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  1. thanks for your input guys. i hope you like what happens with these characters!
  2. All The Days of Their Lives Monday February 4 2008 Bo, Hope, Ciara, Kimberly, and Andrew are sitting at the table of Kimberly's apartment. Hope: So Andrew, you have another date with that girl tonight? Andrew: Yup. Bo: Where are you taking her? Andrew: I was going to take her to the Penthouse Grill. Hope: Bo, I still have those reservation for the Penthouse Grill. Andrew smiles at Hope. Hope laughs. Hope: Just kidding honey. Kimberly: So your always out or something, and we never have time to talk. So tell me, whats her name? Andrew: Adrianna DiMera. They all look at each other. Adrianna goes into Stefano's hospital room. He looks up, and smiles. Stefano: Adrianna, it's nice to see you havent forgoten about your father. Adrianna: Well, I'm suprised I didn't. First I wasn't allowed in, then you dissapeared from the hospital. What's going on? Stefano: Don't worry. Did you get the file I left for you? Adrianna: Don't worry; it's all taken care of. Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie are sitting at the Pub. Stephanie: So, whats this news you have for me? Chelsea runs into the Pub. Chelsea: Steph! We won the trip! Stephanie: What? Chelsea: The trip that the college gave away; we won! Steve: Congraulations girls! Kayla: That was our news. Your dad and I are going on a vacation. Stephanie: Really? Where? Kayla: We'll talk about that later. So who are you going with? Chelsea: Me, Nick, Stephanie, Max, and Andrew filled out a ballot, so the five of us are going to go. Steve: Thats good. Where are you guys going? Chelsea: The Bahama's, for two weeks! Hope: Andrew, I don't think you need to be reminded about the DiMera's. Andrew: She is not like them! Hope: Thats what they all say. Andrew: Let's not talk about this. A suprise will be comming for you mom, from Jeannie. Kim: What? The doorbell rings. Kim gets up to get it. She opens the door. Kim: Jeannie? Jeannie: Hey mom! Adrianna: Everything's taken care of. They will be leavin g for the trip next week. Stefano: Thats good. The doctor comes in. Dr. Woods: Sorry, Adrianna. Stefano has to sleep. Adrianna: Bye daddy. I'll see you later. Adrianna leaves, and sees Isabella. Adrianna: Hey mom. Isabella: Please don't tell me you were visiting your father! Adrianna: He's my father! Isabella: Lets not start this again! Chelsea comes out of the kitchen. Chelsea: I called Max, Nick, and Andrew. Max and Nick are comming now, but Andrew will probaly come later. Kayla: Me and Steve have to go, but we'll see you guys later. Stephanie: Bye. Chelsea: Bye. Steve and Kayla leave, and Stephanie and Chelsea sit down. Chelsea: Oh God! We have packing to do! Stephanie: Chels! Calm down! They laugh. Kim: What are you doing here, Jeannie? Jeannie: Well, it's a long story. Jeannie drops her luggage, and goes into the kitchen. Jeannie: Aunt Hope! Uncle Bo! It's so good to see you guys. Bo and Hope hug her. Hope: What are you doing home, swettie? Kim: Thats what I'd like to know. Jeannie: Well, I saw this girl kissing my boyfriend, so we got into a fight, and I accidently threw her down the staries. Kim: What! Andrew: Here's the best part. Jeannie: I got kicked out of school! She smiles. Jeannie: Mom! I can be homre with you and Andrew! Kim: Why the hell didn't Philip tell me about this!? Jeannie: He's in Europe-again. Kim: You are in huge trouble! Is this girl hurt? Jeannie: It's good; she hit her head, mabye she will be smart now. Hope smiles. Adrianna opens the door to the DiMera mansion. She leaves her coat on a chair, and sits on the couch. Adrianna: Everything's in order. Now I just have to take care of business. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Carrie walks into the University. She hears some teachers talking. Teacher: The trip is bogus! We need to get them off that flight! Lexie and Abe are sitting on a couch at home. Lexie: Abe, I want to open a restruant! Abe: I think thats a great idea.
  3. Arianne Zucker In! Arianne Zucker is returning to the show in her role as Nicole Walker! She was one of the big stars to come back. Her first air date has changed from February 8, to February 12 due scheduling conflicts. She re-joins the show with a three year contract!
  4. All The Days of Their Lives Sunday February 3 2008 About twoo weeks later... Belle wakes up in Mike's bed. She looks around, and Mike comes out of the bathroom dressed for work. Belle: You have to go already? Mike: Ya I need to go in earlier today. Belle gets up and gets ready. Mike kisses her goodbye, and she gets ready to leave too. Carly is on the phone, walking out of a coffee shop. Carly: Shut up Scotty! You left! She waits. Carly: Sorry? I left for Salem after you left! When our son was sick! I know it didn't really phase you. Just shut up ok! I'm not talking anymore. Isabella is at the hospital. A nurse comes, and talks to her. Nurse: Hey Isabella. No patients now? Isabella: I do actually. In a couple minutes. Whats wrong? You look a little sick. Nurse: I have a bit of a headache. Isabella: Oh. I hope you feel better. Bye. Carly comes out of an elevator, and sees Isabella. Carly: Well, if it isn't everyone's favourite doctor. Isabella: What do you want Carly? Carly: I want to know whats going on with Scotty, and why he doesnt give a crap about our son! Isabella: Carly, I don't know that. He's not my patient anymore, and if he was, I still wouldnt be able to tell you. Carly: I know you had a part in him leaving me! Isabella: Carly, please; I have work. Carly: We arent done talking, Isabella. Carly leaves. Bo comes out of a hospital room. He sees Sami. Bo: Sami! You came back. He hugs her. Sami: I was never gone. Bo: What do you mean? Sami: I was kidnapped! By Gina and Dr. Rolf! Bo: Oh my God! She might go after Hope! Sami: She already has! She isn't Hope, she is Gina right now! They have her in a hospital. They have shane too! Bo: We have to get there! How did you get out? Sami: Frank saved me. He's working on a way to save Hope and Shane. Bo: Where is he? Frank comes. Frank: Hello Bo. Bo: Bring me to that hospital. Billie is in Chelsea's hospital room. Chelsea(in her head): Why can't I wake up. Dr. Woods: I'm sorry, but she doesnt look too- He looks over. Dr.Woods: She's waking up! Chelsea starts to wake up. Billie: Chelsea! Thank God your ok! Bo, Frank, and Sami arrive at Dr. Rolf's hospital. Sami: Stefano's missing from the hospital too. They probaly have him here. Bo: No suprise there. Frank: We need to be careful. Bo: Ok, I'm going to go inside. Bo opens the door, and walks inside. He takes out a gun, and walks down the hall. A man opens a door. Man: Hello, Bo. Bo turns around. Bo: Shane? Dr. Rolf unstraps a sleeping Hope's arms. He turns around, and her eyes open. Dr. Rolf: Almost ready... Hope gets up slowely, and grabs a tray. He starts to turn around, and she hits him over the head with the tray! She gets dressed, and gets a gun out of Dr. Rolf's lab coat. She leaves the room. She walks into the hall, and hears people walking. She quickly goes into another room. Bo: We have to find Hope, and get out of here. Frank: We will. Ok you two look on this floor, and I'll look on the second. Bo: Ok. Hope closes the door of the room. She sees a black chair turned around. The chair turns, and Gina get up! Gina: How nice of you to come Hope! Hope: Let me and Shane out of here now! Gina: Nah, it's more fun with you here. She quickly takes out a gun, and Hope shoots her! Sami: What was that! Bo: It came from there! He opens the door, and finds Hope standing there, who just shot Gina. Hope: Bo! Thank God your here! She hugs him. Bo: Thank God your ok. A gas bomb goes off in the room! Sami: Whats going on? The gas clears up, and Gina is gone! Hope: Bo, she's gone! Frank comes in the room. Frank: Shane, Rolf, and Gina are gone. Shane is driving an ambulance with Rolf and a wounded Gina in the back. Gina: What about Stefano? Rolf: We don't have time, Gina. In a room, Stefano is on a hospital bed. His eyes open. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Adrianna is sitting beside Stefano at his hospital bed. Adrianna: Don't worry; it's all taken care of. Chelsea runs into the Brady Pub. Chelsea: Steph! We won the trip! Kayla: Thats our news. Your dad and I are going on a vacation! Kimberly opens the door. Kimberly: Jeannie? Jeannie: Hey mom.
