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Everything posted by BrendaBarrett
Jack: I don't know what Will was thinking going after Marcelleus and Amy. They aren't a threat, although they are a two person alliance. I would have thought that he would have nominated Nakomis at the very least. She is very strong. She can win competitions. I completely trust her as she has given me her word. Will, Janelle and James have to be stopped. Danielle: I am just glad that I am off the radar for now. I don't care who goes home as long as it ain't me. Who would I keep? We all know that Marci won't use the Veto so if he wins he will probably be going home. I am trying to get in good with Janelle because I think she would go til the end. She doesn't have any girlfriends here so I am trying to get in good. Chiara: God this place is driving me insane! Hardy finally realized that he is the 4th of that group and has approached me about potentially taking one of them out. I think we can do it if he wins HOH next week. He wants to get Danielle, Jack and Nakomis together and take them out. I will definetly consider it. Will: I am the chessmaster!!!! I got to be HOH and didn't even try. I thought about putting up Nakomis and Jack but I went to them and they told me I was safe from them for next week. I also can't vote for one of them if one of them goes up. Did you not watch the first time I played? I lied. Simple as that. I just want to show everyone how to play this game. Only the strong survive! Chilltown! Hardy: I am not liking how this is turning out. I need to be HOH next week. Will is going to eventually go after me and I have to go after him before that happens. Danielle will be a good person to allign with as well as Chiara. Chiara is just someone that I can lead around by her nose. Amy: WHY ME? What did Ah do to WIll to get nominated? A strategic move? Ah don't think so you Dr Evil Will. Ah will cast an evil spell on you so we can call you Evil Will. I hope you burn in Hell for nominating me against my good friend Marcelleus. He's been moody and in tears and is just no fun to be around anymore. James: Oh my God Marcelleus just shut the hell up. You knew eventually that you would get nominated so quit your bitching. This is Marcelleus and Amy. Marcelleus is the wine. Amy is the cheese. Go home both of you. Nakomis: I am very surprised that I am not on the block, that Will actually kept up his part of the bargain. He must want something more from it. I just can't figure it out. Veto will be interesting. Right now I think James is throwing competitions as he hasn't won to many. Hardy too. I would not be surprised if they won next time and I was nominated. Janelle well, I can't seem to find any common ground with her so I stopped trying to talk to her. We both smoke so thats about it. That's the only time I see her. Marcelleus: I hate that Evil, dirty, botox filled, black short wearing, comb your hair doctor than anyone in this lifetime. I can't believe that I am once again nominated against Amy. I want to stay yet I don't want to campaign against her. If it's the last thing I do, I will blow this house out of the water.... Janelle: Well, I think things are going really well. I dodged a bullet last week. I know I shouldn't trust Will, but I trust him more than James because of all the stuff from last year. I am not sure who should go, but I have tried to talk to Amy this week to see what she knows. Marcelleus just doens't want to talk to me. Oh well. WHo will win the Veto and will they use it? Tune in and find out...
Nakomis and Jack know that they are the prime targets. James went to Will with a plan to get rid of Danielle, Chiara, Marcelleus or Amy and keep them safe for two weeks. Is Will considering it? Danielle is scrambling, playing on Will's ego. She doesn't want to be nominated and will sell her soul to stop it. Marcelleus and Amy go and meet with Will and tell him that they think that Janelle has a lover in the house and that it is Hardy. Janelle meets with her lover and the two of them discuss the ramifications of nominating the different HGs. Janelle meets with Will and discusses it. He looks like he agrees and in the end, to the shock of everyone, nominates Marcelleus and Amy. Who will win the Power of Veto and most importantly if Marcelleus wins, will he use it?
All the houseguests are standing on a log with their arm straight up. If their arm falls past a certain area, the water above them will fall on them and they will be eliminated. Their is a twist. If the last two standing happen to be Janelle and Will, they will both be off the block and have to decide between the two of them who is HOH. If this happens, Nakomis, the current HOH will be put on the block and a spin of the wheel will determine who is HOH. Janelle immediately makes a deal with Will, "If you stay on the whole time, I will keep you safe. I will never vote for you or nominate you. HOH will be yours this week as well." Will looks over to her, "Why should I do this?" "You are the only winner in this house and as more times passes the target on your back increases. No secret deal, I am making this in front of the whole house. I know I can stay up here as long as it takes. I will win POV this week. We can do this. If you don't stay up here, or at least try your damndest, I will come after you and get you out." Janelle said, "I am not even tiring and I have muscles you wouldn't even be aware of." Will thought it over, "I will try my hardest. Deal." Time passed. The water first splashed down on Marcelles after 38 minutes. Amy after 57 minutes. Danielle lasted One hour and 25 minutes. The water from her bucket splashed Jack in the eye making him lose balance and he was eliminated. Chiara, Nakomis, Will, Janelle, James, Marvin and Hardy were left. At one hour and thirty minutes, Rob and Amber came out. "Greetings! We have something to tempt you with. If you feel you are safe and want to give up the Veto, the first one to release their water will receive 5 grand right now. Any takers?" Amber was met with silence, "Ok ten grand." Marvin immediately released the water. Five minutes later, Chiara let go claiming she had to go to the bathroom and couldn't hold it in. The splash from her bucket also knocked Hardy off. Four were left at the 2 hour mark. Again Rob and Amber tried to tempt them. "Ok, this time instead of money we will let you call who evah you want and talk to them for ten minutes, as long as it isn't about the game. Any takers? I will give you five minutes to think about it." Nakomis looked weak and Janelle looked at James. "Please James take it and call Sarah. Let us win and you have such a shot at not getting nominated. Let Will and I win so we can both get up." Janelle pleaded. "I will be here all night." Will looked at her, "I have to pee and I have absoluetly no problem peeing here. I promise you I will not put you up ever." James looked at them cooly, "I would do it if we could control who goes up, it's too risky for me. Sorry guys." No one took the phone call and ten minutes later Nakomis' arm gave out leaving Janelle, James and Will. For another hour the three of them stood up there until finally James arm just inched too far down. Water splashed all over him as Will and Janelle were announced the winners. Rob and Amber walked over, "Ok Nakomis you are automatically nominated. Here is the wheel. Nakomis we will let you spin the wheel." The wheel spun around and finally landed on Marvin's name. Amber said, "To stir things up a little, we are going to sequester you and begin voting in the diary room. Will, as the HOH you will not vote. After the vote we will have the live ceremony. We will go in alphabetical order so Amy, please go to the diary room. Everyone else, please go to your assigned places and wait for your name to be called. If you communicate with anyone, you will be disqualified from voting and the next HOH competition." ~~~~~~ The houseguests were seated in the living room two hours later after voting had ended. They all looked the worse for wear. Rob walked in, "Hello houseguests. Lovely to see you." Will smirked, "Likewise" Amber came over the TV, "By a vote of 4-3, Nakomis you are safe. Marvin you have one minute to leave the house." Marvin looked pissed, "This is a crapshoot, this [!@#$%^&*] sucks." Rob looked at him, "Hey it's All Stars, its the way it happens. Now go be nice to my Ambah." When everyone came back to the Living room, Rob announced, "Oh yeah, since we had both Janelle and Will actually win, and it was decided that the HOH would be Will. He is the next HOH. Nominations will be tomorrow so start thinking Will." Who will Will nominate and will he keep his promise to Janelle? Will he try to take out his long time rival Hardy? Or will he divide and conquer and try to take out some strong players. Tune in next time to see his decisions...
