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Posts posted by Aragorn

  1. 18 hours ago, John said:

    I would say todays GH set up a lot of stuff but with PM gone will it actually lead anywhere?

    Prediction: Drew & Nina continue having sex. Drew & Willow start having sex. All this comes out prior to the election in November.

    I think that this happens.

    2 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    No idea. I only knew that they were going to use less of him, as well as less of Lucy, Scott & Cyrus. I tell myself that these characters are only being "rested". 

    Marshall should never appear again. Lucy should turn over Deception to Maxie and leave town. Scott and Cyrus should stay.

  2. 12 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    That's the thing. GH not only shoots out of order, but way out of order, much worse than movies!!! Their continuity people save their lives each & every day. 

    Adam J. Harrington & Eva LaRue both were newcomers & both taped their first day, the same day. His John Jagger Cates was on screen in 2 days. She didn't first appear for 3 weeks!

    And, while I'm at it, ... If I have to stand alone & die on this hill, so be it. I'm saying now, you are all wrong. Ava is going nowhere! If anyone joins me that's gravy. Ava Jerome is the dame Maura West was born to play! Bring it! I'm ready. I'm pulling for Ava to do her worst! Move over. Dialog to die for & throwing shade & shade being thrown right back! Just yesterday, with Nina & a side of Maxie thrown in for good measure. Then Alexis, I am having such a fine time as a fan.

    Hey Contessa, do you know if Marshall ever going to show up again, or is the show done with him? I hope the show is done with Marshall.

  3. If Finn leaves the show, what would you do with Violet? Which option would you chose?

    A. Finn leaves town with Violet.

    B. Violet is sent to where Hayden is living.

    C. Hayden returns to Port Charles and stays. Elizabeth loses her boyfriend but regains a sister.

    D. Elizabeth takes custody of Violet.

    E. Chase and Brook Lynn take custody of Violet.

  4. 42 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    I vehemently disagree with any suggestion that the character Trina be cut altogether or changed to recurring.
    *In my opinion* Trina should be one of the leads of the show.
    Why would you want her time cut or reduced?  There's plenty she could do.  She doesn't need Spencer to be relevant!

    Trina can go. I have only found her to be a boring character.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    I completely agree, as well!

    Even Heather has forgotten about Steven Lars at this point. 🤣 And I think Matt got the book thrown at him because of the situation with Maxie taking the blame, and then their marriage of convenience.

    Heather mentioned Steven in her last scene.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Considering Silzer appeared LAST YEAR, I doubt she's "retired." If anything, she's focused on schooling. I don't see them recasting her, either. If they wanted to, they would have already. Valentini/ABC/Disney Television Group are dedicated to Silzer. That's clear.

    I agree, but returning Patrick would return a former doctor to the hospital, which would be needed with cutting Easton's Finn. But I agree: Emma could exist without her parents, but I just don't see TPTB wanting that from her.

    BRS retired from acting a while ago, and her guest appearances in recent years have just been a favor to the producer.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    I am sure Frank Valentini and Disney Television Group would love for Brooklyn Rae Silzer to return, but I think they also want Patrick & Robin back with her, and I don't see that happening without recasting both of those roles. One would be fine to recast and one would likely get Prospect Studios set ablaze. I wouldn't mind Emma back, along with Lila Rae Alcazar.

    People asking, continuously, for recurring players to be cut are not doing anything effective. Recurring is pay-per-appearance, so cutting them wouldn't free the canvas up at all. It's the regulars that need to be cut down.

    BRS has retired from acting. I want a new actress playing Emma as an adult the same age as Joss and Trina.

  8. 44 minutes ago, Khan said:

    No one asked for this, but...


    Tabyana Ali (Trina)

    Tajh Bellow (T.J.)

    Michael Easton (Finn)

    Robert Gossett (Marshall)

    Tanisha Harper (Jordan)

    Adam J. Harrington (Wagger)

    Evan Hofer (Dex)

    Josh Kelly (Cody)

    Katelyn MacMullen (Willow)

    Kate Mansi (Kristina)

    Cameron Mathison (Drew)

    Sofia Mattsson (Sasha)

    Eden McCoy (Joss)

    Kelly Monaco (Sam)

    Amanda Setton (Brook Lynn)

    Kirsten Storms (Maxie)*

    Josh Swickard (Chase)

    Donnell Turner (Curtis)

    Cynthia Watros (Nina)

    Maura West (Ava)

    ...and pretty much everyone on the recurring/off-contract roster, with the possible exceptions of:

    Lynn Herring (Lucy)

    Wally Kurth (Ned)

    Jon Lindstrom (Kevin)

    Lisa LoCicero (Olivia)

    Tristan Rogers (Robert)

    Kin Shriner (Scott)

    Rena Sofer (Lois)

    John J. York (Mac)

    (*Yeah, I said it.)

    I would replace Trina with Emma Drake.