  5. All The Days of Their Lives Saturday February 2 2008 Kimberly wakes up, and gets out of bed. She sees Jeannie watching TV. Kimberly: Good morning sweatheart. Jeannie: Hey mom. Kimberly: Ready to leave tonight? Jeannie: No! When are you comming home? Kimberly: Honey, I'm not sure right now. Jeannie: Great. I get to spend more time alone with Philip. Kimberly: Jeannie, stop. Gina is in Sami's room. Sami: Gina, tell me something. Do you really think that my family isn't going to notice I'm missing? Gina: Actually, I came up with a soloution. Here's the story, you needed to leave town for a while, on your own, and you left the twins with aunt Hope. You didn't have time to say goodbye, so you wrote a letter. Sami: Give me a break! Gina: You just sit here, and have fun. Your never leaving. Frank walks in. Frank: Yes, she is leaving. Philip walks out of a store, and walks by an alley. He sees blood. He follows it, and finds Chelsea! Philip: Chelses! Are you ok? He bends down, and calls 911. Philip: Chelsea, your going to be ok. Andrew brings out Jeannie's last luggage. Kim: Honey, I'll see you soon. I'll be in L.A. next weekend. Jeannie: Bye mom. I'll miss you. Bye Andrew. Andrew hugs her. Andrew: I'll se you soon, Jeannie. Jeannie: Bye. Jeannie leaves. A doctor comes out of Stefano's room. He locks the door. He leaves, and Isabella and Adrianna come from a corner. Isabella: They are hiding something! Adrianna: No mom, they lock the doors of all the hospital patients! They both roll their eyes. Isabella: Well, we need to get in, and see whats happening. Adrianna: I'm way ahead of you. Isabella: Well, how are you going to do it? Adrianna: Were breaking in. Oh God I spent so much time on this hair. Isabella: If that took you long, imagine what a real hairstyle would take you. Adrianna takes a hair pin out of her hair, and starts picking the lock. Isabella looks around. Isabella: Mabye we shouldn't do this. What if we get caught? Adrianna: Come on mom! I'm his daughter. I'll say that the doors aren't usually locked, and I thought it was a mistake, so I decided to open it myself. No big deal. If anyone sholud get in trouble, it should be the hospital. She finishes picking the lock, and opens the door. They go inside, and are shocked to see the Stefano isn't there. Sami: Frank! Thank God your here! Frank: No, honey, not Frank; EJ. Sami stares at him. Sami: I can't believe this. Frank: Your comming to the mansion, and you will stay there till we figure out what to do with you. Isabella and Adrianna walk out of the hospital room. Isabella: Where the hell is he? Adrianna: I don't know. Mabye Dr. Rolf has him somewhere. Isabella: Would he not tell you? Adrianna: Mom, we will look in the mansion later. I doubt he's there, but it's worth a try. The doors of the ER open, as Chelsea is being brought in on a stretcher. Isabella: Oh my God. Philip follows. They bring Chelsea into a room. Philip calls somebody. Philip: Billie, it's Philip. You need to get back to Salem now! I found Chelsea. Frank takes Sami out of the hospital, and into a van. Sami: You son of a- Frank: Sami stop! I'm not really EJ! Sami: I swear to God! If this is a lie! Frank: It's not! Don't worry. Were getting out of here, then were going to rescue Hope and Shane. Gina walks into a room, where Dr. Rolf is tending to Stefano. Gina: How is he? Dr. Rolf: Not good. Gina: Well, what are we going to do? Rolf: What if I told you that there was a way to bring Stefano back without actually bringing him back? Gina: I would say you lost me. Rolf: We can do the same thing we did to Frank. We reconstruct his looks, and then brainwash him into believing he is Stefano. We did it with Frank, we can do it with Stefano. Gina: That could work. Lets get to working on it. In Tokoyo, Bo and Billie leave a room. Billie gets a voice message o her phone. Billie: Oh my God Bo! Bo: What's wrong? Billie: Philip found Chelsea! Bo: We'll get the next flight out of here. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Billie is in Chelsea's hospital room. Chelsea(in her head): Why can't I wake up. Dr. Woods: I'm sorry, but she doesnt look too good. Hope shoots a gun! Sami and Bo are in the hospital waiting room. Sami: She isn't Hope! She's Gina!
  6. Kirsten Storms In! Kirsten Storms is re-joining the show! No, not as Belle Black; she will be replacing Willa Holland as Jeannie Donovan! She has a three year contract! She first airs Monday February 4! Jennifer Bransford In! Jennifer Bransford is comming to the show as Dora DiMarino. She comes to Salem with a one year contract. She first airs on Friday February 8! Rachel Melvin Out! Rachel Melvin will be leaving the show for a while. She leaves in mid-March, and will most likely return in November or December! Joseph Mascolo Out! Joseph Mascolo is also leaving the show! He leaves in March, but the show isn't sure when he will be back. It has already been confirmed that he will make a brief appearence in May, but after that there are no scheduled appearences.
  7. Daniel


    All the Days of Our Livrs Returns Saturday February 2! It will air Saturday February 2-Friday February 8, then will go back to it's regular schedule. In other news, two huge stars are comming back to the show! One first airs Thursday February 7, and the other one will air Friday February 8! Once they air, their status with the show will be announced.
  8. Announcer: On All the Days of Our Lives, February... Clip of Bo, Hope, Gina, Marleana, Roman, Frank, Stefano, Adrianna, Sami, Lucas, Chelsea, Stephanie, Max and Nick. Announcer: Becomes deadly! Clips of Chelsea on an operating table, near death; Lucas hanging onto a ledge for dear life; Marleana holding a gun at Stefano; Hope hitting Dr. Rolf on the head with a tray; Gina holding a gun at Bo; Adrianna being pushed in the water; and a person in a dark room yelling for help. Announcer: And the death that will rock Salem! Clip of somebody falling out of a helicopter, and yells are heard. Announcer: Plus a return! A person is in a dark room, yelling for help. Announcer: And all this! Clip of Nicole Walker kissing Eric; Stefano waking up; Adrianna repeadly shooting at someone; Roman kissing Isabella; and Gina and Hope starring at each other in a room. Announcer: All this and more on All the Days of Our Lives, only on SONBC!
  9. All The Days of Our Lives Returns!!! After an extended break, All the Days of Our Lives is set to return February 1 just in time for February Sweeps! Get ready, because their big! Here are some previews: February&March Previews Main February Story- Bo, Hope, Billie, Marleana, Chelsea, Nick, Max, Stephanie, Adrianna, Andrew, Sami, Lucas, and Frank. The story starts out when Adrianna is told that she needs to get these people to Maison Blanche. Through the university, Chelsea, Stephanie, Max, Nick, and Andrew "win" a trip to the Bahamas. Little do they know that they are headed to Maison Blanche! Carrie visits the university, to get some stuff from Chelsea. A teacher runs into her, and says that the trip was fake, and the students were kidnapped! Carrie quickly calls Bo, and Bo recieves the news with Billie, Marleana, Hope, Sami, and Lucas. Bo finds Adrianna, and asks her whats going on. She cracks, and says that Stefano sent them to Maison Blanche! Bo, Hope, Billie, Marleana, Sami, Lucas, and Frank head to Maison Blanche. Through this storyline, someone from the past returns, Adrianna realizes the truth, and a couple contract players die! Let the games begin! Kate/Martha- Kate has a rare blood condition, and her cousin Martha is the only one who can help her. The problem? Kate and Martha have hated each other for years. Through this story, we learn how their hatred started, and how they end up forgiving each other. Shawn/Cathy- Shawn finally comes back to Salem-married to Cathy! Shawn doesn't know what to do. Will he add another bad relantionship to the list, or will he stay married and try to work it out? Jack/Jennifer/Kidnapper- Jack and Jennifer get situated back into their lives, and get their jobs back at the Salem Spectator. Their first assigment- get information on the mysterious person that is kidnapping the women in Salem. After three of the kidnapped women are found, he is now labled as a serial killer. Jennifer recieves messages telling her to back off, but she doesnt listen. Is she setting herself for more trouble? Roman/Isabella/Kate- Roman and Isabella start dating, much to Kate's displeasure. She wants Roman, but won't admit it. She wants Isabella away from Roman, but at the same time, really begins to like Isabella, and they become friends. Will Kate choose love or friendship? All while this is happening, Roman gets sent on a chase to find Isabella after she is kidnapped by the kidnapper/murderer. Carly/Scotty/Doug/Julie- Carly gets intouch with the father of her child-Scotty Banning! When Carly has no hope left with trying to reason with Scotty, she turns to Doug and Julie. Julie gets in touch with her grandson, and demands that he return to Salem, and provide for his son. Scotty decides it's best to come to Salem, but he has an agenda- get full custody of his son. Lexie/Doug/Julie/Adrianna- Lexie decides that just because she lost her medicle license, it doesnt mean she can't work. She decides that she should open a restruant! She gives her idea to Abe, and he thinks it's great. Doug and Julie hear about her idea, and decide to go into business with her, and to re-open Doug's Place! The trio get to business, first cleaning up Doug's Place, where they find something that will put Stefano away for good! But will Adrianna let that happen? Doug, Julie, and Lexi's idea goes up in flames! Carrie's Pregnancy- After Carrie's OBGYN takes a leave of absence, she meets her new OBGYN, and they become fast friends. She helps Carrie through Austin's death, and also gives Carrie news that her pregnancy is going great. Miscilanious- After a night with Philip, Belle thinks she might be pregnant, but how long will that last? -Steve and Kayla decide to take a trip out of Salem, where they can not be reached. -Frank's past comes to light, and he realizes who he is. -Much, much more!
  10. All The Days of Their Lives Bo and Billie wake up in bed at Billie's apartment. Lucas opens the door of the apartment. Lucas: Billie, I'm just here to get something. Billie: Don't come in my room! Bo: Billie, my pants are on the floor near the couch. Billie: Crap. Lucas sees the pants. He lifts them up, and something falls out of the pocket. It's Bo's badge. Lucas: Bo? He puts the badge back in the pocket, and leaves. Billie: You don't think he saw them do you? Bo: I'm not sure. Frank is in Sami's apartment. He doesn't know what do to, since he is supposed to be EJ. There is a knock on the door. He opens it, and Gina comes in. Gina: Hey Frank. Frank: Who the hell's Frank? Gina: Lets stop playing games. I know Dr. Rolf didn't finish with you. Frank: And I know what we did a while back. He kisses her. She pushes him on the couch, and they start making out. Philip is on the hospital pay phone. Philip: You need to get to Salem now! I'll pay for your flight, and everything just come here, Martha. Martha: And why should I come to Salem? Philip: Because my mother could die, and you might be the only one who can save her! Martha: Fine. Philip: You leave tonight! Martha: What! I can't do that! Philip: Tonight! Philip hangs up. Lucas: Who was that? Philip: Martha. Lucas: Martha who? Wait a second! mom's cousin? Philip: Yup. I"m bringing her to Salem. Bo and Billie are still in bed. Billie: I'm so happy that were doing this. Bo: What? Cheating? Billie: No not that, I mean I know that is a huge part of it, but I like that we are able to be together. Bo: So am I. Bo kisses her, and they start kissing passionatly. Billie's cell phone rings. She answers it. Billie: Hello. Man: Billie Reed? Billie: Yes. Man: If you want to see your daughter alive again, then you will fly to Tokoyo with bo Brady, and nobody else. Billie: What?!? Who the hell is this? The man hangs up. Bo: Whats wrong? Billie: It's Chelsea! Gina is on top of Frank, on the couch. Gina: You may not remember too well. She rips off Frank's shirt, and he kisses her passionatly. Gina: Mabye this will make you. Frank turns her over, and starts kissing her. He takes his belt off, and takes his pants off. He starts undressing Gina too. Dr. Woods is in Kate's hospital room. Kate: So your telling me that none of my children were a match? Dr. Woods: I'm sorry, Ms. Roberts. We are going to start looking at other people. Philip walks in. Philip: Theres no need for that. Kate: What are you talking about? Philip: Someone that can help you is comming to Salem. Kate: Stop talking in riddles! Just spit it out! Who the hells comming to help me? Philip: Your cousin, Martha. Kate: Oh no way! Lucas: Mom! Please! You don't want to see your cousin, who can save your life? Kate: No! Dr. Woods: Ms. Roberts, if this woman can help you, then you should take it. Kate: Fine! Whatever. When is she arriving? Philip: She should be here in the early hours of the morning. Gina walks out of Sami's apartment, and sees Bo and Billie comming out of hers. Gina: Bo, Billie? Bo: Hope, I need to go to Tokoyo. Gina: Why? Bo: It's about Chelsea. Gina: what? Is she ok? Bo: I'm not sure, but I'll call. He kisses Gina, and goes into the evelator. The doors close, and Gina smiles. The next night... Kate, Lucas, and Philip are in Kate's hospital room. Kate: Where the hell is she? The door opens, and Martha walks in. Martha: Well hello Kate. Kate: Hi Martha. Martha: It's so good to see all of you. But two are missing! Billie, and Austin. Where are they? Tears start forming in Kate's eyes. Lucas: Austin died last month. Martha: Oh. I'm so sorry. Philip: Billie is looking for her daughter. Bo and Billie are at the airport in Tokoyo. A man comes up to them. He shows Bo and Billie the inside of his pocket, and they see a gun. Man: Come with me. Bo and Billie follow. He brings them to a cab, and they go inside. The man takes out a stick, and knocks them out. Man: Bring them where I told you. And if they escape, Driver: They won't. The man closes the door, and he drives off. Sami is in a padded white room. The door opens, and Gina walks in. Gina: Hi Sami! Sami: Aunt Hope! Gina: No, sweatheart. Sami: What are you talking about? Gina smiles. Sami: Oh my God. Gina! Gina: You sure cath on fast! Sami: You bitch! Get me out of here! Gina: No Sami: And you think Frank is going to let you do this? Gina: He's actually one of my biggest supporters! Frank walks in. Frank: Hello Samantha. It's great to see you! Sami: EJ. You guys aren't going to get away with this! Gina: Shut up Sami! Your in here for life, and there is nothing you can do! Frank and Gina leave. Sami: I have to get out of here! Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Chelsea is on a stretcher, and is rushed into the hospital. Bo and Billie wake up in a bed, naked! Billie: What the hell happened? Gina is in Hope's room. She brings a TV. Gina: Here's some entertaiment, Hope. She turns it on, and Hope sees Bo and Billie having sex. Kim is in her hotel room. Kim: So your leaving tomorrow, Jeannie? Jeannie: Yup. Dr. Rolf and Gina are beside Stefano's hospital bed. Dr. Rolf: What if I told you there was a way to bring Stefano back without actually bringing him back?
