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Posts posted by GoldenDogs

  1. Mostly for Greg, but for everyone to comment on please...

    D.C. Council member Marion Barry (Democrat-Ward 8), the only council member to vote against the bill today to legalize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere, predicted today there could be a “civil war” in the District if the Council decides to take up a broader gay marriage bill later this year.

    “All hell is going to break lose,” Barry said while speaking to reporters. “We may have a civil war. The black community is just adamant against this.”…

    Although he has been a longtime supporter of gay rights, Barry said he voted against the bill to satisfy his constituents in Southeast Washington.

    “What you’ve got to understand is 98 percent of my constituents are black and we don’t have but a handful of openly gay residents,” Barry said. “Secondly, at least 70 percent of those who express themselves to me about this are opposed to anything dealing with this issue. The ministers think it is a sin, and I have to be sensitive to that.”

  2. And I just have a hard time justifying in my mind taking money and sending it to a 3rd world country to help their poor when we have our own citizens right here living on the streets, living in poverty, and we are doing nothing to help them.

    Okay, Steve... let's you, me, and UCLAN start our own third political party to address the issues we care about that NOBODY is addressing today. I nominate UCLAN as President, you as VP... I'll be some mid-level staffer or something. I'll be the guy who reads letters from the public. Or something. :D

  3. Can we get our house in order first? I have always had concerns with our country's need to be the great benefactor to the world. I believe in extending a hand, but there is so much here in this country that needs to be attended to. Jobs, homelessness, healthcare, education. If we're not careful, we could become a "[!@#$%^&*]-hole".

    Could BECOME? Some would argue we're already there. Anyway, you're preaching to the choir, brother. I'm far more radical than you, though. I have had enough of ALL American Presidents shoveling cash around the world to fix problems that are beyond our ability to fix. And I totally agree... fix it all here first.

  4. Tennessee is one of the states that finally gave in a few years ago and voted for illegal residents to be able to get a driver's license. It ended up costing them millions of dollars as every illegal resident from even all our neighboring states made a run on Tennessee to get a valid license. They had to hire extra workers to deal with it. Finally after about a year and thousands of problems they required that you had to have a valid Tennessee address to get one.

    All this was in the hope that if they had a license at least when they were uninsured and hit someone they could presecute them to get the money.

    Several studies have shown recently that they do have licenses now, but they are still driving with no insurance and as of yet insurance companies have been unsuccessful in an overwhelming majority of cases to get reimbursement on any money. Often times they either take off to addresses unknown or file bankruptcy.

    I have no problem at all with anyone coming here from a foreign country but I do feel that the issue is a bigger issue in this country than the majority of politicians want to admit.

    Our county hospital last year had to write off millions of dollars in uncollected medical bills that were all associated with illegal residents. Add to that the amount that was for uninsured residents and they almost had to file bankruptcy. They appealed to the government for help and couldn't get enough to aid them, so they changed the status of the hospital from a country hospital dependant on government aid to a regional type hospital. Now they do not have to treat uninsured patients. All they have to do is stabilize you and ship you off to the nearest hospital which is almost 50 miles away. It has left a huge amount of people in this area without a place to turn to. There is one county hospital that accepts uninsured patients about 20 minutes away but going there is seriously taking your life in your own hands.

    We have had to deal with school overcrowding - forcing for awhile the schools to purchase these small trailers to use as extra classrooms. They were hot in the spring and cold in the winter as they had no heat or air. They didn't have working plumbing so the kids had to go back and forth to the main buildings for the bathroom.

    They have had to hire extra teachers and so many other things to accomodate the illegals who have moved in here. The sad thing is that the school budget has gone up but the ones who have forced more schools to be built and more teachers are the ones who own homes and property and are not putting any money back into the county where the school board gets the money for it's budget.

    I just feel if a person can't come here legally and become a citizen in a proper amount of time, he needs to be sent back. And quit making allowances for them and forcing changes upon the citizens of this country to accomodate them and make it easier for them. They should worry about adapting to us instead of us adapting to them. We can meet them somewhere in the middle but lately it seems like we are doing all the moving toward them while they stand there laughing at us.