With Nakomis as HOH and Danielle successfuly dividing the house into three groups, Nakomis feels she has enough to get a very strong player out. In a tense nomination ceremony, she nominates Will and Janelle. The house is divided into threes. Jack, Nakomis, Amy and Marcelles. Chiara, feeling another rejection, Danielle and Marvin are another group. James, Janelle, Hardy and Will are the third. Nakomis thinks it is imperative to get one of the latters' group out. Adria speaks to her and tells her that she is heading in the right direction. Nakomis doesn't know whether she can trust her. Rob and Amber wake them up at 6AM for the Power of Veto. Everyone participates in this one. They stand on a rock and above them is a rope. They must hold onto the rope, above their head. If their arm goes beloe a certain point, water will fall on them. Before they start, Rob and Amber reveal a twist. If the last two standing are Will and Janelle, both win the Veto and Nakomis goes up. The other spot is determined by a spin of a wheel. Let the Veto begin
Boston Rob enters the house and saunters over to the HGs who are sitting in the living room, awaitin gthe eviction ceremony, "Hey everyone, what's goin on." Will looks at him derisively, "You know half the time I expect you to walk in with hay coming out of your mouth." Everyone laughs and the tension dissipates a little. Rob is about to come up with a comeback when the TV screen comes on with Amber's face in it. "Rob we are all set." "All right, Hardy, Rachel you are up for eviction. After Amber states who is evicted you have one minute to leave and then we have the HOH competition. I hope you have your bathing suits on."Everyone nods, "Ok Amber.." Amber looks into the screen, "By a vote of 5-3, Rachel you are evicted from the Big Brother House. Please gather your things." Hugs abounded as Rachel left and the HG's gathered outside. In front of them was a large vat of oatmeal. Jack sat over to the side. "Houseguests, for this HOH competition, you will have to fill as much of the oatmeal into the cans. The twist here is that the person with the least amount wins HOH. You have to keep moving or you will be on PB&J for the week. You can't sit this one out. Fill up the HGs that you don't want to see win HOH. If the can spills over and it empties out, well, too bad, so sad. You can't knock your own over. Any questions?" The HGs lined up by the vat of oatmeal and Rob yelled at them to go. For five minutes, they rushed back and forth to fill up the HG's that they didn't want to win HOH. At first the only one with any real strategy was James, who continually knocked Janelle's over. Janelle quickly caught on, as did Nakomis. Nakomis had AMy knock hers over every time Amy came down. Danielle's was filled, as was Marcelleus and Amy's. Hardy and Will's was half full and no matter how far up Janelle and James got theirs, they always emptied each other's over. There was ten seconds left when Chiara and Danielle filled Janelle's and James' can up and Amy knocked Nakomis' over. The buzzer rang and Nakomis was the new HOH. James and Janelle were upset as Jack hugged Nakomis. If either James or Janelle had won, one of them were going home. After everyone had showered and Nakomis had showed everyone her room, Danielle started talking to a few people to see where they stood. She started with Chiara, "I haven't seen you in a while." "Well, I didn't exactly want to see you Danielle as you weren't really nice to me in the Diary Room." Danielle was cutting some vegetables up for dinner, "I was trying to win. Do you really fault me for that?" Chiara picked up a carrot and started eating it, "I guess not." "What's the deal with you and that alliance? Is Will really in it?" "I guess so. He and James get along pretty tight." Danielle looked at her, "So it's James, Janelle, Will, Hardy and you? You do realize that you are the last one there. The only way you can win is by HOH followed by POV." "What are you talking about?" "I was talking to Marvin and he isn't happy with his alliance. What if we create a third alliance and this week help out Nakomis and just take them out? You, me and Marvin can go final three and at that point it's every person for themselves." Danielle whispered after looking around. Chiara glanced around, "I don't know. You sold me out before. What makes me thing you won't do it again? Plus I have an allegiance to Hardy." "That boy who barely gives you the time of day? I don't think so. Think about it. Will you let everyone know dinner is ready?" ~~~~~~~ James, Janelle and Hardy were in the backyard discussing the days events and possible nominations. Hardy spoke up, "I have a feeling it will be you and me James." Janelle shook her head, "It will be James and me. Or they might nominate me and you in the hopes that one of us wins the POV and backdoors James." James said, "I heard them saying that they want me out. Why aren't they going after Will though?" "Because he already won so he doesn't need the money. He is the perfect person to go up against in the final two." Janelle said. "Is that what you are thinking?" Hardy said. Janelle smiled mysteriously, "I keep my options open and both of you know it. Maybe we should talk to Marvin and see where he stands. The doors opened and Marvin, Danielle and Chiara came out and settled into the hot tub. "I guess we know the answer there. Let's get over there right now and see what we can hear." James said, getting up. Janelle stood up, "We are in trouble now."