  11. All the Days of Our Lives Insider Welcome to the Insider! This weeks Insider will focus on 2008! Here are some previews: Bo/Hope/Billie/Gina- Bo's New Year started off with him and Billie having sex in a hotel. They both promised they would be seeing more of each other. 2008 will see Bo and Billie having a full-blown affair, behind Hope's back... or who Bo thinks is Hope. Gina is filling in for Hope, while Hope is at an overseas hospital- run by Dr. Rolf. While Gina plays Hope, she sees Bo and Billie's affair as an oppurtunity to get some of her own, and she sets her sights on Steve. Stefano/Adrianna/Frank/Carlo/Gina- Adrianna is given the oppurtunity to end Stefano's life, but she doesnt. A man confronts her, and tells her that while Stefano is in his state, everything Stefano owns is hers. While Stefano is in the hospital, Adrianna takes it upon herself to run the DiMera empire. Carlo trys to take it from her, but she shows him who's boss. Carlo doesnt like the idea of Adrianna running it. Meanwhile, Gina finds out about Frank, and decides to ger rid of him. Will her plan work, or will it backfire horribly? Chelsea/Max/Stephanie/Nick/Andrew/Adrianna- Adrianna plans on seducing Andrew, and it works. Stephanie trys to warn Andrew that she is trouble, but Andrew doesn't listen. Chelsea is found near death, in an alley. In an exicting storyline, Chelsea is unconcious when she is found, and when she is in the hospital. It turns out that she can hear everything, but she can't escape from her own head! Sami/Lucas/Frank/Gina/Adrianna- Frank rescues Sami from the hospital, but to Sami's suprise, Dr. Rolf finished the programming, and he is now EJ! EJ takes her by force to the DiMera mansion. She tries, but fails to bring Frank back. When Adrianna finds out what EJ is hiding in the mansion, she doesnt know what to do. Will she do the human thing, and let Sami escape, or will she go along with EJ's plan, and do it the DiMera way? Meanwhile, Gina wants to kill Sami, but EJ makes sure that doesnt happen. EJ and Gina continue their romance. Steve/Kayla/Bo/Hope/Gina/Marleana- Steve ends up at Bo and Hope's house one night when his car won't start. Bo isn't there, and Gina is alone. She gets Steve a beer, and starts flirting with him. Meanwhile, Kayla accepts a job as Chief of Steff at the hospital, where new doctors come in. At least two of these doctors will be on cotract with the show, and they will be getting a storyline. Bo starts noticing diffrences in "Hope", and realizes that he is spending more time with Billie than Hope. In February, Billie tells Bo shocking news- she's pregnant! Bo doesn't know what to do, and realizes that he has nowhere to go. In mid-year, Marleana takes an extended trip out of Salem. She will be leaving in April, and returing in November. Shawn/Cathy/Belle/Philip- Shawn comes back to Salem-married to Cathy! Belle is mad at this, and tells Shawn that he won't have anything to do with Claire as long as he is married to her. Shawn fights it, and they get into a custody battle. Philip offers help to Belle, but she refuses. She tells Philip to stay out of her life. Cathy gets scared, and decides that to secure a future with Shawn, she needs his child. When she can't get it from Shawn, she tries something else. Kate/Roman/Isabella/Martha- Kate's blood condition has only one cure-a blood transfusion from her cousin, Martha (played by Diane Keaton). During this unique story, we shift from past to present, and see just how "nice" they were to each other. Through this story, they both realize how hard each other's lives were, and they bond. Meanwhile, Roman and Isabella's friendship continues, but may be more after a perfect date. Kate is upset by this, since she still loves Roman. She lets Roman know her feelings, and has no problem letting Isabella know too. Miscalineaous- After a visit from the doctor, Carrie learns that her pregnancy is going great. Her OBGYN (one of the doctor to get a core part in the show) quickly becomes friends with Carrie, when she tells her about how her husband died too. A woman from Eric's past comes back to Salem, but after he finds out something about her child, he steers away. Tony and Anna try to turn Adrianna away from the DiMera way, but they don't succeed. And when Adrianna sees one of Stefano's tasks he has left her, she is torn. After a woman voulenterring at the Horton Foundation dies of cancer, Mickey and Maggie decide to have a huge campaign for cancer. Since they had their own expierences with cancer, Brady and Chole decide to help Mickey and Maggie, and their campaign becomes a huge success. At the end though, one of these people will suffer an attack, which puts that person's life at risk. Casting News This week, in casting news, Diane Keaton in! Kimberly McCullough In! Dylan Bruce In! Richard Burgi In! Deidre Hall Out! Laura Wright Out! Willa Holland Out! In a wonderful suprise, Diane Keaton comes to All the Days of Our Lives as Martha Davis! Who is she? She will be playing Kate's cousin, who comes to Salem when Kate needs a blood transfusion. Watch as these two cousins see each other again, and it won't be pretty! Diane comes to Salem with a three month contract, and first airs on January 9. Kimberly McCullough joins the cast on All the Days of Our Lives as Dr. Diana Stewart. She comes as Carrie's OBGYN, and they become fast friends. She comes to Salem, currently on a five month contract, and firts airs January 17! Dylan Bruce also joins the cas of All the Days of Our Lives as Dr. Bobby Woods. He comes as a doctor, working with Dr. Berman, with Kate. He comes to Salem with a five month contract, and first airs January 9. Richard Burgi comes to All the Days of Our Lives in the role he took over, Philip Collier. He will only appear in a handfull of episodes, then returns to L.A. He first airs January 10 Don't worry; Deidre Hall's exit will only be for a short while. In February, she has a part in the huge Sweeps storyline. She leaves Salem in April when Marleana decides she needs to get away. She last airs on April 18, and is expected to return sometime in October or November. Laura Wright will leave the show early this year. Carly leaves when she goes back home to tie up loose ends. She may be back, but the show isn't sure of that yet. She last airs February 6. Willa Holland leaves the show early January. Jeannie leaves Salem, when she goes back to L.A. for school. Jeannie will be back when she is needed. Jeannie last airs January 10. Thats it for this weeks Insider! Next week, you can look forward to: February Sweeps Preview: A look at the whole new storyline! More Exits! Expect more people to leave Salem!