    I have seen many many studies in the last few years that have predicted that if something is not done to control the population of immigrants coming across the border of Mexico it won't be too many more years that the Mexican or Latino race will be the dominant race in the United States with whites being next and African American's pushed on down the line.

    I don't know whether those predictions are true or if they will ever become true. But it isn't hard to believe when I walk around in our Wal Mart and some other stores sometimes.

    I want America to keep it's open door policy. I want us to be a haven of rescue and for people to try to get the American dream. I just don't want Washington to give America away in the process.

    Wow... I couldn't have said it all better myself. I was interested in some of your points... because portable buildings, overcrowding, etc. has been happening in our schools here for over 20 years as a result of this issue. At first, only people in border states experienced this problem. I think it is safe to say now that others are finally getting a piece of the action. It isn't pleasant. Whether educators in California want to admit it or not (I briefly discussed money issues for schools with UCLAN in this thread), but a good deal of budgetary education issues in California have to do with illegal aliens. This is why I bristle at the thought of throwing more money to the schools... I believe some in education rely heavily on taxpayer dollars for the classroom, asking for more in some backwards attempt to solve the problem of educating illegal immigrant children. Bond issues are staple of elections here, with more money requested by school districts... and they often get it, resulting in much higher taxes in specific neighborhoods (of course, whether you have an elementary school-age child attending a district school or not). This is part of the issue of higher taxes that some Dems don't get... We get slammed from all sides. But I'm now moving off-topic...

    This issue is one reason why I was upset with George W. Bush, and why my support of John McCain was tepid at best. No candidate addressed this issue in an honest way... and so far, Democrats lean heavily to blanket amnesty, which would force us to openly absorb the problems we already have -- and common sense states that if you so much as mention the possibility of amnesty, more will rush in to make it under the gun. It happened during the Reagan era and it will happen again.

    I'm for productive immigrants melding into the American fabric... proper legal channels, all that. Those who crowd the line or don't even bother to get IN line -- no sympathy at all. I'm sorry their home country is a shithole... it should be fixed. President Obama should be helping third-world country leaders getting their houses in order rather than slapping them high fives and jokie-joking around with them.

  5. Thanks to Steve for clarifying the "pay to work" tax break mess!! Like you guys, Steve, we are kind of prepared for it. My wife had reworked her withholdings last fall after we got married so we shouldn't be bit too badly by it... Tax codes, etc., are something the government can't just blindly make changes to! Hell, if the government can't figure it out, we definitely can't! :D

    But when they start laying off workers here to then hire more in India, should those tax breaks continue?

    Hell no! They should be zinged hard! I'm tired of America being sold up the river... same reason I buy American grown vegetables instead of Mexican or Chilean grown ones!

    But you're a little contradictory in saying it doesn't "bother" you yet you won't support it. Strange, but no big deal for me. I am a little hurt by your stance, but so be it.

    I'm sorry you're hurt by my stance... but you should't be because my stance is actually a non-stance. I sound contradictory because I'm not firm either way in my opinion. I'm torn about it.

    The immigration issue needs some attention.

    I'm really passionate about this particular issue. I suppose Roman will call me a bigot because of that. But I see the damage being done financially to our country... but it is more than we realize. Education suffers... neighborhoods suffer... the mortgage crisis has been made so much worse by this issue, too. And I wish you all could see the problems from my eyes living here in California. My wife and I have endured TWO car accidents in the past MONTH and in both cases, we were dealing with unlicensed, uninsured and most likely illegal residents. No wonder insurance rates are through the freakin' roof.

    No hard feelings though buddy. :P

    Good cuz I think the world of you... and value your friendship! :) <<hugs>>

  6. Frankly, you're implication that all I care about is gay marriage is a little insulting, my friend. You, of all people, should know I'm more well-rounded politically than that. I'm curious though - how do you feel about same sex marriage? You said that Republicans better align with your "values", so ????

