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Colored me surprised too! DAYUM! :o
CUFFS EPISODE 12 "Eight years ago, I worked for this woman here in Port Charles. Her name was Faith Roscoe. I was young, stupid, and out for revenge against my ex and the guy who stole her away from me. Faith knew that and used me to get what she wanted." Zander stopped pacing and looked towards Jack. "I see." he replied as he suckled on his coffee. "Anyway, Faith wanted something that Nikolas had. A brand new freighter. She wanted to transport her drug shipments with it and Nikolas wasn't about to give her his permission to use it, even though he owed her millions of dollars. Faith told him she'd take it in trade for the money he owed her. This back and forth went on for a few months, and finally Faith was just sick of Nikolas's stalling. She ordered me to remove Nikolas permanently. I went to Wyndamere fully aware of what I was doing and why I was there. I found Emily and Nikolas in the catacombs that run the full dimensions of the mansion. I followed them to the study and waited for the right time to appear. What happened after that wasn't suppose to happen. I had it all planned out, down the last detail, nothing was to go wrong. But something did go wrong, and I have held the guilt ever since." Jack listened to his partner re-live that night that had him so shaken. "Zander, what happened after you appeared to them?" Zander rubbed his hands over his face and stared coldly at Jack. "I don't really remember what Nikolas was shouting at me, it was really all a blur till I heard the shot. She wasn't suppose to get hurt, Jack!" The tone in Zander's voice changed, from calm and cold to painful and agitated. Jack got up from the chair and went to him. He stared into Zander's eyes. "What happened?" he said calmly hoping to keep his partner calm enough to tell him the rest. "She died in my arms, Jack!" Zander broke down and sobbed as his knees buckled and he went to the floor. "You shot her? You're ex?" Jack went to comfort him and went down on his knees to the floor. "She was so vibrant, full of life, Jack. I took that all away that night. My stupid mistake took her life!" Zander sobbed uncontrollably as Jack wrapped his arms around his friend. "It's okay, Zander. It was a long time ago, you've changed your life for the better now." Zander looked up at Jack and wiped the tears from his face. "I shot her Jack and I can't take that back! God I wish I could, but I can't! I have tried so hard to forget but it's been nearly impossible." Jack helped Zander to his feet. "First thing you have to do is forgive yourself, Zander. You can't keep this inside of you, it's going to destroy you from the inside out." Zander stumbled to the bed and sat down. "Don't you think I know that, Jack! I do! I just don't know what to do anymore, it's eating at me for the past 8 years. I just can't shake it!" Jack didn't know how to help him, he sat and listened to Zander, hoping it would be enough. "Tell me about her Zander. What was she like? I assume you love her still, tell me about your life together." Jack didn't know if would help but remember her in life might help him move past not having her in his life now. Jack noticed the empty bottle sitting on the nightstand. He got up from the chair and went to throw it away. "Is this how to solve the problem, Zander?" Zander looked at the bottle in Jack's hand. "It's the only way I know how, Jack." Jack threw the empty bottle of Jack Daniels in the small waste paper basket and continued to question Zander like he was a suspect. ""It's been 8 years, Jack. I was heavily into the mob at that time, working for Faith who had connections with Lorenzo Alcazar, a known International criminal ... Jack all this disappeared in a matter of hours. There was no proof of anything. Emily was dead. End of story." Zander was getting annoyed with all of Jack's questions about that night. He just simply wanted to forget that night, he didn't want to re-live it over and over again.So what happened afterwards? I mean, what happened to Nikolas?" "Nikolas?" Zander looked up at Jack who genuinely seemed concerned for him. "Yeah, Zander. Nikolas. Is he still living here in Port Charles? What happened between the two of you? I mean, you obviously didn't spend any time in jail for this. Care to tell me how you got out of it?" Zander stood up from the floor and walked towards the bed. He sat down on the edge and held his head in his hands. "Nikolas just wanted it all to go away. He didn't want the media to have field day with the incident and as far as he was concerned he knew I didn't do it on purpose. He was upset and quite angry with me, but mostly at himself for allowing it to happen, cause he could of stopped it before it happened. He blamed himself for it more so then he did me for pulling the trigger. As far as I know he moved back to Greece shortly after the funeral. I wasn't charged with anything, with Nikolas gone and not willing to press charges or to say what happened in that room that night, there was really nothing that could be done to me or to anyone else." Jack stepped closer and sat down on the chair, he still had concerns for his partner, this was alot to bear for someone, especially for Zander. "What about her family? No one ever questioned it?" Zander looked up at Jack. "Sure there were questions, plenty of them. But Nikolas ran and so did I, there was really no one else to ask. Jack, this incident just disappeared. For all who knew about it, well, they are either gone from this world or they have disappeared so no one can find them." Jack raised an eyebrow. "Look, I was heavily into the mob at that time, working for Faith who had connections with Lorenzo Alcazar, a known International criminal ... Jack all this disappeared in a matter of hours. There was no proof of anything. Emily was dead. End of story." Zander was getting annoyed with all of Jack's questions about that night. He just simply wanted to forget that night, he didn't want to re-live it over and over again."Okay. end of story." Jack got up off the chair and threw Zander his clothes that laid across the back. "Here, let's go get some breakfast. I think you need it." Zander caught the clothes thrown at him and looked at Jack. "Sure, as long as we can put your interrogation about that night to rest?" Jack started to walk towards the door and turned to look back at Zander. "Okay, no more questions. Just get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs in 10 minutes." Jack left Zander alone in the room and closed the door behind him. Zander fell back on the bed and sighed heavily. He rubbed his hands over vigorously, he couldn't believe this was happening to him. He decided to throw himself into the new case they were working on, maybe taking his mind off of that night would help it go away for good.
CUFFS Episode 11 Jake's - Zander's room Zander woke with a start, his brow moist with a cold sweat. He tried to shake the nightmare he had, as his body quivered and his breathing erratic. He tried to catch his breath as he sat up against the headboard of the bed. It had been a while since he had one of those kinds of nightmares. He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his coal black hair. He reached for the glass and bottle of Jack sitting on the nightstand next to the bed. The red numbers on the clock read 2:00am as he glanced towards the window to see the neon sign flicker "Jake's". He poured himself a shot of alcohol hoping it would calm him down enough so he could fall back to sleep. He swallowed the liquor with a hard gulp and set it back on the nightstand. He could feel it all the way down his throat as he rubbed his face with his hands. He laid back down and rested his head on the pillow, he pulled the covers up over his waistband and placed his hands behind his head. He stared at the ceiling for what seemed like an hour before he slowly closed his eyes and drifted back off to sleep. The corridor was dark and gloomy, there was a musty smell in the air, it was cold and brought a chill to him as he heard voices in the distance. He stood back in the shadows as he watched the two figures embrace, his anger burned inside him at the sight of them, he followed as they walked back towards the opening in the wall. He stood in the dark corridor as he watched them through the opening, they embracing, kissing, groping each other like animals. He stepped from the shadows with his gun raised, he was ordered to permanently remove him and he was there to complete his mission. He startled the two of them as they quickly turned to face him. He thought he had it all planned out, but something went terribly wrong. His target approached him, not afraid to die and came face to face with him. He shouted at him but his mind racing, he didn't hear the words, just saw his mouth moving. He pointed the gun at him and he didn't flinch. She didn't stay back like she was suppose to .... shots rang out. Blood on his hands, now down on the ground next to her. "Nooooo! Emily!!" Zander sat straight up in the bed in a cold sweat. His breathing was hard and erratic, his body quivering with fear. He slipped from the bed and went to the bathroom. He turned on the faucet and ran cold water into his hands. He splashed his face hoping it would snap him out of what was happening to him. He could never forget that night, but he wished the nightmares would stop. It had been a nightly occurrence to relive what happened, but they seemed to subside once he moved to Miami. He guessed they were back because he was back to the scene of the crime. But it wasn't a crime, it was an accident, yet he never got over the feeling of guilt of doing the deed. The night that he was suppose to remove Nikolas permanently didn't happen like it was suppose to. Zander walked back to the bed and sat down on the edge. He grabbed the bottle of Jack and chugged it down. One way or the other he was going to get a night's rest, voluntarily or passed out. He soon finished the bottle and laid out cold on the bed. He awoke to a banging on the door. "Zander! You awake?" the voice shouted from the other side of the door. Zander groaned as he rolled over and hid his head in the pillows. "Go away!" he mumbled loudly. His visitor wasn't going away and knocked on the door once more. He stayed laying hoping who ever it was would get the hint and go away like he wanted them to. "Come on, Zander! Open the door!" Zander slowly climbed out of bed and went to the door. His was all disheveled as he rubbed his face with his hands as he opened the door. Jack stood on the other side with coffee in his hands and pushed his way inside. He set the coffee down on the desk as Zander closed the door. "Rough night?" Jack asked with a chuckle. Zander reached for a cup of coffee and smelled the aroma in the air. "You could say that." he replied before he took a cautious sip. "Want to talk about it?" Jack asked as Zander went to the bed and sat on the edge. He looked up at his partner who stood there concerned for him. "Um, no." Jack grabbed the wooden chair and sat in backwards in front of Zander. He straddled the chair and sat down with the cup in his hand. "It might be better if you do. Talking about it can help sometimes." Jack was seriously concerned and worried about Zander. His mysterious talk out on the water the day before had him curious. Zander took a sip from his cup and sighed. "I guess you deserve to know the truth." Jack raised an eyebrow. "That serious, huh?" Zander got up from the bed and began to pace. It helped him in some way to clear his head and it became a bad habit. Jack sat in the chair waiting to hear what was going on Zander's head. Jack noticed Zander struggling with the words, and he soon realized what Zander had to tell him had to be something that really weighed heavily on him.
