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Blog Entries posted by daysfan

  1. daysfan

    -Erin pulls back from the kiss with Max, telling him she is sorry, he says that it’s him that should be sorry. Lilly watches through the doorway and barges in, telling Erin to stay away from Max.

    -Marlena asks Stefano how she has those memories then, Stefano tells them Alex managed to implant them into her when he hypnotized her. Marlena calls Alex and Stefano monsters! Stefano taunts her saying John won’t save her this time.

    -Kayla answers Steve by saying Benjy was Stefano DiMera’s good son that they met on their honeymoon, she says that he is living with his grandfather Orion now. Steve begins to have more memories just as the plane sets down.

    -Philip yells that what Jan is claiming can’t be true. Jan tells him it is, and then exclaims that Mimi knew the whole time!

    -Ivan asks Vivian how she did all of what she did. Vivian explains to Ivan that it all started when she arrived in town back in June, she says she had been watching everyone, and she wanted Victor back and revenge on Kate. She then tells Ivan she thought that if she made Victor’s family happy, he would be happy and love her. She then tells him that is why she interfered in the lives of Bo, Hope, Billie, Patrick, Shawn, and others. She also says she went after Kate’s family to get revenge on Kate. She says she woke Jan up from her coma because she knew Shawn would never be happy with Mimi, Chelsea was Kate’s grandaughter so that is why she went after her, and she poisoned Caroline because Caroline loved Victor, and finally attacked Kate.

    -Eric walks into the midst of Nicole and Greta’s fight, and manages to break it up.

    -Lexie hears Abe is arrested for Tek’s murder and is overjoyed yet at the same time sad.

    -Hope groans and walks away, Billie then tells Bo they have been going in circles like this for months, and it’s time it all ends. She tells him she wants to sever their relationship.

    -Faux Roman is walking through town, wonderin what to do, and runs into Anna DiMera!

    -Laura tells Jeremy she has not talked to his father in quite some time.

    -Shawn is enraged by Jan’s statements and grabs her, Jan pulls a disc out of the file and tells him to watch it. Shawn is confused, Jan breaks free of his grip and puts in the DVD player! It turns on and shows Mimi talking to Bonnie about Claire and how she shouldn’t keep the secret any longer, Shawn, Belle, Philipl, and Rex are all horrified. Mimi screams “No!” and Shawn asks her if all this is true, Mimi and Bonnie try to deny it, but Mimi finally breaks and admits that Jan is right, and she knew everything and has known it for months!
  2. daysfan

    -Everyone is shocked when Mimi admits to knowing the secret about Claire, Belle is angry and attacks Mimi!

    -Faux Roman is shocked to see Anna DiMera (Leann Hungley) standing before him!

    -Andre arrives at the Brady Pub, and busts in with a gun in his hands!

    -Steve, Kayla, and co. exit the plane, Kayla suggests that they start at the police station.

    -Nikki decides to break into the Kiriakis mansion and wait for Victor in his rooom, as she manages to bust through the window she runs into Margaret!

    -Erin backs away from Lilly, half scared, she tells her to calm down. Lilly tells her she’s not going to be calm when some woman is kissing her boyfreind! Lilly tries to attack Erin in a fit of rage, but Max stops her and kisses her.

    -Greta claims Eric is just trying to protect is girlfreind! Eric tells her Nicole and him have both moved on, but Greta is hesitant to believe him.

    -Everyone at the Pub is shocked to see Andre! Bo grabs his ugn out of his pocket and aims it Andre, thinking it is Tony, and tells him to freeze. John just happens to walk in as well and once hse sees Andre he attacks him, Andre manages to throw John off by hitting him in the stomach. Bo asks how he escaped from prison, and Andre just smirks and tells him the Phoenix will always rise again.

    -Mimi and Belle get into an intense catfight, Bonnie pulls Belle off of Mimi and Belle punches her, saying she knew about all this too. Mimi screams for everyone to stop and she begs Shawn to forgive her, telling him she loves him and did not want this to happen. Philip yells that if this is true then his daughter is a child of two cousins! Rex confronts Mimi and tells her he thought she had changed, but he was wrong. Mimi continues to beg for forgiveness, and Shawn asks why she did it. Mimi replies that she only did it because she was afraid if he knew the truth he would run straight back to Belle because everyone in that room knows that they love each other!

    -Marlena tells Stefano that he will never win no matter what! Stefano just laughs and as him and Alex leave the dungeon, Marlena discovers a loose bolt in her cuffs, and uses it to her advantage!

    -Andre points the gun at John, and tells John to back off of him, Andre tells everyone that they have been fools! Everyone is confused, and Andre scoffs and tells them he has been back for four years and no one has had enough of a brain to figure out the truth, Bo just tells him to stop taunting them and tell them what’s going on, Andre finally says “I am not Tony you imbeceils….I am his cousin Andre!”

    -Mimi gets angry herself and yells at Shawn saying she knows what she did was wrong, but if she hadn’t he would be with his own cousin right now! Tears stream out of Mimi’s eyes and she said that he knows that he would never have stayed with her if he knew Claire was his child. She then claims he never even loved her that much. Shawn says he did, but now he is not so sure! He tells her is divorcing her today! The police come down and interrupt everything, saying they have found some incriminating evidence while investigating where Cassie fell.
  3. daysfan

    -Marlena breaks free of her chains and tries to figure out a way to get the door open!

    -John yells that that can’t be true and that according to him Andre died in Aremid! Andre tells him yes he was in Aremid, but he nearly escaped death yet again. Bo yells for him to just stop and Andre asks if the real Tony would lock everyone up in a castle, or not an island, and then he says Tony wouldn’t start a serial killer either. Bo, Hope, John, and Billie all realize it’s true! John grabs ahold of Andre and tells him now he will pay for framing him for his murder!

    -Chelsea heads over to Max’s garage, and sees that he isn’t there, but he soon walks in and he is shocked to see Chelsea!