  12. All The Days of Their Lives Tuesday January 8 2008 Adrianna comes out of Stefano's hospital room. She closes the door, and sees Isabella. Isabella: What were you doing in there? Adrianna: Visiting my father. Isabella: And have you come to a decision? Adrianna: Yup; I'm keeping him on life support. Marleana wakes up in her hospital room to find Sami there. Sami: Hey mom. How are you feeling? Marleana: I'm ok. What about you? Sami: I'm fine. Marleana: I don't even know if its morning or afternoon or night. I'm so confused. Sami: It's late afternoon, mom. Marleana: Thanks sweatheart. So hows your dad? Sami: He's ok. He refused to get checked up, but they made him. Marleana: Thats your dad. Bo walks into Hope's room. Bo: Hope, where the hell are you? Gina: I'm right here, Bo. Bo: Thank God your ok. He hugs her. Bo: I think Chelsea's missing. Gina: Oh my God. Ok, you go look for her. Don't worry about me. Bo: Ok Fancyface. I'll be back soon. Bo leaves, and Gina smiles. She goes outside, and pours herself some coffee. The elevator doors open, and Frank comes out. He sees Gina drinking her coffee. He has one of EJ's flashbacks: EJ is in a bed, naked. A woman comes inside the bed, and starts kissing him. He wakes up, and kisses her back. Gina starts taking off her clothes. She goes in the bed, and they start making love. Frank comes back from the flashback, and goes up to her. He goes behind her, and kisses her ear. Frank: Gina, how good it is to see you. She turns around. Gina: EJ. I've missed you. She kisses him. Frank: I have something to do right now, but I'll see you later. Frank leaves, and takes his phone out. Gina does the same. Gina: Rolf. It's me, Gina. Is Frank EJ or not? Dr. Rolf: Why? Gina: Just tell me! Dr. Rolf: I didn't finish the operation, but he claimed he was. Gina: Claiming isn't good enough. If anybody knew, who would it be? Dr. Rolf: I know who. Roman, Philip, Lucas, and Billie are in Kate's room. Roman: You gave us a scare Kate. Kate: Well, it's not my fault. Dr. Berman comes in. Dr. Berman: I have some news Kate. About your condition. Kate: Whats wrong? Dr. Berman: You have a very rare blood disease. You need a blood transfusion fast. Kate: And what happenes if I don't get it? Dr. Berman: You need to. You see, the blood in your system is either infected, or will be. We need at least a pint of matching blood, and then it will get rid of it, and clean out your system. Kate: And how long do I have? Dr. Berman: Not very long. Billie: When can we get tested? Dr. Berman: As soon as possible. Frank: Sami! What's wrong with the house phone? Sami: It doesnt work. My phone is going to die any second, so sorry. Frank: Sami! Listen. It's about your aunt Hope! She's not Hope! She's Gina! Sami: Crap. This stupid thing. Dr. Rolf is on the phone with Gina. As they are having their conversation, Sami is putting the twins to sleep. Gina: So what do we do about it? Dr. Rolf: We get rid of the people who become threats. Sami's doorbell rings. Gina: And what do we do with them? Sami opens the door, and sees two men and a woman dressed in all black. Sami: Who the hell are you? Dr. Rolf: We kill them. The men grab Sami, and chrloform her! Gina: Bring them to the hospital. They can stay with Hope and Shane. Sami is unconcious, and the men pick her up. Dr. Rolf: And Frank is next. Gina: Let me worry about Frank.Tell your woman to stay with the twins until I get there. He will be EJ when I am done with him. The screen fades to black as the men bring Sami to the elevator. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Gina is on top of Frank, on the couch. Gina: You may not remember too well. She rips off Frank's shirt, and he kisses her passionatly. Sami wakes up in a padded room. Gina comes inside. Gina: Hi Sami! Sami: Aunt Hope! Gina: No, sweatheart. Philip is on the phone. Philip: You need to get to Salem now
  13. All The Days of Their Lives Monday January 7 2008 A nurse is about to leave Isabella's room. Roman comes in the room. Isabella: Roman. It's so good to see you. Roman: How are you? Isabella: Good, actually. My leg hurts a bit, but I'm fine. What about you? Roman: I'm fine. Isabella: Of course you are. You probaly didn't even get checked out. Roman: How do you know me so well? They laugh. Isabella: So did they find Stefano, or did he conviently leave the hotel just in time? Roman: No actually. I found him near death, under parts of the building. Isabella: And how is he now? Roman: He's on life support. Isabella: Well whoever has the option to take him off better make the right decision. Roman: Thats funny, actually. Isabella: Why? Roman: Your daughter makes the decision on wheather Stefano lives or dies. Carrie pours some coffee in her cup, and she sees bo and Billie rushing into the ER. Carrie: Where were you guys? Bo: I was on some police work. Billie: Bo called me when he heard about the explosion. Bo: Is everyone ok? Carrie: Aunt Kayla hasn't woekn up yet, and she's not responding. Bo: Damn it! I'm going to kill that bastard! Carrie: Stefano? He's in critical condition. He's on life support, and it doesnt look like he will make it. Dr. Rolf closes the door of a room. He punches a key code in, and walks away. Inside the room, somebody is strapped to a hospital bed. She starts to wake up, and she starts moving. Hope trys to lift her hands, but she can't! Hope: Help! She looks to her right, and sees somebody else is strapped too! She tries to look at the person's face, but she can't. Isabella: Adrianna decides wheather he lives or dies? Roman: Yup. Isabella: She still hasn't even come to see me yet! Roman: She's probaly busy, with the hosptial helping her. Isabella: That better be why! Anyway, so hows your family? Roman: Everyon is ok, execpt for my sister. She hasn't woken up yet. Isabella: Oh my God I"m so sorry. Roman: I just hope she wakes up. Well, I have to get going. I have to go visit some other people, but I will be back later. Isabella: I look forward to it. Roman: See you. Roman leaves the room, and Isabella smiles. Bo opend the door to Hope's room, but doesnt see anyone in it. Bo: Hope? Where are you? Carrie: What's wrong, uncle Bo? Bo: She's not in here. Billie comes. Billie: Carrie, are you sure that was Chelsea's room? She's not in there. Bo: Hope isn't in here either. Roman opens the door to Kate's hospital room. Roman: Hey Katie. How are you? Kate looks up, but she is very weak. Kate: Roman. I don't think I'm going to make it. Roman: Don't talk like that. Kate looks like she is getting weaker. Kate: Roman... Roman: Shh. Save your energy. Kate: Roman, I love you. Kate's head tilts back, and her heart monitor starts beeping, as she goes unconcious. Roman: Kate! Hope moves around, trying to break free of the restraints. Hope: Get me out of here! Dr. Rolf comes in, and goes to the other person. Hope: You bastard! Let me out! Dr. Rolf looks at the patient. Dr. Rolf: Mr. Donovan, you don't look too good today. Hope: Shane! Dr. Rolf: Mabye this will help you feel better. He pulls out an oversized syringe, and injects it into his IV. Shane starts to wake up, and starts yelling in pain! Hope: Stop it! Let us out! Dr.Rolf: I guess you need some too? He come over to her side. The screen goes away from Dr. Rolf and Hope, and goes farther into the room. There is a door. It opens, and a woman walks in. We don't see her face. Woman: How is our newest patient? Dr. Rolf: Not cooperating. The woman goes closer to Hope's bed. Hope looks at her. Hope: Oh my God. As Hope stares in shock, we see Gina! Gina laughs as the screen fades to black. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Adrianna is in Isabella's room. Isabella: What do you mean your keeping him on life support? Adrianna: He's my father! Isabella: He's a monster! Bo: Hope, where the hell are you? Gina: I'm right here, Bo. Frank comes out of an elevator, and sees Gina. He remembers kissing her.
  14. (This is the only time an episode will air on a Saturday. It airs today, because the show is behind a bit.) All The Days of Their Lives Saturday January 5 2008 The hotel has just blown up. Debries are everywhere, and people are seen hanging out of the debries. A shocked Jeannie runs out of a cab. She runs to the hotel, but a cop stops her. Jeannie: My family is in there! Let me through! Cop: We can't let anybody in yet. Were sorry. Jeannie backs away, and takes her phone out. Jeannie: Uncle Bo! Where the hell are you? Do you have any idea what happened? Call me when you get this. She hangs up, and sees somebody comming from the rubble. She looks. Jeannie: Uncle Roman! She runs to him. Roman hugs her. Jeannie: What the hell happened? Roman: I don't know. We rang in the new year, and then a bomb went off. Jeannie: Oh my God! Is everyone ok? Roman: I don't know, but I'm going to go look. You stay here ok? Jeannie: Ok. Roman goes into the hotel with other cops. A hand is seen hanging out of some debries. Roman lifts them, and he sees that it is Stefano! He calls paramedics to get him. They put Stefano on a stretcher, and rush him to the hospital. Roman sees somebody getting up. He goes to help the person, and sees that it is Chelsea. Roman: Chelsea, are you ok? He hugs her. Chelsea: Oh my God. Is everyone ok? Roman: I'm not sure. Chelsea: We have to look. Roman: No, you need to go to the hospital, and get checked out. Chelsea: Uncle Roman, please, there are people in the hospital that really need to get help. And I don't. Sami comes, looking shocked. Sami: Daddy! Are you ok? She hugs him. Roman: I'm fine honey. Sami: Is everyone else ok? Roman: I'm not sure yet. Sami, please bring Chelsea to the hospital. Chelsea: I'm not going! A little bit away from where Chelsea, Roman, and Sami are standing, a hand starts to move in the rubble. The hand moves some rubble, and starts to get up. He rubs his face, and we see Carlo. He has a flashback: Carlo goes into a room, and closes the door. He turns a light on. He lifts a box, and he picks up a suitcase from under it. He punches in a code, and opens up the suitecase. He lifts something from it. He looks at it, and sees that it is a bomb. He pushes a code in the back of the bomb, and it starts counting down. Carlo: Happy New Year. He comes back from his flashback. Carlo: I was supposed to be out of here by now. Chelsea: Carlo? Carlo: Chelsea! Are you ok? Chelsea: Ya I'm fine. You don't look too good. Bo wakes up, and his phone rings. He sees that it is Roman, and he looks at the time. He sees that the time is 6:15 am. Billie wakes up, and turns the TV on. Billie: Bo! Oh my God Bo! Come here! Bo comes, and they see what happened at the hotel. Bo: Oh my God! Bo and Billie get dressed, and go to the hospital. Roman and Sami are at the hospital. The elevator doors open, and Carrie comes out. She hugs Roman. Carrie: Daddy! I just heard what happened! Are you ok? Roman: I'm ok. Carrie: What about everyone else? Roman: Kim, Andrew, Chelsea, Hope, Marleana, Bo and Steve are fine. Carrie: What about aunt Kayla? Roman: She hasn't woken up yet. Adrianna is in the waiting room, when Dr. Berman comes. Dr. Berman: Adrianna, it doesnt look like your father is going to make it. Adrianna: What? Dr. Berman: According to his updated information, it is up to you wheather to take him off of life support. Adrianna stands there, not knowing what to do. Hope is in her hospital room, asleep. She has a dream: Stefano: Welcome to Maison Blanche, Gina! Gina: This will be great, Stefano. That dream fades, and she has another one. Hope/Gina is in Maison Blanche. She goes down the stairs, all the way down to the basement. She gets to a room with a small opening in the door. The person inside the room bangs on the door! Person: LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! Gina smiles, and opens the little opening. The person slides their hands through. Gina kicks it. She slides a tray of rice and peas through it. She closes the opening, and leaves. Hope wakes up shocked! She starts getting really confused as to who she is. Hope: Damn it! Her heart monitor starts to go down, and it starts beeping. Hope sinks down, as she goes unconcious. The door starts opening. A man comes in, and injects something into her IV. Another woman walks in, wearing a hospital gown. The man takes Hope, and puts her in a wheelchair. He leaves the room, while the woman in the hospita gown stays. He wheels Hope down the hall, and Chelsea sees something from the cornor of her eye. She looks at the back of the person in the wheelchair. She knows something is up. She follows. The person and Hope go in the elevator. Chelsea sees the side of Hope. Chelsea: Oh my God! She turns around, looking for Roman, but somebody grabs her by the neck, from behind. He injects a syringe into her neck! Carlo takes the syringe out! Carlo: Going somewhere? Chelsea falls in his arms, and he puts her in a wheelchair. He pushes for an elevator, and we see Chelsea. She starts moving her head, as the screen fades to black. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Hope wakes up, strapped on a hospital bed. She looks to her right, and sees somebody else strapped too. Bo goes in Hope's room. Bo: Hope? Where are you? Kate is in her hospital bed. Kate: Roman, I love you.
