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Posts posted by Jess

  1. Revenge was once can't miss for me. This season may have jumped the shark. It seems to be all over the map. I would like to see it get back on track because I once enjoyed it so. If not, please do a nice little wrap up. Right now I struggle with who is a good guy and who is a bad guy. I guess it was difficult after the first season to maintain the Revenge beat.

  2. Well we could make registering to vote like registering to drive. You register, get your picture taken and your voter registration has your picture on it. I personally think we should make it easier not harder to vote. Voter fraud is not such a huge problem in our country that we should put into place laws that discourage not encourage voting. It is difficult to believe that this is not voter suppression.

  3. I truly think Obama will win. Truth be told, Christians are scared to DEATH to vote for a Mormon. I can tell you Baptists consider Mormonism a cult.

    I think Christian conservatives dislike Obama enough to vote against him and to overlook the vote means supporting a Mormom.

  4. I think it is an intersting pick. It is risky, but of course, Romney was bullied into doing it. Ryan is a smart man. his budget presents a contrast to Obama. I don't like the Ryan budget, but he is intellectually honest. Romney is not intellectually honest and the question is will the contrast be between the Democratic and Republican tickets or between the issue commitment between the top and bottom of the Republican ticket.

  5. It is always good to come back here and discover interesting political conversation. You know, I fancy myself a liberal, but have to admit there was always something hard to like about Kucinich. I can't put my finger on what it is. Truthfully, it is kind of like Romney on one end of the political spectrum and John Kerry on the other. There is something that is hard for me to like about each of them, but I really can't say what it is.

    I think it has been an interesting campaign thus far. Three months ago, I believed that there was no way that Obama could be re-elected, but there were ways that the Republicans could lose the election. It is a long time before November, but I think now Obama could quite well get a second term. I have not seen much enthusiasm for any of the Republican candidates. I believe the best thing for the party would be for the race to go the convention and the party to nominate a candidate not currently in the field -- a Jeb Bush or Mitch Daniel, someone different. With only three months left, that candidate would probably ride a wave of momentum and newness into the White House.

    I, of course, am for Obama so any of the current crop of candidates is fine with me :)

  6. The interesting thing about the Nancy Pelosi "controversy" is that it all contrived. It is meant to hide the big question about whether the United States violated the Geneva Conventions and tortured captives. If so, is it now OK for other countries to use "enhanced interrogation" techniques on U.S. soldiers held captive?

    Those briefers between the CIA and members were one-on-one. Nancy Pelosi was not even Speaker when she was briefed. It is very possible that she interpreted briefings one way and other members interpreted them another way. I guess the question is, are Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats being overly critical of the CIA, or are the Republicans covering up for them? Or is it possible that neither is doing anything intentionally dishonest? Perhaps, oh my goodness what a concept, the CIA never told anyone they were waterboarding because no one asked. Perhaps the CIA said they were not using torture because they believed they were using "enhanced interrogation techniques." It's all semantics, and perhaps we would be well-served to stop demonizing those with whom we disagree.


  7. Well, being in education, I see the value of a service learning requirement. Granted, there are many clubs in hs, but the majority are not service oriented. At my school, we have an annual canned food drive for our local senior center. The drive is coordinated and run by our graduating seniors, thus they earn their service learning credit. Many times you need to bring the horse to the water. Many of our students wouldn't think about doing something like this unless they were exposed to the opportunity. Yes it is a shame that courts order community service as restitution. As far as I can remember, service requirements for HS were in place long before NCLB (late 80s early 90s George 1's thousand points of light)

    I am an assistant professor and service learning has been in place for well over a decade. I too see the value of service learning. It was one of the issues that Obama and McCain agree on during the campaign.

    Moving on to a different topic, I'm reading the book "The Big Sort" now. It talks about how people are moving into politically homogenous communities. I find people's tendency now to only live around or pay attention to opinions that mirror their own very disturbing. We now have the Republican and Democratic news channels. I don't think it speaks well for our system of representation.

  8. Reagan had a good first 100 days. Clinton's first 100 days were terrible. In fact, he didn't find his footing until after the miden-term elections (1994) and the Republican landslide. Bush had a horrible first 100 days. Obama's first 100 days haven't been bad. He's accomplished things. You can bitch about what he has done. He has done exactly what he said he would. That is just like Reagan. I personally thought Reagan's policies did a great deal of harm. Yet he didn't do anything that he didn't tell the American people he was going to do during the campaign.