    -The police inform Mimi they have to arrest her for the attempted murder of Cassie Brady! Mimi is shocked and screams that she’s innocent. Rex angrily storms out of the loft.

    -Faux Roman and Anna have a nice, friendly reunion and Faux Roman asks what she’s doing back in Salem.

    -Erin wonders why she feels these strange feelings for Max.

    -Steve and Kayla head to the police station, while Kim and Stephanie investigate other parts of Llanview.

    -Nicole just tells Eric and Greta to buzz off and she walks off, wallowing in the pain of losing Austin.

    -Cassie wonders if her plan will work, she then says to herself that Jan will get hers soon enough, but she has to get rid of Mimi somehow, so this is her chance!

    -As Mimi is pulled off by the police, Shawn holds Claire, tears start to stream down his face and he tells her she is a sweet, sweet and promising girl that didn’t deserve to be a child of cousins, he tells her even though she is, she’s his little girl. Philip finally loses it and grabs Claire out of Shawn’s arms, telling him never to touch his daughter again.

    -Lilly runs into Abby while walking around town.

    -Margaret recognizes Nikki and runs off, Nikki wonders if she’s seen Margaret before.

    -Steve and Kayla arrive at the police station and tell Bo Buchanon they need some files.

    -Chelsea tells Max she’s baaack. She goes over to kiss him but he stops her.

    -Mickey is at his house, and has a sudden heart attack!

    -Philip tells Shawn he is not getting his daughter or his wife, Shawn is confused and tells him Belle is his cousin, Philip grabs Belle and Claire in a panic and pulls them out of the loft.

    -As Alex and Stefano walk into Stefano’s office, someone, from the courtyard, aims at Alex and shoots him in the neck!
  4. daysfan

    -Maggie rushes in to her house to see Mickey on the ground, she screams and tells Mickey she will call 911, but Mickey weakly tells her to stop, saying the inevitable has come.

    -Alex falls after being shot, clutching his neck, he screams for Stefano to help him, Stefano calls for someone to get a medic or something in here!

    -Andre laughs and says indeed he did, he then shoves John off and Bo tells Andre to put his hands up or he swears he’ll shoot! Victor, Caroline, Sami, Lucas, Lexie, Celeste, Faux Roman, and Anna all happen to walk in. Andre tells them they are just in time, and Anna screams “TONY?!” Faux Roman pulls out his gun as well as everyone else stands back in horror, Andre tells Anna it’s not Tony, and it’s Andre! Victor scoffs and says “Your alive still? Why don’t you just give up? You’re a nutcase and have lost every single time you rival us.” Andre just laughs and responds that everyone in this room is about to die, Anna walks up and slaps Andre, and attacks him but Andre pushes her off and grabs her, he tells them if anyone shoots Anna will die, but all of a sudden a shot from someone fires through the window and hits Andre!

    -Marlena sighs as she cannot get the door open, but all of a sudden someone swings it open! Viewers cannot see the face but Marlena is shocked to see who her rescuer is!

    -Stephanie and Kim walk around the cemetery in Llanview, seeing if there is anything about Steve there like a grave or something, and they walk straight into the Lord Mauselom!

    -Max tells Chelsea he’s moved on, she is horrified. He tells her it’s true.

    -Belle screams for Philip to stop, but Philip is in a panic and tells her he loves her and Claire too much to lose them now, he pushes both of them in his car and drives off before Shawn can stop him!

    -Rex is walking around in one of the bad parts of Salem, he is in emotional pain after al that has happened with Mimi today, and while he is alone he finally admits he still loves her! As he is sitting on a bench a woman (Annie Burgstede) walks by and says “Hey stranger.”

    -Bonnie visits Mimi in jail, and tells her she is gonna get Mimi out of this okay and Mimi will get her marriage back. Mimi tells Bonnie she has lost Shawn for good and right now they need to focus on how to get her free, she wonders how all this evidence was even found anyway! She says she gets why Cassie would frame her, but she doesn’t get how they found evidence that supports Cassie.

    -Jan is alone in Belle and Philip’s loft, she sits down and remembers how she was the one who pushed Cassie out the window, she then thinks to herself that Mimi has to go down for it, and then she also recalls how she got all that strange FAKE evidence on her doorstep that stated that Jan was under hypnosis by the DiMera’s a couple of years ago when she tried to kill Victor, stalked Shawn, kidnapped him, and blackmailed Mimi. She then also wonders who sent her the file on Claire and the video of Mimi and Bonnie talking about Claire.

    -When Abby runs into Lilly she has odd flashbacks of her and Lilly in the secret room of the Spears Mansion, but Abby brushes them off.

    -Maggie tells Mickey they can’t give up now, but Mickey says they are not giving up, but simply accepting what has to happen sooner or later, Melissa and Sarah come down from upstairs are shocked to see Mickey like this, Melissa tries to call 911 but Mickey says to her the same thing he said to Maggie. Maggie, Melissa, and Sarah are all in tears after a few minutes, Mickey is getting to the point where he cannot breath anymore and Mickey tells them between breaths that his life is complete because he had wonderful children, a great family, and most of all a great wife. Melissa and Sarah kiss Mickey goodbye and tell him goodbye very emotionally and both break down in each other’s arms, Maggie finally kisses Mickey one last time, accepting the fact he has to go, and she tells him she loves him, he manages to barely smile and he gets out before he slips away “Goodbye, my love.” and he closes his eyes and we see Mickey’s spirit leaving his body and going up with Tom Horton to heaven. Maggie says “Rest in Peace Mickey.” and the screen fades to black with an image on screen of the loving, wonderful, kind, Mickey Horton.
  5. daysfan

    -Stephanie helps Kim up and asks her if she’s alright, Kim says she thinks so, but it’s hard walking.