Danielle: Well look what the cat dragged in! I get my well deserved second shot at the prize. *snapping fingers* I WILL control this game and start planting seeds of doubt where they belong. They don't call me the best female player who never won for nothing. My first job is getting rid of Janelle. She is way too strong. Janelle: Ugh. Danielle. Five minutes into this house and she is already sliding up to Jack and whispering in his ear. I want her gone! You are next on my list! Hardy: I really am happy that Nicole is pregnant but I am sad to see her go as she was my cheif ally. It will be a cold day in Hell before I trust Will again. I haven't really tried to win anything yet, but I am definetly going to have to step it up a notch and try for HOH next week. If and when that happens, it will be time to take Will out. Nakomis: I am not really getting a good read on Danielle. Can't really say that I trust her very much. During the veto competition she jumped all over James when James won again. Yet she is telling Jack and me that she is our alliance. Something doesn't smell right. Of course James saved himself and now Jack is going to have to nominate someone else. Amy and Marcelleus: The Bitch is back! We hate her, she is horrid. Amy giggles,"Marcy here wants to slap some brain cells into her" Will: Well, I scored some points with everyone by showing everyone that I am not just an arrogant !@#$%^&*] doctor. Don't get me wrong, I still am. Discovering that Nicole was pregnant and urging her to get care for her child is so much more important. I listened to everyone expound on the joy of me until it got tiresome. Not for me, but it seemed to tire them out. Then they started talking about Danielle and her impact and I couldn't care less so I left. Saw James and told him not to trust Danielle that she likes to stir [!@#$%^&*] up. Did I mention that I made something up too? Chiara: Why is it that the people from my season are all the ones that I HATE? Damnit. Jack: Having Danielle in here certainly changes things up. Whereas she wants to join our alliance, Amy and Marcelleus are threatening to join the other alliance because of it. Which would leave James, Janelle, Rachel, Hardy and Will and Chiara. Although I think Will and Chiara are on the outskirts. It will be interesting. I definetly think Danielle will not last long in the BB house. I have a lot of wheeling and dealing to do. Marvin: *yawn* I can't believe you woke me up from a perfectly good nap to ask me what I think about Danielle. I don't give a [!@#$%^&*]. Rachel: Having James use the veto on himself sucks. I hope they realize that by voting me out, they will have no cook. Who's going to cook, Amy? If it doesn't have cheese, she can't cook it. This totally sucks. Why did I allow myself to come back here. So now Jack nominated Hardy and I will most likely go home. Thanks a lot. James: I have Danielle telling me that Will is after me. She is claiming that he came to her and said that between the two of them, they have to get me out as I am the smartest male after Will. I spoke to Janelle about it and she went to Will who of course denied the whole thing. We don't know who to trust anymore. I know in my heart that Will is a cocky bastard that lies like a rug. Just like I do. Yet Will is also claiming that Danielle is telling the other side to target me and Janelle. When there is smoke, there is fire. I can only trust Janelle right now. Everyone else, kiss my ass.
The door closes on Nicole, and Danielle enters the house. How will her entering shake the house to the core? What was once a powerful alliance is now cracking and the alliance started by Jack and Nakomis is only getting stronger. Danielle is quickly courted by both sides and may just take matters into her own hands and create a third alliance. The veto competition is played, who will win and WILL it be used? Janelle continues to play her dangerous game but her secret may leak out unless she gets the chance to eliminate it
"Can everyone gather around the dining room table, it's time for nominations." Jack opened the back door and called out to everyone. When everyone was seated, he stated, "This is for strategic purposes." "Marvin you are safe. Amy you are safe. Nicole you are safe. Will you are safe. Marcelleus you are safe. Nakomis you are safe. Chiara you are safe. Hardy you are safe. Janelle you are safe." Jack stood above everyone and said, "Rachel and James I have nominated you both. I think you are two of the strongest players here and this is purely strategic. We are adjourned." The subdued group went outside. Marcelleus and Amy went to lay into the hammock so they could gossip about the goings on of the group, "I still haven't figured out who Janelle is involved with. Hardy seems like too much of an obvious choice, plus Chiara is all over him. "Chiwhora will go all over anyone. She was flirting with Will the other day too. She will do anything to stay in this game." Amy commented. "Just look at her, she is wearing a white bikini top and I can see her nipples from here." Marcelleus scanned the group, "Who is missing? Well Janelle is out here so it doesn't matter. But both Hardy, James and Will are not in here." Amy trailed her hand along the grass, "I heard them mention that they were going to work out. I expect Chiwhora to follow in with her wet nipples. At the sound of her name, Chiara came over, "What did you say?" Amy sighed and sat up, "You heard me. Put a shirt on, your nipples are showing and it is embarrasing." "Amy you ignorant bitch, why can't you leave me alone?" Behind her, Janelle, Nicole, Rachel, Jack, Marvin and Nakomis gathered and were on alert, alarmed by the tone in Chiara's voice. "Ever since we have entered this house you have constantly been after me. Why can't you shut up?" "The last time you rode Roddy, I mean his coattails to get as far as you can. Why can't you actually play the game instead of latching onto a man. It failed with Nathan and it ain't going to go far with Hardy. He has more sense. Now leave me alone."Amy said. Chiara looked like she was going to explode when Rachel grabbed her arm. Chiara's arm went up in anger, almost hitting Rachel in the eye. The door opened and Will and Hardy came out. They ran over and Hardy grabbed Rachel while Will grabbed Chiara. "Settle down everyone," Hardy said, "Knock this off." Chiara was so angry that her arms and legs were flailing around. "The bitch started it." Jack intervened, "It doesn't matter who started it. Frankly Chiara, put a shirt on it is embarrassing. Remember people are watching you. Amy go cool off in the HOH room. Just stay away from each other." Amy looked at Chiara, "I will get you Chiwhora." "Not if I get you first." ~~~~~~~ During the fight, Janelle slipped into the household and went into the supply room. Moments later a man entered and she embraced him in a long, passionate kiss. "I have been dreaming of doing this all day." "Me too babe, me too." She pushed her hair out of her face, "I am not surprised at who was nominated. Good move on their part. But it can be neutralized." "That fight out there may be key. Jack doesn't like fighting and may take out one of them. Which would be good. One of us could drop a hint." "Marvin is still on the fence. He can be used. He only said that he would join their alliance so that he wouldn't get nominated and now he's pissed off that they made him do that. He said he would tell me anything I needed to know." Janelle leaned over and gave him a kiss, "I better go before I am missed. Love you