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Posts posted by tracyluver

  1. Hey! I'm at my aunts house (if that answers your question about my posting situation, Ms.Q). I just got done lighting the fireworks and I think this has been the best independence day, eva! I haven't seen todays eppie but i just wanted to post because ILTQ asked us to. I'll see ya later!

    ETA: You guys are just awesome. That is all. lol

  2. hello, all! I hate these sporadic posts but, what can ya do, right? :)

    OK, first off, i watched fridays eppy and the understanding that i got was this: Luke asked Robby to go with him...somewhere, anywhere. Robby said that he would love to which got Lukey-boy all atwitter for a sec but THEN he said that he had a good thing started in PC with Robin and he didnt want to ruin that. Of course the obligatory Lulu mention followed but then Robby mentioned that he would be leaving "Sparky-butt" as well and Luke-boy said that he had left plenty of times before and that "Sparky-butt" had always been waiting for him when he got back and implied that this time would be no different than the last. Robby told him not to be so sure about that (Tracy "sparky-butt) waiting around for him. Call me reaching here but...ummm....foreshadowing much? methinks Tracy is gonna leave Lukey-boy and he will come back to divorce papers. It might even play out like that story MF wrote a little while back where, in order to give the relationship a chance, she HAS to leave and strt things the proper way, am i making any sense? lol Real emotions are involved now, which i think will change the way that Tracy deals with his leaving. Just a hunch (like my Lulu is sooooooo getting pregnant hunch, im just sayin...)

    Soooo, was Tracy's confession to Luke that she wasn't close to Justus becasue she didn't want to vye for his attn. from Edward the "Tracy breaks down and admits her faults" spoiler? I mean, the word "faults" actually came up. I think it was, and Im kinda glad it didnt play out like we think, with edward lashing out and Tracy getting the brunt of it and breaking down in front of luke and whatnot. I just relish the times (tho they be few and waaaay far between) when Tracy/JE get to do quiet drama. nothing OTT, no screaming or yelling or anything just pure drama and angst. our girl really is good, isn't she?

    Which sorta brings me to my next topic (not really but) Keith, MF I have had the exact same feeling about the dynamic between Tracy/Eddie. I ALWAYS thought there was some sorta hidden abuse by edward underneath her completely obvious Electra complex for him. I think mayb one of the reasons that he loaths her som much is because maybe there are those feelings of incestuous lust and all-together inappropriate feelings for her and he can't stand to be around her because to be around Tracy is to deal with his feelings for Tracy, and thats just not a part of polite society, ya know? I've always felt that eddie was maybe even a little threatened by her because maybe, if she were to remember something, that would be the end of eddie q? but maybe she already remembers....i totally just had a plot bunny (my first bunny!!!lol) but i wouldn't DARE tackle such heavy material on my first time out. *glances at MF and Ms.Q and looks away quickly* I'm sure SOMEBODY in here could do a story like that.......someone just has to have the supreme, dedicated, unique ability to write Tracy enough to do a story of such magnitude, someone who, say, is writing a femmslash (which is totally awesome by the way, at least the beginning that somebody posted on their LJ) that reached massive proportions of like eleven pages or more on the first chapter, or someone who is 42 chapters in to another fic that doesn't show signs of stoppin soon. Surely someone here has the dedication to do that "Tracy/Eddie, why the creepy vibe" fic....hmmmm.......

    well, this post is huge so im gonna go. i might be getting MY FIRST CAR today!! YAY!!

  3. OMG (three posts in a day, that's my new record!!!:))

    I just realized that we have all been linking tracy to gf's return because of luke!! ARRGH ( i know i don't make any sense yet, keep reading) I know that tracy has only been seen with luke but what if they give her an sl outside of him? maybe like another romance, more business stuff. The return of GF doesn't mean that Tracy is leaving! (right?) I mean, she's just another character in the ever-expanding canves of gh. The end of lacy doesnt mean the end of Tracy. We have to keep hope alive.

    And thank you Ms.Q for the happy thougts and positive vibes!