    -Rex Balsom tells Steve and Kayla he will investigate some things, in the meantime Steve and Kayla examine Llanview a bit.

    -An ambulance arrives to take Andre’s body away, as they do Faux Roman tells Tony he will have to arrest him. John stops him and asks Tony where he has been the past eleven years.

    -Hattie tells Marlena she was in a good mood today, and also she found out about the DiMera’s true intentions.

    -Hope has a sudden pain in her stomach!

    -EJ says into the air quietly that his father’s era is over and his has just begun….he says he never barely even saw his father anyway, but he knows the DiMera history. He then says his first move will be to take down Basic Black, John/Roman’s company. And at the same time he will be planning on how to get Sami.

    -Sami and Lucas bond, they share a kiss but Lucas shoves Sami away, saying he has not completely gotten over Carrie yet, and is still in pain from her betrayal.

    -Vivian arrives at the ward Sam has been commited to, and Sam asks what she’s doing here.

    -The police tell Kate and Shawn they will start a search, and Kate tells Shawn this is all his fault!

    -Chelsea just walks away from Abby in anger, and heads to the Java Café.

    -EJ thinks to himself that he won’t get Sami if she finds out who he really is….so he must conceal it for now….but it will come out…someday….
  6. daysfan
    Life in Salem has officially returned on SONBC!!! As viewers of all shows on SONBC well know, the network recently had technical issues which resulted with the whole network going off air, making all of it;s shows fall behind.

    Well, now that SONBC is back Life in Salem plans on posting multiple episodes to get caught up!!! Some should be posting tonight, however many other shows on SONBC must get caught up as well, so this will be done gradually to not overwhelm people with reading.

    Episode#67 was posted right below this so do not forget to read it!!! And be sure to stay tuned to Life in Salem tonight as something shocking will be revealed!!!!!
  7. daysfan

    -Sami comes to see EJ, but he tells her he has something very important to do and gets in his car and drives off out of Salem.

    -Celeste screams at seeing the man’s face and then says that Steve and Kayla are in GREAT danger!

    -Greta continues to push Eric away when he tries to help her.

    -Vivian tells Sam it was all necessary, and Sam is confused.

    -Steve and Kayla find nothing at the hospital, but do bump into Paige Miller!

    -Jan tries to comfort Shawn, but he just tries to walk away, however soon after he begins to fall succumb to Jan.

    -Bo walks in to see Hope in pain. She tells him she thinks she is going into labor!

    -The person in the Alamain Mansion walks around and appears to be looking for something!

    -Maragret walks into Victor’s office and sees that his trash can looks burnt, she wonders what happened but Victor walks in and yells for her to get away from that!

    -Bo tries to call the hospital, but Hope says no and tells him their twins are coming RIGHT NOW!
  8. daysfan
    Weekly Promo of 12/18/06

    Announcer: It is a week or twists and turns on Life in Salem...

    One woman prepares to break out of her prison....

    Sam (to Lilly, who is standing in front of her inside Sam's room): So, after we escape her we head back to Salem and....

    Lilly: No, I'm taking you to see a psychatrist.

    A man has a lost child...

    Tony(to Anna): My child is out there some where and I need to find it!

    Stefano(watching Tony from a distance): You will never find your child Tony, for I am the only one alive who knows where it is!

    And, could a Christmas miracle save a man from going to death row?

    Abe (in a cell, taloking to Sami): Sami, do you have any evidence that could free me?!

    *Sami stands silent, wondering what to do*

    Another man tries to find the culprit of the crime...but will it cost him his life?

    John (standing at the window where Cassie was pushed out of): There is no way Mimi could have done this....

    Jan(hidden inside a door with a gun aimed at him): I won't go to jail....don't make me shoot you John....

    And, finally, on Christmas Eve a woman arrives in Salem

    *a car pulls up, a man gets out of the drivers seat and opens the back door of the car*

    Man: Welcome to Salem, Mrs.Cassadine...
  9. daysfan

    -Victor is suspicious at Margaret’s great obedience to help Philip keep Belle, he however remembers he needs to get back to business and find Philip!

    -Kim refuses to go back to Salem, saying she wants to stay and help Steve.

    -John decides to go investigate the loft, Jan hears him telling Marlena where he was going so she rushes to the loft herself to find any evidence that could incriminate her.

    -Cassie tells Bonnie she will never tell anybody anything else than Mimi was the one that tried to kill her!

    -Vivian is shocked to see her nephew, the REAL Forrest Alamain standing before her!

    -Nicole stops Jan from going to Belle and Philip’s loft, saying it’s time they talked.

    -Max takes Erin to the Brady Pub through the back way, they head upstairs to Max’s room and he gives her something to drink and asks her if she’s alright. She says yes and they almost share a kiss!

    -Lilly, at the Spears Mansion, is looking up something on her computer. She suddenly says “Ah….here is what I’m looking for…excellent…”

    -Lexie screams when she sees Stefano! Stefano welcomes Lexie and says he is back!

    -Bo continues to guide through the labour, s doctor and a few nurses from the hospital arrive, they say Hope needs to get to a hospital, but Hope screams that there isn’t time, and Bo says he sees the first child coming!

    -Nikki is walking around the ground of the Kiriakis Mansion, it causes her to remember the child she and Victor had together that she gave up for adoption. Suddenly, security grabs Nikki and thrusts her into the mansion!

    -Margaret begins her search for Philip by trying to find out where his car’s license plate number was last seen.

    -Anna asks Tony if he’s sure, Tony says no but he has this gut feeling! He declares he has returned to Salem to find him or her.

    -Marlena arrives home at her penthouse, a few minutes later someone knocks at the door, she opens it to reveal SUSAN BANKS!
  10. daysfan

    -Melissa and Sarah remember all of their good times with Mickey.

    -Marlena is shocked to see Susan Banks (Eileen Davidson) standing at the door! She welcomes Susan in and in and asks her how she’s been.

