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Posts posted by SeanM

  1. SID

    Luke's Leaving Town!

    TG is leaving for his extended vacation, but pretaped all of May Sweeps.

    What does that mean? TG tapes scenes that will airing during May Sweeps or will he pre-tape all May long? The latter would make more sense since we know TG is still taping and you can't call that pre-taping May Sweeps, because GH is taping May right now, not just Tony.

    Every year that time I wonder when he leaves and how long he will be gone. This year at least it seems not too bad.

  2. I will believe that when I see it. People don't "do lunch" on this show. LOL

    Now that they are saying she is having a bigger part--things are changing of course. I have learned the hard way as most of us have--if it sounds good for Jane--it usually will not happen! :angry:

    LOL. I know what you mean, but they used to, remember "The Floating Rip"? Not only they do not lunch anymore, nobody has a normal life, you know with waking up, eating breakfast, go to work, come back home exhausted. Stuff like that I miss. Would it not be nice if Lulu would visit Grandma Lesley, or if Monica and Bobbie had a little chat in the hospital or go out after work?

    Anyway, it is hard to believe that GH would cast the wife of the mayor just to give Tracy some info during lunch. But it would be great. I totally can see Tracy and Edward socializing with the mayor wife. The Floyds could have a teenage kid to interact with Michael and Kristina. If GH used Martha B. right it really could be something.

  3. http://www.thestage.co.uk/news/newsstory.p...richard-rodgers

    Looks like Emma is doing a play in London in the summer. I woudl assume rehearsals start at least six weeks before a play opens. I don't see her being in and out of GH all summer. Perhaps some of the insiders should have done a bit of research first.

    She didn't say a word about a return in her Good day interview yesterday. They are now saying on dish she might be back in the fall--maybe for nov. sweeps. Whatevah!

    I guess no big robert/holly/luke adventure planned for July sweeps.

    ES is now filming for two weeks, it will be interesting to see how long she will appear on-screen. I hope she will be seen longer. Hopefully she pre-tapes a lot with Tony.

    I also look forward to Martha Byrnes appearence. Rumors say she will have scenes with Jane. :D

  4. Some answers from a yes/no insider. GOS of course...but if true it figures---the one time Tony is pre-taping and coming back mid summer to tape it is not involving Jane and it is Luke's adventure outside of PC. But who knows with all this--I keep hearing things are changing weekly.

    Thanks for posting. Well at least Luke will be seen this summer and TG will be back during summer, which is interesting. If all this is true I believe Tracy will get more airtime this summer than the last. What I don't get about these insiders, why do people have to ask and ask. Can't they just post what they know about TG, JE and their storyline for that matter?

    About Bea Arthur, I'm a huge fan of her and I was so shocked and sad last night when I heard about her death. I could not be sadder about a dead celebrity. I grew up with The Golden Girls and I taped all episodes and watched them over and over. I was so happy when it was released on DVD. I never got the chance to see Maude since it was never aired here in Germany, but the first Season is out on DVD in the US, so I bought it about 2 years ago and I love it. I hope the remaining seasons will follow. Also I have a CD with her One-Woman-Show and she is so great in it. This woman was hysterical and amazing a true legend and I believe she was a very good human being too, she did fight for animals rights.

    Within 10 month we lost Estelle Getty and Bea. I hope Rue and Betty are fine. Now only the youngest and the oldest of the girls are alive.

    BTW, Betty White is amazing too. She is in the TV business from day one right after TV was invented.

  5. Cool! I know Emma Samms is taping this week so maybe they are taping with Emma! So we know Tony hasn't left yet for vacation. The medianet pics say Emma first airs May 15th.

    I heared somewhere that ES is back for 2 weeks. Maybe she is pre-taping with Tony and on-screen longer than 2 weeks. I always liked ES! Glad she is back, hope the writing does not suck as much as last time.

  6. I don't think it will be that dismal. They are bringing ES for Ethan, not Luke. So you've got Lulu's Mama and Ethan's Mama with lots of shared history and a shared lover. It could be interesting. We also have no way of knowing how long TG will be gone. It won't be like last year no matter how you cut it, and TG is also rumoured to have pre-taped so it might mean that TG is gone but Luke is still around.