Let's not forget me being on your cute little tushy to get this posted tonight - if not it wouldn't of gotten posted till tomorrow after you woke up! Jen
*applause* Toot Toot! If I do say so myself. Jen
They walked down to the wharf and met with the harbor master. "You know how to drive one of these things?" Jack asked as he and Zander boarded an old fishing boat they had rented. "Of course I do. I grew up on the water, remember." Zander rolled his eyes at the thought that Jack would forget something like that about him. "Oh, and here I thought you just knew how to blow them up!" Jack chuckled as Zander turned the ignition. "Funny, Jack. Real funny." Zander smirked as he pulled away from the dock. "Where we headed?" Zander didn't really know, he just wanted to check out the bay and to see who was coming and going into Port Charles. "Just out there. Don't worry, we won't be out here long." He tried to answer his partner the best he could, since he really didn't know himself. Zander steered the old boat towards Wyndamere, Jack was so interested in it the first night they were in town, so he thought he'd give his partner a good look at the island and the old mansion that sat on the grounds. "Wow, that's creepy." Jack said as Wyndamere came into view. "Yeah it is, trust me. The old place has been here for a long time, even before I had come to Port Charles." Zander and Jack circled the island as thoughts of what had happened there filled Zander's mind. The events that made him escape Port Charles gave him chills as he remembered that night. Jack saw his partner drift off into space and shouted his name to bring him back. "Zander!" Zander glared at his partner as he called his name. "Bad memories?" Jack continued as they made one last pass. "Yeah, the reason I stayed in Miami and away from Port Charles." Jack didn't push the issue, it seemed the more they talked about it, the more Zander got agitated. Zander had seen enough of the bay, he had seen what he wanted to see and he turned the old boat back towards the main land. Jack didn't understand their expedition out into the bay, though he figured it was all part of Zander's reasons for leaving his home and trying to forget his past. He didn't question it, he knew that if Zander wanted to talk about it, he would. Zander docked the old fishing boat and turned off the engine. "So did we learn anything from our field trip?" Jack asked as he stepped off the boat and onto dry land. "Jack, our field trip was very educational. Come, let me buy you a cup of coffee and explain it all to you." Zander took a grasp on Jack's shoulder and guided him as they walked along the docks. They walked and talked a piece way before running into someone Zander apparently knew. Jack eyed the young petite woman who jumped into Zander's arms. Zander embraced Elizabeth and twirled her around in his arms. It was the first time in a long time that Jack had seen a smile like that on Zander's face. Zander set Elizabeth down on her feet and brushed back a stray strand of brunette hair from her face. "It's been a long time Zander." she said excited to see him. "It sure has. It's so good to see you." he replied and pulled her into another embrace. She held onto him tightly and he did to her. It was like they had never been apart. All the feelings came rushing back to him as they embraced on the docks, it was a good feeling that he felt and it was something he didn't want to lose again. Jack cleared his throat hoping one of them would notice he was standing there. "I'm sorry Jack. Elizabeth, this is my partner Jack Keys." Jack extended his hand to Elizabeth and she shook it firmly. "Jack this is Elizabeth ...." It had been a long time, Zander didn't know which name she was now using so he didn't. "Hi Jack. Nice to meet you." Jack smiled at the pretty woman who stood before him. "Hi Elizabeth. Nice to meet you too." Elizabeth's focused turned back towards Zander once more. "You think we could get together later, I'd love to talk with you about some things." she flirted. Zander looked at Jack as if to get his approval. "Yeah I guess so. Jake's?" Elizabeth agreed that Jake's would be fine. "I'll see you later then." she gave Zander a kiss on the cheek before continuing her walk down the pier. "Okay, you have to tell me your secret." Zander looked at Jack a little confused. "What secret?" he chuckled. "The secret of getting all these women, Zander. Have you had all the women in this town, or only the pretty ones?" Zander chuckled at the thought. Jack's eyes still focused on Elizabeth who was a good distance from where they stood. "Come on, let's go get that coffee, Romeo."
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwzqefvAqYs&rel=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwzqefvAqYs&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwzqefvAqYs&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> Inspired by Crashed by Chris Daughtry He was out late again, another business meeting he attended while she sat at home alone. While she waited for him, she had stumbled upon information she wasn't suppose to, information that he was keeping from her. She had discovered the truth, the truth that she should of been told about, months ago. By the time he returned home, she had a few hours to gain her courage to confront him about the deceit and lies. She was ready for him when he walked into the living room. "Lorenzo ...." she stood up from her seat on the couch. "Sorry I'm late, the meeting ran over. We had a lot of business to discuss tonight." he replied as he went to the wet bar and poured himself a drink. He could see there was something wrong and questioned her. "Something wrong?" "You could say that. I guess I will just get to the point." She reached for the files she hand found and threw them at him. Papers scattered everywhere. "Why the hell have you been lying to me?! Lying for months!" she shouted as a shocked look came over his face. "Lying about what?" he played coy as he took a sip from his glass. "Don't do that, Lorenzo! You know damn well what I'm talking about! You have been lying to me about your recovery and going behind my back to go up against Sonny, all the while I'm sticking my neck out for you and covering *your* ass, thinking you are not capable of handling the business by yourself!" He knew he'd been busted, there was no denying it now. She knew all of it and there was no way he was going to talk his way out of this one. "Okay, yes I've been hiding my recovery from you." "And ? ... dammit Lorenzo!" she shouted as she headed for the stairs. "Where are you going? We're not done here, Skye!" he called after her. "Yes, yes we are! We are done, completely done. I am leaving this house, and I am leaving you Lorenzo. You can have this business if you love it so much. Apparently so much more than me or Lila Rae!" she snapped back. She headed up the stairs to pack an overnight bag. Lorenzo took the quickly drank the alcohol that was left in his glass and slammed it down on the wet bar. Obviously upset that Skye was leaving him and leaving with his child. She came downstairs shortly after that and he asked her where she was going. "I don't know where I'm staying tonight. I know I'll be far away from you!" she stormed out of the house. She threw her overnight bag on the back seat and got in the drivers seat of her car. As she drove away from the house, it had started to rain. Lightning lit up the sky as she drove down main street. The rain pounded hard against the windshield as she pulled into the parking garage of the Metro Court hotel. Her eyes welled with tears as she couldn't help but think of all the lies she had been told, for months she believed him and believed whatever he told her. What a fool she felt like. She parked the car and took her bag from the backseat. She took the elevator up to the 21st floor and stepped off into the hallway. She followed the hall to Room #2132. She stood outside the door and hesitated. She knocked on the door. The door opened revealing him standing in his black silk robe covering his black pajama bottoms. "Skye? ..." he said as he didn't bother to adjust his robe to hid his bare chest, "What are you doing here? It's really late." She rushed into the apartment and closed the door, Ric unaware of what was about to happen, but he knew whatever it was, she would be in control. She dropped the overnight bag on the floor at her feet and pulled him to her. Her lips met his, a hunger drove her as all she wanted was to numb the pain she was feeling. She wanted to be with someone tonight, she needed someone to hold her, to love her, to make her feel like the beautiful woman she knew she was. It was all happening so fast, she had whisked up into a whirlwind as soon as she walked into the apartment. Soon their half naked bodies were caressing each other on the couch, then to the floor in front of the fireplace. She needed for the pain to go away, and like a drug, Ric was the one to make it all go away, at least for tonight. The passion intensified as they explored every inch of each other, lightning lit up the sky and illuminated the living room as their bodies intertwined and they became one. He thrust against her hard, moans of pleasure could be heard with every rhythmic stroke. She had to have him, she couldn't resist his touch, his scent, the taste of him only made her wanting him more. He was hungry for her, wanting her, needing her to be one with him, their passion ignited and intensified. As they lie in each other's arms, the amber glow of the fireplace warmed them. He saw she had drifted off to sleep and he got up and slipped on his black pajama bottoms, being quiet so not to wake her. He went to the wet bar and poured himself a drink. As he stood pouring the alcohol into the glass, he felt her hands come from behind him and wrap around his waist. "Offer a lady a drink?" she purred. He did so and handed her a glass. "Care to tell me what happened tonight?" he asked as he took a sip from his glass. "Well, the short version? I found out Lorenzo has been lying to me for months and I left him. I needed someone to dull the pain and that was you." "I'm glad I could help." he replied as he took the last sip of alcohol from his glass. "I need something more from you ..." she proposed "And what might that be?" he asked, his interested piqued. "I want you to help me take down Lorenzo and take over his territory." Ric grinned a devilish grin. "With pleasure."
Between the time the help from Miami would arrive, Zander would try to get close once more to Carly. They had been close before, it wouldn't take much to re-connect with her. He sat at a table in the corner of Kelly's just waiting, he knew she'd be in, it seemed to be her daily routine to come and visit with her mother. The waitress had re-filled his coffee cup a few times before Carly made an appearance at the diner. He didn't make an effort to approach her, he just sat reading the newspaper and sipping his coffee. As she walked passed, she took a second look to be sure it was him before she said anything. "Zander? Oh my God, it is you!" Zander looked up from his paper and smiled. "Carly! How have you been?" He stood up from his chair and gave her a hug. "I'm doing fine, what are you doing back in town? When did you get back?" She was just full of questions and he invited her to sit with him. "Please, sit and I'll fill you in." They talked for a while, just catching up on things, it had been a long time since he was in Port Charles, alot had changed. "All I want to know is are you happy?" he asked as she sipped the coffee that the waitress had brought her. "Yeah, Zander. I'm very happy. Lorenzo and I have a wonderful marriage." Zander noticed the look on her face when she talked about her husband, he could tell she wasn't telling him everything. He didn't push though, she'd tell him in her own way, and in time. "Hi Carly, so sorry I'm late." Bobbie approached from the direction of the kitchen. "That's okay mom, Zander and I have just been catching up." Carly stood and embraced her mother. "Well, you two look like you have things to do, so I'm going to go. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again." Zander excused him self from the table and gave Carly a quick hug and kiss on the cheek goodbye. She smiled warmly as she watched Zander walk out the door. Bobbie noticed and raised an eyebrow. "You still love him don't you." she asked her daughter as they took seats at the table. "Zander? Nah .. just fondness. He's really pulled his life together since leaving Port Charles, I'm quite proud of him." Bobbie didn't buy her daughter's answer, she saw more then that in Carly's face as she talked about her former love. Zander and Carly never really explored their feelings for one another, but it was apparent to many people that they shared a bond, and cared deeply for one another. Bobbie always thought Carly had felt more for Zander then she had cared to admit, and from the look on her daughter's face, those feelings were brought to the surface. "So, what do you want to do today, mom? I got all afternoon. Lorenzo is away on business till tonight, so you have me all to yourself." Carly felt the urge to shop and she knew her mom couldn't pass up going shopping all afternoon. "Well I don't have to be back here till tomorrow, and I have the night off from the hospital, so ...." Bobbie's words drifted off leaving it up to Carly to decide. "How bout some shopping? I could always use a new outfit." Carly smiled and giggled. "Shopping it is." Zander sat outside Kelly's waiting for Jack to show up, he had called Jack to meet him there. He looked down at his watch checking the time when Jack strolled up. "Where have you been? I thought you were right around the corner." Zander asked as Jack took a seat at the table. "I was nearby, it didn't take me that long to walk here, did it?" Zander apologized for barking at his partner. "I'm sorry Jack, it's this case." he tucked his cell phone back into his jacket pocket before he heard Carly and Bobbie exit the diner. They were enjoying each other's company to much to realize he and Jack were sitting at the table. Jack's eyes focused on Carly as she walked away, and Zander noticed. "Ow! What'd do that for?" Jack yelped as Zander kicked him in the shin. "Hands off ... she's mine!" Zander joked. "That wedding ring on her finger says she's Lorenzo's. How do you suppose he's gonna feel about you invading his territory?" Jack asked as Zander cleared his throat. "I hope he becomes the jealous husband that I think he is and does something stupid. Stupid enough for him to slip up and then we got 'em!" Zander and Jack weren't sitting there long before Zander's cell phone rang. He answered it and talked for a few minutes to the caller. "That was the Lt. Our guys should arrive here tomorrow morning." Zander stood up and put his cell phone back in his pocket. "Where we going?" Jack asked as Zander started walking away. "We're going fishing." Zander offered as Jack caught up to him. "Fishing?"