    -Julie is thrilled when she learns David Banning and Scotty Banning, her son and grandson, will be home for the holidays!

    -Jessica and Joshua approach Maggie with the idea of Nick, their son, moving to Salem so he can get to know his Horton relatives.

    -Jeremy leaves the Java Café after meeting Chelsea, he happens to urn into the same thugs Erin and Max ran into earlier!

    -EJ gets an important lead on Helena, his mother’s, wherabouts.

    -Nikki is confused by the guards shoving her into the mansion, she says “Hey! I thought I was banned from this place, and now you are shoving me in? I was gonna break in, but I guess I got a welcome-” but is interrupted when Victor suddenly walks in, he says to Nikki this is her new home.

    -Jan tells Nicole to get out of her way, but Nicole says no and they need to talk NOW! Jan groans and asks what it is about, Nicole says she lost Austin, so Jan is losing Shawn!

    -John arrives at Belle and Philip’s loft, but is cut off by the police before he can get to where Cassie was pushed.

    -Belle finds no way to escape, so she tries to rest. Meanwhile, Philip is holding Claire and says she will always be his baby girl.

    -Bonnie demands that Cassie tells the truth! Cassie says she never will, and calls for the nurses to remove Bonnie from the room.

    -Seeing that Willow won’t go with him, Rex decides to leave. Willow tells him she hopes to meet him again someday. He agrees.

    -Erin tries to heal Max’s wounds with an aid kit, while doing so they bond.

    -Lexie tries to leave the study, but the door is locked, she asks Stefano what he wants, and he says he wants to talk to her.

    -The doctors and nurses help Bo deliver the first baby, and it is revealed to be a girl!

    -Nikki is confused, since a day ago Victor wouldn’t let her come anywhere near his mansion. She says she guesses he wisened up, but Victor says he wants her here because he doesn’t want her to run off when she starts talking to a psychiatrist to get integrated. Nikki stands silent, shocked at Victor’s words.
  11. daysfan

    -Nikki is shocked when Victor says he’s having her integrated into Viki! She says he better not, because as much as she loves him he will pay, Victor says that no one has ever successfully crossed him and brought him down, so some lunatic alter certainly won’t!

    -Jan says there is no way she can lose Shawn, Nicole says yes there is and all she has to go is dig up that disguise Jan used to fool Shawn and Mimi into being their surrogant!

    -Shawn heads over to his loft, he takes his phone and dials “Paprica’s” number! Someone picks up at the other end…but it isn’t who Shawn thought it would be!

    -The thugs, angered from what happened with Erin and Max, take it out on Jeremy!

    -John persuades the police to let him in, saying he is an ISA Agent. The police finally give in and let John in!

    -The nurses forcefully remove Bonnie from Cassie’s room, she says to herself if Cassie won’t confess the truth, then she is going to have to find it the good ole fashion way.

    -EJ learns that Spencer Cassadine’s former nanny, Colleen could be involved with Helena’s disappearance, he heads off to find Colleen.

    -Lexie asks Stefano what about, and he says he wants her to become a true DiMera again!

    -Rex visits Mimi at jail. He asks her for the truth, and asks if she really did push Cassie out the window or not.

    -Shawn, on the phone asks “Who is this? Is Paprica Springs there?” and the voice on the other end reveals to be Lilly Spears’ voice! Lilly asks who Paprica Springs is, and that this is Lilly Spears. Shawn is shocked, remembering that is Jan’s twin sister! He remembers how when he met “Paprica” that she looked awfully familiar, and then he realizes that “Paprica” was not a real person, but was actually Jan in disguise!!!!!!!!!
  12. daysfan

    The Blind item that was discovered earlier, said a role that recently came on had been recast. Now, just hours later, the blind item is revealed.

    Apparently, Brandon Tyler (Jeremy Horton, ex-Philip) has been let go from the role of Jeremy. "I love Tyler...but I think we might need someone a little bit older ad experienced to play Jeremy. He just didn't fit in, so we had to recast." the headwriter said

    However, the show is asking for the fans help on who to play Jeremy. "LIS wants early to mid twenties, could interact romantically with Rachel Melvin, and of course could act. We are requesting to have suggestions as soon as possible, even though there is no official last airdate for Tyler yet, we would like a recast decision made before new year. The recast will not air before then, but we would like our man for the role by then." a Life in Salem rep said when asked about the recast
  13. daysfan
    Life in Salem has recnetly aired a brand new promo, but not a weekly one. It is one about the return of one of Salem's greatest vixens, Kristen Blake DiMera.

    Here is the promo for fans to read now!

    Announcer: A woman was locked in a dungeon prison and condemmed there for life...

    *shows clips from 1998 of Kristen at the Sultan's wailing in defeat*

    But now she's back....

    *shows a clip of a door swinging open, with Sam in the doorway*

    Sam:Welcome back to the world...Kristen.

    *the camera zooms down to reveal a scraped Kristen looking up at Sam in disbelief*

    Do not miss a minute of Life in Salem!
  14. daysfan

    -It is Christmas day in Salem! All of the Hortons hang ornaments, while at the same time John reads the Christmas story at the hospital!

    -Abe spends a nice Christmas with Theo, but is worried about Lexie.

    -Chelsea and Billie are at the Brady Pub for Christmas, Billie tells Chelsea today she’s going to set things straight with Bo.

    -Rex is no where to be found on Christmas! Cassie and Kate worry that he has done something drastic because of Mimi going to prison!

    -Margaret tells Victor she has a Christmas present for him, and that is that she found Philip!

    -Sami and Lucas are with Will at the Horton house, and Alice tells Sami with a wink that she thinks Sami will be getting an ornament next year.

    -Caroline mourns Shawn Sr., she says this is her first Christmas without him. Maggie mourns Mickey as well.

    -Mike and Jeremy spend time together on Christmas. As do Abby, Jack Jr., Jennifer, and Jack.