    On to another issue, President Obama is keeping another campaign promise in regards to companies shipping jobs overseas. Good for him, I say! :D:D

    Obama tax dodge plan

    Why, you needn't be insulted, my good friend... It is, after all, debate -- and we have both taken good jabs at each other. I expect that to continue... I would be insulted if it didn't. :D

    I read about the Obama tax dodge plan and my immediate reaction was bad, then my reaction was positive. Now, I'm not sure. I mean, how far does our government's sphere of influence go? I see good and bad here and I want so badly to ding companies that have moved jobs overseas. I don't like calling customer service and end up talking to someone in South Korea! Lovely people, those South Koreans... they try mightily to help, but are a little hard to understand sometimes. Keep American jobs in America, damn it!!! But can our government demand taxes from a business that is brick and mortar in an entirely different country?

    I'm concerned about Obama's "pay to work" tax incentive. Sure, I've an extra $50 a month... my wife, too. However, I'm hearing that the IRS will take back my wife's portion next year. Fortunately, our withholdings already are such that it won't hurt us... but I see where some people are going to have a surprising tax bill next spring. Is this really a wise thing to do to people? Yes, they don't want couples "double-dipping". But, wait... why is receiving a tax rebate or refund "double-dipping"... yet it isn't "double-dipping" when a couple both working has taxes taken out of both their checks? Hmmm... Could someone explain it to me?

    With regard to your question on gay marriage, my gut instinct is to not support it. But my gut instinct is also to not really care what other people do; not my business. In the end, I'm certain gay marriage will make the cut. Whatever you personally want to do, Greg, is your business... I'm basically non-responsive to the issue. It's not something I'm going to get worked up over either way. Not sure if this the answer your expected or hoped for from me... As for other "Republican" values issues... I feel as if the party has abandoned their core beliefs on many of these sorts of issues and they no longer represent my personal beliefs and values. One issue they have abandoned and left unresolved is that of illegal immigration. I live in California... 'nuff said.

  7. Brian, you make some good arguments so let me get to work buddy -

    1. The argument of "redistribution of wealth" rings hollow as has been pointed out many times in this thread. Either the Dems do it to benefit the less fortunate or the Repubs do it to benefit the more fortunate. That's the foundation of our tax laws, my friend. That hasn't changed with the election of President Obama. Furthermore, I can hardly compare tax laws to marginalizing a segment of the US population based solely on whom they [!@#$%^&*]. How can you?

    All issues are relevant and should be discussed. Why hasn't President Obama addressed the issue you clearly wish to see at the forefront of political debate?

    2. Nice jab with Sen. Byrd. I posted something about DixieCrats during the general election. They are no longer part and parcel of the Democratic Party. However, Sen. Helms and Sen. Thurman were mainstays in the Republican party no more than 15 years ago. Can you defend them, my friend?

    I wouldn't dream of defending them. Why would I? But, Greg, do you really believe there is no bigotry left in the Democratic Party? I'd stake money that there are just as many bigots in the Democratic Party as there are in the Republican Party... Maybe more bigoted Democrats when you consider the hate they throw at middle America...

    3. Ya got me with Mayor Newsom. Guess I never thought of him using a positive thing as a wedge issue...Hmmm.

    So maybe the Democrats do not have their hands clean after all, but it's still my assertion that they may have some smudges on their fingers, the Republican's hands are completely covered in crapola.

    LOL... Not EVEN. I'll say all hands are equally covered in [!@#$%^&*]. The problem is, the focus always falls on the party in power. And, right now, they have complete control. And there is absolutely no reason in the world why Democratic pet issues shouldn't be dealt with in a manner satisfactory to the Liberal wing of the party. Greg, there is no reason at all why a federal amendment recognizing gay marriage and making possible all rights recognized for straight couples be granted to gay couples. Right?

    I think this very point... this very debate... hinges on whether or not President Obama and the Democrats with full power over both houses, can make that happen... If they fail to deliver, Greg, will you stand by President Obama and the Democratic party?

    And Brian .... you rock too buddy. Mucha ruca. ;);)


  8. What is it that I'm supposedly denying? That you've been around the block a few times? Or that Roman is a "lightweight" debater? Or that you weren't born yesterday? Or that Roman could have made his point without including "the color of his skin"? :P

    Nice dodge, my friend. And you know it isn't worth my time to reconstruct the dialogue and point out the obvious.

