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Posts posted by Vince79

  1. He is a 67 year old man. He's been retired for 5 years. He's been a script writer for his entire career except a 6 month stint at GL. He is not known for creating story. He is proven at crafting scenes. You are getting nothing except the latter since he came onboard. If you want conversations first...you may enjoy his two months. If you want entertainment first...you are happy to see the end of his two months. 

    You have a show with no energy or momentum to hope to pull out of this rut of boredom. He wasn't fine tuning things. He was giving us filler nonstop. It is mark of a script writer. Ratings sunk like a rock on his watch week to week and year over year that is too alarming to ignore. Fans spoke in droves with their remotes about his vision. You will not survive 1.8 million in May Sweeps when the guys that were fired for you were doing 250,000 better 12 months ago.

    He will be remembered for bringing back a few rounds of hate sex to create (non) buzz that caused more to tune out. He should've gone for shock and awe in other places with more relevant characters. All the personality shifts (daily) were too jarring to keep straight. It was like the twlight zone in some cases. I will not miss career day. I will not miss the "mobsters kill people?" portion of the week. Frank did the right thing cutting the cord before it strangled the viewership further into cancellation. A terrible match from the start with these men. All his ideas should be trashed. It wasn't catching on and was confusing to force that much change. 

  2. 8 hours ago, John said:

    Liz 100%. Herbst will be brought back again once the backlash forces the network to act. Nina, Ava, Anna and Laura have been onscreen more than enough since the change and have ongoing stories to rule them out.  Liz has neither going on and nothing on that horizon. Trina will be kept around for the young set. 




  3. 1.875,000 mil

    Down for the 5th straight week and 4th straight week under 2 million. 

    Down in the year over year to the tune of 300,000 from May Sweeps 2023 for the second straight week. 

    Is it time to see it takes more than sparkling dialogue to cut the mustard? They were staff writers for a reason that have little to no pedigree of head writers. You can tell from the lack of any soapy drama in 2 1/2 months and majority of time put into yawning filler conversations. Stories move ratings. So does action. Not dialogue. They are needlessly tinkering for the sake of it to mix and match like there is no urgency to entertain. All of their episodes end in the most forgettable uneventful way. 

    And entirely too much of Cameron Mathison day to day which says it all about this huge misfire to reach lapsed viewers if you are banking this hard on "Drew". 

  4. Can we move on from 1994? I would've rather seen AH as a Jax recast to work up modern day beef with Sonny than Karen this or Stone that for the whole year. It's obvious Jagger's only claim to fame was saving Karen from Sonny so it's beaten into the ground cause it's his lone purpose for returning after 30 years. Scott has brought this up on and off for 20 years about Karen for those saying it is finally being revisited. Nah. It's been covered and covered by Scott a lot. Sonny isn't still pushing drugs or running a strip club. Give them something new to beef over if this hatred is moving to the forefront. Dex can turn out to be his son or something. 

  5. 21 hours ago, carolineg said:

    So strange.  I am not asking for in-depth Sonny/Nina scenes, but we were just left hanging with the whole thing.  The romance is over now?  Lol.  Lois had more to say about the breakup then Sonny and Nina have.

    They have one scene a week that lasts five seconds since the reveal at the club. Nina tries to talk to him. Sonny says leave me alone. You can't get a read on him other than he was jealous to see Nina and Valentin sharing a drink at Charlie's. Ava brought up his reaction on the island. Sonny said the topic is off limits. Is he still wearing his ring? He backed off on divorce talk to Diane when she said "Let me get started on it" and asked Michael if he would turn on him again if he went back to her. I have no idea what the show is going for since 95% of his scenes are mob related in new year. Nina might get shot to force Sonny to her side (or vice versa) or this Michael and Dex secret will show him her lies weren't so bad. 

  6. Do Brenda fans really want her back in the FV era to be ruined at the altar of Carly?

    Soapy Carly is long gone. Saint Carly is propped to the heavens and will be written as superior to Brenda just like Nina and Ava. They never win an argument over her and are forced to beg her for help at times. 

