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Posts posted by halee

  1. Hey, everyone. I've had an interesting week.

    Last Sunday morning, I went into labor (we think a kidney infection I got sent me into preterm labor and my cervix dilated past the point where we could stop it). My son was born on Monday morning at 9:05 a.m.

    You're probably thinking, "Wow, that's a bit early." And it was. I was 22 weeks 1 day when I went into labor. As a result, my lil' guy is in one of the best NICUs in the southeast. He weighed in at 1 lb. 1 oz. and he seems to be doing remarkably well for his age so far. They don't give us any guarantees and everything is one day at a time at this point, but the facility's rate of survival for infants his age is 70-80 percent and he is doing really, really well so far. No major setbacks and no challenges they didn't anticipate.

    Please keep him in your thoughts. He's a tough little guy and his daddy and I love him so much already.

    Oh Star I am wishing your young family all the best! You know my twin nephews were also born prematurely. Ted weighed in at 1 lb. 3 oz. & Dylan at almost 2 lbs. They had a pretty rough first month of life. But now they are 6 year old, insanely healthy, whirling menaces, riding dirt bikes and jumping out of trees!

    Miracles happen everyday!

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