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Posts posted by tracyluver

  1. Hello all! :) Am in the process of downloading some stuff and wanted to drop by and say hello. I just wanted to say how much i love and look forward to coming to this thread everyday. you guys are so awesomely optimistic ( well, most of the time :D ) even in the worst of times for Tracy fans. you guys rock!

    Oh, just watched the Tracy leaves dillon clip and the Tracy/luke/everybody else on the HS clip and i wanted to know if anyone had any old Tracy/Scotty clips. I heard they used to be a couple. Were they hot? Were they not? Were they even a couple? also, does anyone have any clips of a supposed kiss between tracy and jax and any other semi-romantic clips between them? I'm thinking of TRYING to do a tracy-and-her-harem-of-men vid and i wanted to know if you guys had that stuff! (puts puss n' boots eyes on Ms.Q, official clip queen and Trax officianado :D )

    ETA: page 59!!!!!

  2. Hello all! I totally missed the Tracy scenes yesterday because i was mad at my mother and sulking in my room with the tv off. Now i realize that the only person that punished was ME because i missed TQ!!! you know we barely get her scenes as it stands and now i'm wasting them! ARGH! I tried viewing the clips but the comp im on right now won't it let me watch them so i'll have to wait 'til i can get on another one.

    Quote: (b/c for some reason, the comp won't let me do it any other way)

    Another thing...A few days ago, Tracy said that Alice was the only one in the house that hadn't accused her of falling in love with Luke. Um, did I miss a Ned/Tracy scene? Or a Tracy/Alan scene? Or did this all take place offscreen?

    I think maybe that she was being a bit dramatic and emphasing (sp?) ya know? Like when a teen says : you're ruining my life!" The parent isn't REALLY ruining their life, but it totally feels like that at the time, just like when tracy said everybody keeps saying i'm in love with him.

    ETA: Yay!! I'm an advanced member! It seems like it took me forever to get there! :)

  3. YO!! I have all of two minutes to post this so.. i'll make it quick.

    I really liked tracy/robert yesterday! I LOVED her on his lap. and am i a perv, or were the sounds Tracy has been making lately a little sexual (probably my sad, sexually frustrated, virgin tennage mind overworking itself) like when she was trying to untie robert the first time?

  4. Hello, all!!!!!!! :D

    I just stopped by to say how much i love TRACY! I agree about how loyal and faithful Tracy is, it's one of the things that endeared her to me. It's obvious that TIIC don't care about Tracy or any other woman. Who are the popular, emmy-nominated women on this show??? The freakin' damsels in distress with mobster men and powerful daddies or other influencial, damn-near oppressive men in their lives. Even though Edward is quite successful, it's partly because of Tracy, and the family still fails to realize that fact, which is simply another testament to the rampant sexism on the GH writers' parts.

    (tracyluver is now officially off of her soapbox :) )

    ETA: Hi Kenna!

  5. Hey, i dunno if this is possible...but could someone preeeeeettttttyyyy please get me some clips of tracy preggers with dillion? I've always wanted to see what she looked like. I think i remember tracy saying that lila said she never looked more beautiful that we she was pregnant with dillion ( or was that a fanfic??? WHOA my brain is totally confused between what's fake and...well, whats really fake :D ) neway, that's just my humble request.

  6. * waves to Minervafan*

    ITA about the minorities, not only on this show, but on soaps in general. There seems to be a complete lackage of minority involvement, save for with one another. I am black and I have TONS of white friends. I just couldn't see myself as being with ONE race all the time, even if it's my own. Tralice???? I dunno about that one. I can't see how that would work ( you actually don't want to know what i see in my mind's eye right about now! :o lol!) I could totally go for a Racy. His accent is so cute! Of course, i haven't been watching long enough to know about character history so i dont know what a pairing like that would do to gh past. I could go for it tho.

    *waves goodbye to minervafan!!!*

  7. Hello, all! Glad to see everyone posting! School is sooo boring and you guys always just brighten my day :D Ummm, okay, Minervafan is giving me WAAAAY too much credit! I am not the person you think i am ( i think it was hpermuzek or something like that) :) I am SOOO computer illiterate, i can't even get someone elses clip to appear beside my name let alone make my own! Thanx for the compliment and the vote confidence tho!