    -Kayla is sad that she, Stephanie, and Kim cannot be with their family for Christmas. She finds comfort in Steve, but he’s still hesitant because he does not remember her.

    -Helena and EJ reunite, Helena tells EJ it is time they wreak havoc on Salem personally!

    -Belle spends Christmas in captivity, but she finally manages to break free of the ropes she is in! She quickly tries to find Claire while Philip is away!

    -John continues to read the Christmas story at the hospital, and is gives him joy to do so. Marlena however wishes Sam could be there.

    -Lexie finally escapes from Stefano! She gets out of the dungeon he put her in and confronts him and tells him she is a good person now and won’t have any of his lies, she then says she’s spending Christmas with her child! Before Stefano can stop her she manages to escape from the DiMera mansion.

    -Hope and Bo spend Christmas together, and continue to get closer to reuniting.

    -The Hortons finish hanging their ornaments, and Alice wishes them all a Merry Christmas. Suddenly, a light is shown in the doorway, and they all look towards it. They see the glowing figure of TOM HORTON there. Alice yells “Tom!” and she smiles, she tells her family Tom has returned to spend the holidays with them. Tom smiles at Alice, and she says “Merry Christmas to you as well, my darling Tom.” And the screen fades to black…
  15. daysfan

    -The next morning, Cassie is desperate to find Rex, but is still stuck in the hospital!

    -Hope and Bo decide to name one of their daughters Addie, after Hope’s mother, and the other one Pamela. Hope then asks Bo if he will move back in with her!

    -Belle and Claire finally escape from Philip and head back to Salem!

    -Steve and Kayla meet with Rex Balsom at Rody’s, and he says he’s been investigating over the past few days, and he thinks whoever faked Steve’s death had something to do with Victor Lord.

    -Faux Roman and Hattie run into each other at Salem Place!

    -Lilly visits Sam, and Sam tells her she isn’t going to see a shrink!

    -Rex is seen at a bar outside Salem, he triees to get the bartender to give him another drink, but the bartender refuses. Rex then gets angry and tries to get a bottle himself, but it is taken and thrown by Willow!

    -Shawn angrily bursts into the Spears Mansion! He grabs Jan and pushes her on the couch, she asks what’s wrong but he says to just shut her mouth and he’s come to take care of her once and for all!

    -The Hortons all leave Salem and go back to their lives, however Nick decides to stick around to get to know the Hortons!

    -Helena walks around Salem, watching all of it’s citizens. She says “Well Salem, ready or not, here I come.”
  16. daysfan
    WEEKLY PROMO OF 1/1/07

    This week, a mans death will rock Salem....

    A man has died....*clips of Celeste watching Shawn's car burn up while upside down*

    Celeste: Death has taken Shawn Douglas tonight...

    And his family must accept it....*clips of Hope with Bo learning of Shawn's death at the Pub*

    Hope(breaking down in tears): NO!!!!!!

    But who killed him? *clips of Bo, Hope, the Brady's, Horton's, Faux Roman, Abe, Belle, Celeste, Jan, Kate, Victor, and Philip hidden in a corner, at the hospital*

    Celeste: This was murder....someone wanted Shawn Douglas dead.

    Abe(looking around): So, if this was a murder, we have over half of our suspects in this room.

    Don't miss a minute of this action-packed week on Life in Salem!
  17. daysfan

    -Vivian tells Ivan she thinks they will have to do battle with Forrest sooner rather than later!

    -Kate asks if Abe means her, and Abe says she’s a suspect in this crime as well. Kate says that’s absurd and denies everything! Abe tells none of them to leave town. Kate angrily storms out of the hospital and bumps into Forrest!

    -Sam learns Kristen Blake is dead, but she remembers how Marlena told her Kristen had a “double”, which was Susan Banks! Sam bumps into Susan!

    -Hope tells Abe she’s taking Shawn’s case! Abe is shocked! He tells her she only had her twins a week ago! Hope says she doesn’t care, and she’s gonna find who killed Shawn Douglas!

    -Jan breaks down. Victor pulls her up and tells her to get over it and to get out. Jan lets it slip that the father of her baby just died! Everyone is shocked!

    -Belle and Marlena are taking a walk, Marlena comforts her. She says she knows she could never be with Shawn….but she still cares about him. Marlena tells her she understands.

    -Maggie is worried when she can’t get ahold of Jeremy! Little does she know he and Chelsea are out partying!

    -Steve is at a bar somewhere in Llanview. He is having a drink, he says he’s sorry Kayla but he can’t do this anymore. He tells himself he’s going to find out who faked is death ALONE!

    -Max and Erin bond a little! Lilly walks in on them!

    -Kayla wonders if Steve and her relationship will survive this rocky time! She flashes back to all their greatest times!

    -Megan visits Lexie, but Lexie does know who Megan is! Megan tells her she’s a friend who’s come to help!

    -Celeste is sitting in a quiet room in the hospital, all alone. She suddenly has a vision, and then immediately after it ends she says “No! The pain is just beginning for Shawn Douglas’s loved ones….his death will destroy many lives…”
  18. daysfan

    -Steve heads to Llanfair!

    -A man is seen at Willow’s door, Willow tries to shut it but he keeps it open with his fist! He barges in and Willow orders him to get out!

    -Billie asks Bonnie how she even knows Victoria Lord Davidson. Bonnie answers that she came to Alice’s one night and they became very close……Billie wonders what’s going on!

    -Kate asks Forrest who he is. Forrest tells her that’s not important, but what is is the business proposition. Kate asks what it is, and Forrest tells her he wants them to combine their company powers to take care of a very powerful business rival…..

    -Vivian considers calling Lawerence Alamain, her nephew, back to town!

    -Belle painfully walks into the Morgue to see Shawn’s corpse! Marlena guides her along the way.

