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Posts posted by Fevuh

  1. After watching 5 minutes Thurs or Fri - just end Hope for the Future - it’s been years of this line needing fresh air and new designers and “California Freedom” to whore it up a little - just end the line.  It’s non Drama now.  

    the who is Poppy- Daddy - we aren’t supposed to remember I guess.  All the fights and bickering of Li and Poppy about how dangerous it is because of her FATHER! 

    and now you don’t even know who he is?   Whatever loll

  2. I saw Liam and Hope talking yesterday and it scared me because Liam sounded correct.  You do kinda just leave the wedding Anddddd  excuse yourself, kinda not stick around.  And he was gonna tell Steffy, no really.  Dumb. 

    Today - Luna, talking about why Mom hasn’t talked about my Dad (Luna).   Poppy talking about it.  

    Huns/all inclusive —  she doesn’t know who your Dad is because momma a Ho.  Yawn. 


  3. 2 hours ago, Maxim said:

    Oh my God, why did I had to google this... Now I will have nightmares

    🙂  I never really cultivated it, but I'm Appalachian/clairvoyant "one with the sight", my grandmother used to say.  I don't really think it's all that, I just think my sense of intuition is stronger than others and if you pay attention to things that 99.9% of people don't notice, someone will think you're clairvoyant.  But that part of the Mothman mystery is what interested me the most because numerous people reported this 'grinning man' and it's a part of the legend that kind of disappeared.  

  4. On 3/21/2024 at 4:42 PM, Maxim said:

    When I was little I saw this scene and it literally scared me for decades.

    He looks a lot like Indrid Cold / grinning man connected to the Mothman.  Creepy, and there are theories that Indrid Cold / the grinning man was an alien.  No joke.  

  5. On 5/11/2024 at 5:42 AM, Maxim said:

    This show is officially IN telenovelas are hell territory.

    I haven't laughed so much in my life. I will give that to Bradley - thank you for turning this into the biggest unintentional comedy on TV.

    Now I have to tune in again to see this....all that would be missing is to pan WAYYY in on Li's face. "NO!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!   DIOS MIO!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (SCREAMMMMMMMMMM)".   Built shirtless doctor enters, "TE AMO, LI.  No MIRES A SHEILAAAAAAAAAA! NO MIRES!  NO MIRESSSSSSS!"   Cries, clutches Li to his chest and we have no idea who he is either.  

  6. I feel embarrassed that I saw it.  I can’t begin to imagine how they would ever tell anyone I was acting on this show.  I would be scared to death they’d see it.  

    Finn’s all forgiven her, she’s all better and that’s that - what’s for dinner? How much s your stomach feeling Mom?  So glad we are one family now. He hasn’t even told his wife? Lolll. She still doesn’t need fluids or XRays just in case?   No?  Let’s take Mommy 9 toes for some good sushi?  

    It’s like the he references to Days ridiculous stories on Friends when Joey was Drake Remoray.  Only they’re trying to be serious. 

  7. Have not watched steadily for years, check in even less than I do on B&B - but The show on Friday was throwback spectacular. And I saw a bit the other day of Ashley looking as if multiple personalities? I was interested - bring it. I’m watching again more often. Haven’t seen the sentiments on the board in a long time.  But this was interesting stuff.  And even actually believed Eric B/Victor’s line to Jack “stay away from my wife”.  This depiction of addiction is a respectable swing at it, I’m a recovering alcoholic, which is forever.  They’ve done a good job of this over the years. Much better than B&Bs sometimes alcoholics. 

  8. This is the dumbest attempt at redemption ever.  Everything bad was “Sugar” everything good was Sheila. I love Steffy so much, I love everybody so much.  Get rid d of this show and bring on The Gates.  I actually wanted to see this nonsense and it was as bad as I’ve heard.  

    Like I’ve said for years, you are forever stuck with Sheila.  Yawnnnnnn

  9. On 4/19/2024 at 4:46 PM, ranger1rg said:

    Just a post to say that Sean Kanan is an a-hole.

    He posted on X/Twitter last night about a black-on-white crime in NY -- complete with video and some very special coded language. Wally Kurth responded, asking why Kanan made it so political.

    Of course, SK denied it, and Wally accepted his denial in a civil, kind, and responsible way. WK made his point.

    I thanked Wally for standing up, and when someone gave a LIKE to my post, Kurth gave that a LIKE. An hour later, Wally followed me, so I know I was on the right track about Kanan's post and what Kurth meant in his.

    Of course, SK got a lot of support -- mostly from the MAGA crowd.

    Others may be different, but when politics and art collide, I cannot forget the politics. It's why I have no use for Kimberlin Brown and it's now why I have no use for Sean Kanan.

    Screw them both.

    Mmmmm Kkkkkkk.  And this is why I’ll be here more often. Already dislike her for politics so I’m here to follow this. Screw ‘em both.  And good Lawd what happened to this board last night???  Such vulgar posts, But I’m also here for that, so. 

  10. I'm old school and - it's hard to even look at an emmy list for nominations these days.  I think they should be scrapped, or only consist of 2 or 3 nominees per category, and only 2 for show awards....like Writing, Direction, Best Show - 2 nominees only.  Probably only 2 or 3 in each acting category.  How are you going to name 4 or 5 nominees - the same as in the day when 16 shows were on the air.  I know we have to 'get over it' because it'll never be that way again, but the whole concept of Emmy has been so degraded with these actors and actresses becoming "most winning" or "greatest of all time" when there's almost zero competition.  Not even the winner of anything deserves it these days.  That's all I'm saying. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Althea Davis said:

    I think you are right.

