-Grace and Sam are enjoying being reunited as a family. They're planning a simple and elegant vow-renewal ceremony for close friends and families. Tensions flare between Kay and Charity as they help Grace prepare. Meanwhile, Grace's curse on her enemies begins to take effect in subtle ways.
-Theresa and Ethan have also been reunited as a family with Little Ethan and Jane. Gwen has been exposed, and Ethan knows he's Little Ethan's father. They enjoy ice-skating, snowball fights, sledding, a sleigh ride, and other fun winter activities. Unbeknownst to them, an increasingly-psychotic Gwen is stalking them, determined to kill Theresa and Ethan and raise their kids as her own.
-Eve is upset that her medical license has been revoked and her reputation ruined, but she is determined to redeem herself. She helps TC with his physiotherapy as he continues to recover from his stroke. Meanwhile, Julian becomes convinced that finding his child with Eve is the key to winning her back, so he hires private investigator Frank Lomax to search for him. Ivy, in the meantime, is beginning to fall in love with Julian after bonding over their heartbreaks, and becomes increasingly concerned with becoming Mrs. Julian Crane all over again.
-Tabitha finds herself at odds with Endora, who is continuing to help Fox stay with Kay. Tabitha subtly reminds Charity of the deal she made with Death about Maria, and tries to convince her to leave town again.
-JT has been murdered, and with Luis off the force, Paloma and Fancy are tasked to the assignment. Unfortunately, a crack in the case leads them to arrest Jessica not only for JT's murder, but for the motel murders as well.
-Unbeknownst to her, Sheridan is being guided by a mysterious dark force of evil to keep Fancy and Luis apart. Meanwhile, Fancy's eyes become green with envy when she spots Noah and Paloma in a kiss.
-Finally, Chad and Whitney's break-up sends her reeling into the arms of Frank Lomax. Chad and Jared are seen as pariahs after being revealed as secret lovers, but they're determined to bring peace and understanding to Harmony, along with Simone and Rae.
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