    LOVED evryone's fic updates! Ms. Q are we gonna get a big reavel soon! She's like gotta be showing by now, right! I can't wait to see!

  8. Hello, all. I'm just killing time until the Wont u Be Nice is downloaded on my computer at school. I have about 20% to go so, uh....yeah. TRACY ROCKS OUT!!!! Ummmmmm........yeah im totally just killing time.

    Oh, wait. I just watched it. Number one, Ms. Q is AWESOME!! You are so talented, girl. Number two, that was Full of Grace, not Wont U Be Nice, sry. I think Tracy's hair was best during the hotel fire. my hair is cut sorta like that now (it totally looks waay better onher tho, of course. :) ) Since i haven't been wacthing GH for long, especially not looking for Tracy (Helena used to be my ultimate) and considering the small fact that i am only 17 and that i don't have as many older tracy goodness as some of you, id have to say the best is Lacy. i really like the chemisrty the Luke/Tracy and/or JE/TG have on screen. They are awesome! :) okay, time for another download!

  9. ****************************Waves to everyone!!!********************************

    Heeellllooo!!! Dude, it's been like forever since I posted here. I've been outta school taking an extra long eater vacation (Easter Monday and all) and I haven't had a teachers computer to post on ergo i haven't been able to post. I can still read them on my cpmuter, i just can't post. I don't know what I'm gonna do in the summer... ITA with you Minerva, Jane/Tracy is GORGEOUS IMHO. I don't know what it is about her, she's obviously physically attractive, but she exudes (sp?) a certain confidence and intelligence that i admire. I dunno. I just really can't stand rude, shallow people.

    Considering the way the whole marraige/renewal thing started, I couldn't be happier with the way the renewal went down. I agree, Luke handled it wrong, but i also agree that he honestly deosn't know that she loves him. Even in the scene when he's like i dunno whatto say and she;s all you don't have to thank me, and he's all no, i seriously don't know what to say about the vows, i don't think he understood that she cared about him. You could totally just see it in her face, even tho the scene seemed to be played for laughs. There are so many instances now where you can polainly see that Tracy, not only just cares for Luke, but truly loves him. That has to end up having some major reprecussions don't ya think? I mean think about it. TIIC have had an entire YEAR to show us that Tracy cares and all of a sudden, that has to be major for Holly coming back and Anna and stuff. I do think that Tracy is going to have a substantial part in sweeps. She has to right, RIGHT?

    We have to have hope ladies, (and Keith)(oh and any other guy here although i didn't think there were any :) ) We MUST be optimistic!! :P

    I loved liked Ned putting his arm around Tracy. I am still a little pissed at how he treated her tho. And Ms.Q, her hair was TOTALLY different!! I noticed that too and I was like "Dude, I wonder if anyone here is going to notice that!!" I should've have known it would be the queen of the board, Ms.Q! :D

    LOVED, LOVED, LOVED tracy going off on Robert! I loved his reaction too! "you don't have to get snarky!"

    I thought it was good that our girl got to stretch her verbal wings with someone other than her family. It was highly entertaining.

    Man, this post is getting looooooong! :) I'll check back in later. BYE!!!!

    ETA: HI, nex4evr

  10. Hello all! I'm supposed to be working in the library right now so i'll have to make this brief. Just wanted to stop in and say how TOTALLY GEEKED i am that Student Council is cancelled today and i can go home and watch. I hadn't even considered that it might only be for the last five minutes until i looked here. Oh well, the optimism in me says that five minutes of Tracy is better that one full hour and soily and the madness that inevitably ensues thereafter. :) See y'all after the show!

  11. Bumping 'cause ILoveTracyQ 's on!!

    Okay, yeah, that review was just rude. I was about 2 or 3 at the time as well but from what i do know, just as Minervafan and i think ILoveTracyQ stated, i think the info is pretty accurate. I dunno. That was just rude.

    Okay, i dunno if this was posted before but im gonna post it here anyway:

    Skye and Lorenzo make lovey-dovey, just as Luke enters the room.

    In retaliation, Luke proposes a re-marriage to Tracy in earnest—for Skye’s benefit.