Zander, Jack and Lucky spent the next few days coming up with a plan, the one thing they all agreed on was that it was going to more then the three of them to bring down Lorenzo. Zander made a phone call to his LT in Miami to see if there was a few more detectives he could put on the case to assist. "Hello, yes ... Badge # 573821-03 Detective Lewis Narcotics Unit....yes, I'll hold." Zander rolled his eyes and smirked. "Hello, yes .. I need to speak with Lt. Benson .. thanks." Zander waited patiently while he was being transferred to the unit. "LT. Lewis here, look we need some more bodies up here in Port Charles to help with this case." Zander asked as Lucky and Jack worked on more of the plan. "Yes, LT I know .. but, this is gonna take more then the three of us and I was hoping you could spare a few undercover officers for a few days." Zander's Lt. was not happy about sending a few officers he couldn't spare to help out, but eventually Zander convinced him. "Thanks Lt. We're doing fine here, just trying to work a few of the kinx out of right now. Jack? yeah he's right here.....No we haven't blown anything up .. yet." Zander chuckled at the thought. "Alright, I'll talk to you soon." Zander hung up with his Lt. and focused his attention on the case file that hung securely on a cork board they had hung on the wall. "So .. are we getting some help here or not?" Jack asked as he approached Zander from behind. "Yeah, Lt. is sending a few extra bodies to us, they should be here tomorrow." Zander still focused on one or two aspects of the case as he read over the a few of the pages again. He was a good cop, he was thorough and with this case, he wanted to plug up any holes. "How's pizza sound to you guys, I'm starved." Lucky said as he reached for the phone. "Sounds good, man. Anything but anchovies." Zander wrinkled his nose at the thought. "Fine with me." Jack added as he took a seat in the big comfy chair and propped his feet up on the coffee table. Zander began to pace in front of the cork board, his mind reeling with ideas about the case, but nothing that struck him as odd. "We have to get into Lorenzo's organization some how, neither of us can do that." Zander continued his pace, he always thought better when he was pacing, he figured it was a family trait, he had always seen his father do it, and now he did it too. "Zander would stop that before you wear a hole through the floor!" Jack watched as Zander walked back and forth in front of him. "Besides, your making me dizzy, and it's not helping my concentration." Jack chuckled as he reached for another file folder. "Okay so we have Jimmy our perp in Miami, who is connected to Lorenzo, and from what I see here, Jimmy makes weekly runs between PC and Miami, and we know his last trip was quite a few hundred pounds of cocaine, now .... " Zander thinking out loud, Jack sat in agreement as he nodded his head. Zander stopped in front of the cork board and crossed his arms in front of him. He stood with a serious look on his face as he concentrated on the thoughts running through his mind. "We also know that a month ago, Lorenzo made a trip to the islands, so I would assume he picked up the supply there and transported it back to the states on his yacht, storing it in one of the warehouses here along the docks." Zander pointed at the waterfront on the map of Port Charles that hung on the board. "Makes sense." Jack agreed as Lucky joined the conversation again. "See we've been through all of those warehouses down there and came up empty." he added. "Well then I would assume, Lorenzo has a mole someplace that is telling him everything, so when it comes time to bust him, he's already cleared out and gone." Zander answered as he turned around and faced them. "See that makes sense too." Jack replied as he pointed at his partner. "Okay let's say Lorenzo does have a mole in the PCPD, what then?" Lucky asked as he sat down on the arm of the chair Jack was sitting in. "Well, if that's the case, what we do from now on is between the three of us and no one else. We just can't risk it." Zander answered as he took a swallow from his bottle of beer. "What about Commissioner Scorpio? I mean, I trust him, I don't think he'd be in with Lorenzo." Lucky knew Mac for a very long time, he was a good cop, he'd never be on the wrong side of the law. Zander conceded that Mac would be told what's going on at least for now. The three of the startled when they heard a knock on the door. "Food!" Lucky was starved as he went to the door to let in the delivery man. Zander held his hand on his gun as Lucky reached for the door knob, he wasn't taking any chances. Lucky opened the door to find a familiar face standing on the other side. Zander heard a female's voice talking with Lucky and slowly moved his hand away from his weapon. "Paranoid, much?" Jack said as he walked passed Zander towards the kitchen for another bottle of beer. Zander's eyes followed Jack as he walked passed. Lucky invited his female friend in as Jack popped the top of the bottle he was holding. "Fella's, this is my fiancee Lydia .. Lydia, this is Jack Keys, and I believe you know Zander." Lydia shook hands with Jack and then walked towards Zander. "It's been a long time, Zander." she said as she stood before him looking him up and down. She noticed the holster he was wearing and the badge attached to the waistband of his jeans. "A cop, huh? Nice." she added as she glanced over his shoulder and noticed the cork board behind him. "Yeah, we're .. uh, working on a case with Lucky. How you been?" he said as he saw she was intrigued with the papers hanging on the board. "I'm doing fine, thanks." she answered as she skimmed the contents of the papers. "You know you shouldn't be reading that." Zander said and she looked at him trying to hide the fact that she was reading. "Oh sorry. Can't help it. Curiosity, you know." she replied as she turned into Lucky and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Guess this means no dinner tonight?" Lucky looked down at her and then at Zander and Jack. "Um, no not tonight. We got this case we're working on and I'm not sure how long it's gonna take." He gave her a kiss on the cheek, she seemed satisfied with his answer and walked towards the door. "Okay, well, I'll let you guys to your work. I hope you catch who ever it is your trying to catch." she smiled as she headed out the door. Lucky ready to close the door when the pizza delivery guy showed up with their dinner. "Finally, food!" Lucky grabbed the two boxes the guy was carrying and he laid them on the kitchen table. He reached deep into his jeans pocket and pulled out some money to pay the man. The delivery man smiled and walked back out the door closing it behind him. "I think we need to send in a woman .. " Zander suggested as he took a slice of pizza from the box. "Why?" Lucky asked as he swallowed his first bite. "Well, from what I've read, Lorenzo loves women, and seems to me that he can't resist the charms of a good woman." Jack raised an eyebrow. "Isn't he married to Carly?" Zander looked at Jack .. "Carly won't be a problem, trust me."
Another great epi - NICE JOB!! GH needs to be taking notes! Jen
"Let's not wait, Zander. Jack could be in real trouble where Lorenzo's concerned." Lucky advised as he and Zander removed their equipment and then rushed to Jack's aid. By the time Zander and Lucky appeared, Jack lay lifeless on the ground, and Lorenzo was gone. Zander rushed to his partner concerned about his condition. He started patting him on his face trying to wake him up and then yelling his name hoping he'd open his eyes. "Jack! Talk to me Jack!" Jack fluttered his eyes open and tried to focus on who was calling his name. "Ooh." he groaned as he tried to sit up. Zander ran his hand across the back of Jack's head and he winced when he felt Zander's hand touch where it was tender. "You'll have a nice goose egg tomorrow." Zander said as he tried to help his friend to his feet. Lucky came rushing back to them after he canvassed the immediate area for Lorenzo. "He's gone." he said as he tried to catch his breath. "We're gonna have to try to get him another way. Spying on him isn't going to work. Too many guards to watch, it's gonna take more man power then just the three of us." Jack said as he was helped to the car by his partner. "Okay we have to come up with a new plan. We're not playing with a stupid criminal, he's evaded us for a reason, he's smart and he's not willing to make himself a target." Lucky replied as they got into the car that was parked a block or so away. "Okay, what do you suggest?" Zander asked as he drove them all back to the station. Lucky glanced at him as his mind went blank. "I don't know .. yet. We'll think of something." They returned the surveillance equipment to the station and decided to go get Jack checked out at the hospital. He reluctantly went along. "I don't need no doctor to tell me I have a bump on my head!" Jack barked as Zander pulled the car up to the ER. "Jack, you should get checked out." Zander replied as they sat in the car with it still running. "Partner I would know if I was hurt badly, it's just a bump on the head!" Jack refused to go inside to see a doctor, Zander didn't push. "Okay fine. No doctors." Zander gave in. It wasn't worth the fight. Zander drove away from the hospital and headed towards Jake's. The two of them walked into Jake's and sat down at the bar. Zander looked around to see a familiar face shooting pool. He nudged Jack and saw a young blonde leaning over to take aim. "Yeah, who is it?" Jack asked as she stood up and he saw her face. He looked towards Zander and smiled. "That Jack is Carly. Alcazar's wife." Jack moistened his lips with his tongue as his mind filled with impure thoughts of he and Mrs. Alcazar. Jack hadn't gotten a good look at Mrs. Alcazar earlier at the park, he had just assumed the blonde Lorenzo was with was his wife. Zander noticed the look on his partner's face and nudged him in the ribs. "Get it right out of your mind, Jack. Going after Carly would be signing your death warrant." he said as the barkeep brought them two bottles of beer. "But she could be our way to Alcazar." Jack suggested as Zander took a swallow from the bottle. "She could also put you in cement shoes and at the bottom of the lake, Jack." Jack snubbed off his partner's comment and slid off the bar stool. Zander reached for Jack's arm to prevent him from going but his jacket slipped through his fingers. Zander swung around on the bar stool and faced the other direction. He couldn't watch his partner crash and burn the first time out. He heard Carly's laugh and took a peek at what was happening behind him. Jack had Carly smiling and laughing, he couldn't believe it as he stared from a distance. A few minutes had passed and Jack came strolling back to the bar. He sat down on the bar stool and smiled. "So? What happened, Jack?" Jack didn't say anything just smiled. Zander noticed the lipstick mark left on Jack's cheek, it was Carly's shade of red she always wore. Jack sat and took a swallow of the beer that sat in front of him, ignoring his partners insistence on telling him what happened. "She's very nice." is all Jack said as he sat and nursed the bottle of beer. "You're impossible, you know that?" Zander chuckled as the two of them sat and drank themselves into a stupor.