    VM is smart enough to not return to GH for LW to run roughshod over her like the rest of her female co-stars. Carly dominates the other women under FV as the queen bee alpha female presence. Writing is skewed beyond belief since 16-17 to make Carly as bulletproof as possible in every story. Everyone kisses her ass. Nobody calls her out. Brenda will be made subservient to Carly in this era just like Nina and Ava. You get along with her or get run over. 
  7. I like Nina and Sonny. MB's best couple since Brenda's last return in 10-11 and Kate in 07-08. I am not saying they have a potent chemistry, but it's better than his previous couples. Claire, Olivia, KS's Kate, and LW's Carly were no romantic chemistry zone. MB and CW work well together playing romance than what they had prior to this with LW and IR. There is a warmth and affection that makes me enjoy Sonny and Nina.  That's it. They are okay. Decent chemistry. If it's Nina or Carly or Bust, I want Sonny with Nina. She made him likeable and rational to me instead of stuck in same old patterns. 

    But the problem is as another poster said these writers REALLY wants us to hate Nina and love Carly like it's personal to them. You get the feeling there is a score to settle that MB gives more to CW than LW so they getting even with him. You want a new leading lady? Okay. But we are going to tank her. Enjoy. 

  8. 10 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I think Ava has absolutely run her course as a character.  Maura is good enough to pivot in a different direction, but I can't deal with her having Esme! as a main foe.  Maybe Ava could be rested and come back with more of an edge and focus.  

    Ava lost her value when they made her a victim.

    Ryan tormenting her on and off for five years. Griffin cheating on her with Kiki. Kiki's dead body shown to her on the slab. Nik making her think she was going crazy when she checked herself into Shadybrook. The stalker storyline when Esme and Spencer were harassing her so much she sent Avery to live with Carly for protection. Nik cheating on her by knocking up Esme. Heather nearly stabbing her to death. Ryan breaking out to abduct her one last time. Mason blackmailing her. Austin lying to her. It never stops. 

    Ava has run her course. She could be written off tomorrow with no impact to the canvas. Avery is her only connection since Kiki and Julian were killed off. She will continue to be raised by Sonny and Carly (in separate homes) like it was for the majority of that child's life. There is nothing left other than putting her back with Nik and raising Ace as their son when Esme is in a coffin or prison. Not exactly going to fix the fact Ava has been FAR too watered down for six years straight. 


  9. 7 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I mean, Maxie has looked awful for years down to greasy hair.  It doesn't matter how many Emmys the costume designer/wardrobe has won.  

    And all the examples you are citing are for women with more "typical" bodies for tv.

    I actually think it's more of KS choice than wardrobe, but it's also a lot easier to make a thin women look awesome in clothes.  Brook Kerr would probably look good in a trash bag.  KS is an entirely different body type.  It's not that she can't look fierce, it just hasn't happened in years.

    If it was one or two bad outfits for KS I would just say it was a mistake, but she's probably had 1 or 2 GOOD outfits in the last 5 years.

    Maxie needs a love life again. I would recommend Portia's brother, Zeke. He had a one nighter with Jordan in June that was just a backdrop to realize she had unresolved feelings for Curtis. He hasn't been on ever since. Sasha, Brooke Lynn, and Lucy getting her ready for a night on the town might be nice. KS can't turn down a romantic story. It will be coming at some point. They will have to come up with something in hair, makeup, and wardrobe to make her look better. Zeke and Maxie might be hot in the bedroom. Both are single. Close in age. There is nobody else for her. They can make it a modern day Brad Carlton and Tracy Abbott love story. It worked out well on Y&R

  10. On 7/14/2023 at 8:30 PM, carolineg said:

    I am watching yesterday's episode and I have a few thoughts-

    Sonny is again just hanging around the hospital for no reason.  Does he even know Curtis well?  He might, but I clearly have never paid attention.  He's really into finding the shooter by..........standing around the hospital being useless?

