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Posts posted by shadow

  1. Well, I've hit a wall. Or, rather, I am approaching the end of the consecutive episodes that have been posted on line. 7/1/1992 seems to be the last one. I am saving it for viewing tomorrow. Apart from that, I am sort of devastated, you guys!

    I want to know who is Jenna's father -- is it Carl? I want to see Lorna finally get accepted into Felicia and Lucas's family. I want to see Marley fall for Byron (of course, that'll never happen). I want to see Vicky and Ryan reunited, Justine show up (c'mon, Spencer keeps mentioning his "dead wife" so you know she's alive somewhere). Most of all, I want to see Jake & Paulina continue on their journey, although I don't know if I want to see them break up and Jake move onto Vicky. That, for me, sort of negates all the evolution of character and amazing build-up of 1991-1992.

    Oh, well, hopefully other AW clips on YT are still available for me to put the pieces together.

    You can see more eppys here at Telenext


  2. I thought Philece was horrible as Donna, and def didnt pass as Marley and Vicky's Mother, more like a sister. Annas Stuart is and always was Donna Love!!!

    I hated the Reginald Love era, it seemed like they were trying to duplictae Days and make the Love's like the DiMera's

  3. I LOVED Brainard & thought he did a great job making Ted his own. I actually preferred his version. His chemistry with Nina Arveson was the main thing that kept me watching during SB's final year. And of course, they didn't end up together. Thanks Rauch & Long.

    I forgot that Terri Graber was on SB, I think I remember wanting her character to hook up with MB's Ted

  4. Thanks for telling me more about Hayley.

    I don't know a lot about those characters, or Ted. I didn't know he was on the show for 5 years. What did you think of him? Todd McKee had such a hot body but that's a lot of what I tend to remember about him. Did you like the recast?

    I too loved Todd McKee and he also had a nice story with Trucua cast before she went to Y&R.

    His replacement was Michael Brainard (ex Joey Martin from AMC)and he was HOT too and a good actor.

  5. Joan Collins didnt need the "and starring" she got the "and Joan Collins as Alexis Carrington" which pretty much means she was the star of the show imo. LOL!

    And I too agree that Joan played Alexys multi faceted because she was a biotch but when it came to her off springs, she played Mama bear.

  6. If memory serves me, AW did a nightime episode focused on the popular couples at that given time, Ryan/Vicki, Frankie/Cass, Jenna/Dean, and Jake/Paulina.

    Wasnt the two actors who played Jamie, Bekins and Yates gay?

  7. In the second season James Farentino had the ending credit of " and starring as Dr. Nick Toscano." Joan Colling was next to last with "As Alexis Carrington"

    Not sure how big of a star Farentino ws because I never heard of him until Dynasty but I had already knew and seen Joan Collins many ties.

  8. The final season definitely used clips from episodes if that's what you're thinking of.

    They wanted to keep the black bitch and the white bitch together, Diahann being right before Joan after the guest stars was the equivalent of Stephanie Beacham's "with" credit in season 9. They did however sell Stephanie short on The Colbys by giving her the "and" but putting Ricardo Montalban after her with "special guest star". I guess that's "fair" given his career/history with Aaron Spelling, but if Rock Hudson could go before Joan, Ricardo could go before Stephanie.

    Yep season 8 and 9 used clips from the episodes to accomapny the standard opening credits of the charcters instead of the locale scenes they used to use.



  9. I'm sure a lot of people disagree with you guys, as the pairing of Lujack/Beth proved to be as popular as Phillip/Beth. In fact, it was one of few times in soap history a super couple was paired successfully IMMEDIATELY after one half was in a successful super couple.

    Part of the reason I didn't like the Beth/Phillip pairing after Lujack was the way he was portrayed by Bolger. Here we are having to believe the character made a complete swing back in a short time, being cordial about/with Lujack after the year before being turned into "Alan junior" (IMO unsuccessfully) after Chris Bernau took his hiatus from the show. Maybe if they brought back GA sooner, the re-pairing would have been more believable.

    Oh no doubt L/B had a sig fanbase, and it grew bigger after GA left I am sure.

    Wasnt a fab of JB's Phillip pairing with JE's Beth, just stated that Phillip and Beth were always endgame couple, no matter who they were paired with or how popular the other pairings were imo, especially if GA had of stayed with GL.

    I wonder if people liked Beth/Lujack because Beth was tougher and this was a contrast to her relationship with Phillip, where she often had to suffer.

    Judi Evans, to me, has often come across as a tough actress, yet she so often has had to play weepy characters...