    Luke and Tracy go about putting the finishing touches on the ceremony to renew their vows.

    Robert prepares to pounce on Luke, as a fugitive set for extradition.

    Luke fields a call that sends him off on his way, gone from Port Charles for a few weeks.

    It comes as a bit of a shock to Lulu that Tracy does care for Luke. That’s no act.

    Luke bolts, but suffers from a boo-boo in his haste. More like a window drop.

    Okay, getting more pissed by the minute. It really seems that luke is only doing this to make skye jealsous and that's not cool.

    But then I read:

    Luke hears from Holly that she’s in trouble, so he takes off again. Look for none other than Anna to be returning to Port Charles as well as well as Robert making a return visit! He wants, in fact, to extradite Luke! Yeah, like that’ll happen. Tracy pleads for time, explaining that the happy couple is about to renew their vows. Yes! And Luke proposes in front of Skye. Can anyone say agenda?

    Is Tracy in on it or isn't she? I guess only time will tell.

  12. ***** Waves to Everyone!!!!*****

    Hello, all!! First of all i just posted this EXTREMELY long post that got deleted :( But, i am reposting neway because i was on Spring Break and haven't poseted in a while. Did ya miss me :P lol

    Neway, there are so many things I MUST comment on:

    1. Tracy's birthday surprise: I can't say enough about how much I LOVED this surprise, for one because it actually happened, and for two because it had nothing to do (well, not until the end there) with the article that Alice was refusing to show her in the foryer that they showed in the previews. I was a little nervous there for a second. I didn't even mind Luke taking Lulu away since Tracy had basically just told him to do something with lulu before she became Sonny's next conquest or something like that. And "39"? LOVED it!!!

    2. Alice gettin more lines that Tracy: uhhhhh, yeah, i'm not gonna lie that's kinda messed up. On a much lighter note, however, The whole time Alice was talking and ordering HER EMPLOYERS about i was just staring at the TV in awe of the amazing physical transformation that has taken place in Alice in the past year or so. She looks sooooo different now and it just kinda took my mind of off the fiasco that is Soily.

    3. Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!

    whewww, glad that's over and i got that off my chest :D Live long and prosper Tracy fans!!!

    Oh, yeah and LOVE the fic updates/ new fics! Simply Amazing!

  13. *bumpety-bump*

    tracyluver, were you watching when Helena/Tracy teamed up? I believe it was September/October 2004. I can provide a recap if you weren't. Just let me know. :)

    ETA: Page 40!

    No, I had actually stopped watching around that time because i was in school and i didn't have soapnet at the time and it was just really time consuming to try to videotape and/or watch it online so i just stopped for a while. Plus, at the time, I wasn't really exposed to Tracy; Helena was my favorite but there was all the drama about wether she'd come back or not and i dunno. I even signed the petition to bring her back and i didn't even see her on the show! lol But now tracy is my favorite with helena running a close second and i would like to see my two favorites together in a plausible, "Trena"-worthy sl/fic. Actually, i'd rather the fic, at least i know it'd be done right. :P

  14. Yo, what's up. Just posted on the Luke/Tracy thread! I actually saw a link on MinervaFan's LJ community before i saw it here but i was sooooo happy to see that Ms.Q, ILoveTracyQ, and psychofan had already posted there. Speaking of A Storm in The Brain, MInervaFan, did you ever do the Tracy/Helena fic? I LOVE these two apart and i think they would be pheonomenal together. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea but i think it would be a riot and you could TOTALLY pull that fic off. Or have you abandoned that 'ship completely?

  15. Yo!!!! Bumping cuz ILoveTracyQ is on. Yea, surprisingly enough, i didn't like Lukes actions toward Tracy either. And they HAVE to make it to their year-long anniversary!!!!! If they don't, I would be so royally pissed like, you seriously don't even know. It would feel like we've been through all this for nothing.

    And i so totally missed that line about tracy wanting him to come home. So pissed at him right now tho. And Lulu :huh: what's been up with her lately? i've never really cared about her one way or the other but doesn't it seem like lately she's been a bit more !@#$%^&*]y? I dunno..

