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Posts posted by Brent

  1. Mistaken identification. 

    Noticed that I erred in my Saturday post re: "Search for Tomorrow." I meant to say that the older woman who looked like Peggy Wood was named "Ida." There was a brief salutation to character named Eunice at show's beginning, but that greeting was so snipped it wouldn't have been worth translating.

    A thousand apologies! As to the audio, I was using a battery powered cassette player. If I had been a more prescient 13 year old, I would have taped whole shows! But how to predict so much would so soon be flown? 

    If nothing else, it does demonstrate that "Where the Heart Is" had a different theme for at least it's first year. 

    All Best, 






  2. At long last, some audio clips that I hope you may find interesting. Here is the order:

    1) "Best of Everything" Opening and closing themes. Singer Connie Eaton's rendition of the title theme, set in a nightclub, broadcast on Labor Day, 1970, (9/7/70). Note applause at end with announcer identifying Miss Eaton. Compare to 45 RPM rendition of this same song on You Tube.

    2) "Where the Heart Is" Original opening theme, played over a slow motion depiction of a butterfly in flight. Miscellaneous organ fade out cues form "WtHI" followed by closing theme.

    3) "Search for Tomorrow," Dialogue scene between character of Eunice and a character named Laurie. Eunice looked very much like Peggy Wood as "I  Remember Mama." Scene took place on Ida's front porch. Reference to absent character named Eric, whom I do not remember.

    My thanks to my 24 year old cousin, Natalie, who made all this possible!

    These tid bits may be much about nothing, but I hope they help to fill in some missing links. Feel free to reposition these to other parts of the site, as you see fit. Happy New Year!

  3. I haven't forgotten about it, but so far, haven't been able to find anyone capable of assisting. I have gone part of the way in having the audio cassette transferred to a CD, but that's still where things stand at the moment. Am reaching out to others I know for advice on this. Best, 



  4. My young nephew will be visiting in a few weeks for about a month. I suspect he'll know how to deal with this. 

    Alternatively, I could send a newly recorded cassette with the applicable clips, though I know that's considered an obsolete technology (pre-historic) these days. 

    Thanks for your patience.




  5. Help Requested:


    Vis a vis the "Where the Heart Is," and supplemental audio material, need some technological advice.


    Have had a local electronics shop transfer the tape to a CD, however, we do not have a CD drawer on our laptop.


    How can my brother capture the applicable soap segments from the CD and translate/transfer them into a collective format that can be sent to and accessed by the SON Community? Your help sorely needed. 


    All Best,


    Brent C.

  6. I'll check into doing this, if there is sufficient interest out there. It's the theme I best remember for the show, low key, clarinet I believe...I also have a snatch of dialogue from "Search for Tomorrow" from that same summer between a character named "Ida," and a younger woman on Ida's front porch.



  7. I have discovered that I have a tape recording of the original theme music, (opening and close and announcer) to "Where the Heart Is," taped in the summer of 1970. To my knowledge, (correct me if I'm wrong) this is not extant on the Web, however, I'd be afraid to post lest I violate ASCAP or other copyright laws. Have no idea who wrote it, but the visual was a butterfly in flight, photographed in slow motion.



  8. Came across a tape recording the other day, that  I made in December 1971 from the "Edge of Night."


    In it, Cookie, (Fran Sharon) is being pursued by a ghostly visitation, a ghost with a woman's voice who urges her to swallow the whole bottle of sleeping tablets by her bedside. The eerie music seems to be aiming at the "Dark Shadows" effect. Though it was I doing the taping, I don't any longer recall this plot line.


    Any additional information would be much appreciated.


    Brent C.

  9. What a New Year present!


    This is so memorable and fascinating to me. How well I remember Val's patio and Susan's living room with the backdrop of the house across the street. Susan's kitchen was sometimes featured and was foregrounded, (as in a side view of counters etc) contiguous to, but in front of the fireplace on the left.


    Lori Mach had such intelligence and dignity. Stephen Bolster was also very effective I thought.


    To the poster a thousand thanks!!! Let's hope more of these kines emerge. As someone else remarked, we know they're out there.


    Brent C.

  10. Haven't been on this site in ages. The Winsor memo is fascinating! I clearly recall the Brooke vs. Valerie struggle. Perhaps I'm repeating myself, but I even remember a line of dialogue (of Lori March) : "Brooke, you haven't a sparkle of honesty in you." They struggled with a letter opener and Brooke was killed. Also Brooke, (whether this was the same day or not) stabbed herself with some scissors, (as a pretext to lure someone over to assist her) She phoned someone and said she was bleeding and "hadn't an antiseptic in the house." Funny what 9 year olds remember!