    ETA: I cannot figure out how to find my main web address ms.q! lol im tracyluver there too, that's pretty much all i know! I suck, im sry :)

  4. YOOO! Does small happy dance at this:

    Laura is only supposed to come back thru the anniversary of their wedding in November ( the 16th, to be excat) It most certainly could be just coincidence that it is the same month tha JE's contract expires, especially since Nov. is a sweeps month. Tracy could even be the one that advises that Luke go to see Laura on their anniversary. I could see a lot of flashbacks and them showing her a few times but i don't see her leaving the vegetative state she's basically in, not for just a few days. She's going to come, she's going to leave, i shall be happy once again.


    Thanks ms.Q for linking me to your friends. i don't really now the link to my main page. I shall go find it right now.

  5. *waving to Ms.Q,coolkid, and Keith! :)*


    WTH!!!!!!!????!!! If Tracy leaves (they've already made a cartoon out of helena, a character which, if they'd played her as more than a one note, would have excellent potential) I am COMPLETELY done with GH, forever. I don't care if SuckySoily, SkyLo( i hate them right now cuz im pissed), JaSam, Jarly or Carlax or whatever the hell, and deigo all die in a firery crash of death, i STILL wont watch GH again. The people in the soap industry wonder why soaps are on a steady decline in the ratings, its because (much like the governmanet with education), the writers, producers, and directors have become completely out of touch with what the people most invested in the daytime industry really want. They say the reason that many vets are backburned in the summer is to attract younger viewers. well, im a seventeen year old high school senior and i couldn't care less about any of the supposed "young" crap they put on this show. I swear i would be so pissed UNLESS JE goes to another show ( that happens to be on SoapNet) that will use her and truly apprecitae her greatness. What will happen to this board if TQ is scrapped? I love you guys, i would hate to have to say goodbye...;(

    Good News? I got a LJ, just for minerva, because i honestly had no interest in one, i still don't know what to do with it. Yeah, that's pretty much all the good news i got.

    Oh Yeah, Tracy will be on this week that's good right? I guess that's the best we can hope for, which is a crying shame.

    ETA: Just had a refreshing thought....maybe the return of Laura will only prove to stregnthen the bond of Lacy! (hear me out for a sec) What if luke thinks he's still in love with Laura, but when she comes back he finds out that even though their love was epic (if not a little creepy, marrying your rapist, come on that's weird) he has a new, different, refreshing type of luve for our girl that cannot be ignore or shoved aside. Then again, maybe not. I dunno.

    ETA2: Yay angel, we can be outcasts together! We shall be called "The Outcasters: United in the throes of Tracydom" It will be epic!, it will be grand! it will be monumental!......okay, im bored. lol

  6. Hello, all!! I can't stay long; just wanted to say that i lurve the letter, MF! We can only hope that they listen.

    Oh, angel, i have often felt like the sort of outcast one in this group, too! :) It's great to see someone sharing in my feelings. It's not like anybody, well most didnt, lol, treated me badly,just a feeling i had. :P

    Ms.Q, gearing up to read chapter 40. i cant wait. *does new update happy dance!!!:)*

    Neway, gaotta go read and then get my hair did!! C ya!

    Oh, glad to see you back, ILoveTracyQ!!!!!

    ETA: WHOA! DUDE *waving to keith and kenna* party over here, party over there!

  7. DDDUUUUDDDEEESSS!! It's been toooo long!

    Welcome, Bella!!! We are sooo happy to have you here!

    I will miss you ILoveTracyQ, speaking as someone who as had to take a break at one time, myself. I hope you return soon tho, we'll miss your presence here ( okay, i, no lie, took SIX tries to spell "presence", and i still don't know if it's spelled right! :))

    Lulu is soooooooooooo getting pregnant. she is and we must face the cold, hard truth of the matter. She will be pregnant. It will be Dillon's. Tracy will probably have to deal with helping he through it by telling her of how she was young when she had Ned too ( just how old was she, anyway?) and will have the great pleasure of having to explain how "she could've let this happen, what kind of mother is she, anyway" (Luke's words not mine) and then she will tell him that if he was any kind of father he wouldn't have left in the first place, Lulu will stop them from fighting, run off, and dillon will follow. (I'm totally pulling that out of my ass, but i could see something close to that happening, i really could)

    neway, Minerva, great fics girly!! I swear you the best writer eva! (you too, Ms.Q, and 4xCrazy, and angel (glad to see you back!!)) I lurve your stories and i do a little happy dance every time i see a new fic or update! :D

    well,. i gotta go, will post again as soon as i can. okay!