On a stake out ... Zander and Lucky sat in a black four door sedan on 5th Street as Jack dressed in street clothes strolled down towards the docks. "Testing" he said as he tried out the microphone connection. "Loud and clear, Jack" his partner replied to him through the small ear piece. "Is he gonna be okay out there?" Lucky asked as he listened and recorded all that was said on a recorded her held on his lap. Zander looked over towards him as he adjusted his ear piece. "Jack? Yeah he's cool. He loves this cloak and dagger stuff." "I'm asking cause Alcazar is no one to mess with, he's deadly if he thinks he's being watched or threatened." Jack was a veteran at going undercover, he wouldn't make any mistakes. Zander and Lucky watched from a distance as Jack moved closer and closer to their suspect. Alcazar and his wife Carly sat on the park bench just enjoying the afternoon sun. Zander didn't think they'd get much today, but Lorenzo's unpredictable, he wanted to be ready for anything. As Jack approached a man in a dark suit approached Lorenzo. He stayed back and watched as the man handed Lorenzo a small package, envelope size. "We got something guys..." Jack said as Zander and Lucky listened from the car. "Lorenzo just received a small package from a gentlemen." Jack added as he moved closer to get a better look at what the package was. He saw Lorenzo open it up slightly so he could peek inside. "The envelope is filled with cash." he added as he observed safely out of harms way. "Jack .. let's not do something stupid." his partner advised from the car. Jack rolled his eyes at the comment from Zander as he noticed Carly stood up from the bench and walked away with one of the body guards. "Mrs. Alcazar is leaving with one of the guards." "Stay with Lorenzo, this could be some sort of cash deal going on." Lucky said as Jack stayed out of sight but kept his eye on what was happening. The gentleman sat down beside Lorenzo on the bench and talked a while. "Jack. What's happening?" Zander asked. It was too quiet on the other end. "Nothing. Their just talking. I"m gonna go see if I can hear anything." Jack replied as he moved closer. "Be careful Jack. Lorenzo can be very lethal if he thinks he's at risk." Lucky concerned with what might happen if Lorenzo found out he'd been being watched and monitored. Jack crept closer and closer to his suspect, he didn't even take notice to the bodyguard who had found him snooping around. The body guard grabbed from behind and wrapped his arm around Jack's throat, it became hard for him to breathe. Zander and Lucky lost connection with Jack as they heard the static instead of Jack's heartbeat. "Dammit!" Zander shouted as he and Lucky concerned about what was happening. "Jack! Answer me Jack!" Zander said into the microphone worried and frantic about his partner. "Let's not wait, Zander. Jack could be in real trouble where Lorenzo's concerned." Lucky advised as he and Zander removed their equipment and then rushed to Jack's aid. By the time Zander and Lucky appeared, Jack lay lifeless on the ground, and Lorenzo was gone. Zander rushed to his partner concerned about his condition. He started patting him on his face trying to wake him up and then yelling his name hoping he'd open his eyes. "Jack! Talk to me Jack!"
The three of them put there heads together and came up with a plan to bring down the biggest crime lord on the East Coast, one that has evaded them for years, it was time he was taken out of commission. The three sat for a few hours coming up with a strategy, and thought the best way would be an undercover op, trying to get Jack into Alcazar's organization would be no easy task. Zander and Jack didn't overstay their welcome, and decided to find a place they could stay for a while. Zander had the perfect place in mind. He knew Jack surely wouldn't object. They left Lucky's loft and headed down the street towards the docks. "Where we going?" Jack asked as they turned the corner. "You'll see." Zander replied as they walked a little further. They came upon a tavern, a little run down, but it was open for business. "Jake's?" Jack said with his eye brow raised. "Yeah, my old stompin' grounds. I'm sure Coleman wouldn't mind new tenants." There was a sign in the window "Rooms for Rent" below the flashing neon beer sign. "Come on, I'm thirsty." Zander said as he walked into the bar and Jack followed. They walked into the bar room, patrons sitting at the bar, a few shooting pool and a pretty young lady on the pay phone. They sat on two bar stools at the far end of the bar and waited for Coleman. "Hey man." he said as he approached. "I, uh see you got rooms still for rent." Zander said. "I do. Can I get you's something to drink?" Coleman asked as Jack eyed the bottles of liquor behind him. "Yeah just a bottle of Jack and two glasses." Zander requested as he pulled out a wad of cash from his pocket. He laid a twenty dollar bill on the bar, plus another hundred. "Dude, the bottle of Jack isn't that much, besides, it's on the house." Coleman replied as he noticed the money Zander laid down. "We're gonna need two rooms for at least a week, maybe longer." Coleman took the hundred and put it in a metal box behind him. He set a bottle of Jack down on the bar and reached for two shot glasses. Jack didn't wait for Coleman to open the bottle, as soon as there was a glass in front him, he began to pour the alcohol into it. He swallowed the full shot in one gulp. "Smooth." he said as he felt the first shot as it went down. "Only the good stuff for you guys." Coleman answered. Jack poured Zander's shot glass to the top and poured himself a second. The two sat at the bar till the bottle was down to the last swallow. Jack held his liquor well, and wasn't quite as wasted as Zander. He helped his partner up to the room after getting the keys from Coleman. "Up the stairs and to the right. The last two rooms at the end of the hallway." he instructed as Jack and Zander headed towards the stairs. Jack opened the door to one of the rooms and closed it behind him. He flopped Zander down on the bed, who was out as soon as his body hit the soft mattress. Jack threw the room key on the dresser and left his partner to sleep it off. He opened the door to the room next door and went inside. The room wasn't much to look at and it smelled musty, but it was clean and the bed looked comfortable. He slept in places before worse then this, he'd survive. He removed his jacket, then his holster, before sitting down on the edge of the bed so he could remove his boots. He hoped the shower had hot water, cause he certainly could use it. He removed his tee shirt, a muscular form was revealed. He threw his shirt onto the bed and walked towards the bathroom. He peeked inside to find the light switch and turn on the light. He got undressed and turned on the shower. Hot water spurted from the shower head, a nice stream fell on his chiseled body as he stepped inside. He emerged from the bathroom, refreshed. After the exhausting day he had had, he needed sleep. He pulled back the blankets on the double bed and climbed in. The soft mattress fitted his form perfectly as he laid his head down on the pillow. It wasn't too long before he drifted off to sleep. The morning sun shone through the curtains as Jack turned over and the warmth of the morning sun fell against his face. He slowly opened his eyes and quickly closed them again, he pulled the covers over his head, he wasn't ready to get out of bed just yet. He was startled by a knock on the door. "Jack! Let's go! We got criminals to catch!" Zander shouted from beyond the wooden door. "Go away!" Jack hollered back. "Come on Jack! I got breakfast!" his partner standing in the hallway with coffee and danishes from Kelly's. It didn't take Jack long to get to the door once he heard the word breakfast. He opened the door to find Zander holding the coffee in his hand and a paper sack in the other. Zander walked in and set the items on the desk. Jack not quite awake grabbed a cup of coffee and breathed in the aroma of the hot liquid. The steam felt good against his face and the fragrance made his senses awaken. Zander took the other cup of coffee as Jack reached for a danish that was in the bag. Stroking his goatee Zander said "So .. are you ready to go catch us a bad guy?"
CUFFS - Epsiode 4 Outside of Kelly's After a hearty meal at Kelly's the three of them stepped outside onto the terrace. "I got my files back at my place, if you want to take a look at them." Lucky offered as they stood on the terrace just outside Kelly's. "Sure, why not." Zander replied as he pulled up on his jacket. He had forgotten how cold it got at night on the docks. He had gotten used to the warm weather of Miami, as a cool breeze brushed against his face. On the docks heading towards Lucky's loft apartment The three of them walked down along the docks towards Lucky's loft. "So how does it feel to be home, Zander?" Lucky asked as they walked passed the wharf. "It feels strange. It's been a long time since I've been home, though not much has changed." Jack noticed the lights out in the distance. "This may be a strange question, but who would build a house out in the middle of the lake?" Lucky and Zander chuckled. "That's Spoon Island. And the house on it is called Wyndamere. You don't ever want to go there Jack. It's a deadly place to be." Lucky explained. "Oh yeah, why?" he asked. "The Cassadine family owns it and lives there, and the rest is a long story and I think you're better off not knowing." Zander replied as they had made their way to Lucky's home. Jack was fascinated with the island and watched the lights grow dimmer as they walked further in the opposite direction. Lucky's Loft "Come on, I live upstairs." Lucky said as he opened the front door and invited the two guys in. They walked into the loft apartment and Lucky closed the door behind them. "Make yourselves comfortable, I'll go get my files." he said and he left them alone in the living room. Jack was drawn to the window and looked out into the night, only to see the lights of Wyndamere flicker. "How does one get out there, Cuffs?" Jack asked as he pointed out towards the island. "By boat, Jack." "Have you ever been out there, Cuffs?" Jack asked as Lucky returned with his hands full of files. "I've been there, and I have no desire to go back, so get it right out of your mind." Zander replied as he was handed case files from Lucky. "So why do they call you Cuffs, Zander?" Lucky asked as he took a seat on the other side of the table. "Cause he's got the best arrest record on the force, that's why." Jack said as he came over and sat down on the couch. "Really." Zander tugged at his collar, impressed with himself. The three laughed as Lucky handed Jack one of his files. He opened it and read over the papers inside. "These are all the arrests and charges we have on Lorenzo, from his connections, to his shipping schedules. We know Alcazar better then he knows himself." Jack raised an eyebrow. "Then why isn't he in prison?" he asked as he picked up another file folder. "We never had enough to hold him on or to make a case stick. He's always found a loophole someplace and released on a technicality." Lucky replied as he leaned back against the cushion of the chair. "It sounds like we need a plan, Cuffs." Jack said. He knew his partner always had a plan. "Well, since Lorenzo probably knows me, and he certainly knows Lucky .... you're our best bet there, Jack." Zander replied as he sat forward and laid the file down on the table. "Are you up for it?" he asked. "Am I up for it? Do you have to ask? Hell yeah, I'm up for it .... let's get this son of a bitch!"
