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Posts posted by heffos

  1. I always thought it was a shame what they did with Sam and Dylan. They broke them up at the time that it would had made sense to have a younger couple generating story lines. Instead They tried to use Sam to try to prop up boring Daniel St. John and poor Dylan floundered for a couple of years as a third wheel in one bad relationship after another.

  2. I got to say, the way the character of Phillip was quickly able to organically migrate  from lead romantic hero to somewhat unlikable cad (in order to pave the way to a successful Beth/Lujack pairing) was a testament to GA's acting more than anything else.

  3. On 6/8/2022 at 7:52 PM, Mitch64 said:

    When he first came on he wasn't bad...and he had kind of a sexy (I know weird) rascally vibe, he was just not to the manor born Alan and he always came off as too nice..so he tried to make up for it as being bombastic or grumpy.  

    I think RR could have been a better Alan with better writing. Despite the physical miscast (he had a more stockier build) he was a good enough actor to make up with it, to a certain extent. The problem is he was written all wrong compared to Bernau . The CB version was obsessed with how he looked in Springfield society, often causing him his main problems. While he had issues with individual characters like Ross, Mike and Ed he was never hated by everyone the way Raine's Alan was. He would only get involved
    with women that had good personal status like Hope, Vanessa, Trish and (once she cleaned up her act) Reva. He would not have a puppy love for a town pariah like Annie. At best, he would have treated her like Diane Ballard, a plaything on the side while he pursued more upstanding women. And he would never let him get implicated in any murders, attempted or otherwise.

  4. 1 hour ago, Orea Mou Kiria said:

    I thought that ED's Blake would turn out to be Beth. 

    I also think that Arianne Munker was hired to play Hope Bauer in the 80s, but she ended up being Christine Valere for some reason. 

    Murker certainly had the looks to be Hope, but she looked too young to have been married to Alan and be Alan-Michael's mom (Carl T. Evans is only eight years younger than her).

  5. Yea, I think Courtney's acting lacked the "cattiness" that Bev had as Alexandra. It would be hard to imagine her doing that famous take down  of Roger at Towers.

    I would think it would have been cool to see JC as Hope, George Reinholt as Alan (as suggested here), and Robin Strasser as Alex (as once rumored). A total deconstruction of their roles on AW.

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