loves to do.

    I loved TraLu today too. I like Emme, but I still find myself wishing it was JMB for all these nice Tracy and Lulu scenes we've had in recent months.

  10. Only problem is Bill Eckert never acted like how Luke's acting. He's acting more like AZ than anyone. I'm still holding out hope that he's just been programmed and he's not Eckert. But that probably won't happen. Either way like Remos said I'm just happy for the change of pace. So I'll go along for now.

  11. Okay. Today's Kook Luke was totally disturbing and hilarious! This story is effed up. I've really been enjoying TG!

    *And YAY for Ned coming back!*

    **Oh and by the way I normally FF the kids. Are they always that painful to watch? Spencer, sheesh!!!**

  12. I agree. I cannot deal with another "mask" reveal. But I think brainwashed/programmed in some way. Either way, I like that it's a different story for them to play. I really enjoyed Jane's performance today during the proposal. Classic Tracy.

    Looking forward to the story play out. They've been working quite a bit together lately so YAY! Whatever it is.

  13. Well Jessica Lange has a couple Emmys, a couple Oscars, countless nominations, and kids with both Sam Shepard and Baryshnikov. I think she's done just fine in life.

    And I'm very happy to hear all these people have such nice things to say about Jane, but I miss her. I'm SO ready for this Tracy dry spell to be over!!!

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