babe." ~~~~~~~ The next day Boston Rob and Amber woke everyone up early. "GET UP!!! THis is not summer camp." Rob yelled. "Everyone in the living room we have an announcement." Minutes later everyone gathered in the living room. "Something has come up and one of you is leaving for health reasons." Everyone, except Will, gasped and looked around at each other. Amber said, "Would you like to take the floor?" Nicole stood up, "Everyone, it has been a wonderful experience to be back here, but something has happened that is imperative that I leave. With the help of Will, and I can't believe I am saying this, he made me realize that I am pregnant." "Oh my God!" Everyone stood up and hugged Nicole. "So now that my husband found out on the live feeds and my family, I am going home to be with him. I am not that far along, but I want to be with my family." Nicole wiped the tears from her eyes. Nakomis patted her arm, "That's to be expected. Take care. We wish you the best." Rachel hugged her, "I will miss my cooking partner." Nicole hugged her back, "You should win this thing." Everyone walked her to the door."Jeff is outside waiting for me. WIll was actually the one who figured it out. Thanks Will." Nicole turned and walked out. Slowly the HGs made their way back into the the living room. Jack said, "What about this week? Is Nicole are evicted houseguest?" Rob laughed, "You should be so lucky. Nope we are replacing her from a face from the past. Now this person will have immunity for the week, so you cannot nominate her if the Veto is used." He paused, "She needs a fair shot. Amber want to open the door?" Amber walked over to the Diary Room and opened the door, revealing the new HG.... ~~~~~~ So, I hope people are reading this and enjoying this so far. I promise some more twists and interesting things to occur. Thanks for reading so far!
The house was now divided in two alliances. THe first alliance, the one in power was James, Janelle, Rachel, Nicole, Hardy, Chiara and Dr WIll. THe second alliance consisted of Nakomis, Jack, Amy, Marcelleus, Nathan and WIll. Marvin was playing both sides. THis alliance was going to lose two members and despretely needed to win HOH next week. Nathan and Chiara were now broken up and she was setting her sights on Hardy, who had no interest in her. Nathan didn't care much as he got what he wanted from her. He was trying his hardest to stay in the house. Janelle's romance was still secret, although Marcelleus was letting people know that he heard her kissing someone. So far he had only told Amy and both Wills. Both of the Wills were amused. Dr Will tucked it away in the back of his mind to be used later. The time had come to vote the two HGs off and this time, Amber was going to announce the HG who was staying. Immediately following was the HOH competition. Everyone gathered in the living room for the live show. "Good evening everyone," Boston Rob said, "Time for the final vote. You will want to here your name called and then the other two HGs will go see my lovely bride Ambah. Ambah take it away." "The HG that is safe is Amy. Will and Nathan, you have been evicted." Amber announced. After the hugs, the HGs went outside were there was a huge shuffleboard court set up. It was so big it covered the pool and then some. "Ok, everyone, Whoever gets the closest to the black dot in the middle of the BB house on the court wins. Oh yeah, I am gonna spin you around three times so you are a little dizzy." "Hey Rob, be careful where your hands go!" Amber's voice appeared like the voice of God. Janelle went first, coming close, but about a foot away from the dot. Marvin was next and he overshot and it went out of bounds. Amy was next and nudged Janelle a little closer. Hardy hit Janelles and Amy's puck so hard that he cleared off the board. Marcelleus landed two inches from the dot. Rachel quickly knocked him off. Nicole landed square in the middle of the dot. Nakomis edged her off and a corner of her puck was on the dot. Chiara was way behind and eliminated. Will knocked Nakomis off barely and was one inch away from the dot. Jack went last and shot. He hit Will's puck and they both went in opposite directions. They both looked close. A tape measure was brought out and Will's was 6.75 inches away. Jack's was 6.5 away. It was measured from the center of the puck. Jack won, in a much needed victory for his alliance. ~~~~~~~ Later than evening, Rachel and Nicole were making dinner. The food competition was tomorrow and half the house would be on PB&J so they wanted to go all out. THey were preparing a Mexican feast complete with tacos, nachos, quesidillas with chicken and steak and Spanish rice. They were strategizing and making small talk. They had already decided that they would take each other to the end. Now they were wondering who Jack would nominate. "Jack is very smart. I can see him putting James and Will up to eliminate that threat. Both of them are strong." Rachel said. Nicole reached for a pan, "As much as I complain about Will, he is a good guy. I never should have trusted him because he always said he would lie, but I did." "That's ok. Our big mistake was believing the other alliance and nominating James and Sarah. Never should have done that." Rachel said. "I'm glad we met." Nicole said, "The only friend I made on my show during the show was Hardy. Now look at him." Both looked out the window at him throwing Chiara in the pool, "Next she will be all over Will or Hardy." Will walked in, "Smells good. I would say I would help, but thats like saying Amy doesn't like cheese. It ain't gonna happen." For now, that was the end of Nicole and Rachel's conversation. ~~~~~ Jack, Nakomis, Amy and Marcelleus were in the HOH room, going over who Jack should nominate. "James has to go" Nakomis was insisting. "Chiara has to go. She's horrid."Amy said. Jack shook his head, "Amy we have to get rid of their strongest players. Plus, we have to see if Marvin will join our alliance. We need to get some numbers back. I think maybe James and Rachel." Marcelleus shook his head, "Always keep the cook." "Nicole is just as good a cook." Jack countered. "In their alliance there are several sub alliances I noticed. Rachel and Nicole. James, Will and Janelle. Hardy, Nicole and Chiara also seem to be one. We need to break those up." Nakomis said. Marcelleus leaned back and admired himself in the mirror, "Let'sget Marvin in here and tell him we will nominate him unless he joins our side. Nominate him and James." Jack looked up, "You may be on to something. I like it. Nakomis? Amy?" They both nodded. "Let's get him in here." ~~~~~~ Someone was throwing up in the bathroom and not for the first time. The smells of the kitchen made her run for the bathroom. Will walked in and heard her. He knocked on the door, "Hey are you ok?" "Will, leave me alone." "Are you sick? What's wrong? Was it the food." Concern was written all over his face." She stepped out. "Just a bug Will." He stepped back, understanding the situation. "Oh my God. You realize I am a doctor, don't you? " "So?" "I may be an !@#$%^&*], but I take being a doctor very seriously and whatever you say to me is strictly confidential. I will not say anything because I will lose my license and I will not lose my license over this game." Will said. She nodded. "When was your last period? I have noticed you are not eating well, and quite frankly, you look like [!@#$%^&*]." "Oh, God. I AM pregnant. Will, what am I going to do?" She sat down on the edge of the tub with her head in her hands. "We will figure it out."
