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Posts posted by marceline

  1. Impeachment would be a waste of time and would bring the Senate to screeching halt. It's more important to kept getting these other Biden judges confirmed. There's no way to "fix" SCOTUS. There just isn't. It took decades of corruption and manipulation to get to this point. The focus should be on November. That's it. Impeachment would be a self-inflicted wound.

  2. So Clarence Thomas spent some time doing a public event where all he did was whine about how mean people are being to him. But the thing that really makes me angry is that there were no protesters. These leftists will disrupt events in support of a terror state 7,000 miles away but won't show up to do one of their "peaceful" protests for a man who is directly responsible for doing harm to millions of people in THIS country.


  3. On 5/2/2024 at 7:20 PM, JaneAusten said:

    Thoughtful thread by Tom Bonier on primary voters who did not vote Trump and it's something Biden=Harris should reach out to.

    Biden started courting Haley voters the minute she dropped out. He's cut numerous ads targeting them and I suspect that outreach will ramp up significantly after the RNC because Trump (assuming he's still alive) will make it his mission to humiliate Haley and her voters.

    Whenever people say Biden should be doing this or that people need to remember that no one knows more about politics than Joe Biden.

  4. On 3/26/2024 at 10:18 PM, DRW50 said:

    RFK Jr's running mate:


    I'm already seeing people claim she will pull Democrats (Republicans certainly aren't happy with her, even if they likely share her views on IVF and vaccines). One idiot even claimed she will make California competitive. The polls that show him pulling a huge amount of support from Biden may be on their side, but then there's this, whatever it's worth:


    I keep asking people who the RFK Jr voter is supposed to be. No one can give me an answer. All the money in the world isn't going to make people vote for that lunatic.

  5. This Michigan "uncommitted" nonsense was just the "red tsunami" all over again. Social media and cable news gas each other up with horserace narratives fed by garbage polls & sellouts willing to say anything to appear on TV. Then people actually vote and it all falls apart.

    Journalism is broken and frankly I'm glad to see all the media layoffs. I just wish it would convince the press to change.



  6. On 2/1/2024 at 4:28 PM, Vee said:

    The media ecosystem has changed for the worse since '12 and there is more penetration in some segments of the public than before, but I'm not convinced any of it will matter very much in the final calculus come November.

    The press and pundits don't want to admit it but this election isn't going to be about immigration or Gaza, or whatever other manufactured nonsense. It's about abortion. I've seen the Dobbs Effect with own eyes here in the red state of Ohio. Folks aren't ready for what's coming. 

    When Issue 1 (abortion) was on the ballot I decided to vote early the Sunday before election day. Polls opened at 8 AM. I was there at 8:30 and the line of cars wanting to drop off ballots was like concert traffic. When I finally parked, I walked in with a flood of people. It was a level of turnout I haven't seen since Obama 2012.

    Once I was inside the Board of Elections, I saw women. Whole generations of women voting. Mom, daughter, and grandma. I saw a group of four young women who were voting then going to get breakfast/brunch. 

    Y'all are going to get tired of me saying this but every election is an abortion election until we get a new SCOTUS. 

  7. 16 hours ago, Juliajms2 said:

    You've always been an optimist on this topic. Now here we are 8 long years later and my prayers remain unanswered. He is declining mentally, but will it be fast enough? These are the days I wish I were part of a Coven. Maybe if we make a blood sacrifice Satan will finally call him home.

    If I turn out to be wrong, so be it but I've seen too many people spend the last few years worrying about if he gets re-elected. I've chosen not to waste my peace on that.

    I'm more hopeful now than I've been in a while because now his decline is being discussed openly because they can no longer avoid the topic. It's obvious that whatever drug combo they have him on has stopped working so he's going to get worse faster and we all get to watch, laugh, and point fingers which ironically only increases his stress.

  8. I'll be honest, I've never worried about Trump being re-elected because I've always expected him to die before November. I have been waiting for years for this moment. The great thing is Trump isn't going to get better. This train only runs in one direction and it ends at the graveyard. 


    48 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    Well, firstly, we'd have a weeklong national mourning celebration.  I keep hoping for the day he has a collapse onstage and takes a fatal tumble. I'd much rather he go out that way versus someone taking him out, because then the crazy rightwingers and conspiracy theorists will go on a tirade and kill any "evil liberal" they come in contact with. 

    I've always dreamed of him collapsing during a rally for exactly that reason. But the truth is that when he dies, his cult will shatter. Some will become violent. Others will take themselves out when Trump doesn't resurrect three days later because that's how cults end.

  9. On 12/9/2023 at 6:43 PM, Vee said:

    I do think if Biden's WH can they should put that woman on a plane and get her the care she needs. A stunt? Sure, maybe. But a good one. Paxton would sue, the Republicans would impeach. Let them. The voters will decide.

    The state police would arrest her before she got to the airport. I know they were in the process of passing a law that made it a crime to use state roads to help a woman get an abortion. The optics on that would be great for the pro-choice side but it would be hell for her. Can you imagine what cops would do to her in custody?