    Ring girl, nope.  I hate her/that thing. People are surprised when I say that movie still scares me - nope.  Like right up there scary with Hereditary, Exorcist.  Nope.    But Liam (Soapsuds) - I used to disagree with you on him somewhat.  I do not now.   It's just ultimate smarm to be hanging around the same damned 2 girls your whole life.  And the character really is so boring - it's a battle between he and Finn as far as interesting (as good as he is to look at - the character - is 'so what' for me) - but I can't stand Steffy NOR Hope.  Over the years I'm like - why are there 2 factions of people for these 2 characters?  I don't like EITHER of them lol.  I used to favor Hope and still kind of do (if I had to choose)....but I do not.  I don't like either of the fickle shrews.

  12. I didn't even know who to @ in here because I've not watched much in weeks.  But, the 10 toes and Sheila and Deacon (this has got to be a joke) - and them allowing him to WATCH a cremation, LOLLLLLL hahahaha.  and IT HAD 10 TOES!  Comedic stuff.  I have seen a clip of that and I think there was a funeral.  

    Anyway, I can't read through everything here in the thread, but - Zende can be dead to me for what I've seen.  This is the character who married Nicole (?  right?) - so the caring dude that watched his wife carry a baby for the brother/sister - whatever.  And I heard him say one day - 'you mean our night together...or the night we spent together"  or similar.  EW.  JUST EW.  He's a rapist.  It makes no sense, but he could go for me.  Out.

    But - RJ and Luna and the created angst what I saw yesterday part of - and today.  Why are we talking about an accidental drug taking accident - and why would RJ not understand that? It's like, manufactured non-reality.  Most men are going to understand if she took drugs by accident.  And, I agree he should confront Zende.  The problem is (one of the comments I saw) - there's no chemistry so who cares?  Among any of this 3.  And a more believable thing would be to give Luna some teeth in the character - DO HAVE her blame Zende too, just for kicks.  Helps save face if you really love RJ, and could reveal a character flaw like her mother (maybe Li was right?)?  But what I saw, it's like manufactured somehow, in a not natural way.  I don't know.  Not enough to care about there.

    But God, the 10 toes and IS she ALIVE.  (Of course she would be, it's Sheila for God sake - that's why it's not interesting).  They will never rid themselves of this character.  

  13. What I do not ever understand about Steffy is her obsession with her nutso brother.  Hope should stand up to her and lay it out.  Here’s the deal Steffy- your brother said he could take it like a man and he wanted a piece. I asked him if he can handle it.  That is all BYE.  If he can’t handle it, that makes him crazy like your husband’s mother, who you killed.  Lemme know what I’m missing BYE.  I saw the end of the conversation and the hint at a slap.  Honestly Steffy is a meddling  bore who can’t keep her own life together yet has to be up in everyone else’s.  You’d think her own pending murder trial would keep her occupied but it appears as if she wants a piece of Thomas’ *ock too. Lollll

  14. 22 hours ago, 1974mdp said:

    think TN is a suitable soap actor as Finn, even a bit better than Ronn Moss was back in the day.  I know he and Steffy have a lot of fans, but he's just a little too "basic white boy" to me. He's handsome in like a Wonderbread kind of way, like we're SUPPOSED to think he's handsome because he checks certain boxes (abs, etc) but a real personality for the character isn't there at all. He's just a bland handsome doctor. You could pluck just about any soap actor around the same age from any of the shows right now, and that person could immediately play Finn IMO. The character could be interchangeable with any actor

    Exactly what I said at the beginning of this character. He’s a character you just don’t dislike him but - kinda bland personality.  Like Andrew Shue on Melrose - please Allisthunnnn. Just meh.  Great to look at and my dog Truvy loves him - she goes apeshit when she hears his voice.  She connects him with Bibberty and the Liberty Music….and gets confused because she connects it with the Liberty dog walker one with the barking dogs and rabbit. She hears his voice and barks thinking it might be the dogs or the Liberty music.


    and I’ve griped for years about KKLs baby talk whispery thing. I don’t remember people agreeing with me. 

  15. On 3/1/2024 at 6:04 PM, ranger1rg said:

    Hope, talking about Steffy: "I'm just in shock that she took her husband's birth mother's life."

    Who talks like this?????

    Victor: have you been in touch with my fohmuh wife Nikkehhhh - the mother to my children Nicholas and Victoriaaaa?    Brad’s Dad had God awful scripts sometimes.  Cringe 

  16. On 2/25/2024 at 11:45 AM, dragonflies said:

    IMO BOLD is skating on thin ice. There's no way CBS is happy with 30 plus weeks straight of lows in the demo

    But that’s really been the case since the beginning with B&B.  In time zones where it directly follows Y&R - B&B has always bled out viewers.  If it had been prime time B&B would have been moved or cancelled after the first couple of years but I think - it was a Bell show so they let it slide.  By now they don’t care.  They have no other options other than The Talk - the Pregame!  

  17. On 2/24/2024 at 5:02 PM, Soapsuds said:

    I'm so tired of seeing Finn making these dufus faces and not shutting Sheila down. It's not believable. This show is catering to the stupids.

    Friday I turned it on and saw Sheila explain how Steffy just wants her dead and isn’t that terrible, Finn!?   And he did stupid face. Click off.  I cannot but I don’t know why - when I suggested a year ago that Finn will end up with Hope for a period or it’s just another character to be destroyed by Sheila —- people got angry.  Oh well.  It’s Sheila - it’s never anything different.  

    Even if someone kills her she’s not dead so it doesn’t matter. 

  18. 1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    I'm not crazy about hearing Zende be accused of rape.

    The story is terrible, the writing is awful, and the whole thing sucks, but that was not a rape.

    Well it’s kind of the same story as Caroline banging the hell out of Thomas because she thought it was - Who? Rick? Now it’s Luna takin her man RJ for a hot ride.  Except it was Zende.  Yawn. 

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