    And don't forget Tracy will have her oar in with Michael and Rebeccily if she is proven to be Emily, so there are other things happening with Tracy outside of Luthan and the Spencermaines. I seriously doubt she will disappear this summer until JE's vacation in July/August.

    You could be right, but why do we know that "it won't be like last year"? And why would that person from the GV event call this story TG exit story if luke stays? And if TG is already gone or soon gone it is very early this year. Let's hope for the best. Maybe we get a first airdate for ES in this weeks magazines.

  7. T'would make sense - they can't drag the "Ethan might be Luke's child" out too long because the viewers aren't amused by the suggestion. If they have the whole brouhaha out and over with, then they can get on with Lulu/Ethan and Holly/Tracy. TG has been here steadily since last September, so I imagine a guy who's used to getting large breaks is just about ready to run for the hills. Wonder what kind of interview stuff we will get this year...

    Now lets hope we keep getting the Tracy we've been getting. Aside from TG/Luke being MIA for five months, I'm sure the message was delivered that having JE/Tracy basically MIA for the same period will go over like a lead balloon. She might only be about Lulu/Ethan, but that's something. Throw in Holly and I hope it lives up to it's potential.

    I also think all the attention on Hells returning isn't just for one week. I'm expecting someone to comment next week that the document can't be the end of it, foreshadowing her return later in the summer.

    That's bad news. TG will be gone be end of May but probably sooner. I hoped he would stay longer. Basically by May everyone knows Ethan is not Lulu's brother which makes him her new BF and that is the summer story for GH. I expected more. I really don't see much airtime for Holly either, will she be on when TG is gone? Or will he pre-tape with ES?

    It would be great if we get Tracy/Holly over the summer, but somehow I doubt GH brings ES back so that JE get's something to do.

  8. All the new spoiler/insider info sound great, but I doubt they are true. How can TG pre tape scenes for three month? He would be in the studio everyday until he is off for Europe. Also, are the scripts written that early, so that he can pre tape that much?

    And if he is only off for a few weeks, than he will have a really long vacation at the end of the year. I really don't see how all this will work out.

    Anyway, for years now I wish GH would do pre taping with TG to shorten the absence of Luke, maybe my wish will be come true this year. Even if he is only on once a week (and sometime twice) that would be good. Let's see how it will all work out.

  9. Bigger medianet photos...I think these will happen tomorrow I guess. Tracy has no oxygen so that means she must be getting better. Luke still has his ring on in all the medianet photos--I know there is no reason he wouldn't, but always a good thing.



    JE lookes amazing in those scenes.

    Will Tracy bail out Luke this week or next week?

  10. Damn beat me too it SeanM!

    I'm trying to find out how long! This is good news for JE!

    I don't think the new contract will be longer than for 2 years, maybe even less. Anyway, this is really good news. And the spokesperson did not say " for the foreseeable future", which always means he is killed off very soon. ;) So he stays at least a year, my bet is 2 years.

  11. I really liked it that Luke had some interaction with other characters this past month and this week we get Luke/Bobbie!

    In the last few years Luke was off screen for two weeks in each January. I believe this won't happen this year becuase of the hospital crisis. This means TG had only two weeks ofd like anyone else due to the holiday break. Maybe he pre-taped some scenes and was away for an additional week who knows.

    Anyway, I always figured, if he will leave in spring anyway why take a vacotion a few weeks before?! So maybe he is leaving?

  12. Right now I don't think TG is leaving end of January, but I do sort of buy the 3 month extension. However, I think nobody online knows caca about nada these days!

    I think all the spec for this hospital crisis that last three weeks or whatever is spinners.

    The only thing we know for sure (at least in Guza speak) is from SOW (I have it in front of me)

    "Luke & Tracy's on again/off again relationship will be interrupted by the arrival of an interesting newcomer. Luke will discover even deeper feelings for Tracy when her life is on the line."--SOW

    And SOD--"Luke and Tracy try to make their marriage work. For Luke, that means finding a way to resist the urge to go on the road. An unexpected stranger may provide incentive to stay in PC for a while."

    And BTW---I dont think TG was on 15 times in December. Was he really on 5 more episodes than JE? I only recall maybe one to two max--the one where he had scenes with sonny and alexis, and the one where he had scenes with TC, JMB and GV I think.

    I don't recall five....

    Also JE made the top 20 of episode counts for the past four years (she was number 20 but I think their counts were off Ms. Q as they had 73 for 04 and like 77 for 05.