    Would love to see a still of Marjorie Gateson's drawing room from that show--especially with Margaret Hamilton serving tea. Maybe one is buried in some ancient TV/Radio mag somewhere?


    Remember Wendy Porter too and of course,  the actress who played her Julie Mannix turned up on the "Best of Everything" a few years later. Low ratings or not, that was an intriguing show. It was produced by Jacqueline Babbin who had earlier been involved in some really distinguished stuff, what the masses would call "high brow." "Best of E..." had some very good writing, and 3 bonified movie stars. Imagine Sondegaard, Fitzgerald, and McCormack on one daytime serial. The sets were by Kim Swados, whom had also been involved in some very fine productions, (sometime, if you like old live TV, check out Miriam Hopkins and Elizabeth Montgomery in "Studio One" ep. "Summer Pavilion" written by Gore Vidal--sets by Swados--excellent stuff, and Elizabeth Montgomery was quite a dish in 1955!)


    Let's all hope that at least a few kinescopes of "SS" emerge in future or (dare we hope) original video masters for the post 1967 period.


    All Best,



  11. Oh I forgot--Re: Robin--she was definately having emotional and or emotional issues of some kind, since I remember the adults being exasperated by her disconnected behavior--such as sending her to the kitchen to retrieve a pie for guests and her returning with a handful of limes, (a scene I recall specifically). Perhaps it was nothing so dramatic as autism since I am sure I did not know what that was at the time.


  12. I don't know what the reason behind Brooke's hatred was. Brooke deliberately stabbed her hand and telephoned Valerie (I think), saying that she had done it accidentally on some roses and that she "didn't have an antiseptic in the house," (don't ask me why Val would be the most proximate aid in this matter) I vividly recall Brooke deliberately cutting herself and the sham phone call for help, but am not absolutely positive it was Val whom she phoned.

    Anyhow, (and I think this was the same day in October 1966--I was 9 at the time) Valerie was there with Brooke alone and an argument ensued...Brooke tried to stab Valerie with a letter opener but ended up being stabbed herself (unintentionally by Valerie). Valerie fled the scene in alarm...I understand she was later charged with murder but in all honestly don't remember the trial...perhaps my after school cub scout meetings blocked that period.


  13. I see that Saynotoursoap states that the Memorial Day location shoot was the first and given his expertise on the vintage serials I don't doubt him. I guess to watch that sequence that day was a bit historic.

    Saynotoursoap--do you know who was the production designer-art director for "The Best of Everything"? Our local station didn't pick up that show until only about 3 months before its cancellation, and I still remember many of the sets!



  14. Great fun reading all of these comments and articles. The Memorial Day 1968 death of Robin was indeed memorable but I never claimed it was the first location shoot for the show. Indeed, I have read that roof top shots (when the show still originated from Leidercratnz Hall) were not uncommon, though strictly speaking that's not a real location, since it was on the broadcast premises.

    The whole thing was shot at a Marina. Jada Rowland was shown diving in after Robin...Wish someone could unearth some scripts as my recollection is of Robin as autistic, though I would love to see this corroborated.

    Would that more kinescopes would surface. It was such an involving show. Lori March, (as has been remarked elsewhere) was always beautifully dressed and coiffed. But for that matter they all were. The clothes were top of the mark. As I've said earlier this was the pre-pants era.

    Marla Adams was lovely as Belle--sort of like a Hichtcock blonde.

  15. Linda De Coff was a far more interesting Laurie Hollister than Stephanie Braxton--couldnt' have been more different--very neurasthenic--always playing the piano--looked a bit like Jennifer Darling. Clarice Blackburn was on in Jan-March, 1970 and was a denizen of the mental home where Amy was then recuperating.

    Liam Sullivan's debut as Alan was in Jan-Feb, 1971, several months before Dark Shadows ended. He was first depicted arriving on a jet, (the interior passanger compartment was his first scene).


  16. Secret Storm audio is great listening! Many thanks!

    Joan Crawford (who like many stars of her era was a frequent network radio gueststar--"Lux Presents Hollywood" etc.) does fine here. Her vocal performance is on par with network radio. Listen to all her characteristic inflections--all the honeyed venom, "I don't care if you go to Outer Mongolia!". These declamations are very much in the vein of her then current feature, "Berserk" which you should see for comparison.