    Now, GD, I can also argue I spent more time debating issues during the general election than touting a candidate. However, there was not doubt I was supporting the Democrat, just as there was no doubt your were supporting the Republican. :lol: :lol: In fact, I believe we both made it clear that we had wasted our votes in our home states. You voted McCain in California and I voted Obama in Texas.

  9. I think most independent lean either Democrat or Republican. Judging from SteveFrame's voting record, I could be wrong. I do think there are a lot of people who are apathetic. In this country, all you have to do to register to vote now is say yes to the question when you go get a driver's license or visit some other types of government agency. People say no when asked if they want to be registered. More than 20 percent of voting age population doesn't even bother to register. I don't think the government can lower barriers to registration any more and people still don't register. The only answer can be, they don't want to register.

    I vote Democrat probably 99 percent of the time. I don't vote 100 percent of the time, but most of the time.

    I don't think that means I have to blindly follow the party though. I really like Obama and think he is doing a very good job. However, he has to compromise on his budget. We can't go that far in the hole. That doesn't mean, I don't support him or what he is trying to do. It just means, I'm not going to follow blindly. I still know that the president works for me, not the other way around. Bush being so stubborn cost him dearly. It will cost Obama too.

    One thing I want to say: Democrats and Republicans in Congress are awful. They don't accept responsibility for anything. The AIG bonuses were stinkers in my opinion. But my goodness, those bonuses are pretty small potatoes. Those bonuses are symbols of the problem, they aren't the problem. Congress - Democrats and Republicans -- decided to Dixie Chicks the executives who received those bonuses. Rush Limbaugh is a gas bag 99 percent of the time, but even a blind hog can find an acorn. Rush was right about McCarthyism tactics with AIG.

  10. change has come to Washington. Obama admitted a mistake, something that shrub did not do the entire eight years he was in office.

    As far as the treasury secretary, he had paid his taxes prior to being nominated, it was a mistake and he is one of the most respected people in his field, which is why even the GOP overlooked the tax thing.

    Daschle didn't pass the ethics test.

    I find it interesting that people criticize Obama for having an ethics code. Had he not put in place an ethics code, the fact that he has ONE former lobbyist in the defense department would not even be noticed.

  11. Jess my use of private jet was probably wrong. But I know in Tennessee and I think most of the states are the same but the Senators either here have private jets which they fuel up at the taxpayers expense or they fly "FIRST CLASS" and bill the taxpayers for it.

    As to the last thing as I have said in some of these other posts I realized that Obama did not have something to do with all of this and I realized that not all of it was paid for by the taxpayers. As I have tried to explain over and over again it is the principle of the thing that when Americans are hurting it does not present a good example to see them partying and have to pay for larger expenses for security when we as a Nation can not afford and I don't care who was or is the President. The Security could be cut down by the staff not going out as much in public. If during this time they kept a lower profile the security would not be as high.

    But that is all beside the point.

    As to the other call me cynical on any of you.

    But after 8 years of the Republicans criticizing Clinton for everything he did.

    And 8 years of the Democrats criticizing the Bushs for everything they did.

    I can't help but know that if McCain had won and this article was about him and what he and Cindy McCain were spending and all the partying that the shoe would be different. It wouldn't be about American's being excited for change and all that mess - it would be about how much they were spending in the face of a recessive economy.

    And that is coming from someone who spent part of the last 8 years pointing fingers at the Bush family and their regime.

    All I know is that I felt down about all this before I made my post. And now that it has been turned into yet another fight between the parties and all that [!@#$%^&*], my attitude is not any better.

    I think it's OK for America to celebrate right now. It will be the last time for a long time that we have much to celebrate. Hell, I think we ought to have the biggest celebration in the world for that pilot who landed the plane in the Hudson. We have spent so much time as a country being unhappy and negative that I'm glad that right now we can be positive. I don't think that the reaction would be any different if it were McCain. We all know things are bad and the celebration now is temporary, but that is OK. We need to smile. Let's celebrate.

    Steve, I want to amend this post to add that I have other friends who also are concerned about the cost of the inauguration and whether it sends a bad message. We are all big Obama fans too. I don't think you are some bad guy for having these concerns. LOL. I just think the country needs a celebration and I'm glad we are happy -- for what will likely be a limited amount of time -- with our president.


  12. That article I posted is one of the things that bugs me to death about politicians, and the reason that when people are talking about hope and change and all that crap I am forever cynical and jsut say they are all being whitewashed.

    These politicians -- every one of them -- say they care and say they are different. They ahve the audacity to complain about big executives coming to Washington to ask for money in their private jets, when the majority of them took private jets there that were paid by the tax payers. Pelosi even requested a bigger plane than the one usually afforded to the person in her position which costs more in fuel.