    TJ can go.

    Finn can go.

    Marshall is the first person who should go.

    I would keep Jordan.

    I love Agent Cates. He should stay.

    I just started to like Dex. He should stay.

    I like Cody now too. Please stay.

    Willow is part of Team Carly, so I think she will make the cut.

    Kristina is my favorite character on the show and can never be on enough.

    Drew should go.

    Sasha should stay, but I think the show might drop her.

    Joss isn't going anywhere.

    Sam should stay.

    BLQ should stay.

    Maxie is getting better and should stay.

    Chase and Curtis can stay or go. I don't care which.

    Nina should stay.

    I hate Ava and want her gone.

    Lucy, Robert, and Olivia should go. The show would lose nothing by their departure.

  9. 28 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    It's crazy when you think about how many characters GH has added in the last 3 years and how few were let go that were important.   Being very scientific and going off the top of my head we've only lost Britt, Nik, Esme, Spencer, RH, and Gregory?  Obviously Bobbie as well and I know there are a few others I am missing, but I am not counting short term villains like Victor or people that pop in and out.

    Epiphany and Austin are also gone.

  10. 15 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    I'm sorry, but it's absolutely nuts to me that GH would get rid of Maura West while keeping at least two dozen actors who can't even be called mediocre.

    The good actors can get other jobs. The mediocre actors don't have anywhere else to go.

    10 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    This does feel like an ideal time to write BLQ and Chase out. As that doesn't seem likely, I would still go with my idea of them being foster parents. 

    Of characters who actually could leave, I would say there's never been a better time to write Sam out, even if they need angst for Jason.

    The character could easily be recast, although the problems with her are widespread among younger women on the canvas.

    BLQ and Chase aren't leaving the show. Valentin and Ava are the ones who should go.

  11. 13 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I hate that anytime Liz gets any airtime it’s in support of f.ucking Finn. Who’s the GH vet that people actually care about here? 

    Tracy needs to order an immediate makeover of the Q mansion. That ugly wallpaper that either Olivia or Monica approved is an eyesore and needs to go immediately. 

    Finn will leave the show, and then Liz will support Laura.

  12. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I don't think there is any comparison with a young KMC to Jophielle Love (I actually looked up her name!).  I can see the comparison with BRS as Emma to JL/Violet.  They both could be annoyingly precocious, but BRS had a lot more emotional scenes that she did well enough while Violet is a walking talent show 99% of the time.

    BRS's take on Emma has chilled a lot now that she is a teen.  I am actually surprised they haven't brought BRS back now that she's 18.  I know a lot of people on here think Emma should be recast, but I'd give BRS a try first.

    I believe that when Tabyana Ali's contract ends she will leave the show. At that point Trina will either be recast or the character will exit and be replaced by an adult Emma Drake. Emma Drake will make a big splash on the canvas.

    I also believe that Maxie's daughter Georgie will be SORAS'd into a teen the same age as Jake and Danny

  13. 5 hours ago, Sapounopera said:

    I really don't care about Jackie at all. A character who appeared briefly in the early 80s  brought back as member of a family I was never interested in.
    BTW I was shocked to read that Gregory was around for four years. GH is wasting so much story and space in all these random people.

    Gregory was around too long. He was boring and dying is the only thing that made him interesting.

    5 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    I've seen some folk who think she was too harsh, even calling her a bi*ch in the way she was to him, but, I agree with you. 

    Wait, what scenes with Ava. I thought that was in the previews for today? Am I confused? 

    Well, I can't agree with that. Kristina showed more growth & maturity in the last 2 days than the previous 2 years. When she is with Ali (Blaze) she is not only a better person, she is also smarter! But yesterday was all about Sonny's adult children. Dante finally told Sonny off! Michael tried to do a favor for one sister & was perceptive that the other sister is still deeply in love with Dex. Joss did an about face, a total 180, out of concern for Kristina who she supposedly hates!

    Joss was only angry toward Kristina because she was blind about Sonny. Now that her eyes are open Joss will not hate Kristina. I hope that Molly gets to prosecute Sonny.

  14. 16 hours ago, Vee said:

    If ME actually is let go (which I now have serious doubts about with PM already gone) I fear Violet would just be adopted by "Aunt Liz" as an honorary Webber (I mean, technically she is one but come on). At which point I'm slitting my wrists.

    I think Finn is leaving town. Violet will be raised by Aunt Liz as a member of the Hardy-Webber clan as the Chase family is abolished. Violet, Liz's sons, and Ace will be cousins of each other.

    I also think that Jeff Webber will divorce Carloyn and return to Port Charles to be near his grandchildren. It will then be revealed that Jeff is the biological father of Dex Heller.

    12 hours ago, Vee said:

    I truly don't care about seeing Jackie ever again.

    Jackie Templeton will never appear on this show again. Neither will Monica or Audrey, even though both are still alive in town.

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