  10. What I've seen here in Ohio - where we've had two actual elections - showed me that the press is wrong about everything.

    I really want people to understand how epic it is that this state has spent the year fighting back.


  11. On 12/6/2023 at 7:30 PM, JaneAusten said:

    I'm wondering thoughts on here.

    I'm generally a glass half full kind of person and generally tend to be an optimistic person. 

    So I want to be honest. I am worried about 2024 as it relates to Biden. Don't get me wrong.  He's exceeded my expectations by 1000%. But I think there just might be too much damage to have to worry about deflecting or answering for.  

    First is what's happening with Ukraine and some of the information surfacing is that they were pushed into a war with Russia when they were close to a peace deal. And now it looks like NATO and the US are going to abandon them.

    Israel is the other one and I don't know how there is going to be a resolution there. 

    Last item are gas prices which we know the Saudis will orchestrate slowing production so gas prices increase right before the election.

    I am slowly coming to the conclusion Biden should not run.  That said then who and how? So many things remind me of 1968 with johnson.

    I don't know when people decided that the Democratic base shouldn't be allowed to choose our nominee, especially when our nominee is the incumbent. Why are people acting like the Democratic base doesn't exist? We already beat Trump once. We can do it again. I don't mean this to you personally but do you have any idea how insulting it as a Black woman and active Democrat to have people act like they can just throw away the man we put in the White House? Do you expect us to do that work then sit by and watch people replace our nominee? Anyway...

    All this talk about Ukraine and Israel ignores a basic fact about the American electorate: they don't care about foreign policy. We have an enormously selfish electorate that for the most part simply doesn't care about the rest of the world. We were in Afghanistan for 20 years and no one gave a damn. And as the wars continue, Americans will only care less. As long as we don't have to put boots on the ground, they don't care.

    Also, as much as the press wants to ignore it, next year is all about abortion. Every election is about abortion until the composition of SCOTUS changes. Ignore the polls and look at the actual elections. Dems have been sweeping special elections. Andy Bashear got re-elected in Kentucky. Ohio made abortion a constitutional right and as of yesterday we have legal weed. Voters in Pennsylvania swept out an entire school board full of right wingers. We are winning and people act like we're not.

    Dems have the money, the energy, and actual policies to run on. We just have to stay focused and do the work.

  12. Report from Ohio.

    I voted this morning and I can't remember the last time I felt this hopeful about an election. Doors opened at 8 and I got there around 8:30. Between the people showing up to vote in person and the ones dropping off mail ballots, it looked like Cavs traffic. The energy inside was off the charts and it was 70-80 percent women. I saw mothers there with their daughters. I saw friends showing up to vote together.

    It was the absolute opposite of the narrative we're seeing on social media and cable news. 


  13. I want to know where this adopted son is now. It's weird to me how no one seems to be asking who and where he is. Or that "Michael" himself doesn't step forward. Michael either never existed or he's currently residing in a shallow grave behind a church somewhere.

  14. 17 minutes ago, Ponds said:

     I actually feel empathy for a man that I have hated for years.

    Not me. This man has spent his life trying to destroy our democracy and advance the cause of white supremacy. He is directly responsible for harm done to millions of people in this country. He's made it clear that he will happily spend his every last breath in service of evil. He's earned this pain and I'm happy that I get a chance to watch.

    "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” 

    [!@#$%^&*] him. I hope to see Barack and Michelle dance on his grave to "At Last."

  15. 12 hours ago, Juliajms2 said:

    A day doesn't go by without me wishing good health to Joe Biden. Maybe Kamala could win. Hell, maybe she could get people excited even, but the alternative is so frightening. Joe just needs to hang in there another 18 months or so. As an almost 50 year old, I know this has to be taking a toll on him both mentally and physically. He and his family don't owe us his golden years. He's a hero in my book.

    Same here. I said after Hillary's loss that I would never fall "in love" with a politician again but I love Biden like family and it breaks my heart to see what these jackals are doing to Hunter.

  16. On 7/29/2023 at 4:13 AM, Vee said:

    He'd probably be replaced by someone as bad or worse morally, but almost certainly not by someone anywhere near as effective. That's a big part of why he is hanging on. Losing McConnell would be a major blow to the GOP.

    We're already getting a preview of what losing McConnell will mean with this Tuberville mess. People keep asking why McConnell allowed Tuberville to hold up military promotions but it's clear now that McConnell has no real power anymore. We see the mess in the House but clearly the Senate GOP is unraveling too.

  17. I could tell that the jounobros in the media pretty much decided that that Bluesky was their preferred destination which is another reason I have no interest. The Washington Post did a whole puff piece about how cool Bluesky is.

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/04/28/bluesky-social-twitter-dril-aoc/ (paywall)

    IMO, Twitter is a big part of the problem with journalism. It's turned national media into lazy click junkies and narcissists. 

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