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3dJu_27wLM&rel=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3dJu_27wLM&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3dJu_27wLM&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> Whiskey Lullabye by Brad Paisley/Alison Krauss She put him out like the burning end of a midnight cigarette. She broke his heart: He spent his whole life trying to forget. We watched him drink his pain away, a little at a time, But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind, Until the night: He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger. And finally drank away her memory. Life is short, but this time it was bigger, Than the strength he had to get up off his knees. We found him with his face down in the pillow, With a note that said: 'I'll love her till I die.' And when we buried him beneath the willow, The angels sang a whiskey lullabye. La la la la la la la La la la la la la la. La la la la la la la, La la la la la la la. The rumors flew, but nobody knew how much she blames herself. For years and years, she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath. She finally drank her pain away, a little at a time, But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind. Until the night: She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger. And finally drank away his memory. Life is short, but this time it was bigger, Than the strength she had to get up off her knees. We found her with her face down in the pillow, Clinging to his picture for dear life. We laid her next to him beneath the willow, While the angels sang a whiskey lullabye. La la la la la la la La la la la la la la. La la la la la la la, La la la la la la la. The cold rain poured down as he stood outside the window of the cottage she and he had shared for a few months they were happiest. He peered through the rain streaked window to see the glow of the fireplace and two shadowy figures cuddling close. He had followed her from Kelly's, where she had met Elizabeth for one of their girl talks, he knew something was going on but had no idea he would find her with someone else. His fists clenched, the rage inside him burned as he stepped onto the front porch and pushed open the front door. The lightning flashed as the rain poured down, both startled to see a dark figure standing in the doorway, she jumped up from the floor, covering up her nakedness with the blanket. He drenched from the rain, stepped inside approaching her with out a word to say. He couldn't believe what he had witnessed. He stood in front of her as she pleaded with him it wasn't what it looked like. But he knew better then to take her word for anything. He turned around to leave as she followed him to the door and reach for his arm. He pulled from her and walked out into the storm, she left standing on the porch in the rain, the thunder could be heard in the distance as she felt her heart sink. He had lost everything in a few brief moments, his body shivering from the cold rain that soaked his clothes, but the rage in him still burned hot. He drove to the nearest tavern and stepped inside out of the storm. He shook off his jacket and took a seat at the bar. He ordered up a bottle of Jack and paid the bartender. He drank every last drop in the bottle in the hopes of getting the images of his wife and another man out of his mind, though one bottle didn't seem to be enough as he went back for another. He stumbled up the stairs to an empty room he had just paid for and went to drink away his pain. She quickly got dressed and went looking for him, never to find him that night. The guilt of what she had done to him that stormy night overwhelmed her. She sat alone in her car parked along the dim lit street and sobbed. It wasn't something she wanted to happen, it just did. She tried to explain, but all he saw was rage and she couldn't blame him, it wasn't his fault, it was hers. She would never forgive herself if something happened to him, she loved him still. Months went by, and he just couldn't get her off his mind. The images never left him, the pain never faded away. No matter how much he drank, it didn't drown what he was feeling inside. His body wasn't strong enough to take the punishment he was inflicting on it and it soon became apparent to him, his life was over and without her, he was left with nothing. She found him on the floor, laying lifeless one morning. She had hoped after some time, she could explain and he'd be able to forgive her for her indiscretion, but it was too late. His pain and anger consumed him as she read the note he had left on the night stand. All he ever wanted was to live a life of happiness, with her. She was his life, and she took all that away that night. She crumbled to her knees next to him and sobbed as he lay before her, an empty bottle next to him. She called for help but it was too late ... he was gone. Gone to a better place, where he could get the peace and happiness he deserved. He certainly didn't deserve the pain she had caused him and she was so sorry for all that she had put him through. She found herself sitting by his grave more times then she'd care to count, just saying she was sorry. That's all she could say, he was gone and there was no bringing him home to her. The guilt and the sorrow ate away at her every minute of every day and soon she was reaching for ways to curb the hurt....or at least she thought it did. She tried to hide it the best she could, but those around her saw what his death was doing to her. Some tried to help her but she just turned away and drowned herself in the bottom of a bottle, just like he had. It was the only way she knew how to take the pain away of losing him. She didn't know how much she loved him till he was gone and there was nothing she could do about it now, but try to escape the world she didn't want to live in without him. She went to visit him one last time, with a bottle in her hand, she fell to her knees and took a drink. She laid down beside him, her eyes fluttered closed and she was to never feel the hurt or pain again. A feeling of peace came over her as she slipped into a world she had been wanting to enter for a long time. He stood waiting for her in the distance as he reached for her hand and smiled. She took a few steps towards him and took his hand in hers, she smiled and all felt right between them. The laughing, the happiness they both had wanted was back and all she could think of was how good it felt to be back in his arms once more. There were no more apologies, no more hurt, no more pain and anger .. it was just gone from inside and all that was left were two people in love.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> The Grand Tour by George Jones Performed by Aaron Neville Ric returned home after a late night at the office, and he wasn't looking forward to spending another night alone in the empty house that once was filled with love and laughter of his wife and children. It had been a few months since he and Alexis separated, and he still lived in the house he had bought for her, he couldn't bare to part with it or the memories that still lingered. As he turned the key and opened the front door, he reached in the mailbox that hung on the wall, and grabbed the mail from that day to take into the house with him. He stepped inside the cold house and threw his keys on the table in the foyer. He sifted through the mail hoping there was a letter or something from Alexis. She didn't tell him where she had gone, but he knew it was probably to the furthest corners of the earth to get away from him and the life they had together. He had confessed to the one night he had with another, and Alexis couldn't forgive him, not yet .... it would take time. Time and space was what she wanted, so he left her go, hoping that in time she'd return to him and their life together. As he moved to the living room, he removed his blazer and then unfolded his newspaper as he took a seat in the oversized chair. The frontpage headlines read nothing new, the mob war was escalating, another reason Alexis had for leaving him. He paged through the afternoon edition, reading the sports scores for the night before and then flipping to the stock market section. He quickly folded up the paper and laid it down on the coffee table in front of him. "Well, that took 5 minutes ...." he said to himself. He poured himself a glass of bourbon and sat back down in the chair. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt as he leaned his head back and began to remember the days when he and Alexis would cuddle together after a long day at work. He sighed heavily and took a long sip from his glass. "There's no reason to dwell on the past, Ric." he scolded himself for remembering the good times he and Alexis shared. He got up off the chair and headed for the grand staircase that led him to the upstairs bedrooms. Her smell still lingered in the air as he breathed in deeply and remembered. As he walked into the master suite, the king sized bed brought back more memories for him. He could picture there waiting for him in her black teddy, the one he loved so much just inviting him to her. He shook off the visions and undid his tie. He pulled it through the collar of his shirt in frustration and threw it towards the bed. He unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt as he walked over to his closet to find something more comfortable to wear. As he passed the mahogany dresser, Alexis jewelry glittered a hello and reminded him of the time he gave her the diamond bracelet at the Cellar on their 2nd anniversary. They were happy together, she knew how much he loved her, now .... now she doubted his love and couldn't trust him. He threw it all away with one night that he couldn't take back, even because he wanted to. She needed time, and he was going to do everything in his power to give it to her. He picked up the picture that sat on the nightstand and ran his index finger across the face that stared back at him. A lonely tear trickled from his eye as memories of her leaving flooded his thoughts. He swiped away the moistness from his eye and composed himself. He changed his clothes and headed for the door. As he stepped out into the hallway, his eye caught a glimpse of the nursery that they had decorated together. His eyes filled with tears and his heart with love, as he remembered the long hours he and Alexis spent painting and decorating the nursery. It had taken months for them to decide on the pattern they should use for the curtains so they'd match the decor. He smiled as he remembered the day the baby furniture had arrived and Alexis sat in the rocker for the first time. He knew one day he would have her back with him, but until that time came, his would miss all the new things his daughter would be learning without him. He wiped the tears from his cheeks and turned towards the staircase. As he reached the top of the stairs, his cell phone began to ring. He flipped it open to answer it. "Hello ...." he answered. "Ric ..... it's me .." he recognized the voice was Alexis. ".... I'm ready to come home ..."
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> There Goes My Life by Kenny Chesney All he could think about was I'm too young for this Got my whole life ahead hell I'm just a kid myself how I'm gonna raise one All he could see were his dreams going up in smoke So much for ditching this town and hanging out on the coast Oh well, those plans are long gone And he said there goes my life there goes my future, my everything might as well kiss it all good-bye there goes my life....... A couple years of up all night and a few thousand diapers later That mistake he thought he made covers up the refrigerator Oh yeah..........he loves that little girl. Momma's waiting to tuck her in as she fumbles up those stairs she smiles back at him dragging that teddy bear sleep tight, blue eyes and bouncing curls He smiles there goes my life there goes my future my everything I love you, daddy goodnight there goes my life She had that Honda loaded down with Abercrombie clothes and 15 pairs of shoes and his American express he checked the oil and slammed the hood, said your good to go she hugged them both and headed off to the west coast And he cried there goes my life there goes my future, my everything I love you baby good-bye PART 1 Emily stood in the bathroom looking down at the stick she laid on the vanity 5 minutes ago, she held her breath as she opened her eyes and read the results. She didn't want it to be true, she was too young, she had her whole life ahead of her, this would just complicate things. Her and Zander only slept together once, they were careful and used protection, it has to be the flu, it's not possible. Her hand quivered as she picked up the stick and took a second look at the little window with the 2 blue lines. She quickly went to the instructions that were included in the box, and read them again, thinking she made a mistake in reading it. No mistake. She sighed heavily and laid the stick back down on the counter. She backed away from it and fell against the wall behind her. Her knees buckled and she slid down the wall to the floor. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them as she could feel the warm tears welling up in her eyes. She sniffled back the emotion she felt as she took her hand and wiped the moistness from her cheeks. She was stunned, she couldn't be pregnant. They were so careful. She sat on the floor of the bathroom, her mind racing with her future passing her by in flashes of what she could of had. She was unsure how Zander would take this news, he's always wanted a baby, but not this soon. They had wanted to wait till they were married, she was barely out of high school. She tried to compose herself enough to make a phone call to tell Zander about the results. She picked herself up off the floor and dried her eyes. She splashed some cold water on her face and grabbed the hand towel from the rack. She took a third look at the stick and saw the same results. She held onto the stick tightly in one hand and reached for the doorknob with the other. She walked out into her bedroom and reached for the phone. She hesitated as her index finger quivered as she slowly dialed Zander's phone number. He didn't answer right away, enough time for her to have second thoughts of telling him, but she stayed strong and waited to hear his voice. "Zander ... I need to see you." she said when he answered. She hung up the phone, she knew he'd be at the mansion in a few minutes. She tried to collect her thoughts and wondered how she was going to tell him they were going to be parents. All the dreams they had, were gone. The life they wanted to live was gone, things have changed. She heard his soft tap at her bedroom window as she turned her head and saw him waving to her from outside in the old oak tree. She quickly went to open the window so he could climb in, like always. She walked away from the window as he climbed in, like so many times before. He came up behind her as she held the stick in her hand just in awe of the results. "Emily, what's wrong?" he asked as he noticed in her demeanor something was bothering her. She turned into him and fell into his arms. "I'm sorry, Zander. I'm so sorry." she cried into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. "Emily, whatever it is, we'll get through it ... together." he reassured her. She sniffled back the tears as she looked up at him. He took his thumbs and wiped the tears from her cheeks and returned a little smile. He looked down and noticed the stick in her hand. He reached for it and she handed it to him. "Zander, I'm .... I'm pregnant." she could barely get out the words, they seemed to be caught in her throat. He took the stick, turned and walked away from her. "Emily, are you sure?" he asked as he turned back around and faced her. The look in her eyes told him it was true. She hung her head and then looked up at him. "Two blue lines, don't lie." she said as she sat down in the chair as she felt her knees go weak. He rushed to her and knelt beside her. He took her hands in his and caressed them. She noticed his eyes welled with tears as she entangled her fingers in his coal black hair. "We'll get through this, we will .. I promise." She stood up from the chair and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I don't know what to do, Zander. I had my life planned, and now this .... I wanted to go to college, get a good job, get married, then start a family. Zander, what are we gonna do?" she sobbed as her tears moistened his tee shirt. He held her tight against him and tried to comfort her fears away. "I don't know Em, we'll figure it out." He reached down and cupped her face in his hands. "I love you and I'm not leaving. We're gonna do this together, okay?" He could feel her arms around him tighten as she buried her face into his chest. "I love you too Zander. He spent a few more minutes with her trying to calm her. These results were shocking to both and he just needed to be alone to process it all. He climbed back out the window and into the old oak tree, she watched him go and walked back towards her bed. She fell back on the bed and closed her eyes, hoping that maybe all this would go away, but it didn't. Her mind was filled with thoughts of what was yet to come for her, and it certainly wasn't what she had planned. Zander's legs felt like jelly as he landed on the ground below. He could barely walk back to his bike he had parked outside the black iron gates of the Quartermaine estate. He grabbed his helmet and straddled his bike. He couldn't hold in the emotions any longer, as he released all that was building up inside him. He left it all go and began to feel the warm tears trickle down his cheeks. He felt his heart sink to the pit of his stomach, the news was not what he expected or was it wanted. He slipped on his helmet and turned the ignition. The bike roared as he rode down the one lane driveway back into town. He rode through town and past the city limit sign, he needed time to think and he couldn't do that in his room at Jake's. He rode for what seemed like hours, till he reached the old footbridge quite a few miles out of town. He and Emily used to go there alot, he had some fond memories of their time spent together. He pulled the bike to the side of the road and kicked the stand. He removed the helmet and hung it on the handle bar as he turned off the roar of the engine. He breathed in the fresh air deeply as he slid off the seat. He stuffed his hands in his jean pockets and walked to the middle of the bridge. He leaned on the railing and the emotions once again overwhelmed him. His mind racing with the news Emily had just told him, and all the things he had planned for his future had just gone up in smoke. "Well, there goes my life. There goes my future, my everything, might as well, kiss it all goodbye. " PART 2 Emily heard the roar of Zander's bike pull in the drive way and she wiped her hands clean on the apron she had wrapped around her waist. She reached for Katie who sat quietly in her high chair watching her every move. "Daddy's home." Emily said as she and Katie walked towards the front door and waited for Zander. The door opened and Katie smiled brightly when she saw Zander walk in. She reached for him and he took her in his arms. "Hi sweetness." he said as he kissed Emily on the cheek hello. "Long day?" she ask as she noticed his greasy shirt. "Yeah and I'm exhausted." he replied as he walked towards the couch with Katie in his arms. "Dinner is almost ready. I'll leave her here with you while I set the table." Emily hoping that Zander didn't fall asleep before he had something to eat, he looked worn out. He had taken a job at the local bike shop fixing and rebuilding motorcycles, it was something that paid the bills and it was it legal, unlike the other jobs that were offered to him. She could hear he and Katie playing as she set the kitchen table and filled the glasses with water. She soon called him to come in and sit down to eat. Katie was put in her high chair and her eyes widened at the plate Emily had made for her. Her fingers soon found the mashed potatoes and as usual most ended up on the floor or on her then in her mouth. Zander smiled as he watched his daughter enjoy her dinner. Emily got up from her chair and went for a napkin to clean up the mess that Katie was leaving everywhere. Zander laid down his napkin and went to refill his glass with water from the pitcher in the refrigerator. He stopped and looked at the refrigerator door covered with pictures of Katie. He smiled as he took one of the pictures in his hand and held it to his chest. His heart filled with so much love for his little girl, the mistake they thought they had made, was a mistake no longer. She was his little girl, she was his heart, she was his life now. He put the picture back on the refrigerator door, Emily noticed his private moment as she smiled cause she had the same thoughts every time she saw them too. After dinner, Emily took Katie upstairs for her nightly bath and to get her ready for bed. Zander watched Emily climb the stairs as Katie followed not so close behind. Zander sat on the bottom step watching Katie fumble up the stairs, she looked back at him as she held onto her teddy bear that dragged along the steps. He smiled and thought to himself...."there goes my life, my everything..." she looked back once more and said .."I love you daddy.." He felt a sense of pride as his future reached the top of the staircase. "I love you too, sweetheart." he mumbled to himself as she disappeared from sight. He could hear her giggling as Emily picked her up and then the bathroom door closed shut. Zander ran his hands through his hair and sighed. He was exhausted and he knew he had to do it all over again tomorrow. All he needed was a peaceful nights sleep, which he hadn't gotten since Katie was born. Midnight feedings, up all night rocking her to sleep, late nights were something that became a habit for him, but he wouldn't change a thing. Katie was his world, his life. He turned out the lights and locked the front door before climbing the stairs to the bedroom. He could hear Katie laughing and playing while Emily gave her bath. He stood outside the bathroom door and listened. Emily surprised him as she opened up the door and he almost fell into her. She and Katie laughed as Zander had a startled look on his face. He recovered by taking Katie in his arms and held her up in front of him, he blew a raspberry on her tummy and she giggled. "I love you..." he said as Katie's little fingers entangled themselves in his coal black hair. "I love you too Daddy." Those words warmed his heart every time he heard them, he smiled at her. "Time for bed." Emily said as she walked into Katie's room and turned on the light. Zander held Katie in his arms and put her down in her bed. She didn't want to let go as her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck. He pried her from him and covered her up with the blankets. He brushed back the curls from her face and kissed her lightly on her cheek. "Goodnight sweetness." he said and walked towards the doorway. "Night daddy." she replied as he turned off the lights, only a dim nightlight was left on as he closed the door. Emily watched him from across the hall as he peeked in at Katie one more time before going to bed himself. She noticed emotion overwhelm him as his hand wiped the moistness from his cheek. "Amazing isn't she?" she said as she came up from behind him wrapping her arms around his waist. "Yeah she is. Thank you." he replied as he turned into her. "Thank you for what?" she asked as Zander wrapped his arms around her tightly. "Thank you for bringing Katie into my life." PART 3 Zander stood waiting at the bottom of the stairs for the next suitcase to take out to the car, as he could hear Katie dragging out of her bedroom and to the top of the stairs. "Hey Dad? How much room do I have left in the car?" she shouted from her bedroom. Zander glanced out the door at the car sitting in the drive way, all he could see were boxes smashed against the passenger side windows. "Not alot, sweetheart. Why?" Katie came to the top of the stairs with a very large laundry bag in her arms. "Will this fit?" Zander chuckled. "Uh, no. Not unless you want to tie to the roof." She raised an eyebrow at him and Zander immediately shook his head in disagreement. Katie began to lug the heavy suitcase down the stairs one step at a time. As she reached the last step, Zander took it from her and carried it out to the car. Emily came from the kitchen with a paper bag in her hand. "Mom." Katie whined with a smile. "Now look, it's a long drive to Stanford, you're going to need nourishment. So I packed some snacks." Katie kissed her mom on the cheek and took the paper bag from her as Zander walked in the front door dragging his feet. "I hope that's the last to go in the car, cause I don't think anything else will fit." he chuckled as Katie approached him. "Yes, Daddy. That's the last bag, I swear." she held up her two forefingers and crossed her heart. "So, you're going to call when you get there, right?" Zander asked as he pulled his daughter tight against him. "I will." she replied as she buried her face into his chest. "I'm gonna miss you, sweetness." he whispered, barely getting the words out as his emotions overcame him. "I'm gonna miss you too, Dad." Emily came up behind them and caressed the back of Katie's head with her hand. "Now you be careful, drive safely. It's no race to get there. Stanford will be there, so take your time." Katie rolled her eyes at their concern. She knew they loved her, but their worry was overwhelming at times. Katie grabbed her jacket from the coat rack and held the paper bag in her hand as Emily escorted her out the door and to the car. She gave her one last hug before Katie got in the car. Zander stood in the open doorway watching his daughter back out of the driveway for the last time. She was all grown up, going off to college, something both he and Emily always wanted for her, but his heart was heavy with sadness. He felt his eyes well with tears as the car disappeared from sight. Emily turned and walked back into the house as Zander just stood in the doorway looking out towards the street. He was in deep thought when he heard the phone ring. He went quickly to answer it and heard a familiar voice on the other end. "I forgot to tell you something before I left." Katie sniffled back the tears as she stopped the car only a few blocks from the house. "Yeah what was that?" Zander asked as a tear trickled down his cheek. "I just wanted to tell you that I love you Daddy." He never got tired of hearing those words and they brought an overwhelming warmth of emotion, he wiped the tears from his eyes with his hand as he replied ..."I love you too, sweetheart." He hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen, he noticed the pictures on the refrigerator door still hung, they've changed over the years, but the feeling he got was the same. Katie grew up, but she'd always be Daddy's little girl.