    Brian.....I can't rationalize Roman's "need" to bring this up when discussing the topic with you. Anymore that I could rationalize why you post some of the things you do. The only person's postings that I would even BEGIN to rationalize would be mi macho's. And he doesn't post here....so......unless one of you want to be my man, I can't go there!

    Well, Greg... I HAVE heard nice things about you, and... ummm... :lol:

    When is the last time a Democrat wanted to write discrimination into the constitution?

    When they change the tax laws... Or when they pass a new tobacco tax... Or when they redistribute my wealth and give it to someone else... Or... Shall I go on? When Senator Byrd was Grand Dragon, perhaps?

    Or used gay marriage as a wedge issue simply to get votes?

    What about when Mayor Newsom in San Francisco declared marriages would be performed in San Francisco, despite a law suggesting otherwise? You think he did it in liberal 'ol California for the fun of it?

    Or went on public television claiming that the country was "less safe" because of someone of the Republican party's actions (that's happened so many times by Repubs it's alarming)?

    Dude, Dems claimed G.W. was endangering America from the very start of the freakin' War on Terror!!!

    Can you examine your own party without prejudice and deny that?

    I deny your furtive assertion that Democrats have their hands clean when it comes to all of these things. In an election year, Democrats are as good as anyone else in stirring up the politics of hate and fear! It would seem YOU need to research history, my friend...

    ...but you still rock. :D

  9. and yes in Golden Dogs I weigh in the fact that he is die hard Rep, but I also see the same thing with you and Roman and a few others who are die hard Dem. I think in the same way that GD sees things only through Rep eyes at times you and a few others only see them through Dem eyes.

    Hey Steve, actually I don't so much consider myself a Republican as I do conservative in my thinking. I am not thrilled with the Republican party these days, however I find the tact taken by Democrats often to be more repulsive. I guess if I needed a label to apply to myself (as opposed to the one Roman and others feel they have a right to tag me with based on their rather narrow interpretation of who they think I am), I would be more independent... but I lean right and only vote Republican because their ideology is most closely aligned (or at least it used to be) with my values and principles.

    I would almost pay money to sit down and have dinner with Roman and just chat one on one... man to man... no bullshit. I wonder how that would go.

  10. My apologies, everyone....this might be a long post but I'm catching up after a few days in the hospital with my man. And there are some things that I just have to respond to! :D

    What an outrage! What a ridiculously long post!! Ugghhhh!!!! :P

    Brian, Brian, Brian....<sigh>. You know I think you're a great guy. And enjoy your posts here. But OMG you have such a gift of twisting words and meanings around to a post like no other!

    I don't think that's what I did. But I believe you and I are very similar in posting style, my good friend. ;) However, a good example of twisting words and meanings? Well...

    Brian and Steve - I looked at Roman's post. He called NEITHER ONE OF YOU A RACIST. HELLO?!?!?! Was there a post that is now deleted where that accusation was made? Cuz it wasn't in the one I saw.

    Quoting: "If you can't stand Obama for whatever reason (including the color of his skin)..."

    I'm soooooo tired of this blanket defense for anything Roman says. Roman's point could have been made without the "color of his skin" line. He was talking to ME, not a member of the Klan. So, I'm assuming that Roman felt the line was important to include because, somewhere in his mind, he suspect I have an issue with black folks. Greg, you know as well as I do that 2+2=4 and that none of us here post so much as a word unless we MEAN it. I think it's safe to say that this forum is filled with very intelligent individuals and we say what we mean and leave little to question. Roman's implication was obvious... Dude, I wasn't born yesterday. Nor was Steve. We both have been around the block a few times. Roman is a lightweight when it comes to debating but he definitely chooses his wording carefully and purposely. You deny that, Greg?

    The fact of the matter is that there are people living today (yes, it's true) that dislike Obama for....wait for it....THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN.