  15. All The Days of Their Lives Monday December 31 2007 Stefano closes the door of his lab in the DiMera basement. He pushes a key code, and he leaves. He goes upstairs where he hears the phone ringing. Stefano: Hello. Man: Mr. DiMera, the shipment has arrived in Italy, but nobody is here to pick it up. Stefano: Are you still with it? Man: No, Mr. DiMera. I left it at the warehouse. Stefano: You idiot! Do you have any idea what is in there? Man: I'm sorry Mr. DiMera. Do you want me to go back? Stefano: Do I really have to ask, you fool? Ship it back to my mansion in Salem! If anything has happened, it's your head! Man: Yes, Mr. DiMera. Stefano hangs up, and Rolf comes in the room. Rolf: Is something wrong, Stefano? Stefano: No, nothings wrong. I need to get ready. Many guests walk into the hotel. Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Jack, and Jennifer walk in. Hope: Wow. Kate did a great job. Jennifer: I know. The place looks great! Jack: Mabye we should go back in business with her. Jennifer: Jack, don't start. Everyone laughs. Bo: I'm going to go get a drink. Anyone want anything? Steve: No, I'm good. Everyone says no, and Bo goes. He orders his drink, and Billie comes to the bar. Bo: Hey Billie. Billie: Hey Bo. How are you? Bo: Good. You? Billie: Go- Bo we need to stop this. Bo: Stop what? Billie: Stop pretenting that there is nothing between us! Bo: Sorry. Bo looks at her. He kisses her, both not realizing what just happened. Billie: Bo! We can't do that in public! Bo: I need you Billie. Billie: Me too. Meet me outside this room in 10 minutes. Billie leaves. Nick, Chelsea, and Stephanie walk into the hotel. Stephanie: Wow Chelsea. Your grandma did a great job. Chelsea: It looks too tacky. Nick: Come on Chels. Kate comes to greet them. Kate: Hey guys! Hey Chelsea. Chelsea: Hey grandma. Kate: Ok Chelsea, if your still mad at me, I'll leave you alone. Chelsea: Then leave! Kate leaves. Nick: Chelsea, Chelsea: No Nick! Don't start! Were here to have fun, and go into a new year! Kimberly, Andrrew, and Jeannie walk into the hotel. Jeannie: So is our new sister comming tonight? Kimberly: Jeannie, can you stop please? She hasn't done anything. Jeannie: Whatever. What about Philip? Or what about dad? Andrew: Jeannie, just shut up! If you came to make everyone miserable, just leave. Jeannie: Mabye I should. It looks boring anyway. Jeannie walks in, and goes to the bar, walking right past Nick, Chelsea, and Stephanie. Chelsea: What a little witch! She walks right past us, and doesnt even look. Stephanie: She is a bit- Chelsea: Hey aunt Kim. Hey Andrew. Kimberly: Hey everyone. You guys having fun? Stephanie: We just got here, but it looks fun. Chelsea: It'll be a blast! Bo and Hope are standing at the bar. Hope: Are you sure you have to go? Bo: Ya. Sorry. I don't want to. Hope: Try to be back before 12:00. Bo: I will. Bo kisses her, and he leaves. Billie: Hey. I booked a room at that hotel 10 minutes from here. Go tell Hope- Bo: I already did. I told her I have some work to do. Billie: Ok. I called Chelsea from my cell, and told her I wasn't comming. Bo: Ok. Good. Lets go. Isabella and Carlo walk into the hotel. Isabella: Wow look what your sister did. Carlo: It looks good. Adrianna comes. Adrianna: Hey mom, hey Carlo. Isabella: Hey honey! The place looks great! Adrianna: Thanks. Go get some drinks and snacks. The food will be here soon. Isabella: Are you telling us to get away from you? Adrianna: I just have a lot of stuff to do. Sorry. Isabella: It's fine. Go do whatever you have to do, and we'll see you later. Carlo looks at the door, and sees Cathy. Carlo: I'll see you later, mom. Carlo goes to Cathy. Carlo: Hey beautiful. He kisses her hand. Carlo: You look great tonight. Cathy: Thanks. So do you, but it would look better with the clothes off. Carlo kisses her. Carlo: You go get a room, and I'll meet you in five minutes. Cathy: Sure. Roman and Marleana walk into the hotel. They go to a table where Steve Kayla, Hope, Stephanie and Chelsea are sitting. Hope: Hey guys. It's so good to see you. Kayla: Marleana, you look great! Hope: Chelsea, wheres your mom? Chelsea: She called me, and told me she wasn't comming. She has a fever. Hope: Oh. Roman: Well, I'm going to go to the bar. Anyone want anything? Everyone says no. Roman goes, and sees Isabella sitting at the bar, drinking alone. Roman: Are you alone tonight, gorgeous? Isabella: Yes, actually. Roman: Can I buy you a drink? Isabella: Sure. Roman sits down, and orders the drinks. Kate finishes talking to someone, and looks at the bar, and sees Roman and Isabella talking and laughing. Kate makes a face, and turns around. Bo and Billie are at the hotel, waiting for an elevator. Billie: Are you sure you want to do this? The elevator comes, and they go inside. The doors close, and Bo kisses her. Bo: What does that tell you? Billie: Umm... I'm still not sure. Bo puts her against the elevator wall, and starts kissing her. Bo kisses her down her neck, and she starts unbuttoning his shirt. They get to the floor, and they go into their room. Hope, Steve, Kayla, and Marleana are sitting at their table, eating. Marleana: So Bo isn't going to come? Hope: I don't know. He said he would be back before 12:00. Roman comes back. Roman: So wheres my little brother? Hope: You don't know? Roman: Knmow what? Hope: He had some police business to do. Roman: I didn't hear about it. Hope: Thats weird. Kayla: Didn't Billie come? Hope's face changes, and Marleana looks at her, wanting to ask something, but not sure if she should. Kayla: Hope? Are you ok? Hope: Ya, I'm fine. Umm Chelsea said that she had a fever. Carlo comes out of a room. He sees Cathy. They go in an elevator. Carlo: I can't wait to rip that dress off of you. Cathy kisses him. They get to their room, and she takes his shirt off. They take each others clothes off, and start making love on the bed. Kate and Adrianna are standing in front of the guests. Kate: I would like to thank, on behalf of Basic Black, John Black for his hard work, his loving spirit, and his ability to see past everything, and make the best. Well, Happy New Year everyone! Adrianna: I know I havent worked at Basic Black very long, but in the short time I've been there, it has been great! I want to thank Kate the most. She has been more of a friend, and less of a boss. Don't get me wrong, though, when she needs to be bossy, she's bossy. Chelsea looks at Stephanie. Chelsea: I think I"m going to hurl. Everyone looks back, as the doors start opening. Stefano walks in the room! Kate: What the hell are you doing here? Stefano: It's New Years Eve, and I decided to come to your party! Kate: How the hell did you get an invitation? Kate looks at Adrianna. Kate: Did you give him one!? Adrianna: I thought- Kate: No! I told you that you mail an invitation to everyone who is on the guest list! Adrianna: Sorry, I didn't think it would do any harm! Kate: Do any harm!?! Give me a break! This man murdered the dounder of this company! He murdered John Black! Stefano: I did no such thing! Kate: Just save it ok! I want both of you out of here! And Adrianna, do not think of showing up for work! Adrianna runs out, and Stefano follows. Bo zips down the zipper on Billie's dress. It falls off. He kisses her, and she rips his shirt off. They fall on the bed, and start making out. Bo kisses her down her body. Billie: Bo, don't stop. Time passes, and Bo and Billie are fully naked, in the sheets, with thier legs sticking out, making love. More time passes, and Billie is resting her head on Bo's chest. Billie: That was wonderfull Bo. Bo: That was great. Billie: They say that how you spend New Years Eve is how you spen the rest of the year. Bo: I can spend the whole year with you. He turns over, and kisses her. He turns the TV on. Billie: 10 minutes left. Bo gets the phone. Bo: Hi can I get a bottle of champagne to room 662? Thanks. Billie: I'm happy that I'll ring in 2008 with you. Hope closes her phone. Kayla: You still can't get a hold of him? Hope: No. His phone is off now. Roman and Marleana are dancing. Marleana: Roman, whats wrong? Is it Isabella? She laughs. Roman: No. It's Bo. I called the station, and they said the nobody called for him. Marleana: Billie's not here either. Roman: You don't think- Marleana: I don't know, Roman. Stefano goes into the room that Carlo came out of before. Stefano: This might be the perfect way to go. Stefano goes deeper into the room, and we see a ticking time bomb. At the party, everyone is counting down the minutes to midnight. Guests: 10...9...8...7...6...5...4... Stefano leaves the room, and we see the bomb. Guests: 3... The bomb starts counting down with them from 3! Guests: 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR! Confetti goes everywhere, and everyone hears a noise. Chelsea: What the hell was- The bomb goes off! The hotel blows up, and the whole place is in flames! Bo and Billie are counting down the seconds to the New Year. Bo&Billie: 5...4...3...2...1 Bo: Happy New Year, beautiful. They drink some of their champagne, and start kissing. We see a clock, and it changes from 12:00 to 3:14. Bo and Billie are sleeping, the sheets al tangled up, and messy. Their legs are sticking out, and they are tangled together. A man comes in the room. Man: Ms. Reid, Mr. Brady! Wake up! Wake up! The man sees 3 empty champagne bottles on the ground. Man: They won't be up for a while. The man leaves, and Bo starts to wake up. He wakes up Billie. Billie: Whats wrong? Bo: Didn't you hear someone calling us? Billie: No. Did you just wake me up, so we can have some more fun? Bo: No, but that sounds good. He kisses her, and goes on top of her. The screen fades to black, as Bo and Billie start making love. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Chelsea is in a wheelchair, unconcious. She starts to move her head. Dr. Berman: Adrianna, it doesnt look like your father is going to make it.