    P.S.-Keith, you crack me up. no specific instance, you just do. :lol:

    ETA: did anyone know that the actress who plays lulu (julie berman?) is 22? that was just crazy to me :)

  8. HELLO ALL!!! I'm at my aunts house! I am not in school anymore and so i can't post on their computers and i can't post from home because for some strange reason, my comp won't let me so i have o post where i can, when i can! lol!! It's great to know i've been missed, i have sooooo much to catch up on!

    First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ILoveTracyQ!! I hope your birthday was really awesome!

    SPUMOR talk.....

    number one, I doubt that SC is leaving the show. He has been up for an emmy and won just about all of them if not all of them since he's been on the show since '03. I don't see that happening. I hope TIIC don't spit in he face of his accomplishments that way, that would so suck!

    number two, TTTTTTRRRRRAAAACCCCCCYYYYYY!! She is in the previews fior tommorrow, and she's wering the same outfit that she wore in the media net pic so me thinks the dinner is coming soon!!!

    number three, regarding Skacy, i don't know if I like skye being tracy's but it could make GREAT angsty stuff for both JE and RC to sink their teeth into, which is always good! Luke's thenew sonny (sam and alexis, ya know the "creepy, freaky crap" sonny spoke of, lol) why did TRacy lie, why did she let rae take skye? does she even KNOW that skye is her's. I just hope, if this is the case, that they don't take the whole "daughter is sick and needs some sort of genetic material that only the mother can provide" crap that they pull with every other "who's the mommy" sl in soaps. seriously, let's put our thinking caps on and try a new scenario, pleeeeaaasssseee!!!!????

    number four, justsus is definitely killed by manny ruiz. why? none knows. ( hey, it's GaP, it doesn't need a reason). what if anything, does this mean for the q's? *hopes against hope that maybe tracy gets a scene in which she finally acknowleges justus as a TRUE Q* (angsty stuff again)

    SPUMOR talk over

    number five, downloading the vid as we speak, ms.q. I'm sure it's awesome ( transitions and all! :) )

    Whoo, i think i have carpel tunnel now and i am done with this post! I think. It's great to be back!!

    ETA: Minervafan, i left a review of LJ but LOVED "Double Dare"

    ETA # 2: Love the updates to oh, Bay, ms.q. Just awesome.

    NOw, im done.

  9. I really don't want to see her for only five minutes (well that's kind of a given)! I've been so bored and nothing to look forward to that all I've been doing is tanning by the pool and watching old Bette Davis movies (yeah in case you haven't noticed I'm not like most girls my age lol)!

    DUDE!! I thought i was the only seventeen year old girl who watched Bette Davis movies on the regular!! I'm so excited now :D:D:D !














    I think pic of Tracy and Luke and the twenty has something to do with a bet...maybe Tracy bet Luke that he's in love with her and that he'll never leave and then he said "nuh-uh" and then she said "uh-huh" and then he said "nuh-uh" and she said "wanna bet" and then he lost. (REALLY need to start gettin' that life i need..... :lol: )

    I am a little excited about the Luke/Coleman pic. I mean, how can they be together and NOT talk about tracy? Maybe we'll get to see a little spark of jealousy in those eyes of his (tho i doubt it)

    I like the scenerio someone posted about Coleman being the one that has to rob the HS. I could totally see that happening. Maybe that'll bring Coleman into the sl and we'll get THREE men fighting over our girl (wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying....)

    I dunno, but today is my last day of school, i'm officially a SENIOR (WAHOO!!!) and i need my girl. TA ladies ( and Keith)

    ETA: Nice vid-credit thingy, marland.