James is sitting in his room alone when the TV screen comes down. "What's up James?" Howie's loud voice reverbaerates through the room? "I am here so you can ask me five yes and no questions. I may or may not be telling you the truth, it's up to you to decide." James sits up in disbelief. "Hey Howie, you are so missed here. Did I do the right thing in nominating who I did?" Howie answers, "Yes" "Am I trusting the right people?" Howie hesitates, "No" "Marvin seems to be a loose cannon, should I cut him loose" "Yes" "Chaira and Nathan are becoming a couple, are they joining the other alliance?" Again Howie hesitates, "Yeessss" "Or is just Nathan because Chiara hates Amy" "Yes. That's all I can answer for you James. Tell Jedi Janey I miss her and be sure to check out all the boobies that you can!" ~~~~~~ Nakomis and Jack were sitting outside discussing their situation before the Veto competition. From the looks of it, it looked like an Obstacle course. "Nakomis, you need to win this Veto. Nathan is already on our side. If we get rid of Amy, Chiara will join us. That helps us in numbers." "I know. They have James, Janelle, Hardy, Rachel and Nicole. Dr WIll and Marvin are up in the air. Will you never can trust, he will go in any way that he wants. If I win and we can convince James to nominate Marvin, we can vote out Amy and Marvin. He is a threat. Jack leaned back in his chair, "Even if WIll wins, that will be good." "No James wants me gone. He considers me too much of a threat. We need to win HOH next week. I will try my hardest to win it." Jack stood up, "Try your hardest. Regardless, I don't think you will get voted out. I won't vote you out, you have my word on that." ~~~~~ Dr Will knocked on James door, "Hey can I come in?" Surprised, James said yes. "Hey James, mind if I talk to you about something?" "Sure" Will sat down on one of the chairs in the HOH room "Look, you have every right not to trust me. I wouldn't trust me. But you are a damn good player. If you tell anyone I said that, I will have to kill you." James laughed, "What do you want Will?" "I am not in any alliance and I want to join yours. It's the smart one. I realize that I will be the last man in and thats fine with me. When it comes down to it, it's every man for themselves. Tell me how to vote and I will" "Are you serious? How do I know you aren't just going to be screwing me over?" Will shrugged, "You can't. But how do I know you aren't going to screw me over?" "Touche" "Would you have put me up for nomination if you could have this week?" Will asked. James thought it over, "I may have, I am not sure. I get along with you though and we are a lot alike. Too much alike I fear." "Look, just think about it. I am not thinking about a final two pact or anything. Just I will watch your back and you watch mine." Will got up and left. James stared at the door, dumbfounded. ~~~~~ Marcelleus and Amy lay in the hammock minutes before the Veto competition was to start. "Marcy, what am Ah gonna do if I lose? Ah don't want to go home. "Amy honey, if it happens it happens. You can't control it. You never know you may win it." "Please Marcy, It's an obstacle course. Ah am a southern girl and southern girls don't sweat! I hate to run." "Quit your bitching. I am already stressed out as it is. I should have just done House Calls and bitched about everyone in here." Amy laughed, "Well, we do enough here. So tell me what you heard about Janelle?" Marcelleus looked arounf to make sure no one was around, "I think, and don't repeat this, that she may be having a secret fling with someone. I saw her go into the bathroom and then I heard a kissing sound. Then Jack came by and I didn't hear who she was talking too." Amy clappedher hands in delight, "Ok we have to figure out who it could be. It could be Hardy, he's single. Will too, Nathan even though Chiwhora is getting her hooks in him or even James. He may have broken up with his girlfriend. There is also Marvin." "This is who I think it is...." They were interuppted by Rob and Amber coming out and starting the obstacle course. The course was made up of tires, a wall to climb over, a balance beam, the pool, in which they had to grab a disk out of the bottom of it, a jump rope in which they had to successfully jump rope twenty times in a row, and a sprint to the finish line where they had to make and eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Rob took the stage next to Amber and said, "We are goin to do this in heats of two. Ambah here has straws, shortest ones go first." After they drew straws, the heats were made up of James and Nakomis and Amy and Will. James and Nakomis went first with Nakomis easily beating James. In the second heat, it was a closer race, but Amy won. In the final heat, Nakomis easily beat Amy. "Right now, we are going to go into the living room for the Veto ceremony." Amber said. After they all assembled in the living room, Nakomis took the floor and kept it simple, choosing to take herself off the chopping block. James got up and looked around, "Nathan I am choosing to nominate you as you are a physical threat to me. It's not personal, but you can beat me in just about anything. Sorry man." Nathan nodded and got up, "I understand." He took his place in Nakomis' vacated seat. "In a couple days you will vote and when you vote, you will vote for the person you want to keep in the house." Rob explained, "Good luck." Hardy said, "Something tells me we might need it"
Dr Will: Today I am sitting pretty. I could have had a big target on my back, and I know that I still do. This immunity thing worked out well for me. I have no doubt James would have gotten rid of me. I am working on actually making friends with these people, although I really have nothing in common with most of them. James and Jack are the smartest ones. I enjoy talking with Jack. Jack: This is not good. Strategically James did a smart thing. We know that he has an alliance with Janelle, Rachel, Nicole and Hardy. Now we are about to lose two of ours. I am going to have to do some recruiting to bolster ours. I think I can get Nathan and Chiara over and possibly Marvin. Chiara is smart and now that Alison is gone, Nathan will fall in line. He needs to be led. Rachel: I didn't think I would have a friend in here, but Nicole and I are getting to be good friends. She has told me a lot of how Will acts and how he won, which I kept to myself. I know I am in an alliance with James and Janelle, but they don't have to know