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO_iS_U5FkA&rel=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO_iS_U5FkA&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GO_iS_U5FkA&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> You Look So Good In Love by George Strait Oh, how you sparkle And oh how you shine The blush on your cheeks Is more than the wine And he must do something That I didn't do Whatever he's doing It look's good on you You look so good in love You want him That's easy to see You look so good in love And I wish You still wanted me He must have stolen Some stars from the sky And gave them to you To wear in your eyes And I had my chances But I set you free And now I wonder Why I couldn't see You look so good in love You want him That's easy to see You look so good in love I wish You still wanted me (spoken:) Darling I've wasted a lot of years Not seeing the real you But tonight your beauty is shining through And I never took the time to let you know So before he takes you away Please let me say .... You look so good in love You want him That's easy to see You look so good in love I wish You still wanted me You look so good in love You want him That's easy to see You look so good in love Ric stepped off the elevator and into the Metro Court restaurant wanting to get a bite to eat before heading back to the office for another long night with a lot of paperwork that had piled up. As the hostess seated him at a corner table he couldn't help but notice his ex wife Alexis on the dance floor with her new beau, Jerry. They were just gliding across the floor to the soft music that was playing. He noticed her because she looked happy, the happiest she had been in a very long time.After the waitress came and took his order, he got up enough courage to break in and ask her to dance with him. As they came around closer to him he tapped Jerry on the shoulder. "May I cut in?" Ric asked as Alexis looked surprised that he would even ask. Jerry looked at Alexis for approval and she nodded. "It's okay, Jerry." Jerry stepped away from the dance floor leaving Alexis with Ric to dance the next dance together. Ric took Alexis in his arms and began to dance with her as the next song started to play. "I just wanted to tell you that you look beautiful tonight." Ric started off the conversation in the hopes that she would accept another apology and his kind words. "Thank you ..." Alexis replied wondering if he alterior motives for wanting to dance with her. "It's nice to see you happy, Alexis. I'm happy to see you finally found someone who can make you smile." "Jerry's been good to me. And I am very happy with him." "I know I can see it in your eyes. I just wish I could of done the same. I've wasted a lot of years not seeing what was staring me in the face. I messed up and I'm sorry." "Ric, a lot happened during the time we were together. We had some really good times together, and some really bad ones. I'd like to remember the good ones and remember what we were together in the happy times of our marriage. There's no need to dwell on the bad stuff." As the song came to an end, Jerry started to approach them ready to take Alexis away from him. "Before he comes to take you from me, let me just say this one last thing." Ric said as he saw Jerry walking towards them. "Okay ...." "You were the best thing that ever happened to me, Alexis. You gave me a beautiful daughter that I adore and some many happy memories I will not soon forget. I'm glad that Jerry makes you happy and that you have that sparkle back in your eyes when you are with him. I just wish it was me who you wanted..." his words drifted off as he left her standing in the middle of the dance floor alone. Jerry came up to her and whisked her away to the other side of the dance floor, but Alexis wondered if given the chance, if Ric could make her happy. They were very happy in the beginning of their marriage, they have a daughter together, yet they couldn't make it work. Ric sat at his table set for one and watched from afar, as Jerry and Alexis enjoyed their dance. Ric couldn't help but think if given another chance with Alexis, if he would be able to make things right and make the one person he loves so much, very happy. He sighed, because it was all a dream that will never come true. She was falling in love with another man, and it was so obvious to him that another man made her happier than he ever could.
The Chair by George Strait Well, excuse me, but I think you've got my chair. No, that one's not taken, I don't mind If you sit here, I'll be glad to share. Yeah, it's usually packed here on Friday nights. Oh, if you don't mind, could I talk you out of a light. Well, thank you, could I drink you a buy? Oh, listen to me, what I mean is can I buy you a drink? Anything you please. Oh, you're welcome, well, I don't think I caught your name. Are you waiting for someone to meet you here? Well, that makes two of us glad you came. No, I don't know the name of the band, but they're good. Aren't they, would you like to dance? Yeah, I like the song too, it reminds me of you and me. Baby do you think there's a chance That later on I could drive you home? No, I don't mind at all. Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth That wasn't my chair after all. Oh, I like you too, and to tell you the truth That wasn't my chair after all. Alexis had plans to go out Friday night, so she had made sure Viola would watch Kristina for a few hours. She really needed to just relax and let her hair down, it had been a long time since she had done so, she was overdue. She didn't want the noise of Luke's place, so she decided she'd take a chance on Carly's place, The Cellar. It was a quiet club in the basement of Kelly's, and sounded like a nice place to just have a drink and unwind. She had just bought this little black dress at Wyndhams and tonight was the perfect night to try it out. She slipped on her black stilettos and grabbed a black shawl from her closet before heading out the door to paint the town red. She used the back entrance of the night club and found herself an empty chair at the bar. She sat down and the bartender asked what she was having to drink. Alexis thought she'd go a little wild tonight and she ordered a Cosmopolitan. It was a night for her to treat herself and she wasn't holding back. As she sat and sipped her drink, she took a look at the other patrons sitting at the bar with her. She crinkled her nose at the gentlemen who looked her way, they just were not her type. She wasn't at all there looking for romance, perhaps just someone to strike up a conversation with. A handsome gentleman strutted into the club and approached her. "Excuse me, I believe you are sitting in my chair." he said as he stood behind her. "Oh, I'm sorry ..." she apologized and stood up from her chair to allow him to sit back down. "You may sit here, next to me if you want.... I don't think that chair is taken." he replied with a smile. "First time here ...?" he added as he moved her drink closer to her. "Yeah ... it is .. it's full for a Friday night, isn't it?" she replied. He noticed that her glass was about empty and offered to buy her a drink. "May I buy you a drink?" he offered. "Thank you ... Cosmopolitan." "I'm sorry .... I didn't catch your name..." "Alexis ... Alexis Davis ..." she replied as the bartender sat down a second drink for her. "Ric Lansing ... " he replied and extended his hand to her. She took it in hers and noticed he wasn't wearing a wedding ring .. always a good sign in her book. "Are you waiting for someone?" he asked "No ... just myself tonight.." she replied with a shy grin. "Well than it's good I came along .. I hate to see such a beautiful lady sit alone." she blushed at his compliment. She began to sway her body with the music and he noticed. "Care to dance?" "Thanks .." he took her hand and she stood up from the chair .."I'm not very good .." she pointed out. "I'll lead then .." he grinned. They took a few turns around the dance floor as the three piece trio played and as the song came to an end, he leaned her back in a dip. She laughed and he complimented her again. "You have a wonderful laugh ...." she smiled and quickly composed herself after he stood her up and released her from his arms. "Thanks for the dance .." she said as she walked back towards the bar, him following close behind. She reached for her drink and took the last sip in the glass. She was feeling the alcohol as he caught her in his arms when she became off balance. "Perhaps I should take you home ..." he offered. "Yes I think you should." she accepted. Ric helped her to his car and sat her in the passenger seat. She put her seat belt on as he got in on the drivers side and then started the car. "Okay ... where to?" he asked. She returned a confused look before comprehending what he had asked her. "Oh .... um .. Bayview Towers...." As they stood outside her apartment, she fumbled with the keys and tried to unlock the door. Ric took them from her and opened up the door. "I had a nice time tonight ...." she said as she stepped into the apartment. "I did too ... do you think we could do it again sometime?" "Well ... um .. sure I guess ..." she stammered. "I do have one confession to make though ... to tell you the truth ... that wasn't my chair after all."
"Keys ... this is Lucky Spencer. He and I know each other from way back." Zander said as he introduced his partner to his friend. "Lucky, this is my partner Jack Keys." Lucky shook hands with Keys and gave a confused look to Zander. "Partner?" he questioned with a grin. "Oh, sorry. I'm a Detective now with the Miami - Dade County police department. Jack's my partner." Lucky chuckled. "Oh, okay. Nice to meet you, Jack." Keys shook hands with Lucky and smiled. "Nice to meet you too. Boy, Zander, you didn't tell me you knew everyone in this town." Zander smirked. "Trust me, you haven't met everyone yet." "So what are you doing back?" Lucky asked as LuLu came back in and handed Zander the file he needed. "Keys and I are here investigating a case. Lorenzo Alcazar." he replied as he handed Keys the case file. "Lucky was working on the case we had against Lorenzo, that's why I asked him in. I was hoping the three of you could work together on this." Mac explained as he turned around when he heard another knock at the door. "Some things never change." Zander chuckled as he noticed who was standing in the doorway. "Come on in Alexis." Mac said as he approached her. "Sure come on in and join the reunion." Lucky said as he stepped out of the way of Alexis as she approached Zander. She embraced him lovingly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It's good to see you, Zander." she said as Keys stood next to him staring at the beautiful woman who graced his presence. "And who is this lovely woman?" he asked as he took Alexis's hand. "Keys, this is Alexis Davis." Zander said as his partner caressed her hand in his. "Keys?" Alexis said as she glanced back to Zander. "You call me Jack." Keys said as he stood admiring her. "Nice to meet you .. Jack. I'm Alexis Davis." she said with a smile. "This is our DA." Mac pointed out as he stood among them. Alexis and Jack got acquainted as did Zander and Lucky, it had been a long time since Zander had been in Port Charles, there was alot of catching up to do. "I hate to do this to you guys, but I'd like my office back." Mac chuckled as he tried to chase everyone out. "Okay, we get the hint. As soon as we find anything, we'll let you know." Zander said as they all headed towards the door. "I want updates on a daily basis." he said as he pointed to Zander and Lucky in particular. "You got it boss." Lucky remarked with a smirk as they headed out the door. "Have you guys eaten yet? I'm starved." Zander and Keys looked at each other and felt the hunger set in. "Yeah, you know of a good place to eat around here?" Jack asked as they made their way back towards the squad room. "Sure do, how's Kelly's sound?" he said as he slapped Zander on the back of his shoulder. "I'll catch up with you later, Zander. Okay?" Alexis said as she headed down the other hallway. "I'll call you." Zander, Jack and Lucky walked through the squad room and out the front door of the PCPD. "Kelly's?" Jack asked. "What is a Kelly's?" Zander tugged at Jack's jacket. "Come on, you're about to find out."