    ETA2: LURVE thie fic, minervafan! I did a little happy dance when i saw that you'd posted one. :)

  10. As I was watching Fridays show I couldn't help but wonder, Nik was telling Emily that Helena was back and to watch out and she was telling him that since they were no longer married she had no reason to be afraid. Then Nik said he had nobody in his life that Helena could as leverage against him............um HELLO there is Lulu. Not only could she use her but she would be killing 2 birds with 1 stone because she would also be sticking it to Luke. Now since I am no writer how good of a story line would it be if while Helena was trying to kidnap Lulu at the Q's, Tracy walks in and gets in between them stopping her and ends up taking a bullet meant for Lulu. That would get Tracy/Luke and Tracy/Lulu bonding and then Luke could do his disappearing act.....looking for Helena as vengence for nearling killing his wife. :D That's a story that would make me happy!!!

    Hey, nex4ever, great idea, i'd lurve to see it in a fic. One problem, lets just hope tiic don't make her DIE and stay dead! I'd give anything for a good tracy near-death scene but it seems like that would be the only push they need to, well, push tracy out. Besdies, that makes sense (ur scenerio) so it'll prolly never happen :) we are deling with GaP here.

    I can't WAIT until fourth period to read the next chapters of Second Chances (which, incidentally, is the name of another one of my fav fics, this one about my beloved Emily Gilmore) and the next chapter of the half have'nt been told. I'm so excited :D:D ( i really need a life, like, seriously)

    Oh, minerva i meant to tell you before but i 4got how much i LURVE the song "History Repeating'. I love the vid too. simple but nice!

  11. ::wines:: I don't wanna wait till thursday!!!!

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. We have to wait until THURSDAY!! DUDE! that sucks! :angry: I hope we don't have to wait til thursday either cause this is supposed to be my happy-get-out-of school week and that would just screw it up! But i guess having no tracy at all would be worse so i'm cool now.

    just, word to everything you said in you post, minerva ( including what you said about Ms. Q's fic :D:D:D Great work, girl!). ITA about Tracy's motivations (and the nearly inevitable outcome). I hate to see Tracy hurt but it seems it will be that way in the end ( with robert not caring and all) althugh Robert could grow to have feelings for her as well, wchich would be TOTALLY cool with me. I just come from the old school ( well, as much old school as my seventeen year old butt can get :) ) where the woman is pursued by the man. i'm all for women's lib (i'm thinking of minoring in women's studies :) ) but i'm tired of Tracy opening her heart ( which she rarely does anymore neway because she's been so jaded in the past) and being hurt and let down when they don't want a relationship and just want her money or something. At least if she's chased, she decides "yes" or "no". am i making sense? i dunno. i'm just tired of Tracy being the ass of everyone's jokes. that is all.

  12. Hey guys!! I'm BBBBAAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!! I missed this place, i have been sooo busy this weekend and I'm glad to be back. I am about to read all the fics, see as how i too thought that it was going to be a quiet, fic-less weekend. Was there any Tracy today? I really hope so. We're having a bbq at my aunts and i need something to look forward to tonight. Great to see you here DevotedToAMC :D. It's great here, the people are so nice and you can be sure to have some interesting conversations and some GREAT fics and vids and fanart! well, will check back later!

    ETA: has anyone seen this?

    Robert turns on the charm with Tracy over dinner. Luke interrupts with his antics

  13. Thank you, Marlandrulez, that was most definitely the problem. I just wanted to see if it would work and now im going to go find more pictures to put ther, but tracy does look stunning in that pic, doesn't she? Thanks again for your help.

    I liked the Tracy scenes, yesterday, and I'm excited about today. I LUUURRVED Tracy's entrance. Doesn't she seem to look different now? Is it the hair? Is it the new clothes, is it that her face looks a bit thinner? I don't know, but whatever it is they shouuld most definitely KEEP doing it!! Our diva was gorgeous before but now she's like....gorgeous AND radiant AND youthful AND ....i don't know! Just wondering if anyone else noticed. I liked how they got Robert to live there because i honestly was wondering how that was gonna work. I LOVE that they made it clear that his express purpose is to get luke out, which would totally involve wooing Tracy into some common sense by kicking him out ( Edward's thoughts, not mine) right? That means an as-close-to-front-burner-sl-as-tracy-can-get summer right??? RIGHT?? ( whoa, calm down there Tracyluver, you're gettin a little crazy) lol I just really want to have a good Tracy summer. A girl can dream, can't she?