everything. Marcelleus: Wow, what a day. I am stressed and need a break. House calls is much better. Amy: I can't believe I am nominated! What did Ah ever do to James! Ah can't stand him now, Ah am out for his blood now. Ah was nice to him, I talked to him, I made friends with him. Chiara must have put him up to it. Ah need some cheese.... Chiara: I am loving this. Amy, you have my vote. Buh-bye... Nakomis: I don't know how this happened. I even went to James and pleaded my case. I guess it worked against me. I thought he was going to take the men out as they are so much stronger than him. He can't hold a candle to them physically. I appreaciated him coming up to me later and telling me that I was the strongest player mentally and thats why he nominated me. And I always come up with good plans to get people out. My plan was the blueprint that tried to get him out. Nathan: I think I am going to have to back away from Chiara. She's nice and all, but I want to win. If we are perceived as a couple, we will be voted out. Have got to keep options open. Jack approached me about joining his alliance and I am all in. Hardy: I need to win HOH next week. The fungus that is Will Kirby has to go. I don't want to see him charm his way to another win when there are more deserving people here. James: I think I made good choices this week. I definetly want to see Nakomis gone. She is the smartest female here, sorry Janelle, but she is. If by chance she gets the Veto, then Jack will get nominated. That group needs to be broken up. Nicole: I am settling in here. Not too much drama yet. Although the drama between AMy and CHiara is funny to watch. It reminds me of me and Will. I really don't hate him, he just exasperates the hell out of me. I just want Amy and Chiara to shut up. Marvin: I like being the man without strings. I don't have to answer to anyone. I am definetly going to try to stay under the radar for now. Let me tell you, some of these girls are smokin! Janelle: Things look really good for me and my man right now. Without anyone knowing it, we are starting to control the game. Keep the eyes open and the ears tuned to every conversation. He picked up the other alliance quickly. I have also found out that Nathan is going to join up with that alliance. Will: I always seem to get screwed. Does James have a twin? I have no clue as to why I am nominated. Now I have to do this Veto challenge and without a partner? James is the freaking Veto king so we know he is going to get it. This sucks. Absouletly sucks. And Nathan, you may be hot, but you are so not my type.
James settles into the HOH room with much relief. While he has won many Veto challenges, he has never won HOH. Sarah would be proud of him and he missed her so. He looked at the picture of the two of them that he got as HOH and smiled. All was right in the world. Outside it was hot. Chiara was flirting with both Nathan and Hardy. Nicole and Rachel were talking quietly about what to make for dinner. They were bonding over their sense of duty. Marvin was working out while Marcelleus, Amy and Will were swimming. Dr. Will was sleeping and Janelle was taking a shower. It's close to dinnertime and Nicole and Rachel decide to make everyone a big dinner. BB has given them the fixins for a big barbrque and they have recruited Hardy to help them. THe three of them go inside. Meanwhile in the bathroom.... Janelle is towelling off, "You startled me!" She leans over and give the mystery man a kiss. "I wish I could have joined you in that shower." "Oh honey, I wish you could have too. However, we can't risk being found out. You know that. In fact, you have to leave soon." "We have to be seen together or people will get suspicious. I wish I could have been like James and tell everyone about us." Janelle smiled."Hopefully we will be in control of this game after a few more weeks. Then it will be like coming out of the closet. I have to convince James not to nominate you though." "He has the perfect time to bust up alliances. There is a big one forming right now of Marcelleus, Amy, WIll, Nakomis and Jack. I overheard them talking about it. Get him to nominate three of them if possible, or two at least." "Back away, someone is coming" The man rans into the toilet area and Janelle starts brushing her hair. Jack walks in, "Hello Janelle. You looked very nice tonight. I was looking for Hardy, have you seen him? Nicole and Rachel are cooking a barbeque and he is manning the grill. Janelle smiled and shook her head. The next morning Boston Rob and Amber woke everyone up early for the food competition. Everyone goes outside and there is a giant wire cage, like the lottery. In it were balls with the names of food on it or blank balls. You got one chance to win a food for the week. James went first and he got Vegetables. Janelle got nothing Rachel got Beer and Wine, which made her the most loved HG Marvin spun and got animal crackers Dr Will got Meats Will got nothing Nakomis spun and got breads Jack spun and got starches Marcelleus got poultry Amy got condiments Nicole got nothing Chaira spun and got cookies Hardy got fruits Nathan spun and got Dominoes Pizza. The HGs could only drink water and beer and wine. After the competition, James had Rachel and Janelle comeup to his room. Hardy, Marvin, Nicole and Dr Will also meandered their way up there. Down in the bedroom, which no one ever bothered to look for the other one because they really didn't care, Nakomis was holding court with Jack, Will, Marcelleus and Amy. Chiara and Nathan were outside on the hammock, hands entwined, lips touching occasionally. Later that afternoon After a lot of thinking, James decided to got against his original plan of taking out the men. He was going to put up Marvin, Hardy and Nathan as they were strong competiors and could beat him in the physical aspects of the game. He joined everyone in the dining room. James, "All right, you all know the drill. If you see your name, you are safe. "Rachel you are safe. Dr WIll, you are safe Janelle, you are safe. Hardy, you are safe. Nicole, you are safe. Chiara you are safe. Nathan you are safe. Marvin you are safe. Marcelleus you are safe. Jack you are safe." "Alliances form in this game. Thats a fact. It's why I nominated you Amy, Nakomis and Will. You are in an alliance. You are all trustworthy people and it will stay strong until the end. I need to break it up. Please, no hard feelings, it's not personal." Nakomis mutters, "It never is" Janelle looks across the table and smiles.
