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Posts posted by skiman12082004

  1. I am currently watching all four soaps and it is shocking to me how inconsistent they all are. Okay, DAYS still has the scab writer scripts airing, but still. GH is in transition, which I totally get, but I am willing to be a tad bit more patient with them while the writers get their footing. B&B, my day one soap, is absolutely awful. Y&R, shockingly, is the best of the four and that's not saying a lot. I hope the shows get their acts together or I hope The Gates comes in like gangbusters and kicks everything into high gear.

  2. I haven't commented in awhile about the ratings. They really are terrible but I guess it's all relative because the Primetime ratings are terrible too. Nonetheless, I have been consistently watching B&B, DAYS and Y&R. I haven't watched a full episode of GH in over a year. I honestly don't hate Y&R but I do find my interest in it waning a bit. I thought the climax of the B&B story last week was awesome and I hope they get a big boost from it. DAYS by far is the most consistent for me. It makes me laugh and I find it entertaining. GH lost me a long time ago. The show is all over the place and has way too many characters and new faces I don't recognize.


  3. I knew I loved you guys at this board. I thought I was the only freak that loved the background music on the soaps and other TV shows. When I started watching AMC back in November that was one of the things that made me fall in love with the show. It reminded me of the score from Angels in America in a strange sort of way. You guys rock.

  4. I loved Port Charles and I cried when it got cancelled. I remember vividly in 2003 when the Emmy nominations were announced and PC got a best show nomination. I was so excited for them. When they didn't win it was like I was kicked in the gut. PC was the little show that could and I thoroughly enjoyed the arcs, hence the reason I am a fan of B&J and JHC. I thought they did a great job with Port Charles.

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