  14. Hello, all! No TQ yesterday! Well, i can't say i'm surprised. i hope she's on today, it gets me thru the day at school hoping she's on when i get home.

    Okay, I know I've asked for this like eight-billion times already, but i just figured out, Ms.Q, what you meant when you said go to edit avatar settings ( i thought you meant on my computer, not on my control thingy) and I was wondering if you could please post the directions for putting up an icon one more time please????!!! :):):):):) That would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

  15. YOOOOOO!! What's up!! It's only been like three days and i missed this place so much! I pm'd all of the people (minerva, Ms.Q, ILoveTracyQ) who pm'd me. Thanks so much guys! :D Also, I was gonna pm you, marland, and i think i still might, but one of my largest pet peeves is when someone offends you in the light but tries to apologize in the drak, behind closed doors. That's not me. in retrospect, i realize that i flew off the handle just a bit there with the whole "desperate" thing. (I also, now, hate the word "desperate" :lol: ) Anyway, i want to apologize. I don't like confrontation and i'm really sorry if i offended you (which i obviously did) Oh, and Holly isn't that bad, i don't know her character, though, seeing as how i'm only seventeen and was probably not even thought of when she was on the show last. You can understand, then, how i wouldn't like her or respond well to her given that the last few weeks were all i saw of her ( oh yeah and the whole withholding the antidote which always makes me feel warm and fuzzy) when i've seen alot more of tracy's character. I dunno. To each his own and i had no right to say some of the things i did. nuff said. :)

    Now jsince this is a TRACY Q LUUURRVEFEST, let's get on to the Tracy lurvin'!! I woke my butt up at FIVE O FREAKING CLOCK just to see Fridays eppy on soapnet! I can barely get to school on time n a good day, even though i live right down the street from my school, b/c i'm always sooo tired and i still woke up because i had to see what you guys were talking about with the whole breaking down thing. yeah, not sure if i would have wanted to see her break down then because of the fact that the scene was, at least partly, played for laughs. I did like lukes defense of her though and i did like that he wasn't really trying to blackmail her into a divorce. oh, and the "scrumptuous" line wasn't lost on me either. lol. i want the best fro tracy. i want her to be in an equal relationship, one where she loves and, in turn, is loved in return i just really want that guy to be luke. after all this time, i really want something to come of this realationship. the chemistry between JE and TG is just so uncommonly awesome, especially in the guza-fied wor'd of GH where random characters are just thrown together at random haphazarty (if that's even a word. If it isn't, i'm a genius cuz i just made up a word :lol: ) I just really want them together. I want a scene where Tracy does want a relationship and asks why luke doesn't want her, why mooone wants her, why her whole life has been an endless cycle of girl finds love, boy runs away with floozy. and then i want luke, yes luke, to break down, just a little bit. and say how much he wants her, he wants a meaningful realtionship, he is, just as our astute minerva said, just afraid of getting old, of losing the youth he idntified himself with his whole life, and then, in the heat of the moment, they make passionate love and live happily ever after (okay, maybe not :) ) I just want value and seriousness, just for once!

    Whoa, this was a long post, just had a lot bottled up that i need to say. Glad to be back!

  16. Okay, so, as someone who has just completed an AP Chem exam which she studied for MONTHS for, who's pmsing just a tad, and who's grandmother just passed away, maybe i'm stressed and in a generally bad mood. But that is also why I come here. Because no matter how horribly stressing my life is, I can always come here and escape for just a few moments, maybe read some fics, watch some clips ( thanx bunches Ms. Q, by the way :) ) and just relax in this imaginary world with pople I've never met and have a good time. But it has not been that for me today, and I don't want to take that away from anybody else, so I will just stop posting and coming here for a while, and maybe things will cool off. Because at the end of the day, Tracy IS just a charater in a show. I just don't see why someone would resort to personal insults over a fictional character, and after the day I've had (well the week in general has just sucked for all of the aforementioned reasons listed above) I don't care to find out. I'm sorry if you feel attacked or offended, I really do, MarlandRulez, but I still rest on my laurels and stand by everyhng I posted before, 110%. And thanx, ILoveTracyQ for defending me. again, i wasn't trying to be mean and nooone is going to stage a mutiny or any other group effort to get you out of this board. I, on the ther hand, will be leaving, just for awhile. because when your grandma dies, your dad is so quiet from grief quiet it's killing you, and your period (sry if im grossing neone out here) is just days away, you really don't need to be attacked. TA for now ladies and gentlemen, i wish you TQ luck and i'll be back eventually.