    -Hope walks over and slaps Jan, accusing her of lying! Jan tells her it’s true and confesses to the Horton’s the WHOLE story! The Horton’s and Brady’s are all horrified! Jan quickly flees from the hospital in pain about Shawn’s death. She is in tears and broken so she drives out of town!

    -Stefano and Megan plan on how to break Lexie out of jail!

    -Lilly and Erin enter an intense catfight! Max struggles to break it up!

    -Helena meets up with EJ and informs him a powerful opponent has died tonight! EJ is confused.

    -Steve arrives on the Llanfair grounds. He sneaks in through the back and into the living room….

    -John visits Cassie. Cassie tells John she learned her medical condition could be in grave danger!

    -Billie tries to ask Bonnie more questions, but Bonnie tells Billie she has to get out of Salem! Bonnie begins to cry and heads out to the car. She gets in, starts it, and says goodbye to Salem as she exit’s the town.

    -The man tells Willow “No way babe!” and grabs her and pulls her into a kiss! She pulls out of it and slaps him, then she backs up saying get out or she’ll call the cops on him!

    -Victor vows that Jan will be on his hit list of enemies when he strikes at them all, but for now he must deal with getting Philip Claire!

    -Kate asks who that might be. Forrest reveals it’s VIVIAN ALAMAIN! He thinks to himself that he can use Kate to take care of Vivian!

    -Belle breaks down as she approaches Shawn’s body. Marlena tells her everything will be alright and she can do this! Belle walks over it and she looks down and screams “No Shawn!!!!!!” she breaks down again and asks “Why did he have to die?”

    -Seve sneaks through the living area and searches the mansion. Unknown to him Dorian is watching! He is up stairs searching, when he somehow triggers a wall to open! He wonders if in there could give him the information he needs….he slowly walks in but once inside is knocked unconscious! A form steps over Steve’s unconscious body and looks down on it with a gun…
  19. daysfan

    -Nicholas ALAMAIN and Willow continue to fight!

    -Belle finally manages to say goodbye to Shawn, and she tearfully leaves the Morgue, heartbroken.

    -Max tells Lilly he doesn’t love Erin and they’re just friends, Lilly tells him EVERYONE in Salem says that! She storms out. Erin apologizes to Max for what happened but he tells her it’s okay.

    -Dorian calls the Llavniew PD to Llanfair. They arrive and Dorian claims someone broke in! Kayla hears about it on the news and rushes to Llanfair!

    -John comforts Cassie and they share a father/daughter moment.

    -Eric and Greta share a kiss!

    -Abby wonders of ways to get a man, Nick suggests the internet. Abby is interested.

    -Willow finally gets sick of argueing and slaps Nicholas, she tells him their over, and they were never really a couple in the first place. Rex awakens, and sees Nicholas out with Willow. He wonders what is going on.

    -Belle tries to accept Shawn’s death but she can’t yet.

    -Kayla arrives at Llanfair and sees Dorian telling the police about the break in and describes Steve! Kayla hides and says “Oh Steve, what have you gotten yourself into?” She decides to sneak into the mansion as well, to save Steve before he gets arrested! She barely manages to get in, and she walks through Llanfair searching for Steve. She stumbles upon the secret area!

    -Erin leaves to go back to the Salem Inn and Max searches for Lilly.

    -Sami and Lucas kiss and bond.

    -Greta pushes Eric off of her and forces him to leave, he sadly does. After he leaves Greta remembers the kiss and how she felt when it happened, she wonders if she still has feelings for Eric!

    -Kayla sneaks through the secret area, confused. She is not spotted by the guards, and she hears a groan while walking through a hallway. She looks through the slot in the door to see Steve waking up! She struggles to get the locked door open!

    -John vows to stand by Cassie, no matter what happens.

    -Kayla finally manages to find a way to break the lock, but the guards are coming! She quickly opens the door and hides inside, and the guards pass not knowing she was there. Steve awakens and asks her what she’s doing there, and she explains she heard that someone had broken into Llanfair and it was him. She says he was locked in this room. He gets up and tells them they have to get out of here and find out who faked his death! Kayla tells him there’s no time and the police are right outside in the main mansion. He tells her he has to, so she reluctantly agrees. They leave the cell and head down the hall…
  20. daysfan
    WEEKLY PROMO OF 1/5/07

    It's a week of adventure on Life in Salem...

    A man knows who faked his death....but will it cost him his life? *clips of Steve and Kayla togehter in the Secret Room in Llanfair*

    Kayla: Steve, guards are coming and the police are just above us! We have to get out of here!

    Steve: Yeah I know. I just don't know how.

    A woman's life is threatened... *clips of Helena standing in front of Sami at the Salem Inn*

    Helena(holding a knife): Stay away from EJ Wells or you will regret it.

    A return could destroy one woman's life....*clips of a person walking through the door into the Nicole's room at the Salem Inn*

    Nicole: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then, finally, a woman must take care of another not to risk her being discovered *clips of Margaret holding a gun and pointing it at Nikki inside the Kiriakis Mansion*

    Margaret: Your the only one who knows who I am and could tell Llanview I'm alive.....so I guess you'll have to die!

    Stay tuned to this exciting week on Life in Salem!
  21. daysfan

    -Kayla is shocked when she learns Victor Kiriakis faked Steve’s death!

    -Rex is confused by Willow’s sudden change in heart, and wants to come live with him! He asks why, and she says she just doesn’t think it’s safe living in this area anymore. She thinks to herself that she can use Rex, and she has to get out of here before Nicholas comes around again!

    -Helena tells EJ they have a powerful ally…..that being TRACY QUARTERMAINE!

    -Faux Roman and Abe begin to investigate Shawn’s death!

    -Philip and Victor plot on how to take Claire from Belle! They decide they have to make Belle look like a bad mother!

    -Maggie is worried when she cannot find Jeremy!