    For the year JE was at 83, and down 21 episodes from last year; TG was at 68 and down 20 from last year.

    The count is right, TG had 15 episodes while JE had 10.

    Luke was on on 12/1 with Nik,

    on 12/15 with Lucky and Alexis

    on 12/22 with Robert, dead Sasha and Mac

    and on the 26th and 29th at the wedding without Tracy.

    But otherwise you are right this episode count has many other mistakes.

  13. I'm really looking forward to this hospital crisis and I hope we get to see lots of Tracy, Luke the rest of the Q's and maybe even Bobbie. It is so good to have TG back on screen after his long vacation. We get lots of Tracy since october and I hope it stays that way for the next few month.

    BTW, I don't believe TG is leaving when his contract is up. If he would leave we would know something by now.

    And Happy New Year to all of you!!!! :)

  14. Hey SeanM

    No luke/tracy or the Qs the week of the 24th. Alan is on in Patrick's dream alive as COS I think in the Thankgiving day episode on Wed. the 26th but it is just for like one scene I think in the dream.

    They are back on the week of the 1st. SOW or SOD has them on 12/2.

    Thank you, that what I thought. But I still have hope that maybe we get them anyway without knowing it. If not the month is already over for us.

  15. If GF is back full time ( which I would love), I doubt they let JE go. I mean, there is so much story potential with Luke, Laura and Tracy. Also, the GH fans will go crazy when another Q leaves the show. I can't believe Jane is out, but I'm concerned.

    I think everyone should write to ABC, just in case.

  16. Tracy spoiler!!! Tracy spoiler!!!

    This was on SD and reputed to be in the newest SOD. I'm just repeating I haven't read it myself...


    The Haunted Star lands smack dab in the middle of the mob war. Tracy tries to stop this and Scott will be involved.

    The Q's

    Monica's in rehab, but she is not gone and, true to form, Tracy is unable to behave herself for too long, so her conscience, Alan, will pop back up

    Finally some Tracy/Q's spoilers! I'm so happy! :D

  17. Thanks SeanM--do you have breakdown access? Just curious. Do you know what days? I bet Monday and Tuesday if I was a betting girl because W, TH and F are supposed be be all TMK stuff.

    So I went to dinner last night and had two margaritas which I never drink...I ate fajitas. I have never been so sick in my life. All night long, all morning, couldn't even keep gatorade down--sorry TMI!!!

    Anyway, drove an hour to see a friend from Dallas barely alive. I feel better now but can't eat a thing. Good day to go weigh in at WW.

    Knh-- we must chat...I met one of the literary agents from Andrea Brown this weekend. It was very interesting.

    Oscar are on tonight, but I would love to chat with you guys at some point. Gotta feed my kids, but maybe chat later...but not too late. I am one sick puppy today!

    Sorry, I don't have any information. I just have read somewhere that L&T blackmail Monica so that both of them can move back into the mansion. I think that will happen over two episodes. I don't think Wed, Thu and Fri will be all about the TMK. We know that Luke and Scotty will be on on Wed and that that Epiphany/Go Red event will be on Wed at Kelly's and will incl. Monica.

  18. I thought Tony was on one day without Jane in on the day he met Claudia. But you are right, Sean, that stuff is never right. How do you know JZ has an episode next week? Also, someone explained to me that things are changing and for example, the scenes with JZ at the hospital might have one been one episode in the breakdowns, but could have had some scenes edited/changed ,etc..

    Oh well...I am not too hopeful for them next week at all. Maybe we will get a day or two if we are lucky, but I know wed, th and fr are practially all about the TMK.

    Hoping March is better than Feb sweeps! I think GH just blew off feb. sweeps cause they could blame the bad ratings on the writers strike.

    I believe Luke & Tracy will get 2 episodes next week, it should be all about moving back into the mansion.

    There was a Medianet picture of Bobbie and Maxie for the week of the 25th. So JZ must be on. Oh and I was wrong JZ had 3 episodes so far, so she will at least have 4, but this is still 2 more than that count had for her.

    I really hope Monica's story will lead somewhere and I also want a Monica/Tracy bonding at one point. I think it makes no sense that we don't see Alan more, because when Tracy deals with Monica Alan should have lots of things to say about that ( no matter if he is a ghost or her conscience).

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