    ETA: LOLOL ILoveTracyQ. You are correct. Noone can be as beautiful as you. It's a shame, I know, that you can not share your beauty with the rest of us but, well, we will learn to deal. :)

  17. Okay, Marland. I am NOT the desperate one, here. No. 1, I never said that HOElly was ugly, just that Jane was more beautiful, and a little less cheap. Secondly, I don't think that HOElly is a THREAT to neone, when the b***h was there for like, what? Two seconds. I haven't seen todays eppy yet but HA! They didn't have sex. I've never seen myself as childish, confrontational, or desperate, but you bring out the worst sides of me, sides I've never even known. If you think i didn't like you calling TRACY deperate, how the hell do you think i feel about you calling ME desperate. You are the one who obviously likes others (ahem, skye, HOElly) more than Tracy, but this is a TRACY QUARTERMAINE LOVEFEST, a lovefest, dear. If you don't like what's said here, then you can leave. I seriously do not mind a good argument, I want to be an attorney after college for God's sake. People here disagree all the time, that's totally cool and it makes for interesting conversation. And I'm not saying that you don't have just as much of a right to come here as everybody else, nor am i saying that you don't have a right to your opinions. But I have the same rights as you do and i can say what i wish, and i have the right to do so without being insulted. Don't you dare call me desperate.

    Oh, and by the way, i would feel bad about what i am saying here but....well, maybe it's the Tracy in me but i don't. In fact, maybe I don't because i shouldn't. I am NOT desperate. AARGH!! This also isn't the first time you've offended Tracy fans here. I don't know about anyone else but you've offended me personally, which i have never, will never do to you. Maybe i should have pm'd this to you but I don't know how so I'm saying it out in the open. Oh, wait, that doesn't make me "desperate" does it?

    ETA: HUGE cahnge of pace here ladies and gentlemen but i have a quick question: there was a storm the night JE was on soaptalk and i have satellite and I missed her interview. I cried. lol! No, seriously. Does anyone, by chance, have any clips and/or have knowlege of where i can obtain some? Pretty plese with sugar on top and icing and a small yet satisfying marichino cherry on top?? :) thanksin advance ( and if noone has any, then just thanks for reading this incredibly long post:))

  18. I hope Holly comes back very soon - she's fantastic and i bet Jane enjoyed those scenes with Emma (i FLOVED her dramatic head gesture to Holly, where her hair was flipped back).

    Holly rules! Tracy has met her match.

    And OF COURSE Lolly are making love after that scene (Luke had her head in his hands for gods sake, we all know where that leads). Poor Tracy the rejected wife, i cant wait for her to hit the roof.quote]

    My problem stems from the fact that 1) Tracy SHOULD NOT BE and IS NOT ANYONES dejected, rejected anything. She is a woman, who, In my opinion, and I am sure many people on this thread agree, is much better looking, much more appealing, sexier, sassier, and in general, more interesting than Rolly,Lolly and/or any other cutsie little nickname anyone else can think of merging Holly's name with. 2) Luke has had a lot more than that in his hands and it didn't mean they had sex. Isn't luke supposed to be realizing he's in love with Tracy today, anyway? I HIGHLY doubt they did the deed, and if they did, the only other option is that Holly was so bad in bed that he realized he was missing out on the great sex he could've had with Tracy and ran back upstairs, threw Robert out of the bed and back down to HIS dejected ex-wife Holly (or as I like to refer to her, HOElly), and made wild passionate love to his WIFE, the wife he doesn't deserve in the first place, Tracy.

    Whew, I'm glad I got that out. I don't mean to be rude, MarlandRulez, but I hate it when people refer to her as the poor pitiful little misfit, who couldn't keep a man if she chained him to a bed (ooh, kinky ;) ) Maybe that's because I LURVE Tracy in a freakish way that I share with many on this board, but maybe it's also because as a teenager in a sex-crazed world of daisy-dukes and Paris Hilton, I am constantly looking for a strong, passionate, charasmatic, sensual, powerful woman as a role model. And though Tracy is certainly no Mother Theresa, she is all of the things listed above and more, and it irritates me when people reduce that strong, passionate, charasmatic, sensual, powerful woman into someone's "rejected wife". That is all.