    ETA: Page 39!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Yo!!! Just dropping by to say how much i love Tracy!! Ok, but like seriously, HOW MANY TIMES are we going to hear about that fifteen million?! And HOW MANY TIMES were we going to hear about the $50,000 he owed her? I love my lacy as much as the next guy (most likely more :P ) but, c'mon!

    OOOOH, MinervaFan, LOVED the fic. I'm reading it at school and people like seriously at this moment are looking at me like I'm crazy because i have tears inmy eyes. it was beautiful.

    oh, one more thing: i don't want t seem like a computer illiterate dork but what does semi-OT mean? I've seen several posters use the term and i have NO idea what it means!:lol:

  17. Just dropping by to say wut up to my TQ friends! Tracy was MINISCULE yesterday, but cute scene at the end. They showed the Haunted Star on the previews but they didn't show Tracy. They better not pull another Tracy's-there-she's-just-invisble type thing like they did during the epidemic. that would totally suck.

  18. She.looked.GORGEOUS! I've never seen tracy with her hair up! She still looks like she has a long jacket thingy on though but i don't care (i hope she doesn't but if she does), she'll still look great. Why don't the make her looke that good all the time?!

    Oh, Thanx ms.Q for the advice on icons!!!! That's really nice, im gonna go try it right now.

    P.S., I MUST reiterate, great fic!

  19. dude it's like TIIC (or at least TG) has been reading this forum and everybody elses minds regaurding the wardrobe situation! :lol: lol It's like, all of a sudden, they got a revelation that roadkill around one's collar it's not EXACTLY what one would call appetizing to the eye (although, JE looks good in anything IMHO :) )

    LOVED the tablecloth-deally thingy in her pants! Hillarious as only Tracy could be!

    Three Questions:

    What did you guys think of the "fall down tthe stairs line"?

    What did you think of the Lila's funeral line/ how she didn't even react to it (as opposed to how she prolly woulda bopped anyone else in the mouth for even THINKING about her mother)

    What did you think Tracy is going to wear for this little shindig? Could this be a part of the "new approach" to luke? Dress, talk, and act like luke wants her to? Interesting....

    Oh, yeah, i meant to ask someone, how do i get an icon-thingy?

  20. * Hi guys!!!*

    Oh yeah! Definitely liking the second spoiler about this summer better than the first..but i won't get my hopes up about either. (Sad to be disallisioned at such a young age... :( )

    Oh, 4XCrazy, I'm with you on being only about three years old when the Tracy/Paul sl was going on. But just being on this site and hearing of the Tracy glory-days makes me wish i was alot older just so i could have seen them.


  21. Hi guys!! I can't stay long (i'm on my teachers computer right now) but WOW!!!!!!!!!!What about that kiss!1 Dude i had no voice the next day from screaming so loud! My mom thinks im crazy now but i don't care.

    Oh, and anyone would be a fool to deny you ILoveTracyQ!! :)

  22. YOOOOOOOOOO!!! What's up!! I haven't been able to post in like for freakin ever!!! I missed talking to you guys :( Minervafan, so awesome to see you here! A Storm in the Brain is like my fav website (well, right beside this one of course!) :D Ok, back to the tracy lurve!!!!

    I would love to see a ficathon for our girl. i don't personally write fanfic, but i've gotton rave reviews of my reading of fanfic :lol: I think i love tracy too much to write for her, i don't want to screw her up!

    I, too, am sad and dissappointed with the spoilers. but then again, if tracy's scenes are lways getting cut, whose to say these wont? Right? (she's says trying to convince herself more than others) sigh....

  23. ok. i'm gonna copy paste the spoilers here.















    *New Shocking Spoilers for May Sweeps:

    A new headwriter, Tate Kirson joins the team with Guza as Pratt is now out.

    Here are his spoilers that he reveal in his interview for the new Soap Opera Digest:

    Kirson is new to daytime tv, Here's what he has to say:

    "As the virus story comes to an end, Guza and I have been surprises on our way, two new families, several new love stories, two reunions of two super couples, a whodunit mystery and a tragedy."