    I am sure this is true but she suffered to in the B/L pairing ;)

  10. I agree. I never cared for the Lujack character, at least not with Beth. From the moment Phillip and Beth danced to Lionel Richie's "Still" at the prom, they were THE couple and always would be. Another poster mentioned the mis-steps of Lujack's death. Personally, I thought the writers goofed when they created Lujack and used him to undermine Phillip's character. I have never cared for gang stories on soaps either. The only thing daytime does worse than a mob story is a gang story. Lujack and The Gallahads were like something out of West Side Story. Do not even get me started on the ridiculous "gang member with a heart of gold who becomes a rock and roll singer". Anyone remember that hilariously awful song/music video that was supposed to catapult Lujack to superstardom?

    "Put on your best dress, baby/ And darling fix your hair up right/Cause it's a party, honey/Down be-neath the neon lights/"

    To answer Carl's question, no, GL did not know that Judi Evans would decline to renew her contract the following summer. I disagree about the manner in which Beth was written out. I thought Beth's presumed death was the only logical choice because of Phillip's obsession with her. Phillip could not move on as a character with Beth being alive offscreen, and at a time when the Spaulding family was more integral to the plot than ever, Phillip had to be on the canvas. Also, Judi Evans' popularity could not be ignored. Her portrayal of Beth resonated with the audience. I do not think she could have been replaced and accepted so easily by the audience quickly. The endless succession of writers in 1986 (Jeff Ryder, Mary Ryan Munisteri, Joseph D. Manetta, and Sheri Anderson) did not get much right, except for Beth's disappearance. Beth was kidnapped by Professor Blackburn, and their boat capsized in a storm. Beth was missing for weeks. Finally the police found a body in the lake. The body was not Beth's, but Alan, correctly assuming that Phillip would never face reality and receive closure with Beth missing, paid off the coroner to declare Beth dead. The audience knew all along that Beth's body was never found, and that she might return one day, but it allowed Phillip to carry on with other stories. Without Beth's "death", we never would have gotten Blake, who was one of the most interesting, fun, and enduring characters created by Pam Long.

    I agree, I do not understand why Lujack was created and never did I see the chemistry between VI/JE, at least it didnt make me forget the chemistry between GA/JE like it supposedly was intended to do. Beth and Lujack shouldve remained close friends like maybe Jesse/Jenny and instead of Alex having a son she couldve had a naive daughter (the Spauldings needed a young ingenue) and linked her up with Lujack who I do not think shouldve ever been a Spaulding.

    Hated the Gang crap, hated India and Phillip, hated the Music crap. I did like Phillip going dark, it made sense as he had lost Beth and he is a Spaulding LOL. just didnt like the reason why he went dark.

    FYI, the song Beth and Phillip danced to was "Truly" by Lional Ritchie ;)

  11. Forgot about Margaret Ladd as Emma Channing :wub:

    I thought their first three or four seasons were good and then they just started going downhill leading to that dreadful last season with Gregory Harrison :blink::wacko:

  12. LOVED Ana Alicia

    Billy Moses was HOT and ad a cute butt.

    LOVED Susan Sullivan, Jane Wyman, and David Selby.

    Lorenzo lamas and Robert Foxworth and there characters , uh not so much.

    One of the Best Nightime Drama Opening Themes imo.

  13. I thought the backbone of Knots Landing was always the Karen/Abby relationship, LOVED them. The Irony that Abby saved Karen's daughter life was great and that poignant scene of Karen kissing a sleeping abby after the kidney op was touching.

    LOVED me some Constance McCashin, totally underrated, and I still tear up when she drives of and Greg breaks down.

    I too was not a fan of G/V and much preferred B/V and G/A.

  14. I loved AH's Vicki, but hated her Marley. I agree that EW was the best Marley.

    I am in the minority but I LOVED JB's Vicky and marley the first couple of years, but she did get played out towards the end, wasnt a fan of Jake/Vicky.

  15. Not sure when Bekins left but Yates came aboard in 83 and debut at the Cory Double Wedding. He arrived inlooking mighty fine in cut off shorts :lol:

    at 4:29 he appears.

    I thought he was good, and thought the story with him and Stacy was good, add in Nicole Love and uit had potential but they dropped it, and after a couldve been with MJ McKinnon they went nowhere with his Jamie

  16. I was not a fan of Wyndham, she played Rachel to hard for me, though I did love her as Justine.

    I LOVED JB as Vicky/Marley and thought she had mad chemistry with CB and PMV, loved Marley and Dennis.

    I also liked Stephen Yates as Jamie, he had good chemistry with Terry Davis as Stacy Winthrop who I laso liked.

  17. No Jason Kincaid was not a Temp, he was a recast that tanked.

    Help me out, but I remember Kelli Maroney of Ryans Hope and Marsha Clark of Guiding Light temping for AE or KW as Tina on OLTL

    And didnt Chris Beetem just Temp for Tyler Christopher last year?

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