Noon time, the day before voting Alison wakes up and heads for the kitchen. In there are Nakomis, Janelle, Hardy, Jack, James and Rachel. Nicole is at the stove cooking breakfast for those who can eat food other than PB&J. Nicole and Rachel are bonding over the cooking duties. Alison knows she has some work to do and this is the perfect time since Will is still sleeping. She slides into a seat next to Hardy and wishes everyone a good morning. Alison "How did everyone sleep last night?" Janelle throws her hair back "Awful, Marvin really has to stop that snoring. Nicole, that smells really good, you are such a good cook. Dr Will and Chiara walk into the kitchen and Nakomis heads out " Thanks Janelle, I like to cook. Although I seem to have a rival for the cooking duties." Dr Will "Ah Nicole, what are you making me today? Is it Peanut butter on white bread or peanut butter on wheat?" Everyone laughs. It's an easy mood today. Nicole answers, "Will, remember that peanut butter jar you won? Bring me that and I will make you all the sandwiches you want". Will leans back and yells, "Hey CBS, wheres my jar of peanut butter." Chiara looks at Janelle, Rachel and Nicole, "Are you going to work out later or lay out?" Alison pipes up,"I am going to work out, want to join me?" Chiara dismisses her, "Go ahead." Alison then gets called to the diary room. James comments, "See ya." Marcelleus and Amy join everyone in the kitchen. THey had been in the bathroom plucking each others eyebrows. This has become an everyday ritual. Will heads for the shower, leaving Marcelleus, Amy, James, Janelle, Nicole, Rachel, Hardy, Jack, Chiara and the Nakomis who reenters the kitchen. James brings up the topic first. "Ok, majority is here. Who is it going to be, her or him? Personally I think that they are both strong players but she is really annoying. He is funny and I think we can get rid of him anytime." Rachel shakes her head, "That's how he won the first time. I say get him out." "I am voting that bitch out" "Will for me, he's too strong" Marcelleus shakes his head, "If I have to look at those shorts for another week, I swear to God. THey have to go. They are a disgrace" Nakomis settles down on the counter as Marvin, Nathan, and Will come in. Nicole makes sure everyone has breakfast as Will eavesdrops on the conversation. Alison is in the shower. "THey are both strong players but right now, I actually trust Will more. He already told me he would lie to me." Nathan chewed on a piece of bacon, "Are you talking about who to vote out?" When everyone nodded he added, "I know what I should do, but I don't know if I can." Taking a bite of his toast, Marvin said, She may look good in shorts, but she's devious. She's bad." "Chiwhora, who are you voting for?" Amy asked. "Amy, knock it off." Chiara said. "Because I will just vote the opposite of you. "That's mature you cheese head. Rachel intervened, "Both of you please. I guess we will just leave it up to fate. See what happenes tomorrow. The next night, votes are in. Boston Rob and Amber are in the living room with the houseguests. Will and Alison are in the hot seats, pleading their cases. Boston Rob says, "So Alison, we will start with you first. Why should you stay in the house?" Alison "Because I play hard and I want to prove myself to everyone that I can be trustworthy. I am an All star and I know I can win. I just want the chance." Rob: You know, you were the reason we tried out for the Amazing Race. We figured if you could do it, they would definetly take the Survivor winners. Dr Will interjects, "Rob, you lost. To a girl. Rob"I married her. Dr WIll, "So. I won here. And got the hot chick. Rob" Whatevah. Ambah, read the votes. And remember, you have like one minute to get your stuff and leave and join Ambah in the studio next door. Amber reads, "By a unianimous vote, Will you are safe. Alison you are going home." Everyone walks Alison to the door to say their goodbyes. Soon thereafter they met outside to do their next HOH competition. Everyone, except Rachel lined up in booths to test their Big Brother knowledge. Amber reads the first question, "Who won the third season of Big Brother?" Everyone except Dr Will got the answer, Lisa right. Nicole's husband names is? Amber reads, "The correct answer is Jeff. Nicole if you got this wrong, we would have problems. Marvin and Nathan please join Will. "Next question, "What kind of medicine does Dr Will practice?" "The correct answer is dermatology. Nicole, Hardy, James, Janelle and Jack you got it right. The rest of you please sit down. "Next question, What were the twins names in season 5?" " THe correct answer is Adria and Nathalie. James and Jack, you got it right. We are going to a tiebreaker round." "In the house, there are several items that I am going to name off. Tell me where they are, be specific. Whoever has the most right in one minute wins. The chess board, The dolphin candlesticks, the blue clock, the Celtic Cross, the atlas, and the macoroni and cheese." After reviewing the answers, Jack had four right and James had them all right. James is the new HOH. After much celebration, Rob comes over and announces, "Little Twist. Well, couple. Will has immunity since he was nominated last week. If you are nominated the week before and don't get sent home you are immune for now. THis could change. And James, this is one of the weeks that we have a double elimination week." Janelle pipes up, "What's that?" Rob smiles, "James nominates three people and two go home. For the Veto this week, only the nominees and James compete, so you might want to keep that in mind.....