    I think it's very weird that Kristina and Alexis are talking about Molly's surrogacy so seriously when Molly isn't onboard at all.  I appreciate Alexis is clearly laying out the cons, but they are really getting ahead of themselves here.  And, oh Maxie, that outfit.......the grandma purse really pulled the look together. 

    My hatred of Gladys and every scene she is in is well known, but I did have to chuckle that she had Michael in her phone as "Sonny's Kid" and she had no idea who Scout was either because, obviously, same with me.

    Sasha going off the rails is the best kind of Sasha.  It's truly faint praise from me, but it is amusing at least.

    I can genuinely say I DID NOT need Curtis's near death 'dream' with his mother in my life.  


    Nina comes first to Sonny as Carly, Michael, and Joss have been saying for a year and half. He wanted to be there for her cause she is worried about her BFF Curtis. They came together at the hospital so it made sense for him to be there. There was a little small talk with Marshall about the shooter. Alexis sent him a text that she needs to see him about Kristina. Nina told him to go even though Sonny offered to stay until they got a update. 

  11. 10 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Thanks for warning me it's a Gladys episode again.  I figured with yesterday's "cliffhanger".  If she doesn't fall into the pool like Ned and actually drown then I am going to have to skip it I think.  I would rather write an essay about why Carly is a great heroine than watch another day of Gladys, Sasha, and Cody talk about the exact same thing they have been talking about for 4 months now.

    Yes.  He was mad for awhile, but Carly being in love with Jason or something drove him back to Nina.  I can't remember, but Sonny knows.

    He didn't seem to care about Carly and Jason except when she kept bitching at him for having feelings for another woman. Sonny turned it back on her a few times that he isn't the only one trying to fall out of love with someone so stop coming at him like her heart isn't torn just like his. I saw a man that was no longer in love with his wife. He was going to stick it out in that marriage cause it was best for the family and business but he seemed to be completely tired of her foaming at the mouth. Carly wanted revenge on Nina. Sonny didn't. She needed him to hate Nina. He didn't. Just the opposite in fact then and now. They were finished cause of these two things. Everything else was the two of them delaying the divorce. Carly would've seen it every time Nina was around that Sonny isn't over her. If Nina got back together with Valentin or Jax, he wouldn't have left it alone. He would've reacted to it and confronted them about it. Carly would've done the same thing if Jason had been around and tried to restart something with Britt. 

  12. 3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    You're back!!😍

    It's a really hard call to say if I would want her back now.  Of course I do, but I don't want her to be the heavy for Nina/Sonny.  That's not worth my time.  In the last return Brenda was very much a heroine who needed everyone to save her and if she did try to save herself it was a big disaster.   I think she is complex, but I imagine her becoming more of a vixen under FV trying to steal Sonny from poor Nina. 

    If Brenda were to make a full-time return with Vanessa signing a two year contract, I am curious if you would want the reunion with Sonny or try something fresh like Finn or Austin. 

  13. 17 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I 100% agree with you especially about Brooklyn.  AS is capable, but they give Brook the lamest screen partners.  Chase is adorable, but he's pretty dull and the Linc story has gone on for at least a year too long.

    BLQ is at her best in scenes with Sonny for some reason. I don't know what it is when they run into each other but I find them both adorable to watch together. You could say they light up like a Christmas Tree when they cross paths around town. BLQ is so charming and endearing with Sonny. Same for Mike Corbin in 2020. AS's best scenes were with MG's Mike when she was feeding him spaghetti in one of BLQ's many visits. She was so warm and loving to him. 

  14. 17 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I don't know about firing her and don't really care, but she certainly wasn't necessary at the ball.  I know Sasha helped plan it, but if she came down with a cold or something and had to miss it no one would notice.  And they could avoid this.  Unless the Gladys stuff is coming to a head, which, yeah, I still don't care. 