  16. Here is the revised Holiday Schedule for All the Days of Our Lives: Thursday January 3: New Years Episode Friday January 4-Prempted Monday January 7- Regular episode of All the Days of Our Lives Tuesday Januay 8-Monday January 14- Prempted Monday January 14- Show goes back to regular viewing, Monday-Friday.
  17. All The Days of Their Lives Friday December 21 2007 Sami wakes up, and goes out of her bedroom. She walks by the living room, and sees Frank, only in his boxers, sleeping on the couch. Frank starts to wake up. Frank: Good morning, sunshine. Sami: Morning. How did you sleep? Frank: Great. You? Sami: Oh God, your a morning person? Frank: Yup. You know, it's funny. I have a memory of making out with you on this couch. Sami: Yes, me and EJ almost had sex there. Frank: Well, I remember, and it was great. Sami make a face. Frank: I'm so sorry. I'm just so confused. Sami: It's fine. Umm, so where does Stefano think you are? Frank: In Switzerland. Sami: Ok, well tomorrow's Christmas Eve, and I won't be here. Frank: Thats ok, you want me to stay here, or what? Sami: Mabye you should tell Stefano your comming home, because he'll want to spend Christmas with you. Frank: Ok, so I guess I'll go there. Isabella finishes making pancakes. Isabella: Adrianna, their ready! Adrianna: I'll be right there! Adrianna's phone makes a noise, and she picks it up. She sees that she has a text message. Text: Watch out Adrianna! Adrianna looks shocked. Downstairs, the doorbell rings. Isabella opens the door, and sees Stefano. Isabella: What the hell are you doing here? Stefano: I'm here to talk. Isabella: Please leave. She starts closing the door, but Stefano opens it. Stefano: I just want to talk, parent-parent. Isabella laughs out loud. Isabella: Please! Parent-parent? You havent given a damn about what happened to Adrianna until you had nobody left! Stefano: Isabella, she is my daughter, and I care what happens to her! Hope puts Ciara on Hope's bed. Hope: You like this bed better, honey? I know. I know. Mommy still has to get ready. Hold on a minute honey. Hope goes into her jewelery box. She sees something sticking out of one of the little drawers. She opens it, and takes out a gold necklace. Hope: Where the hell did this come from? She picks lifts it up, and has a flashback... Hope is standing in a room, smiling. A man is putting the necklace around her neck. She turns around, and smiles. She looks at the man, and it is Stefano! Hope comes back from the flashback. She drops the necklace. Hope: Oh my God. The doorbell rings, and she throws the necklace back in the jewelery box. She picks up Ciara, and goes to get the door. Sami comes out of her room. Sami: I'm going out for a while, with the twins. Mabye call Stefano, and tell him your on your way home. Frank: I'll do that. Sami: What's wrong? Frank: Nothing, you are just incredibly beautiful. Sami: Thanks. Frank: No, really. Frank goes closer to her. Sami doesnt back away, and she looks into his eyes. He kisses her. He stops. Frank: I'm sorry. Sami: It's ok. Isabella: Stefano, please leave now. I'm asking you to leave. Stefano: I'll be back, Isabella. After all, tomorrow's Christmas. Stefano leaves, and Isabella slams the door. Adrianna comes down the stairs. Adrianna: Who was at the door, mom? Isabella: Your father. Apparently, he wants to spend time with you. Adrianna: Mom, he is my dad, and- Isabella: We talked about this! And were not talking about it again. Now lets go have some pancakes! Jennifer is on the couch with J.J. Hope comes down with Ciara. Jennifer: Ready? Hope: Yup. Let's go. Hope puts Ciara in a carseat, and holds her head in pain. Jennifer: Whats wrong? Hope: Nothing. I just have a bit of a headache. Jennifer: Are you sure? We don't have to go. Hope: It's ok. Lets go. They leave the house, Hope has a flashback of her and Bo having sex. That flash starts to fade, and she sees her and John having sex! Hope shakes her head, and she continues walking. The next day... (song) The Horton's are at Alice's house, decorating the tree. Sami is there with the twins. Lucas walks in, and looks at Sami. Sami hands Johnny to Maggie, and she brings Ali to him. Sami: Merry Christmas. Bo, Hope, and Chelsea gather around the tree to hang Zach's ornament. Chelsea starts crying, and Hope wipes her tears. Hope puts the ornament on the tree. Hope: It's ok, honey. They hug. Mike goes up, and puts up his ornament. He looks in the box, and picks up Jeremy's. He puts it on the tree. Jack, Jennifer, Abby, and J.J. go up. They each put up their ornaments. They laugh, as J.J. almost drops his. Jennifer touches Zach's, and kisses it. Mickey and Maggie go up. Mickey kisses her, and they put their ornaments on the tree. Doug and Julie go up, and put theirs on the tree. They hug. Alice gets up, and Maggie tries to help her. Alice: I can go myself, sweatheart. Alice puts her ornament on the tree. She goes into the box, and smiles. She takes out Tom's. She kisses it, and puts it on the tree. Alice: Merry Christmas, Tom. The screen fades to black, as the Horton's gather together. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Stefano is in his mansion, on the phone. Stefano: Do I really have to ask, you fool? Ship it back to my mansion in Salem! If anything has happened, it's your head! Bo and Billie are in an elevator. Bo is kissing Billie down her neck as Billie is unbuttoning his shirt. Everyone is counting down the last 10 seconds to 2008! As everyone counts down, Stefano goes into a room. Stefano: This might be the perfect way to go. Stefano goes deeper into the room, and we see a ticking time bomb.
  18. All The Days of Their Lives Thursday December 20 2007 Adrianna, Anna, and Tony are sitting at a table at Chez Rouge. Anna: So Adrianna, I heard you got a job. Adrianna: Yes, at Basic Black. I'm Kate Roberts' assistant. Tony: That should be fun. Anna: Shut up Tony. Adrianna laughs. Adrianna: So do you guys have any trips planned? Tony: Not any yet. Mabye in the new year. Cathy is at Alice's. She is sitting at the bar, ordering a drink. She sees Jeannie at the bar, ordering a drink. Carly: Hey, arent you a bit young to be drinking beer? Jeannie: And you are? Belle comes. Belle: Jeannie? Jeannie: Oh, your my cousins ex-fiance right? Belle doesnt say anything. Jeannie: I heard you screwed his uncle. Bye! Belle leaves. Cathy: Your Shawn Brady's cousin? Jeannie: Yup. Cathy: I'm his girlfriend. Jeannie: Wow didn't take him long. Belle: Thats what sluts are best at Jeannie. Cathy: Why don't you shut up Belle? Your the one who cheated on him! Bo and Roman are in Roman's office. Roman: I can't believe it Bo. Bo: Really? I don't know. I don't think we should be suprised. Roman: I just wonder how Sami's going to take this. Frank walks into the office. Bo: Welcome back, Jr. Frank: Well, what can I do for you, gentlemen? Bo: Well, you can start by telling us why you faked your death. Frank: It was part of an ISA operation. The waiter brings the dinner to Tony, Anna, and Adrianna's table. Tony: Your lobster looks good Adrianna. Adrianna: I know. My mouth is watering. Tony: So do you remember what we talked about? Adrianna: What did we talk about? Tony: Did Stefano ask you for anything yet? Adrianna: An invitation to the New Years Eve party at Basic Black. Tony: And? Adrianna: I gave him one. Tony: Adrianna! Adrianna: It's just an invitation! Tony: He wil want more! This was just a test! Anna: Adrianna, please remember that Stefano doesnt care about anybody. And also remember that your brother is just mad, because he cares about you, and doesnt want to see you get hurt! Adrianna: I get that ok! Tony: Plrase, please, do not give him anything else! Belle: It sure didn't take you long to sweep in, and take him! Cathy: Cathy: Shut up Belle! Shawn was sick of your crap! He has been since day one! Belle: Shut up you slut! Cathy gets a jug of beer, and pours it all over Belle! Belle: You stupid- Belle turns around, and Belle sprays the fountain coke all over her! Jeannie: This should be fun! She gets up, and backs away. Belle pushes Cathy on the ground, and they start fighting! Cathy brabs a glass, and breaks it over Belle's head! The bartender comes around the bar, and tries to stop them. Belle pushes him, and he slips on the floor! Cathy: He hates you, Belle! Just get over it! Belle: I'm going to ruin you! Cathy: Bring it, bitch! Belle grabs a pool stick, and tries to hit Cathy with it, but she backs away! Cathy: Is that all? Cathy throws a bar stool at Belle! Belle runs toward her, and starts choking her! Cathy: Let go you psyco! A cop walks in. Cop: Hey! Stop! He grabs Belle off of Cathy. Cop: What the hell is going on?! Cathy: Don't worry, it's over. (She looks at Belle) Ya, it's over Belle! I know you have a hard time understanding that concept! Cathy walks out the door, and Belle throws a glass towards her. Jeannie laughs, and closes her phone. Bo: So you faked your death, because an ISA operation? Roman: Thats a load of crap! Shane Donovan walks into Roman's office! Shane: He's telling the truth. Roman: Shane? Shane: Yes, I'm back in Salem for a while, for this operation. Bo: What operation? Shane: I can't tell you the details, but it involves EJ, and he needed to fake his death. Frank: Am I free to go now? Bo: Get out of here! Frank leaves. Shane: It's good to see you both. Roman: Kim and the kids are back in town, did you know? Shane: No actually. Andrew and Jeannie keep ignoring my calls. I can't say I'm suprised. Bo: Well mabye you should take them to dinner or something. Shane: I will. Well I have to go right now. I hope I see you guys soon. Shane walks out of the office, and walks towards the doors of the station. He opens it, and bumps into somebody. She drops a plate of cookies. Shane: I'm so sorry. Let me h- Kimberly. Kim: Shane! Tony, Anna, and Adrianna finish their dinner. Adrianna takes out some money. Tony: Put that away, dear. Adrianna: No, please, I can't let you pay for all of it. Anna: Sweetie, it's fine. Adrianna: Thanks. Tony leaves some money, and they get up. Maggie comes. Maggie: Hey! Are you guys already leaving? Anna: Yes Maggie. The food was absoutly delecious. I can not tell you how good it was! Maggie: Well, you can't go yet, theres still some left. She looks back, and a waiter comes with three banana splits. Anna: Oh my those look good. Tony: Maggie, you didn't have to do this. Maggie: I know, but I wanted to. By the way, there on the house. Enjoy. She leaves, and Tony, Anna, and Adrianna sit down, and start eating them. Kim: I didn't know you were back in town. Shane: I could say the same about you. So how have you been? Kim: Good. Shane: The kids? Kim: I'm so sorry Shane. I told them to answer, but you know. Shane: It's ok. I don't blame you. Kim: Well, mabye you should get together with them. Shane: I will. I need to go now. I'll see you later. Kim: Bye. Shane turns around and Kim watches him leave. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Isabella answers her door. Isabella: What the hell are you doing here? Stefano: I'm here to talk. Hope opens her jewelery box. Hope: Where the hell did this come from? She holds up a gold necklace. Sami and Frank are in Sami's apartment. Sami: I want you. Frank kisses her, and they go on the couch.