Zander and Lucky's relationship was okay - Lucky tolerated Zander because of Emily. I think with this fic, I'll be delving into some story other than mobular. Jen
The four hour drive was quiet most of the way, the radio kept them company as they drove towards Port Charles, not knowing what to expect once they got there. Soon they passed the city limits sign for Port Charles, Zander knew his way to the police department and wasted no time getting there. They pulled up in front of the PCPD and got out. A few officers came down the stairs and said hello to them as they passed by them. Zander opened the door for his partner and they entered the building together. This was Zander's first time back in Port Charles in almost 10 years, things certainly haven't changed as he looked around at his surroundings. He and Keys walked into the squad room, not looking like police officers at all, both in street clothes, blue jeans, leather jackets and boots, not what one would expect from an officer of the law. His gun tight against him up under his arm, his shield tucked away in his inside jacket pocket ready to grab if he needed it. He noticed Commissioner Scorpio talking with the woman he once knew as Alexis Davis as they walked into the room. The room became silent and Mac turned around noticing the gentlemen. Alexis's eyes widened as she recognized Zander right away. "Can I help you?" Mac said as he stepped closer to the two officers. Keys and Zander both pulled their shields from their jacket pockets and showed them to the Commissioner. "I believe you expecting us?" Keys said as Mac read their identifications. "Zander, how you been? I heard you became an officer, but wasn't expecting a detective." Mac said as he read his I.D. "Been doing fine, Mac. How bout yourself?" Zander replied as he tucked his shield back into his pocket. "Can't complain. Come on, let's go to my office." he replied as he invited them to his office down the hall. Alexis stood in awe as Zander passed by her and said hello. "We'll talk in a bit." he commented as he and Keys followed Mac towards the hallway. She never dreamed that Zander would make it as far as he had. He's done good for himself, from an ex drug dealer to a police detective, she was so proud of him at that moment. It warmed her heart to know he'd made something of himself, despite his past. "So what can I do for you gentlemen?" Mac asked as he invited them both in to his office. Zander closed the door behind him and then took a seat in front of Mac's desk. "One of our suspects in a case Keys and I are working on is connected to someone here in Port Charles. We're here to investigate it further, hoping to bring him down and take custody of him." Zander explained. "And who might this person be?" Keys propped his leg up on the opposite leg and leaned his body forward. "The name is Lorenzo Alcazar." Mac raised his eyebrow at the mention of Alcazar's name. "So you've heard of him?" Keys said when he noticed the look on Mac's face by the mere mention of the name. "I do. He's our main problem here in Port Charles. He's been involved all sorts of criminal activity over the past 6 years he's resided here. We just haven't had enough to make a case stick." Mac reached around and grabbed one of the folders behind him. He laid the folder on his desk and opened it up. "Racketeering, gun trafficking, drug possession with intent to sell and distribute .... the list is endless." he passed the file to Zander and he began to read the charges that have been brought up against the biggest crime lord on the East Coast. "You mind if I take this with me?" Zander asked as he read further and further into the stack of papers. "I'll have one of the clerks make you a copy to take with you." Mac said as he got up from his desk and placed a call to the outer office. A young lady came into the room soon after, and took the file from Zander. "I'll be right back with a copy." she said as she smiled at the good looking young detective. "Thanks LuLu." Mac remarked as she headed towards the door. Zander looked shocked and took another look at the pretty young lady. "That's not Luke Spencer's daughter is it?" he questioned as a smile came to Mac's face. "Amazing isn't it? They grow up so fast. Yeah she's working here part time after school and weekends. Luke's not thrilled with the idea but it keeps her out of trouble." Zander chuckled at the thought of Luke not being thrilled with his son and daughter working for the police department. Mac made another phone call and shortly after there was a knock on the door. "Come in." he bellowed and the door opened. Zander and Keys both stood from their chairs and faced the door to see who was invited in. Zander approached the young man with a handshake as if he knew him. "How you been?" he said as he shook Lucky's hand firmly. "I'm doing well, and you?" Lucky replied as he shook hands with his friend. "I've been good, long time no see." Zander replied as he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. "It has been," Lucky puzzled as to why Zander was back in town after 8 years. "What are you doing here?"
CUFFS - Episode 1 Scene opens with a camera shot of Miami, Florida (City skyline) - Immediately goes to the squad room of the Miami-Dade County police station. "Cuffs! Get in here!" Lt. Cliff Benson bellowed from his office as the entire division heard his authority. Zander heard his name being called and rushed to the office. "Yes LT." he replied as he peeked his head in the opened doorway. "Get your butt in here, Detective." Lieutenant Benson barked and Zander stepped in. "Sir?" he questioned wanting to know what LT wanted from him this time. "Close the door and take a seat." Benson motioned and Zander did as he was asked. Zander still dressed in street clothes from his last undercover stake out, he hadn't had time to change. "I have a job for you, Detective." Zander's ears perked up and he sat up straighter in the chair. Zander was always up for a challenging case, he was one of the best detectives in the Special Investigation Division - Narcotic Bureau on the Miami-Dade County police force, they were glad to have him. He had been living in Miami for quite a few years, he came back home for his mother's funeral and never left, not much to go back to in Port Charles. Lt. Benson, an older gentleman, 50ish, a distinguished Lieutenant in the police department had close to 30 years with the force and was just waiting to take his pension, sat behind his desk and reached for a folder in his inbox. "I found something very interesting when reading through our records from last night's bust. It seems our perp has connections to Port Charles, NY ... you lived there, right Lewis?" Zander hadn't heard the name of Port Charles for a long time and wasn't too anxious to return either. "Yes, sir. I lived there a few years, why do you ask?" Zander had the awful feeling he knew what his Lt. wanted from him now. "I need you and Detective Keys to go and check a few things out in this .. Port Charles. And since you know the area, you'd be the best choice for this case." Zander left out a heavy sigh. Detective Keys was a few years older then him, a few more years under his belt, and just as aggressive. "You don't have a problem with this assignment, do you Detective?" Zander shook his head no. "I'm up for it, sir." he replied as his Lt. passed him the case file. "Good. Your plane leaves in a few hours." Zander took the folder and tucked it under his arm, ready to walk out the door of the office, he heard his Lt. call him back. "Detective? Let's not get in trouble up there. M'kay." the Lt. smiled and chuckled. "Me sir? No, never." Zander laughed to himself, his Lt. knew him too well. "By the way, I called the PCPD and they're expecting you. Once you arrive in Port Charles, be sure to contact Commissioner Scorpio." Zander remembered that name well, and the face that went with it. Mac would sure be surprised to see him when he got there. "Yes, sir." Zander turned and walked slowly out of the office while looking at the case file he was just handed. He walked to his desk and took his shield and gun from his desk drawer. He and Detective Keys had been partners for a while now, he was assigned to Keys when he was promoted to Detective last year, he felt it was a good move on his part, he was tired of writing parking tickets and chasing down peeping toms. The Narcotics Unit was just where he wanted to be. "Keys! Let's go!" Zander shouted to the other detective who was filing one of his closed cases in the file cabinet on the other side of the room. "Where?!" Zander looked back and motioned for him to hurry along. "I'll fill you in on the way!" Keys grabbed his jacket, his shield and his gun and rushed to catch up to his partner. "Hey Lewis! Be careful, huh?" his Lt. shouted as they headed for the doorway. Zander gave him the thumbs up before disappearing out of sight. The two detectives headed down the stairs to their car that was parked outside. "So you going to tell me where we're going, partner?" Keys said as he got into the new Crown Victoria. "Port Charles, New York." Zander answered as he got in and started the car. "New York!?" Keys exclaimed as he rolled his eyes and just knew they'd be getting into trouble yet again, the last adventure he and Zander had taken cost the department a few dollars, and the Lt. was not happy. Keys chuckled to himself as he remembered watching the car just engulfed in flames after it exploded in front of them. "Let's hope we don't find trouble this time." he remarked to his partner, who had pulled out of the parking space heading towards home. "Trouble is my middle name, Keys. Don't you know that by now?" they both chuckled at the thought. After stopping by the apartment and grabbing a few items, Zander drove his partner to his place so he could pack. "Who are we looking for this time?" Keys asked as he closed and locked the door to his apartment. "Come on, I'll tell ya on the way to the airport." Zander said as Keys threw is bag in the trunk of the car and got in. A few hours had past and the plane landed at the JFK airport. A rental car was waiting for them when they arrived. "Curbside service?" Keys smirked as Zander grabbed the keys from him. "I know how to get there, I'll drive." His partner rolled his eyes and left him go. They drove out of the city heading north towards Port Charles. "So how well do you know this town of Port Charles, Zander?" his partner asked as they turned onto the Interstate. "Too well. I'm dreading going back there." By the tone in his voice, Keys got the impression his partner was not all happy about taking on this case and going home. "May I ask why?" Keys asked, Zander hesitated and glanced over towards him. "Let's just say I have some unfinished business once I get there, and I'm not happy about it." Next episode - Zander returns to PC - Memories of his past are an emotional reminder
Along with Chad Brannon as Zander Smith, the following contract players will be added to the cast as the Narcotics Task Force from Miami. Look for a few of them to stick around PC for the duration of the story. Michael Lowry as Detective Jack Keys His credits include: CBS' Bold & The Beautiful and As The World Turns, Las Vegas, NCIS, and ABC's All My Children Detective Jack Keys can be a hard nose detective when he wants to catch a criminal and he will bend the rules to catch him. He and Zander have become quite the legends around the squad room and have an extensive list of scrapes over the past few years. Jack is a charmer and a sweet talker to the ladies. Look for Jack to become smitten with one very pretty DA. Catherine Gardner as Detective Maria Rodriguez Her credits include: Third Watch, NYPD Blue, Law & Order and ABC's daytime drama All My Children Det. Maria Rodriguez is a 2nd generation police officer, her father retired a few years ago from the same police department she is now an officer of. She's a strong, stubborn and ambitious police officer who has been known to bend the rules to make her case. Water cooler gossip has it that she and Zander ...well, you know. Charisma Carpenter as Lorna Ortiz Her Credits include: Veronica Mars, CHARMED, Miss Matched, LAX, The Division, Angel, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lorna Ortiz is a special agent for the Investigation Unit, her specialty is undercover work. She and Zander were in a relationship until the department learned of their living arrangements. Due to department policies, she and Zander broke it off, but the feelings they have for each other are still very much there. She has been with the Miami-Dade PD for the last 7 years. Eric Dane as Detective Erik Morrison His credits include: Grey's Anatomy, X-Men, Las Vegas, CHARMED, and The American Embassy Detective Erik Morrison is a very competent police officer with many collars to him name. He's charming and some what of a ladies man. Look for Det. Morrison take a shine to one of the young ladies in PC. Marco Sanchez as Detective Marc Cortez His credits include: Criminal Minds, CSI:Miami, Two and a Half Men, Ghost Whisperer, Desperate Housewives, The Division, Walker Texas Ranger, and CSI:NY Detective Marc Cortez is a 10 year veteran of the Miami-Dade County Police Department and a member of the Narcotics Unit for 3 years. His specialty is undercover work and has been on countless operations in the past 3 years. He can be a bit of a hot head, but he is a team player and walks the line when it comes to the law. Nathan Fillion as Detective Chris Baker His credits include: Desperate Housewives, Drive, Firefly, and ABC's daytime drama One Life to Live Detective Chris Baker was born and bred in Los Angeles. He moved to Miami after his divorce and became a police officer. He joined the MDPD 10 years ago and quickly moved up the ranks of the department. Look for this hottie to mix it up with a few young females in PC. Mykel Shannon Jenkins as Detective Randy Williams His credits include: Ugly Betty, Saving Grace, CSI, CSI:Miami, CHARMED, and ABC's General Hospital Detective Randy Williams, the rookie of the group as he has only been on the task force for a few short months. He has an excellent record as a police officer but is still learning the ropes. Being he is inexperienced in some aspects, he can be reckless and want to take risks that others may not take. Rebecca Staab as Detective Melissa Roberts Her credits include: CSI, CSI:NY, NCIS, Nip/Tuck, and ABC's Port Charles Detective Melissa Roberts a divorced mother of two children, two sons, she is a career police woman who has been on the force for 15 years. She is a third generation police officer, her father and grandfather both retired from the MDPD and are held in high regard. She feels she has big shoes to fill and tries her damndest to fill them. Chris Noth as Lt. Cliff Benson His Credits include: Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order, Sex in the City, and Crossing Jordan Lt. Cliff Benson will only be appearing for a brief time in this story. Though he will be mentioned throughout. CUFFS begins on Thursday November 1st on SONBC.