    -EJ tells Helena she needs to deal with this Tracy Quartermaine, because he had something else to work on…

    -Lilly arrives back at the Spears Mansion, and is holding a bottle of wine in her hands! She throws it across the room and screams as she realizes Max could be falling for Erin!

    -Erin returns to the Salem Inn and dreams about Max….as does Max about her! Little does she know a person is watching her from the window!

    -Victor asks Philip how, and Philip responds that they have to frame her for Shawn’s murder!

    -Maggie turns to Abby and Nick and ask if they have seen Jeremy. Abby says she hasn’t seen him since early in the day, and suddenly Billie knocks on the door and once Maggie answers it Billie asks if Chelsea is there! Maggie says no….and Billie worries!

    -Steve tells Kayla that name….Victor Kiriakis, sounds familiar! Kayla tells him they have to get Kim and Stephanie and get back to Salem fast! She says she’ll explain on the way! They quickly try to find a way to leave without the police or the goons finding them!

    -Rex tells Willow okay, and asks if she needs to pack. Willow tells him all she has to do is get some extra clothes and they can come back for the rest later. She hurries to gather her clothes.

    -Victor tells Philip the Salem PD can be easily fooled so he thinks they have got an excellent plan ready!

    -Helena decides to call Port Charles and get Tracy to Salem!!!!!!!!

    -Steve and Kayla find a back way out of the Secret Room and it seems to be a hidden escape route out of Llanfair! Steve and Kayla quickly use it to get off the Llanfair grounds! They head back to the hotel to get Stephanie and Kim. However, the goons they encountered in the secret area of Llanfair quickly go after them and say to each other that Steve and Kayla must die tonight!
  22. daysfan

    -The goons assemble all of their forces, and say Steve and Kayla Johnson must die!

    -In the DiMera Mansion, Stefano is in the study, and Colleen McHenry (Amanda Tepe) walks in. She begs Stefano for forgiveness! Stefano asks Colleen what she means, and Colleen says Helena has escaped from the castle Stefano ordered her to lock Helena in!!!!!!!!!! Stefano is enraged!

    -Willow is ready, so her and Rex head off to the loft.

    -Cassie’s doctor walks in and says he has news on her condition.

    -Nicholas walks through the door at the Alamain Mansion! Vivian is shocked to see him!

    -Victor says to Philip that he has noticed that suddenly he only wants Claire, he asks if Philip is over Belle for good.

    -Billie and Maggie continue to worry about Jeremy and Chelsea!

    -Greta thinks about forgiving Eric, and she feels like she should. She wonders if she still has feelings for him!

    -The person who watches Erin steps inside her room through the window and puts a knife to Erin’s neck!

    -Abby suddenly falls down and has memory flashes of in the secret room inside the Spears Mansion!

    -Lilly says the only bright side to all of this is that Abby doesn’t remember what she discovered that day in the secret room!

    -Steve and Kayla hurry to get to the small hotel they were staying in, however as Kayla is driving they hear a gun shot and go off the street!

    -Colleen begs Stefano to forgive her! Stefano asks how she could have been so foolish! He says Colleen’s personnal feelings got in the way! He says he cannot rely on her anymore so he grabs and prepares to kill Colleen! Colleen tells Stefano she can kill Helena for him! She says she’ll find her and kill her! Stefano gives her one last chance and tells Colleen to do so!

    -Willow and Rex arrive at the loft. Rex asks Willow how it is, and Willow says it’s ok and then thinks to herself it’s better than living where Nicholas can find her!

    -Vivian is shocked to see Nicholas! Nicholas tells Vivian he has come home to Salem!

    -Cassie’s doctor says that when she went out the window, she took major injuries to the legs. He says she could be crippled! Cassie is horrified!

    -Philip tells Victor he’s realized Belle was never the right woman, and he can’t have her now, but he can have Claire!

    -Steve and Kayla manage to survive their car going off the street, but Steve quickly says to Kayla that they will have to hide, or they will die. Kayla agrees and they find a warehouse. Steve thinks to himself that he doesn’t know if they will escape this one…
  23. daysfan

    -It’s days later, Steve and Kayla are still hiding in the warehouse. Kayla worries for Kim and Stephanie. Steve tries to reassure her everything will be fine.

    -Nicole is walking around in her room at the Salem Inn, suddenly the door opens and Nicole screams when she sees CRYSTAL GALORE!

    -The doctors run a few more diagnostics on Cassie, and come back with good news saying her legs are fine! Cassie is overjoyed!

    -Erin wakes up and gets dressed, someone watches her from outside the window!

    -Someone knocks on the door at EJ’s room in the Salem Inn, he opens it to see Colleen holding a gun!

    -Faux Roman and Abe consider all the suspects for the murder of Shawn! However, Hattie bursts in and tells Faux Roman she needs to talk to him!

    -Sam is seen, opening the door to a dungeon…and inside is KRISTEN!

    -Megan visits Lexie again! She tells her to not worry and soon she’ll be out of there!

    -Celeste receives troubling visions…she says Alexandra is in great danger!

    -Steve and Kayla suddenly hear something, and see that the thugs they encountered on New Years Eve are lurking around! The thugs break into the warehouse and see Steve and Kayla! They fire their guns at them!

    -Nicole asks Crystal what she’s doing back in town! Crystal says she got called back! Nicole asks by who, and Crusyal says that doesn’t matter. Nicole tells Crystal to get out of Salem!

    -Faux Roman tells Hattie now is not the time, so Hattie has to be removed from the room, but before she does she tells Faux Roman she knows his name!

    -EJ smirks at Colleen, he tells her she can’t possibly think she could kill him or Helena! She says he thinks wrong! Colleen tells EJ it’s time for his mother to DIE!

    -The person that watches Erin leaves a letter at her window!

    -Lexie is confused by Megan. She asks Megan if her father sent her to free her!

