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Posts posted by VelekaCarruthers

  1. While I don't claim to have any inside knowledge (like some Bayview Sanitarium escapees on this board), it could be that Varni was behind PM return.  Valentini groomed (ahem) O'Connor and Van Etten on OLTL. PM always seemed to be something done by an executive at ABC not Valentini. But it's just my humble speculation. 

  2. On 6/1/2024 at 9:06 PM, Toups said:


    - Marin Gazzaniga first listed as Script Editor on May 30

    She hasn't consistently been listed. Seems she's listed only when Jim Brown is the script writer. I wonder if he's been fired and she rewrote his last few episodes or perhaps she's writing breakdowns again.  Time will tell.

  3. Scab writer Don Chastain on SFT

    Maggie DePriest stint on AMC and OLTL

    Karpfs on Capitol

    Corringtons GH, Capitol, OLTL

    David Cherrill (who took over from Ellis/Hunt) on SFT 

    Gary Tomlin's two SFT stints

    Mayer/Braxton SFT 

    As you can see SFT was one of the worst as far as firing head writers. As bad or worse than the doctors.

    Swajeski supervised the scab writing team on AW for over five months which included Iacubuzio, Mimi Leahey, Michael Zazlow (yes Roger Thorpe) and his wife Susan Hufford, Nerissa Radell (who I believe is the wife of an exec or lawyer for the P&G advertising company that supervised AW at the time).  The scab material was lively and somewhat interesting. Lemay's material starting in September was boring and uninspired. NBC and/or P&G wanted the scabs and got them back.  

  4. Today's Days script by Jamey G. The episode is posted on YouTube for a while. I'm watching it and his dialogue is too cute by half. If he ends up back doing breakdowns I can see why.  Writers in same order as Friday's episode.

  5. Margaret DePreist set the example for hack head writing (which led to the likes of Higely, McTavish, Reilly) on AW, AMC, AW again and OLTL. She was awful and never lasted in any of those jobs. Her only successful stint was following Smith's six months in 1981 at Days. I think she lasted about 2.5 years.

  6. The mistake was throwing out Dorthea Ann Purser who had been guided for nearly a year by highly experienced Soderberg. DAP was doing fine but they canned her for Culliton and Tomlin.  Under DAP, the show was classy and reminiscent of Lemay's time. DAP had done admirable work on Texas as well. P&G and NBC interference and lack of discipline.  

  7. Days credits today

    Ron Carlivati

    Ryan Quan
    Jeanne Ford
    Kate Schock
    Fran Myers

    Sonja Alarr
    Kirk Doering
    Jamey Giddens
    Dave Kreizman
    Henry Newman
    Dave Ryan
    Chris Dunn


    Appears they eliminated breakdown positions and rehired Jamey as script writer, moved Dunn and Ryan to script writers.  And Sheri Anderson (who may have been on scab staff) is not with the return writers...at this point anyway.

  8. 56 minutes ago, Toups said:

    Checked both feeds on GlobalTV and CBS, and Y&R did not have any writer/director/producer credits on Wednesday May 22. 

    It's been an unusual week at GH with double crediting the BDW and SW on May 22, and listing two SWs on May 24, unless they promoted Cathy Lepard to BDW.  

    I believe Cathy wrote the breakdown on the 22nd or they would have listed her with the other script writer.  

  9. The Corringtons were never successful head writers beyond SFT with Mary Bunim as producer. They should have left all three at SFT for more years.  

    The Corringtons were hired to replace Hall/Slesar in 1984 and lasted a few months; they were hired on Capitol and lasted less than a year and GH in 1982 (by Monty no less) and lasted a few months.  Joyce was brought into GL by Phelps several months after Curlee quit but she didn't last (I think she consulted/wrote breakdowns/edited scripts). Joyce also spent time on Santa Barbara but that also lasted six months or less.


  10. Mulcahey entered soap writing in 1980-81 and worked with the Corringtons, Marland (Nixon indirectly at Loving), Dobsons and Nancy Curlee. All great head writers. Yet Mulcahey never had what it took to be a successful head writer, if he had, he would have excelled at it before now and not when he's in his 70s, coming out of retirement and after years on a show like B&B that has never been about quality writing.