  19. Minerva, I posted a comment on you LJ already but just to reiterate, great fic!! :D (and great sex, too ;) )

    Great update to Homelands as well! You guys are just awesome!

    I will be among the people who will not be seeing GH live today as I have ballroom dancing lessons at 3:00 and I won't be home ( obviously ) and I can almost GUARANTEE that the day I will have to wait until TEN O FRICKIN' CLOCK to see it will be the day TQ is on. It's just the story of my life. :angry: but if TQ is on that will make me happy and i won't care how long I had to wait today to see it considering that we've waited for like two weeks. NEway, C ya tomorrow. Here's to hoping she's on!

    ETA: for all of who who were wishing me well on my AP testing, I thought I had my AP Lit and my AP Stats exam today but I did not ( does happy dance!!) I have to take those my senior year. I did, however, have AP chem exams today. We will see how those went on a later date. but thanks for you well wishes!

  20. What's up!!! Really looking forward to the Tracy scenes today. Only 40 minutes and 22 seconds but who's counting, right? Is it completely pathetic that i watched the first five minutes and the title sequence just to see Tracy's face in the opening credits? (that sad, huh? yeah, i figured.) Anyway............I'm EXCITED!!!!!!!!!

  21. Yo!!! Hello, all! Sry I haven't posted in a while but AP exams are TOMORROW and prom was Saturday and I have an honors awards thingy-mer-bobber tonite :D !!! i've been terribly busy dahlings. but I'm posting now! :)


    Tracy WILL be on today, I have it on good authority ( Ms.Q told me :) ) It's something to look forward to in these loooooooooooooong, drab school days. I'll be back later. TA for now!!!

    ETA: I just read the updated Oh, Baby (fanfiction.net was giving me fits and I had to go all the way around robin hood's barn to get it but I did :)) Ms. Q, yau are fabulosa girl!!! Keep up the good work and update soon!!!!!!

  22. Ms.Q, I'm loving the fic!!! I can't wait to see what Tracy will say next!! :o I have a question though: Is Luke letting tracy believe hat she is letting him believe that the baby is his? Does he know it's not but is letting her think he does, or does he think it is and we have to wait until the (HIGHLY dramatic) moment until he finds out it's not? ( I hope I'm makin sense here :) ) If so, that would make for a totally great scene between Tracy/Luke/Coleman and if he does, (know that it isn't his) that could make for a really sweet scene between Tracy and Luke ( you can soooo tell i have nothing better to do but to sit and hypothosize about fictional character's fictional lives! lol :P

    Anyway, lovin the fic!!!!!

    I hope (most likely in futility) that our gurl is on today.

  23. Hello, all! I just read the updated "Homelands". I LURVED it!!! U R soo talented gurl! Oh, and I feel your pain about the AP exams! :( I have three next week! Anyway, I love it!

    Just stopped by to say that I HOPE TO GOD that Tracy is on today!

    I almost forgot what my gurl LOOKED like over the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ETA: Page 62!!!

  24. She landed on the wrong island--I can just hear it.

    Boss! Ze Plane! Ze Plane!

    Yes, Tatoo, our first guest is Tracy Quartermaine Spencer.

    And what is her fantasy, Boss?

    She wants to see her husband crawl like the dog he is.

    Oh, Boss, I like that fantasy!

    Minerva, ur hilarious. I'm in the computer lab and i read that and burst out laughing when it's dead-a** silent and....yeah. teacher+non-school related internet topics= detention tomorrow, but, ya know, you guys are so worth it!

    I hear alot of interesting scenerios here ( retro Lacy one-night stand, Tracy saving luke and vice-versa). seems like we should have some amazing clips coming up..... :D that makes me smile!

    Ms.Q, thanx for the clips. i love them!

    Okay, then. im gonna go and actually work now. (work? in school? a novel comcept :P ) I'll be back to post later maybe :)

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