    Brando and Sasha should've been written off together at the end of 2021 in a happy ending with a healthy baby instead of the dark turn it took to force a story for them. All it would've taken was Cyrus ordering a hit on Brando from prison for betraying him for Sonny to set them up in a new life in parts unknown to write their exit out of town. Gladys could've joined them later on. I think they are setting up for Sasha to become Nina's legal daughter that she will take in once Gladys bleeds her dry on the money. Nina and Sonny (Via Brando) are her only connection left in town and she did spend the holidays with them last year on Thanksgiving  and Christmas. It's the best way to keep the character around by tying her to them. They will never break up Millow to give her back those ties through Michael that gave her a bigger role. Cody is a nothing character that will keep her off in filler land. Nina will step up to takeover as Sasha's guardian and Sonny will back her up to honor Brando and she will become their responsiblity since Gladys has failed her on whatever time is left on the deal Martin cut to keep her freedom. 

  15. Ugh. Carly and Drew is her worst pairing in 25 years. They are so corny, goofy, and sappy. Not to mention boring and pointless in the once a month talking about this non story of theirs. I really hate them as much as the last rendition of Carson and Jarly. Carly's character doesn't work with a Dudley Do Right. They need to recast Jax to start off a CarJax reunion. He will get knee deep into this Joss and Dex romance (+Michael's role in it to ruin Sonny) to get her involved in a real story again. Carly is a waste of screen time right now cause she is not doing a thing except sitting around all day. CM is so terrible on GH. It's time to move on back to Hallmark movies. He came off like a game show host at the Portis and Curtis wedding reception doing the intros like it was the Super Bowl. He was so OTT in the worst way. Good guy. Bad recast. 

    Is there any news on VM coming back as Brenda for the Nurses Ball/60th? I like Sonny more with Nina than Carly. MB has better chemistry with CW than LW. I still want Brenda back for Sonny at some point. I would love even a visit for a week. They were the last real supercouple on GH

  16. I don't want to be struck in prisoner of the moment, but I think a current one is right up there in the bad. Carly getting a free pass in eight minutes for keeping this a secret for eight months. No fallout. No payoff. Nobody on Nina's side mad at her. Everyone kissing Carly's ass. It was revenge. Plain and simple. How they have worked overtime whitewash and protect her is ludicrous. No mention of the countless times she has kept parents from their kids like it's a one off. She loves to play judge and jury on who has the right to know about their family. It turns my stomach how they've twisted this. 

  17. 1. Hope/Liam and Steffy/Liam

    Either one. It doesn't matter. No two couples in the last decade and a half have dominated one soap and dunked on more characters to give these two pairings stories and reunions. Unlike the others listed in this thread, there is never a break from it. Steffy left for a few years. Hope then left for a few years. Liam was always there to keep one or the other going. 

    2. Lily and Cane

    When three different regimes see it was time for a break from this boring repetitive nightmare, but they are held hostage by a fanbase that forces Sony to keep the characters together to the detriment of creative, you are letting the inmates run the asylum. You might as well had the keys over to them instead having to reverse decisions already set in motion on employment and storylines. Cane should've stayed dead that night he was shot to death. Kudos to whoever it was that drove the nail into a coffin they've been trying to shut for years. 

    3. Jason and Sam

    See the above. Other characters were sacrificed to keep them going when they ran out of gas. Fans having too much power when a regime is ready to move on for awhile. Other than a short break when there was no SB or BM, I think they overtook the show for 15 years. Worst of all was the Jake Doe is Jason Morgan story for Jasam 2.0. Nik, Liz, and Laura all tossed under the bus to setup the grand reunion by keeping the secret. Lucky was dragged into the deception when he came home for a day. Hayden put on ice for the summer to keep her from spilling the truth. It's still being felt today as Nik's dark turn started right here. 

  18. Ava is fully or partially responsible for the following deaths.

    Vincent Serfini 

    Shot by Julian for telling vital info to Shawn and Max during a beating. Kicked into the harbor by Ava even though he was still breathing on the ground. 

    Connie Falconeri

    Cold blooded murder. To cover up Julian's identity. Which put into motion the next killing...