    No doubt, but this fact was not part of our ongoing debate here. Again, no reason to discuss the issue of race when it had no bearing on MY feelings or STEVE'S feelings regarding his policy and performance in office. Greg, please rationalize Roman's need to bring this up while referencing and discussing MY reasons for disliking Obama. To remind you.. and please look back on the thread... Roman and I were discussing *MY* disapproval of Obama's performance, NOT anyone else.

    So let's give it a rest, people. No one has called you racists.

    You're absolutely right! It was implied. <_<

    Republicans have gotten so good at the politics of fear and hatred, I think it may take them longer to break out of their rut.

    That you can honestly say this without acknowledging how good Democrats are at this is absolutely hilarious. That has been the mantra of Democrats for as long as I can remember. In fact, it is always the mantra of the party not holding the White House.

  11. Brian, I appreciate your thoughtful response to my post. However, I guess that we'll just have to agree to disagree on this matter.

    There is actually a huge amount of difference between a moderate Republican and most Democrats. For starters, while moderate Republicans are pro-chioce, most of them still support bans on partial-birth abortion as well as a requirement that minors notify parents before having an abortion. On the other hand, so many Democrats believe that everybody should have as easy access to abortion as possible. More importantly, in my opinion, are the differences between moderate Republicans and Democrats on issues of economics and national security. Just about every single Democrat (even the "moderate" ones) supported Obama's huge pork-barrel stimulus package and would rather make sure that terrorists aren't "tortured" even if that means protecting the U.S. from another terrorist attack. Moderate Republicans are opposed to such liberal tax-and-spend policies and are far more concerned with protecting the U.S. from another terrorist attack than with treating suspected terrorists with comfort.

    McCain did not lose because he was a moderate. Rather, he lost simply because the voting public blamed the entire Republican Party for the economic collapse that happened in September. It would simply have been impossible for any Republican to have won the 2008 election. However, McCain still garnered 173 electoral votes and lost the popular vote by just 7 percentage points, which was a very respectable showing under the circumstances. By contrast, had the Republicans nominated somebody from the right wing of the party, that candidated would have been butchered by Obama.

    And finally, I'd like to talk about your home state of California. (I'm discussing this state because the political dynamics there are so similar to the dynamics in the Northeast and in several Midwestern states.) The only type of Republican who can win a statewide election there is a solid moderate such as Arnold. If the party instead chose to nominate a right-winger, that candidate would have lost the general election badly to a very liberal Democrat (along the lines of Barbara Boxer). Now, while I know that so many conservatives dislike Arnold, don't you still think he is far better than an ultra-liberal (run-of-the-mill) California Democrat?

    Well, we've disagreed on a great many things in the past, haven't we? Nothing new there. With regard to the collapsing economy, McCain had lost steam long before things really disintegrated, in my opinion. I personally believe the economy wasn't the biggest stake in the heart of McCain... I believe one of the biggest was actually his stance on immigration and overall his inability to articulate his position on most any other issue put forth. The Republican party is a conservative party and McCain just simply wasn't conservative enough. With few truly conservative options available, those that voted did so while holding their noses... the rest stayed home. It wouldn't be the first time party faithful from either side of the isle protested mis- or underrepresentation by their candidate and/or party and simply did not participate.

    Anyway... we can agree to disagree, just as we have in the past when we didn't see eye to eye. Admittedly, you haven't always been my favorite person.

  12. Unfortunately, the far right will remain in control of the party for quite a few years to come, which of course means that Republicans can expect to do poorly in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Yet, after enough electoral beatings, I predict that the far right will eventually lose credibility among those in the establishement, and the GOP will finally begin to embrace moderates as the key to its future. Obviously, such a drastic change will take many years to complete, since the far right has controlled the levers of power in the party for so long; specifically, I expect that it won't be until around 2016 or 2020 when the moderate wing of the party prevails. However, once that happens, I believe that the GOP will enjoy a long run of successes, since the views held by moderate Republicans truly do reflect the beliefs of a large portion of the American electorate: conservatism on issues of economics and national security, and tolerance when it comes to the hot-button social/cultural issues.