    She is certainly not drunk--no way, though she may have, (like Joan Bennett on DS--see Roger Davis' story of her flask) may have taken a few swigs to steady her nerves. Wish we had the video though--if only for the clothes.

    Ken Roberts announcement as I recall but it was audio only--he did not appear on camera.

    Incidentally, I never meant Grace Tyrell was a shrinking violet. She couldn't have been to checkmate Pauline--but every inch a lady in the old grand dame way--completely vanished by the way in 2011.

    Love this very much,


    Brent C.

  17. Thanks for telling me about the 1964 article. I will have to look for it.

    You're right that this was on the edge of a big change in society. I'm surprised at how well they mix the two here. It's a shame soaps don't know how to do this now.

    I guess you heard that Haila Stoddard passed away in February.

    I didn't realize until I was reading some magazines that they eventually recast Aunt Grace. Did that bother you, or you didn't notice?

    No I didn't know about Haila Stoddard--didn't see it in our newspaper here--which has become pretty poor. Yes, they re-cast Grace but it didn't work at all. She was the cynosure of the show, and when she had the stroke in 68, (although it wasn't evident yet at the time) the whole focus away from the Ames happened.

    The NY Times article may well interest readers as it features a photo of the main female cast members along with a discussion of the wardrobe selection process.


  18. Yes he's good. I get caught up in his story, especially with the strange discussions he has with Rocket and the journalist or drug counselor. That guy is an interesting character too. Do you remember him? Apparently he was interested in Susan?

    All of this seems so daring for soaps at the time.

    Do you remember anything of Donna Mills or was she on when you weren't watching?

    Nifty nifty show! Note the camera work at the climax, going from close up of Amy back to Jimmy (very quickly--in sync with their dialogue).

    As to your remark re: prayer--Yes ! that's the first thing that struck me as a Roman Catholic--it's done with such conviction, and I love the line, "I can't believe God will remember me after all these years" to which Amy replies "He always does".

    You know I don't see current soaps but I am much struck by the intelligence of the dialogue in this episode. It's written by adults for adults--don't you feel like you are a secret intruder in their lives--that's what good drama does--it, (as you say) "draws you in" and yes, this show does that, which of course is the intent.

    Re: Amy later. You are absolutely correct. I was only a child but anyone alive at the time was conscious of the enormous cultural cataclysm of that late 60's/early 70's. Regardless of whether one approves or disapproves--it happened and altered the social landscape within 36 months!

    I came from a family that didn't approve! and I remember as a youngster, when a "high born" girl like Amy Ames would not have worn slacks, (can you imagine a world in which women may have worn slacks in the backyard or indoors, but not to the supermarket or downtown?! It existed, and the wardbrobe in this SS reflects the muted dark wools and low heeled pumps period. There was an article in the New York Times on the fashions on SS in 1964 which can now be accessed on line, and can certainly be viewed on microfilm at the library. And Amy was the hep member of the cast, (note she has already adopted her Petula Clark hair-do.)

    Yes later in the series, (72-73) Amy had adopted a very Bohemian counter cultural look, (a bit Hippy-ish) with long hair and floral peasant dresses.

    Re: the clothes--the still of Marjorie Gateson and Haila Stoddard featured in an earlier post in this sight, (probably early 60's--very much captures the suit/gloves/matching handbag look still prevalant at that time.

    Don't remember Donna Mills till Love is a Many Splendored Thing (which I also watched) wherein she played a nun in the early episodes! a far cry from Rocket. But boy she was a looker! Reminds me very much of Nancy Barret in the 66-67 period of DS.

    Seeing this show was a real kick for me!


  19. Carl:

    Again my thanks. I came back to the library to watch this again which I plan to do presently and will share a few thoughts afterwards. This is a much needed lift after a difficult day with the sudden death of an uncle.

    Whilst I don't remember this particular story line--this excellent Kinescope really takes me back--this is the SS "look" even though this episode is confined to modest apartments. You know to see Jada Rowland like this is kind of like meeting long lost family.

    As to Nick Coaster, no I think she was still very much involved with "Kip Rysedale" played by the actor who followed Don Galloway into the part. Mr. Coaster came in I believe in 68.

    All Best,


    Am taking a break mid show. I stand corrected on Nick Coaster. Amy references both Paul and Lisa. Thus the Kip relationship must already have ended--probably in 65 or 66, (and I remember Kip so well--boy I feel old). Isn't the young man playing Jimmy Dobbs good? Can you imagine learning all this dialogue and blocking these scenes in one day? Pre-video tape!


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