    Korte is a staff writer who also doesn't have what it takes to be a charismatic head writer either. Again, if she had the skill she would have been elevated (and succeeded at least for a time) before now.  

    EK/PM version of GH was absolutely terrible from a creative storytelling perspective despite a few good Tracy scenes here and there.

    PM was a great script writer in his day.  

    The real problem with GH has been Valentini who hires hair models and is more concerned about everyone's facial filler and botox being up to date, and bigger blame goes to the execs in charge of him and the show over the years.  The daytime version of the Sopranos played itself out two decades ago yet here we are with Sonny/Jason/Carly.  It's stale, tired and uninspired.  On top of that you have so many one dimensional performers who bring nothing but pretty head shots to the screen.  When has the show discovered new talent who sizzles on the screen (don't get me started on the overrated reaction to the dude who played Spenser recently, capable but nothing like the young stars back in the day). For those of us around who remember: Brian Bloom, Jon Hensley, Grant Alexander, Tichiha Arnold, Crystal Chappel, Judy Evans, Sharon Gabet, Larkin Malloy, Genie Francis, Tyler Christopher etc. It's just not there on GH and hasn't been since Frank took over.  Yes, there are amazing vets who chew scenery i.e. Maura, Cynthia, Jane. But their presence on the screen highlights the problem I've articulated above. It's a split personality of amazing talent and minimal or no talent.  

    GH can't be saved unless and until FV is gone and there's a Disney exec who wants to see multi-dimensional actors portraying compelling non MOB story. IMHO

  11. A former head writer taking on a new role is not all that uncommon. Hogan Sheffer came back to ATWT as an outline writer.  Richard Culliton twice left as AW head writer and became break down and/or script writer.  There are many other examples.  Chris has been with ABC for years and GH for years, makes sense to keep him.  No one ever complained about his outlines.  But the show still sucks under EK/PM worse than before, sadly.  

  12. Recently been reviewing April 93 through Dec 95 and I'm impressed how Caso tried to keep Marland's writing team together for so long after his deal (18months approx).  At first, he brought back (in June 93) John Kuntz who had been with the show for six years (departed six months prior) and added Mary Ryan (who would last 2 years as outline writer) then return for 2 years in 2001. Garin Wolf returned December 1993.  Then 1994 started a big influx and exodus of writers, just as happened on GL.  In Jan 94, Richard Culliton came in as an outline writer followed by Millie Taggart who wrote a handful of scripts in early spring of that year before she was pulled over to GL to write by committee when Curlee quit.  Then, this surprised me.  Lemay returned as story consultant from May to July of 94. This is when they also added Scott Hammer as dialog writer and Christina Covino (outlines and scripts) who had been a writer and production assistant on ABC nighttime show, The Commish.  By August 94, vet writer Nancy Ford was gone (but returned in April 1995 as outline writer, lasting 9 months) as was editor, Koechl.  End of August Sally Sussman was added as an outline writer (she lasted less than 4 months) and Susan Kirshenbaum as a script writer. By late November, Backus was out, Wolf/Culliton/Packer were head writers.  Lorin Wertheimer (assistant to writers) was added as script writer in spring 95 (fired by Valente in May 1996). Caso was replaced by hack John Valente by end of June 95 (he lasted 18 god awful months). (Tom Wiggin wrote a few scripts that summer as well). By end of August, Valente had started to disassemble the writing team. First to go was co-head Wolfe (after an 18month return post Marland death), leaving Packer and Culliton as co heads. Addie Walsh was added as outline writer and longtime writer, Meri Post was fired (having worked on the show since 1985 with a small break or two during that ten year period. By mid December, Packer had been fired, leaving Culliton as sole head writer (through Jan 96). Hammer, Ford and Mary Ryan were also out. Demorest was added (after a 1 year sabbatical after ten on GL) as was Iacubuzio, both as outline writers. Franz was also out after ten years as script writer, replaced by Louise Shaffer.  Then, we enter 1996........I have to say P&G/CBS were big into throwing the kitchen sink at the writers' rooms of both ATWT which lost Marland in spring 93 and GL which lost Curlee spring 1994. Neither show easily recovered, if ever. 

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