    Well, Max, I totally disagree with most everything you have said.

    What's the difference between a moderate Democrat and a moderate Republican? Not a damn thing. A moderate is the everyperson who appeals to everyone, yet appeals to nobody. Without ideology, the political parties are void of principal and reasons for even existing. I believe John McCain lost the election because he was so ridiculously bland that nobody knew what he stood for. In contrast, Barack Obama is so boldly to the left that, despite my differences in his political philosophy, it is almost refreshing (in a twisted way) to see him so principled in his actions (even if I dislike those actions). At least the man pushes forth an agenda.

    Obama is a liberal. McCain is a moderate. People voted for principles and ideas of government... moderates offer nothing along the lines, in my opinion. Had the Republicans actually served up a truly conservative candidate, THEN it would have been a race.

    I believe that is what is causing the Republican party to falter... they have abandoned their principles and it is unclear what they stand for. I believe partisanship is very good for the country and I believe candidates should be clear where they stand on the issues... state boldly what their ideology is. How will we know what we're voting for if they don't?

    Just my honest opinion.

  13. Apparently you care, Brian, because you post these things and then don't want to take any responsibility for them or you demand that others who disagree with you are wrong.

    I take FULL responsibility for everything I have posted in this forum and stand by it 100%. ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY. And I also believe, 100% that you ARE wrong, particularly in how you conduct yourself and relate to others with whom you disagree. YES. I have reached out to you TWICE and have been blatantly ignored TWICE. All the while, you continue to insult and disrespect. Roman, sir, it is YOU with the "problem", not I.

    That is whatever. Brian, I would have tried to talk to you, but you haven't tried to come out with anything truthful to prove Obama is destroying the country (which is how you felt 6 weeks after he was sworn in) so now you want to sit back and cry that you are ALWAYS the one to reach out and listen? Man you are so full of it.

    Newsflash, oh Wise One -- I disagreed with Obama's policies before he was even elected. Dude, wake up... I felt Obama would destroy the country six months BEFORE he was elected. And you're SURPRISED?? Where the hell have you been? My opinions, which you so casually dismiss and right-wing racist fringe, have been consistent and I often provide links to CREDIBLE NEWS SOURCES to underscore my points. Like you, I sometimes post links to commentary I feel is relevant and thought-provoking... however, UNLIKE you, I don't feed the forum a constant stream of commentary from a third-party fringe blog with absolutely no connection to anything resembling a credible news organization.

    And most importantly, Sage-Roman... I enter into debate with respect for others in the forum I am conversing with. This has included you, DESPITE the routine attacks on my character and the belittling and ridiculing of my beliefs and anyone else here who is like-minded. I can't believe Steve or Kwing hasn't verbally bruised your ass yet, because either one could easily debate circles around you if so inspired.

    Thanks for listening and make it a great day! :D

  14. I just to high five that post. I am tired of that one too. I won't even speak to a former friend of mine anymore because he throws that up with everyone who doesn't like Obama. And it is thrown up often on boards and in real life.

    My dislike for the politicians I don't like has nothing to do with the color of their skin. I can't figure out why it has to even be brought up. I don't remember anyone going around and saying you don't like Bush just because he is white. I know the first time I ever said that I didn't trust him that was the first thing hurled at me was I was a racist. I was totally stunned and didn't know where it came from. I don't trust Newt Gingrich. I don't trust Teddy Kennedy. I don't trust Bill Clinton. I don't trust at least 99% of the politicians who are currently in office. And I don't trust Obama. The only thing they all have in common is they are politicians. They come from all different walks of life. They come with all different skin colors, different religions and so on. I don't trust them because of their ability to lie and that is it.

    All I know is I just like you am getting tired of being called a racist just because I don't trust Obama.

    Thanks Steve... At least I don't feel as if I'm the only one with this mindset. It's ALL about values, beliefs, and political philosophy. It is absolutely ridiculous to attempt debate in a political forum and repeatedly have someone throw out that we're racists because we don't agree with Obama's leftist policies. I would have been absolutely thrilled to see President Condoleeza Rice -- NOT because she is woman, NOT because she is black -- but because I feel she is qualified to handle things in the oval office... and more importantly, it looks as if her political philosophies are more closely aligned with mine.