    -Kristen is confused after being in the dark for so long. She sees Sam and screams “IT’S YOU!!!!!! MARLENA! I’LL KILL YOU!” Sam tells her to not worry, and soon the shrink will get what she deserves. She walks over to Kristen and begins to un-do her cuffs…..

    Next on Life in Salem:

    Hattie(to Faux Roman): Your name is Allan and you have a family.
    Faux Roman: Hattie, how do you know all this.

    John(to Marlena): I’m not going after Stefano, Doc!
    Marlena: Then I will!

    Steve(while standing in the line of gunfire as he pushes Kayla aside): I REMEMBER!
  24. daysfan
    LIS has some new people joining the cast! Apparently, Tanisha Lynn(ex-Dani, AMC) will be joining the cast as "Simone", a woman who will be freinds with Erin and play a key role in Erin's upcoming story! Look for her to start airing very soon!

    In other casting news, LIS is looking to cast Faux Roman/Allan (Josh Taylor) a family! "It's time for a new family. We were going to have that be Erin's but we scrapped it because it would be better to go with Faux Roman's family just because I have not been here for long." the headwriter comments. LIS is looking for an early twenties male, all though they already have one actor in mind but they are waiting, a mid/late twenties male and female. Apparently these are going to be Faux Roman's children! LIS would like readers help in deciding who to play who we just described.

    And, in other news, Sarah Buxton (Crystal Galore) is back on recurring! And, JANE ELLIOT, GH fame, is brining her character Tracy Quartermaine to Salem THIS VERY MONTH! She is on recurring as well, however.

    Also, Kimberlin Brown (ex-Sheila, Y&R) will be joining LIS as Stefano's new assassin/henchwoman! She is on recurring.
  25. daysfan

    -Willow arrives at Chez Rouge and sees Maggie. She asks her for a job!

    -Helena holds Colleen at gunpoint. EJ asks if they should kill her and Helena says no, then she throws Colleen on a chair. She then tells Colleen to tell them who sent her.

    -Kayla jumps back over to where Steve is and pushes him down just as the shots arrive. Steve thanks her and then they quickly run, avoiding the shots. They find a backdoor and use it. They hide in an alleyway beside that one and Steve tells Kayla he remembers everything!

    *Days of Our Lives Opening*

    -Hattie avoids the question. She tells Faux Roman what is important is that we find them and meet them. He asks a question but Hattie rushes out of the station.

    -Sam and Kristen head back to Salem on a plane. Kristen finally comes back to reality, and she asks Sam who she is again. Sam says she’s Marlena’s twin Samantha, and she is going to help her get revenge on Marlena!

    -Belle orders Philip to get out! He says he will for now but very soon Claire will be his! Philip leaves the loft.

    -Rex visits Cassie. Cassie asks if he’s been alright after all that happened with Mimi. Rex says yes and he’s moved on and even found a new woman! Cassie is overjoyed! However, Rex thinks to himself that he can’t tell Cassie he believes Mimi is innocent because she could pull something to stop him.

    -Margaret asks Victor why, and Victor tells her to never question his orders just follow them. Margaret responds with a yes sir and leaves Titan, but before Victor tells her to drop by the Kiriakis Mansion and see how Nikki is doing, then he recalls how he told Margaret about Nikki and for her to keep watch over her. Margaret heads for the Kiriakis Mansion.

    -Chelsea asks Jeremy what he means, and Jeremy says last night she got involved wih some very bad people to get involved with, so she’s gonna have to leave Salem now. Chelsea says she has family there and she’s trying to heal things with her dad! Jeremy says that’s too bad. Chelsea tells Jeremy she thought he liked her!

    -Crystal refuses to leave! She says she’s back and ready to PARTY!

    -Eric asks Greta if she’s sure, and she’s not just doing this to make him feel better or anything, and then he tells her if she’s not ready to forgive him then she shouldn’t. Greta sincerely says she’s ready. She tells Eric what he did was painful. Eric tells her he’s felt guilted about it ever since. Greta tells him it has been a long time and time helps, she says it is still hard, but she must forgive him. She tells Eric she forgives him for his affair with Nicole. Eric thanks Greta. Greta however tells him she doesn’t want to go into another relationship with him, however.

    -Kayla begins to cry tears of joy and asks Steve if he really does, Steve smiles and says “Yeah, I sure do, Sweetness.” Kayla hugs him and he embraces it. They share a loving and passionate kiss.

    -Marlena asks John what he means, and they don’t “need” Stefano! John says because of Faux Roman’s identity and Shawn’s death they can’t go after him right now! John says over the years he has realized it is best if Stefano is free because that is the best time to find out secrets from him! Marlena is hesitant to agree and tells John she doesn’t want to risk him going after one of their family, friends, or anyone again!

    -Maggie comes back after a few minutes tells Willow she does have a few openings, and she says she does have a few openings, but from what she checked she (Willow) doesn’t have the best reputation…but she then tells Willow she heard she has been a waitress before so she’s got the job!

    -Crystal says to Nicole “Don’t worry, I’ll stay away from that cutie John. I heard somewhere Dr.Evans was alive so I’ll stay away from her to.” Nicole tells her she better, or she’ll make sure Crystal is out of Salem in a second! As Crystal goes off to un-pack what little she brought, Nicole wonders how she is going to keep Crystal under control.

    -Colleen refuses to say who sent her but after a bit she finally cracks and says Stefano DiMera hired her to do everything! Helena looks to EJ and tells him they have hit a bit of a snag, she then turns to Colleen and says “Your time is up, my dear.” Colleen lets out a gulp.

    -Jeremy tells Chelsea he doesn’t! He says at one time, he began to develop a bit of a crush on her but she is young and he was wrong! He tells her it’s time for her to go! Chelsea is astonished and refuses to!

    -Margaret arrives at the Kiriakis Mansion and using the directions Victor gave her she gets into the secret room, she gasps when she sees Nikki and says “Oh no, you!”
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