  19. All The Days of Their Lives Wednesday December 19 2007 Jeannie wakes up in her hotel room to music. Jeannie: Andrew!!! She gets no answer. She gets up. Jeannie: Andrew! Where are you? Andrew comes out of a room, getting ready. Andrew: Whats wrong? Jeannie: I'm trying to sleep! Thats whats wrong! Andrew: Did you forget that we have to go out today? Jeannie: And? Do you know how early it is? Andrew: Just get ready! Jeannie: Wheres mom? Andrew: She went to the hospital. Sami closes the door to the twins room, and her phone rings. She answers it. Sami: Hello. Caroline: Hey honey, so you'll be comming today with the twins to the pub right? Sami: I'm not sure yet. The twins are really fussy today. I'll call you back later. Caroline: Ok. Hopefully I'll see you later. I love you. Sami: Me too. Bye. She hangs up the phone, and the doorbell rings. She opens the door, and looks shocked. She yells. Sami: Oh my God! EJ is at the door! He covers her mouth, and pushes her inside! Bo is at the police station. Roman comes to his desk. Roman: You know what to do. Bo: Yup. Bo gets up, and goes to the cells. He goes to Malrena's. Marleana: Bo! It's so nice to see you. So what is it? Bo: Your free to go. Marleana looks at him weird. Jeannie comes out of the washroom. Jeannie: Andrew, are you ready? She sees Andrew at the doorway, talking to someone. Adrianna: So how long are you in town for? Andrew: I'm not sure. You? Adrianna: I've moved here. I hope you do too. Andrew: Mabye I will. Adrianna: So call me later, mabye we can go to dinner. Andrew: I will. Bye. She leaves, and Andrew closes the door. Jeannie: Who was that? Andrew: None of your business. Jeannie: Whatever, I don't care anyway. Lets go. Sami grabs one of the fire pokers. EJ: Stop, and let me explain! Please! Sami: Explain what!?!!? Your dead! EJ: I'm not EJ! Sami: What do you mean your not EJ? EJ: My name is Frank. Stefano had me programed to be EJ.Something went wrong though. I have all of EJ's memories, but I'm not acting like him. Sami: Your like John. Frank: John Black? Yes. But I'm still myself. Sami: How do I know your telling the truth? What if your really EJ? Frank takes his shirt off, and turns around. Frank: I got this scar on my back from falling off a tree when I was 15. Sami: I don't know. Frank: Well then we can dig up EJ's body. Bo: Yup, theres not enough evidence to hold you. I have to be somewhere now. Another cop will get all your stuff.' Marleana: Thank you so much Bo. Bo: I'm happy to see you get out of here. Bo leaves. His phone rings. Bo: Hello. Caroline: Hey Bo. Are you comming for lunch? Bo: I'm not sure. I have some stuff to do. But I'll call you. Caroline: I hope you'll be there. Bye. Bo: Bye. Andrew and Jeannie walk into the Brady Pub, and hug their grandparents. Shawn: So how was your first night back in Salem, Jeannie? Jeannie: I slept great, until Andrew woke me up with his loud music. Caroline: Boys. All the same. Shawn: So will you guys stay if your mom stays? Jeannie: I have to finish high school first, but if she stays I'll stay. Caroline: Good. Kimberly, Carly, walk into the pub, Carly holding her baby. Jeannie: Hey mom. Kimberly: Jeannie, theres someone I want you to meet. This is your sister, Carly. Carly: Hi Jeannie. I heard a lot about you. Caroline: Oh my God! He's so cute! Shawn: What did you name him? Carly: Well, would it be ok if I named him after you? Shawn: That would be an honour. She hands Little Shawn to him, and everybody smiles. Sami: Ok, put your shirt back on. Frank: What? You don't like it? Sami: Were going somewhere. Downstairs, in the security room... Bo walks in. Guard: Detective, thank you for comming. Bo: No problem. Whats going on. Guard. I was watching the camara's this morning, when I saw something. Bo: What? The guard plays a tape of Frank walking in the building. Bo: What the? Guard: Thats what I thought. I zoomed in on his face, and it is EJ DiMera! I thought he was dead. Bo: So did I. Can I have a copy please? Guard: Sure. He hands him a DVD. Bo: Thanks. Call me if you see anything else. Sami and Frank are in Sami's car, with the twins in the back. Frank: So where are we going? Sami: The DiMera mansion. Frank: What? Sami: You need to pretend your EJ! The story is you came to my apartment, and demanded that I come to the mansion with the twins, and continue being your wife. Frank: Ok. Sami: We are going to fool him, and end up arresting him! Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Bo and Roman are in Roman's office with Frank. Bo: So you faked your death, because an ISA operation? Roman: Thats a load of crap! Shane Donovan walks into Roman's office! Shane: He's telling the truth. Adrianna, Tony, and Anna are at Chez Rouge. Tony: Did Stefano ask you for anything yet? Adrianna: An invitation to the New Years Eve party at Basic Black. Tony: And? Adrianna: I gave him one. Cathy and Belle are at Alice's. Cathy: Shut up Belle! Shawn was sick of your crap! He has been since day one! Belle: Shut up you slut! Cathy gets a jug of beer, and pours it all over Belle!
  20. It has been announced that John Clarke will be returing to the show as Mickey! Due to his health, he will be on for only a couple episodes. His first airdate will be on the Christmas episode.
  21. All The Days of Their Lives Tuesday December 18 2007 Carly is walking up the path of Bo and Hope's house, holding a bottle of wine. She knocks on the door. In the basement, Chelsea hears the knock. Chelsea: Help! Carly continues knocking. She sees something moving in the window. She goes to the window. Carly: Oh my God! Theres gas! She tries to open the door. Carly: Is anybody in there! She hears Chelsea's yelling. She runs to her car, and comes back with a bat. She breaks the door down. She runs inside. Carly: Chelsea! Are you in here? Chelsea: Help! Carly hears her through the basement. She tries to open it, but the door is jammed. She starts coughing from the gas. In the basement, Chelsea gets up. She looks behind her, and a fire is starting! She runs up the stairs! Chelsea: Help! Help! Adrianna knocks on the door of the DiMera mansion. Tony answers it. Adrianna: Tony. Your here? Tony: Yes, trust me, I don't want to be, but I must. Adrianna: Well, it's good to see you again. Tony: I feel the same. Come and sit down. Adrianna walks inside, and Tony takes her coat from her. She walks into the living room. Tony: So I heard Stefano gave you a gift. Adrianna: Yes, keys to a mansion in the New Orleans. Tony: and did he tell you what happened there? Adrianna: What happened? Tony: Nothing you need to know right now. Anyway, I have some advice for you. Adrianna: What? Tony: Don't make this a habbit. Kimberly is getting ready to leave, in her hosital room. She sits on the bed, waiting for her wheelchair. A girl comes in the room. Kimberly: Jeannie! Jeannie: Mom! They hug. Kimberly: I missed you so much! Jeannie: So did I! So since the last time I saw you, you met your daughter, went into surgery, almost died, and now your fine. Kimberly laughs. Kimberly: so wheres your father? Jeannie: I was going to ask you the same thing! I can't remember the last time I saw him. Kimberly gives her a look. Jeannie: Oh Philip? He's still in L.A. He couldn't leave work yet. Kimberly: Wait! What about you! Jeannie: School's done mom. I don't go back until January 14. Kimberly: That better be the truth! Bo knocks on Sami's apartment door. Bo: Hey Sami. What did you want? Sami: Destroy all evidence linking my mother to EJ's shooting, or I tell Hope. Bo: Tell Hope what? Sami: Hold on a second. She goes to go get her phone. She plays the recording. Bo: You- Sami: I don't think you can pass judgment on me Uncle Bo! Bo: I thought you were done with this crap! Sami: I was until you arrested my mother! Bo: She commited a crime! Sami: and I'm asking you to get rid of all the evidence pinning her to it! Bo: No Sami, your doing what you do best, blackmail! Carly breaks the door with her bat. She runs down. Chelsea: Theres a fire! Carly: We need to leave! The fire starts spreading fast! They start going up the stairs, when Hope and Jennifer walk in. Hope: Who's in here!?! Carly and Chelsea make it up the stairs. Carly: Theres a fire! We need to get out of here! Jennifer: Oh my God! Carly, Hope, Chelsea, and Jennifer get out of the house, as the ambulance arrives. Hope: What the hell happened? Carly: I don't know. I came, and found gas in the house, and I ran in, and heard Chelsea screaming. Hope: Thank God you guys are ok. Adrianna: Tony, what are you talking about? Tony: Stefano gave you this gift for one of two reasons: 1, he gave it to you because he wants you to do something with it, or 2, he wants something in return. Who knows? It's probaly even both. Adrianna: Thats absurd! Tony: Hey, look at me! I didn't do what he wanted, and he put me on an island for 20 years, with our crazy cousin taking over my life! Adrianna: Look, he's diffrent now. Tony: In the end, you will ultimitly do what you want. But heres a piece of advice: do not accept gifts, because he will want something back, and then it will be the end of you! Tony leaves, and Adrianna thinks. Stefano comes in the room. Stefano: Your brother left? Adrianna: Ya, what did he want? Stefano: He just brought something by, didn't even bother to say hello. Adrianna: So how are you? Stefano: I'm feeling great! So I heard Basic Black is having a New Years eve party. Adrianna: Yup, I'm planning it. Theres so much to do. Stefano: Can you get me an invitation? Adrianna thinks about what Tony said. Jeannie: So how are you feeling mom? Kimberly: Good. So whats new in school? Jeannie: Nothing really. Last week we took our grad pictures. Kimberly: So did you think about university like I told you to? Jeannie: A little. Kimberly: Jeannie, this is important! Jeannie: Mom, I already told you I wanted to take a year off. Kimberly: And do what? Sit around and watch soaps? Jeannie: No! I told you I'm going to work, get some money so I can actually pay for it! Roman, shawn, and Caroline walk in with a wheelchair. Jeannie: Hey guys! Caroline: Jeannie! It's so good to see you. Shawn: Hey cutie. Shawn and Caroline hug her. Roman: Hey honey it's your favourite uncle! Jeannie hugs Roman. Jeannie: I missed all of you so much! Adrianna: Sure, I can get you an invitation. I'll bring it later. Stefano: Thank you my lovely daughter! Adrianna: So what's going on with you latl- Rolf walks in. Rolf: Stefano! Theres a problem! Rolf sees Adrianna, and stops talking. Stefano: What is going on? Adrianna looks at Stefano. Stefano: Adrianna, you need to leave! Adrianna: Why? Whats going on? Stefano: Please, just leave. Adrianna gets her coat, and slowley walks out the door. Stefano: What's going on? Rolf: He's waking up! It's too early, and I'm not done yet! A man comes into the living room, but we can't see his face. Stefano: Oh God Rolf! It's perfect! Rolf: But it's not done! The man's face is shown, and he looks just like EJ! EJ-look-alike: Hello father. Rolf looks confused, and Stefano smiles. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Sami opens her door. Sami: Oh my God! She yells. Bo is at Marleana's jail cell. Bo: Your free to go. Marleana: What?