    I still say those who play the race card most often are those with the most vile bigotry in their hearts. It doesn't have to be directed at skin color to be labeled bigotry. Roman occasionally hurls out the racist card when he has nothing else to say to underscore his point. He rarely debates passionately with logical reason... he reacts emotionally and tosses out accusations, and usually in the most hateful manner he can muster. If I had a dollar for every "Crooks and Liars" link offered up, I'd be able to pay the increased tax burden Obama's policies are creating. I don't mind reading op-ed's every now and then... but the least Roman can do is serve up the red meat of hard news occasionally! Like this one...

    Study: Obama's Early Popularity Only Average Among Predecessors


    Now, watch... Roman will spend more time debating the source of the news rather than actually reading the article and examining the numbers. Roman... DUDE... numbers are numbers. You seem to like Gallup, right?

    I know, waste of time.

  15. If you can't stand Obama for whatever reason (including the color of his skin) whatever.

    It's a tired and old line, Roman... If those of us who disagree with Obama's politics were as bigoted as you yet again try to paint us, we just couldn't be successful at all and function in the world day to day. I don't give a jolly hot [!@#$%^&*] about President Obama's skin color. Irresponsibility fiscal policy? Yes. Insane foreign policy? Yes. Inability to speak without a teleprompter? Not so much... but it is fun to watch.

    Drop the whole "You guys hate Obama cuz he's black" routine. It truly weakens whatever argument you attempt to put forth. Try responding to me or guys like Steve or Kwing with facts we can't refute or some sort of evidence that discounts the points we offer rather than simply rattling off (and in a shockingly witless way, I might add) the same old rants and vanilla attacks.

    Seriously, Roman. I have tried to chat and debate with you using so many different tactics, approaches, etc., and you seem to want none of it. I have attempted to befriend you with an invite for private messaging which you have blatantly ignored. The truth is that I don't give a crap anymore. You are a partisan hardass who chooses friends based on their ideology and political party affiliation. I wish it could be different because, I'll bet politics aside, we'd have an otherwise pleasant and enjoyable chat. I can disagree with people like Greg and UCLAN and not dislike them or exchange insults wit them. Why can't we do that, Roman?

    I try to chat with you... and get called a racist. Go figure. Or don't. Who cares?

  16. When the Obama administration crashes and burns, with approval ratings that fall through the floor, political scientists can trace its demise to its first hundred days. While Americans are careful not to consign a presidency they desperately need to succeed to the dustbin of history, the fact is that this president has moved - on issue after issue - in precisely the opposite direction of what the people want him to do.


    Stay tuned, Roman...

  17. So much for being open-minded. But why should I be surprised. You said from the get-go that you would never support President Obama and at least you're true to your word, Brian.

    I wonder though if the shoe were on the other foot, and I had said the same thing about a Republican president elected with a great majority of the vote, would you be so understanding of my position? Hmmm.

    The fact of the matter is most Americans feel he is off to a good start. Even Ed Rollins on CNN thinks he's off to a good start....but...

    But... You, my friend, are behaving like the close-minded one. I laud Mr. President when I feel he has done something good. If you will take a moment to refer back several pages in this forum, there are two recent instances where I applauded President Obama for action he had taken. Did you miss those, Greg?

    I'm not interested in watching a speech... As countless election cycles and every President in my lifetime has underscored, it isn't words or a planned agenda that means much -- it is actually legislation passed and policy acted upon that impresses me. Forget a 100 day benchmark, let's sit down and talk at, say, the 1,000 day benchmark. What will an entire term tell us about a President's performance? For shame, Greg, judging my words and presuming my actions!

    As for the Cocoa Pebbles... they were damn good! I love it when the cereal is gone and milk turns all chocolatey!! YUM!!! :D

  18. GD you posted your comment before the president's 100day press conference. I hope you watched and I hope you listened. I'm not saying you should agree with the man, but I would hope that you can get the sense of his sincerity and determination to do a good job for our country.