    AJ Quartermaine

    Framed him for the above murder. Removed security footage from the MC to show only AJ going into Connie's office that night. Gaslight the hell out of Sonny to finish the job she tried to do twice. Tracy hit Carlos over head with vase and Ava's gun jammed when she tried to kill AJ. 

    Morgan Corinthos 

    Replaced his meds with placebos after he came home from the clinic recovered from a breakdown. Sent him into a manic episode that lead to stealing Julian's car. Stepped out of the vehicle to a exploding bomb by her sister Olivia that was meant for her brother. 

    Sabrina Santiago 

    Blackmailed DA Paul into throwing Julian's murder trial or else she would reveal him as the serial killer. Allowed him to continue to roam free until he stabbed Sabrina to death for catching him in the act. 

    Kiki Jerome

    Repeatedly told Ryan that she couldn't stand the sight of her daughter. Port Charles wasn't big enough for the both of them were her words after Kiki slept with Ava's boyfriend Griffin. He took care of the problem for her to make her happy. 

    Nikolas Cassadine

    See this week. 

  19. #1: NLG 

    I feel the wording of this one is meant to get us to think it's one of the two alpha males left in daytime (MB or EB) but in fairness they've been the unfair targets of the online rumor pushers for the last two decades. 

    If you had a dime for everytime MB or EB were blamed for a male actor getting fired cause they were "threatened" or when a popular couple is broken up cause they were "jealous" you might be able to buy a new car. It comes with being the clear cut stars on their soaps and both are honest to a fault about their egotistical moments. If MB is so difficult to deal with on the set...I would like to know why damn near everyone on that cast (and some crew) will use their free time to go to be on his podcast. It makes no sense to spend time away from the set with this so called dictator. He is talked about by current and former co-stars in too much of a positive light for it to justify the absurd levels of assumptions. There are endless stories of love and respect for him in the genre to those he reached out to when they were struggling with depression. EB is on much less these days and has won over haters for his politics to lessen the slander crowd, but it wasn't too long ago that he supposedly had full control of CBS Daytime when a casting or story uproar took off. He was the devil at one point. Again...they aren't shy in their books (etc) on being open on their moments of being an ass...but there is plenty of other male or female divas roaming those halls right now.  

    NLG is my choice just based on the times. She seems like a miserable confrontational person that would be highly uncomfortable to work with this era of right vs left. I will bet any amount of money there will be the biggest sigh of relief EVER when she cleans out her dressing room for the last time. No filter. Can't restrain herself. Never pulls punches. Beyond vulgar. Very intimidating presence. If there is even a trace of her online behavior on the set....I have to think she can rub others the wrong way with ease. No way does some of that not spill over into her work setting. NLG has been taking shots at current and former castmates for years. I would keep my mouth closed and only make small talk with her. 

  20. 6 hours ago, MichaelGL said:

    It’s weird I’m finally starting to feel *some heat* between Sonny and Nina, not a whole lot, but some. 

    Your are not alone. They have good romantic chemistry. Way better than their couplings with Carly and Jax. I hope Sonny is so pissed off at Jason & Carly that his anger for Nina will slip through the cracks. If they botch the business and turn into lovers, that will be the single focus of his rage. I want Sonny and Nina to be the real thing one day. 

  21. 7 hours ago, David_Vickers said:

    Remember earlier this year there was a rumor of Jacob Young (ex JR Chandler, AMC; ex-Rick Forrester, B&B; ex-Lucky Spencer, GH) joining. Some people then thought he could be a recast Phillip, but I am.thinking re-cast Eric. Also saw rumor today of Billy Miller. I would prefer Jacob.

    After the way Miller phoned in his performances on GH in the roles of Jason and Drew, DOOL should steer clear of him and save their little budget left. He looked bored to death and mumbled his lines ALL THE TIME by not even trying to perform the material. It was pathetic. So lazy. He seems like one of those actors that is miserable being stuck in daytime and the bitterness for failing in primetime has made him stop even trying. Unless he adjusts his attitude, I don't care to see him back on soaps. 

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