    A deal will be confirmed in Digest that Genie Francis, Emma Samms, Tristan Rogers and Finola Hughes have all been given contracts. The catch is that Samms will only be around for three months, whereas Hughes and Rogers have only agreed to one year. Francis will get the exact contract that has been given to Geary, which is she will go on vacations that will coincide with Geary's. Watch for a huge front burner storyline to develop for them. Robert will return to town to help Luke search for his missing Laura again. It will be like the old days. Robert will do everything he can to help Luke and resolve his damaged relationship with Robin. Luke and Robert will get clues to Laura's whereabouts. The clues will lead them to Russia, where GH will go on a location shoot in May. Watch for Luke and Robert to be shock when they see Anna in Russia. Anna will run and get away from them at first. Later on while they are sleeping, Anna sneaks into their hotel with a gun at their head. She warns them that they must get out of Russia because they are in grave danger. Robert and Luke refused to leave and discover that the WSB has kidnap Laura. Watch for a huge mystery to begin. A new Cassadine will be working with Helena and a dirty WSB agent in this huge front burner storyline. Holly will also be involve in the mystery as she will pull some tricks to keep Robert and Anna apart. Kirson states, "Anna is extremely angry that Robert did not come to her years ago and Holly will take advantage of that anger. Holly has changed and she is no longer the sweet girl she used to be, she is money hungry and she wants something from Robert other then his love."


    Robert and Anna will go through a lot to try to heal their relationship with Robin and try to get their family back together. Holly loves Robin, yet she loves Robert and in the past she put her feelings aside for the sake of the Scorpio family, but this time she is going to fight to get Robert. Mac gets shot and will end up paralyzed. Apparently, he was shot by someone on the inside. Robert will want revenge and will return to his old post as Commissioner of Police to bring this person down. Anna will also return as Commissioner to help Robert in the mystery. Holly will help Mac through his condition.


    Carly wants Jason back and she will do some things to get him. Watch for Carly to come between Jason and Sam as Sam wants to adopt a little African American kid, Cory. Sonny and Emily will grow closer until Emily's father, Eddie Ray shows up in town. Eddie Ray is a very "country," "hill billy" type of guy. He is pretty rude, obnoxious and money hungry. He's a con man and he wants money. He is attractive and he knows how to charm the women, especially Monica. Over the coming weeks, Monica becomes bored with Alan once again. Watch for Eddie Ray to conned Monica and make her think that he is a changed man from what Emily's mother told her about him. Eddie Ray will bring a huge story for Sonny, Emily, Alan, Monica and Lesley. Lesley is connected to Eddie Ray in a huge way. Will Emily be related to the Spencers???


    Bobbie will struggle with Lucas being gay especially when he gets a new boyfriend, an African-American boy, Reggie. Reggie's family is not happy about his sexuality. Reggie's mother, Sadie and father Gary will do everything in their wit to keep their son from being gay. Reggie's grandmother Mable accepts Reggie. Reggie is a diabetic and will struggle with it as Lucas will be by his side.


    Lainey and Justus. Lainey will become in a triangle with Reggie's cousin, Derrick and Justus. Lainey will bond with Derrick's daughter, Melanie, who has just lost her mother and will be seeking counseling from Lainey.

    A new family comes to town, the Thardners.

    Mac Thardner is a powerful business man that comes to town and takes over ELQ. Watch for Tracy to fight head to head in a huge way with Mac. Now that Luke and Laura have reunited, Tracy does a nice thing for a change and accepts that. Tracy and Mac will get involve in a huge story. Mac's daughter, Nikki will become involve with Jax and his new baby. Nikki is a business woman, smart, strong, independent and real about who she is. Watch for Nikki and Jax to get a huge story. Helena has a past with the Thardners and she will be involve in their story in a big way. David Thardner is the black sheep of the family. David is an alcholic and he blames himself for his mother's death, watch for him to get involve with Liz as she wants to help him. This is a love story for Lucky and Liz.

    Sonny and Emily's relationship will make many people angry. Sonny will get shot and it will caused a "Who done it" mystery.

    Maxie will got into a huge car accident and someone surprising will be the caused of the accident. Maxie's faced with be scarred and burned pretty badly. Watch for Nicholas to get involve in a huge way. This will begin a love story for her and Nicholas as well as a triangle with Jesse/Maxie/Nicholas.

    How do you guys feel about these Tracy spoilers?

    ETA: YAY!!!!! Page 26!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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