  22. Due to the board being down, and me being sick, the show hasn't aired since Monday December 17. Starting today, I will air those episodes that were missed, and the week that was supposed to be off, I will air episodes then too.
  23. All The Days of Their Lives Monday December 17 2007 Jennifer and Jack wake up in bed at Alice's house. Jack: How did you sleep? Jennifer: Still have a bit of jet lag, but I'll get over it. Jack: You'll have to get over it. Jennifer: I know. Downstairs, Bo, Hope and Ciara walk in. Hope: Their still sleeping? Alice: Yes, they must be exhausted. Hope: Sure. Abby comes downstairs with J.J. Abby: Good morning. Alice: Good morning sweetie. How did you sleep? Abby: Good. Chelsea walks into Kate's office at Basic Black. Chelsea: Hey grandma. I was wondering when I could co- Adrianna walks in. Adrianna: Here you go Ms. Roberts, I finished with the invitations, and they will be mailed out tomorrow. Chelsea: Who's this? Adrianna: I'm her assistant. Chelsea: Oh, I see grandma, I'm gone for two months, and you already hire someone to replace me? Kate: It isn't like that Chelsea! I needed someone to help me! Chelsea: So are you going to fire her, and let me come back to work? Adrianna: Excuse me? Kate: Chelsea, I can't fire her! I didn't know when you would come back, and I needed someone. Chelsea: So you couldn't look for a temporary replacment? And you couldn't ask me? Kate: Chelsea, I'm sorry, but- Chelsea: No! It's done. I would wish bad luck with the company, but it's John's. Don't forget that. Kate: What's that supposed to mean!? Chelsea: Well, when Marleana gets her stuff in order, she will probaly want you out first thing! Chelsea leaves the office, and slams the door. Marleana walks into the DiMera mansion. Stefano: Ah! Marleana it's so lovley to see you. Marleana: Oh shut up. I'm here to tell you something. I don't want you to find out from somebody else, because I want you to hear it from me. Stefano: Hear what? Marleana: How your 'Queen of the Night' was pushed into destroying your son! Stefano: What the hell are you talking about? Marleana: I'm going to be arrested today. Stefano: What? Marleana: I shot your son. Both times. Stefano looks at her shocked. Marleana: Well, I know that I didn't kill him, but I'm sure it didn't help that I shot him! Stefano: You shot my son! Marleana: Yes, both times would you like me to repeat it again? Stefano: Get out of here. Marleana: Trust me, I can't breath another breath of air in here any longer. She starts walking out. Stefano: Oh, you are going to regret this my dear! You will! Marleana turns around, Marleana: I COULD JUST KILL YOU! YOU OLD BASTARD! Alice, Jack, Jenn, Abby, J.J., Bo, Hope, and Ciara are eating breakfast. Bo: Oh God that was great! Jennifer: Thats what happens when you put three Horton women in the kitchen. Hope: So are you guys getting together with Mike? Jennifer: He's comming by later. Hope: Thats good. Bo: I have to go. Hope: Already? Why? Bo: Marleana. Hope: Oh. I hope you didn't have to do this. Bo: Me too. Bo leaves, and Jennifer looks at Hope. Hope: I can't tell you Jenn. Jennifer: Come on! Hope: Fine. Marleana's getting arrested for shooting EJ. Chelsea unlockes the door to Bo and Hope's house. She hears something in the basement. Chelsea: Hello! Who's there? Somebody dressed in black runs up the stairs, and goes out the back door! Chelsea: Hey! She runs after them, but they get away. Chelsea goes down to the basement, to see what they did. The person comes back, and locks the basement door! Chelsea comes back up. Chelsea: Hey! Let me out of here! Help! The person takes out a black remote, and pushes a button it! In the basement, gas starts to come out of the furnace! Chelsea: Help! A while later... Marleana unclocks the door to her apartment, and takes her gloves off. She drops her purse on the floor, and a black remote falls out. Marleana: He should be here any second. There is a knock on the door. Marleana goes to get it. She opens it, and Bo is standing there. Marleana: Good morning detective! Bo: Hey Marleana. I hate to do this. Marleana: Just get it over with. Bo starts reading her rights, and he handcuffs her. He brings her out of the apartment. Hope and Jennifer are talking on the couch at Alice's house. Hope: so how long to you guys plan on staying in Salem for? Jennifer: Actually, we want to move back. Hope: Really! Thank God! I missed you guys so much! Jennifer: So did I! To me London is a vacation place. I couldn't get used to living there. Hope: I'm so happy your moving back. They hug. Chelsea is on the stairs leading to the basement. She is banging on the door. She is getting weaker and weaker. Chelsea: H..e...l.....p. She looses balance, and falls down the steps! It freezes on her, unconcious. Next on All the Days of Our Lives: Adrianna and Tony are in the DiMera living room. Tony: Do not accept gifts, because he will want something back, and then it will be the end of you! Kimberly is in her hospital room, when a girl walks in. Kimberly: Jeannie! Jeannie: Hey mom! Bo knocks on Sami's door. Bo: Hey Sami. What did you want? Sami: Destroy all evidence linking my mother to EJ's shooting, or I tell Hope.
  24. All the Days of Our Lives Insider Week of December 17-21 Welcome to the All the Days of Our Lives Weekly Insider! Here is what will happen this week! -Adrianna and Tony have a talk -Chelsea hovers near death-again! -Rolf is working on something in the basement-EJ! But is his plan going to work? -Jeannie Donovan comes back to Salem this week! -Sami gets back to her favourite hobbie! -Adrianna and Kate decide that the New Years Eve party will also be for John. -Shane Donovan comes back to Salem this week! -By the end of the week, Hope finds another one of Gina's things! Storyline Insider Each week I will have a storyline insider. It will look at one of the current storylines, talk about it, and give some previews. This weeks storyline is- Bo&Hope&Gina. The story started out with Bo shoveling the snow, and finding a compact with a "G" on it-Gina's compact that Bo gave to her. He showed it to Hope, and she was shocked. She later went to Stefano, and he claimed he had nothing to do with it. When she left, Stefano took out his chess board, and looked at two queens, a red one, and a black one. The red one had Hope's face on it, and the black one had Gina's face on it... Or is it reversed? Hmm.... Where is this storyline going? It has slowed down for now, but will pick up after the holidays. New Years Eve, to be exact. It will finish during February Sweeps, with a very important question- Is Hope Gina, or Hope? Cast Updates New! New! New! There have been many new and old faces on All the Days of Our Lives. Many past characters have come back to Salem, and many new ones have come. This week sees 3 returns! Jeannie Donovan, EJ Wells (or is it EJ?) and Shane Donovan. Here is the status of all these characters: Jack&Jennifer: These two will be staying in Salem, with their son J.J. It was orignally a short term stint, but that has changed, and they are back for good. Abby: Abby came home for the holidays with her family. It has been confirmed that she will not be staying in Salem. She will return to London to go back to school. Her last airdate is January 8. Brady&Chole: Brady and Chole came back to Salem for John's memorial. They are currently still in Salem, but that won't be for long. They orignally came back with a long-term contract, but that has changed, and they will be leaving in January. Eric: It has been confirmed that Eric will be staying in Salem! He will be getting a storyline January. Carrie: After her 'reel' husband left the show, it was thought that Carrie would be next, but that is not so. Carrie will be staying in Salem. Mike: It has been confirmed that Mike will be staying in Salem! Jeremy: Jeremy has already been let go, without a final air date. His character wasn't needed, and he won't be back. Carlo: Carlo will be leaving Salem in the new year. Cathy: Cathy was orignally supposed to be in Salem for a short while, but she will be staying in Salem for longer! Adrianna: Adrianna is staying in Salem. Carly: Carly's contract is up in February, and there are no plans yet of renewing it. Isabella: Isabella came to Salem as the new physcarist. She is currently on recurring status, and is staying with the show. Expect to see more of her. Kimberly: Kimberly came to Salem to meet her daughter. It has been confirmed that she will be staying in Salem for a long time. Andrew: Andrew came back to Salem with his mother. He will be staying in Salem. Jeannie: At first, Jeannie wasn't going to come to Salem, but with her mother and brother being in Salem, the show decided she would be staying in L.A. over the holidays. She will be on the show until very early in the new year when she returns to L.A. She will come to Salem when she is needed. (There might be plans for Jeannie, but not on All the Days of Our Lives...) EJ: EJ, or who you think is EJ, will be staying in Salem! Shane: Shane will not be in Salem for long. He comes back in late December, and will leave in February. He may be back, but it doesnt look likely. Thats the Weekley Insider! Watch next week for another one!
  25. I have created an opening for All the Days of Our Lives. There were problems with some pics, so some characters will not be in it. But it will be updated. Hope you enjoy! Comment on it!
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