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Posts posted by august1229

  1. newbies galore. The farm is inhabited by and entire new family.

    don't see why Zac and Hannah can't get together. What is that to the twins? They are almost grown anyway. If Zac and Hannah split, they can always stay with Hannah and stay friends with Zac. Seems unfair for a young couple to be entirely held up in their lives on the basis of parenthood of 16 year old niece and nephew.

  2. Brooke and Bree were something I really enjoyed; I am glad they are back! Both have matured some, it seems like Bree's hospitalization might have helped her. Then again, this is Bree, something could be up!

    Bree actress is sort of channeling Brooke with some faces, mannerisms, so cool! Makes them more like sisters.

  3. On the surface Brooke was pulling a Sarah, but Brooke had a lot more justification in the fact Boyd chose that surgery over being there with her. As Grace said, the patient could have gone to Central. Boyd said Brooke came first, but didn't follow through.

    Sarah on the other hand has no excuse as usual, as TK has always been willing to be there for her. The fact she won't speak to him from Chicago is just cruel. Plus I'm not fond of Harper continually sniffing around.

    The Josh story is kind of neat, and I was thinking Evan may not have the least clue anything was wrong, but it seems like maybe he did.

  4. Typical that Sarah and her monstrous pride prefers to be in Chicago alone for two years separated even from her daughter. Poor TK getting that treatment once again. Only Sarah knows what is best for him; he has no say.

    Finally my girl Brooke is back!

  5. What is TK getting himself in for here? Already back to having to reassure Sarah that everything is exactly as she needs it to be. Doesn't he know she'll bolt if he doesn't feel the way she thinks he should feel about everything? Some disagreement about the kid is all it will take for her to bolt.

    Poor Emma. Now her interest in Dallas does not seem to be returned either. Ula obviously likes him, too. What a household.

  6. I wasn't sure Josh should be considered to be cheating on Bella; weren't they just friends. They suddenly seem to be in a relationship that hasn't started yet. How is Josh to know? But it was Wendy who was judgmental; Bella understood.

    Looks like the smart aleck teenager with the bad arm is here to get Roimata to stay. She had shown an interest in mentoring with Ula.

    The story about doctors working when tired is good. I always thought how could it be good for people when professionals work such long hours.

  7. The Roimata/Sarah/Vasa scenes were good. But as a nurse, it would be simple for Roimata to get a fresh start - work at St. Cat's, Central, another city in NZ, Australia, etc. I would get out of there too with both TK and Josh. The house she was in was adorable on the outside.

  8. Luv Lee and her manager - who would be that stupid? Looking forward to Brooke playing dirty on those two.

    I hope Roimata isn't leaving either. It would be hard to work with two ex lovers though. I remember from prior plots that she prefers ED.

  9. I liked to mention of the time when TK had his nephews under supervision.

    I wonder who gave Kylie the STD? Seems like it has to be Vinnie or Evan but how it could be Evan I don't know. May have been Vinnie - well, there's Nicole and then Boyd, too. Interesting.

    I'm getting a little warmed up to Granddad Cooper.

    There's a slight hint Josh caused Murray's pass-out - don't know if I've going too far here. Another Whodunit.

  10. There was a scene in ED where TK was working with three women he has slept with. Sarah, Roimata and Harper were all right there.

    So he wants Sarah to live in his house and thinks he can date others while she lives there? I see he is going to have to chase Emma a bit now. I can see her in the kitchen in the morning running into Sarah. It would feel like you were sleeping with a married man in his house, lol. With the kid.

    I'm getting the good feeling that Jasmine is headed out, at least for awhile. At 16, can't she drive? And why did she have a hard time taking a bus home? She doesn't drive, so she should know the buses. If she can't find her way out of South Ferndale, how is she to handle Auckland? Or Colombia? Psycho Granddaddy actually has a point.

  11. I should feel bad for Kate, but she's just so high maintenance. You'd think Paul did a crappy thing, where he did a good thing for once in his life. He may like to be controlling, but Kate never lets him control her anyway. I'm feeling kind of bad for Mason. She was so obviously being cold to him, what did she expect? He needs to get over her and get with Imogen.

  12. Sarah really does not deserve another chance - the divorce was her idea, because TK might someday possibly resent her a little for not having children. Only perfection for our Sarah. Same with Daniel - I give the writers credit for making it clear the same people raised them as brother and sister. And spoiled them quite a bit. I can imagine those parents coddling both of them and taking their side no matter how unreasonable their demands.

    Since they are all doctors, it is strange they are rooming together in an apartment. Sarah one would think after all these years could afford a place, especially if TK pays child support, which is quite likely. I'd love to see Brooke and Boyd in that expensive house of Bella's - she's not staying there if I remember right!

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