    I had no desire to watch. Rather, I did the dishes. My wife cooked, so I did the dishes. When I cook, she does the dishes. Then we went for a walk. Upon returning, I enjoyed a bowl of Cocoa Pebbles, then the three of us watched Mythbusters. :D

  19. But what is sad is that while we are fighting for the ability to make our own moral decisions, we are losing the right to make other decisions for ourself.

    We have to wear a seatbelt now. It's a law.

    In some states, you can't make the decision to smoke in public anymore or even in a restaurant or bar. And if you do then just like in Tennessee it costs you an arm and a leg to smoke as with the added tax some packs of cigaretts are now 10 dollars a pack.

    Next year Tennessee and a few other states are even talking about a "fat" tax for people who are overweight. They have taxed the hell out of cigarette smokers citing that they cause health issues so they should pay more than other American's. Now they are going over the "fat" people since they meet the same criteria and they need more money so let's let the smokers rest. And all these at least in Tennessee have been done with a Democratic governor in charge and while the Democrats briefly had control of the state house or senate.

    Some states are pushing more and more to make it mandatory that a parent has to immunize their child when that has always been the right of the parent to make that choice for their child. We immunized ours but we understood the health risks that were there, and know of many parents who didn't.

    You have people in Government and teaching jobs who are being forced to learn Spanish in order to keep their jobs. Many of them have been in their positions for years, but now face early retirement or the loss of their jobs because they don't know Spanish. I have been to other countries, and it is rare that you find someone in a shool or a government office that knows how to speak English. Yet we are forcing restrictions on our teachers and employees to learn a second language to accomodate foreigners here. Where is it going to stop. If the US suddenly has a influx of Russian immigrants coming in, are these same employees going to be required to learn Russian too. Instead we should be focusing on forcing the immigrants to learn our language - even offering more programs to educate them. Why punish our citizens?

    And I guess many would argue that their right to bear arms is being infringed on too. Personally I don't see why anyone needs to own some guns, but at the same time if all the guidelines are followed who is to say what guns they should and should not have.

    I agree that there should be a separation of church and state, but I think way too much emphasis has been put on it in recent years. I want to get back to less government involvement in our lives. I think in many areas the government has way overstepped its bounds. Hell I don't even think the government should be regulating abortion at all. I think that is a medical thing and should be up to the doctor and the patient. And I am one who thinks that except in extreme cases abortion is wrong. But I don't think the government should have a say in that at all.

    Great post, Steve... and I agree with most everything you have said. Unfortunately, there is a left-wing fringe that feels that certain ends justify certain means... and they are selective about which civil rights they desire to honor and which they desire to take away, depending upon who gets and who gives. But there is a pattern of selling America up the river, so to speak... and that pattern not only continues but is reinforced by the President day in and day out.

  20. To me I feel about his first 100 days the same as I did Bush's - some good, some bad.

    I see a little good... a lot of bad. Our credibility on the world stage has been severely damaged. I'm waiting for the next Obama misstep... perhaps ice skating with Putin? Speaking of torture, watching all of this HAS been torture!

    And I see no hard-hitting analysis has been forthcoming regarding the two posts I dropped above. Interesting...

  21. Folks can't stand the fact many feel Obama is doing a good job. They just can't stand it.

    maybe they should keep listening to Dick Cheney.........o wait. He's trying to pull his ass from his mouth from all these lies he just got caught in.

    Hi Roman,

    What I would love to see is some thoughtful analysis regarding those poll numbers, the 11% spread, and the obvious lean by AP and others. I'm perfectly fine "standing" the fact that many feel Obama is doing a good job. However, please forgive me for desiring accurate numbers and fair representation of the mood and opinions of those in America today. I would hope you aren't threatened by honest analysis.


    There is another poll. Is this one accurate, Roman, or does it get cast aside because it doesn't favor Obama?

    I'm still waiting to see someone post someone about Obama, favorable coverage of Obama by NBC News, and General Electric's stake in wind energy... Perhaps a Google Search might turn something up... Piecing all of these things together right now...

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