    Then they all come in and have these big fancy shindigs and hire decorators at the tax payers expense to redecorate the White House.

    And Obama who was supposed to be different than the others is falling right into the same old patters and now his Inagural is costing more than any other in the history of inaugurals.

    As Yahoo puts it:

    "Obama's inauguration will cost nearly four times more than the next most expensive celebration"

    And they wonder why people like me don't trust them and don't feel any hope when any of them get into office. Politicians have jaded me way too much. I don't trust any of them and never will again.

    First, the very same article said that inaugural celebrations are NOT paid for with taxpayer money. I think it's great that Obama has supporters -- and they are not corporate supporters -- who want to celebrate. I think it is absolutely wonderful that so many people are so excited about a president. If that is what you are criticizing politicians for, then you and I do not agree. I think it is absolutely wonderful that so many Americans are excited about this president and want to go to Washington to see this inauguration.

    Second, Who said the majority of politicians take private jets that are paid for with taxpayer money? Air Force One is paid for with taxpayer money, as it should be. Otherwise, I don't know where you come by your assumption that "the majority of them took private jets that were paid for by the taxpayers."

    The only thing in your post that was paid for with taxpayer money is security for the inaugural. I agree, it is a shame that we live in a society where there needs to be that level of security. In my opinion, it is money well-spent.

  13. CNN analysts posted their political predictions.


    I agree with Carville. I think a party in power often gets arrogant and tries to get away with smarmy behavior. I also think the Republicans are a divided party right now. I think it will be an interesting fight between the economic conservatives and the social conservatives for control of that party. I personally put my bet -- and my hopes -- on the economic conservatives.

    I also think that there is going to be a clear definition between Republicans and Democrats over the role of government versus the role of the market system. That is a discussion that would be interesting. Casey was a strong free-market Republican.

    Hillary Rosen said she thinks Obama will fight with House dems because he is a centrist. I think that is interesting because of all his positions on government involvement in rescuing the economy. That is a pretty liberal position IMO.

  14. It was foolish. I guess throwing a shoe is some cultural norm. Had it happened in America, the guy would be locked up forever. The Secret Service is being criticized for all of this. I actually give them credit. Had they overreacted and shot the man, it would have started an international incident.

  15. Chicago Democrats are as corrupt as they come. However, the ultimate blame goes to the idiot voters of Illinois, who easily re-elected Blago two years ago despite the fact that a huge ethical cloud hung over him.

    Illinois is extremely similar to my home state of New Jersey in several aspects. In both states, the Democratic party has complete dominance of state government, and govern in an extremely corrupt manner. Also, it is simply impossible for a Republican to win a statewide election in either state. Finally, both NJ and IL voters don't give a damn about ethics, choosing to instead re-elect the corrupt Democrats every time.

    I think corruption is more prone in one-party states. However, as a point of clarification, Blagojevich is only the second Democratic governor elected in Illinois since 1970. His predecessor, a Republican, is now in prison for corruption. I don't think it's too hard for Republicans to get elected to statewide office in Illinois.

  16. From what I understand, it became a crime when he sought any type of compensation for favors rendered.

    When they got his beyond stupid ass on tape saying this [!@#$%^&*], he broke the law.

    It is unbelievable how stupid he is. I know Chicago pols have done this type thing for years at one level -- but selling a senate seat??? Did it not occur to him that that if he did sell the seat, those who lost would get wind of it?

    I think the FBI did the right thing. They stepped in before he did any real damage by selling the seat. I'm just wondering if he ever approached anybody on the deal. It sounds like he did with the Jackson folks.

  17. The FBI has said Obama had nothing to do with it

    The tapes quote the corrupt governor as blasting the Obama folks for saying that the corrupt governor will get nothing from Obama but appreciation

    Obama has said that he had no contact with the corrupt governor

    Axelrod has said that he was wrong when he said Obama had spoken with the corrupt governor

    All of the would-be Senate candidates have said Obama had nothing to do with the corrupt governor.

    It has been reported in the media that Obama and the corrupt governor did not get along and had not gotten along in two years.

    Dick Durbin, the other Democratic senator from Illinois, has said that the corrupt governor did not return his phone calls nor did the corrpt governor talk with Obama.

    You know, unless some one can prove otherwise, then I think it is safe to say Obama had nothing to do with the corrupt governor.

    Now my question, did the corrupt governor ever act on his comments or did he just talk? And, if he never acted, is there still a crime?

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