Nakomis: Will and Alison are nominated for eviction and I have to say Rachel did a good job with the nominees. I would not want to be in her shoes. Both of them are annoying and both are good players so at this point, I could care less who goes. Hardy: Will is nominated, what a joke. Totally made my day. I still can't stand that putz. Today we have the Veto competition and Alison picks Nathan of course. It's sickening because he follows her around like a dog in heat. Rachel chooses James. Marvin: I have to say, Alison is smokin hot in a bikini but she is so annoying. The sound of her voice makes my toenails curl. Rob and Amber are explaining what the competition will be, which is really a ring toss. Except you want to get the others loaded up first and make sure yours is last. Last one standing wins. James: Will shocked me because he said, Dr Will: Why even bother doing this, just give it to James. I never bothered watching any of them but that Kaysar guy said that James wins everything so just give it to him. I start fighting with that moron Rob who thinks he is God's gift because he got CBS to spring for a wedding and I tell him I won't compete in the moronic event. So I finally choose and I choose Hardy and tell Hardy that he hust knock me out. James: Which made me laugh so hard. Alison: I don't know what game that Dr Will is playing. But James won the Veto and I am going to have to start paying some attention to him. Maybe brush up to him and what not. James: I thought coming in here that Dr WIll would be the one to get rid of first but I might like to keep him around for entertainment value alone. Plus, Alison is getting a little too close for comfort. Chiara: You know, Amy calls me a whore, has she taken a look at Alison lately? Alison was at the pool and she accidently on purpose had her top of her bikini fall down in front of James. Nathan was also right there which I am sure did not please her. So I decided to do the nice thing and took him to the hammock and we spend quite a long time getting to know each other over there. *sigh* He has really soft lips. Jack: We have some very smart people in this house. James. Nakomis. Janelle may act dumb but she is very smart. Dr Will obviously is very cunning. Alison. Rachel is very smart. I need to align myself with some of these people before they decide to take the old guy out. Nakomis and I are tight, and and Will Wikle is a third with us but I don't know how strong he will stay with us. We need a fourth. I would like to approach Rachel and talk about that,but I think that she is too tight with Janelle and James. We will see. Rachel: I left the nominations the same. I don't want to rock the boat quite yet. I think I made the right choice with Alison and Will. Marcelleus: So much interesting stuff is going on! Chaira and Nathan are so going to do it, right under Alison's nose. Amy might have cheese withdrawals. Nicole, well I don't know long she will last under the constant putdowns of Dr Will. Oh and all the men are so hot. I have to say, Hardy is so cute! Janelle: Well, things seem to be going well for me. I am trying to stay under the radar for now and be friendly to everyone. I do not want to antagonize anyone. I am here to win. Amy: I want some cheese Rachel: Interesting thing happened to me in the HOH room today. A TV screen came up and I see Rob and Amber. They tell me I can choose to keep this to myself or tell everyone. At this time I am not sure what I am going to do. Anyway, one person from my season has been watching the live feeds and I can ask them five yes or no questions. The person can answer them truthfully or not. The person I get is Jennifer. Nathan: I really hate getting jerked around. Alison is just being such a pain in the ass. Chaira is using me too just to get back at Alison. I realize that. She hates Alison and will do anying too annoy her. Who am I to turn down a couple kisses? Marvin: Come to think of it, Janelle is more smokin hot. The way she looks makes me want to hmmmmmm Dr Will: Why am I here? Oh because I want to beat James. James: Dr Will is by far my biggest competition. I have to eliminate him. Rachel: So I ask Jennifer if there are any secret alliances. She says yes. I ask her if they are between people I trust, she says yes. I ask her if there are any romances between people that I am unawre of and she says no. I ask her if people want to vote Alison out and she says no. I ask her if James is a real threat to me and she says no. Do I believe her? I think their may be a grain of truth, but not much. This is Jennifer. Nicole: I want Jeff, my husband. Marcellus: I keep hearing Nicole say that she wants Jeff her husband, I want Jeff Probst. Will Wikle: I am getting annoyed with the fact that people aren't cleaning the kitchen more. I actually helped Nicole clean, and I mean scrub that kitchen. She wants me to join up with her and Hardy and align withher but I have already commited myself to Nakomis and Jack. Which I think is smart. Jack will not back down. He is solid. I may approach them about seeing if Nicole and Hardy could align with us. Dr Will: I think it's time for me to go to sleep, or see what James is up too. I will not go to sleep unless he is. Good night everyone.
Three Days before the show begins....Les Moonves and his top three executives are meeting to discuss the hughe crisis that has struck the cast of Big Brother All Stars. Mutiny has occurred. Les Moonves: What do you mean, we have to get a new host. What is wrong with Julie? Executive #1: Sir, no one has signed their contracts and no one will do the show if Julie is the host. Les: So we get rid of them. Who else can we get? I am sure that we can still get a good show out of this. Executive #2: Well sir, you see. Um, there are only a few who will. Les:Why? Executive #1: Well, they call her Chenbot. She really needs to lay off the Botox, no disrespect sir. Les: I know, I know, I keep telling her that but she doesn't listen. Let me see the list. Less scans the list in disbelief: You mean to tell me that the only people who are willing to come on the show if Julie hosts are the crybaby, the twins, that cowboy, the two felons and the girl who let one of the felons hold a knife to her throat? Executive #3: Well, and Mike Boogie. Executive #1: He's a felon too. Executive #2: Sir, I hate to say it, we have to swallow the bullet here and get a new host. Sighing, Les gets up and circles the table: Ok, who's available. Try that Kristin Cavallari. Or Ellen Degeneres, I like her. What's that Antonio Sabato Jr from that soap doing this summer? Try them. Get back to me in five minutes while I call my wife. Ten Minutes Later... Executive #3 None of them are available for the summer, but we have an idea..... Les: I like it. Now we will show those punks who is boss and Julie won't throw me out of the house. Three days later the houseguests are sitting in the living room with masks on. They have been ordered by the producers to sit on the couch and not to make a sound. This is the food and HOH competition. The first seven people to speak eat PB&J. Last one standing is HOH. Once you speak, you can remove your mask and speak at will. The HGs know that Julie Chen will not be their host, but they have no idea who it will be. Producer: Good evening, I trust you are all comfortable. The game has begun. There are three people from seasons 2-6. We have many twists and turns this season and many surprises... Amy: OMG, Someone here had a three cheese omelet and someone had sex today! Chiwhora must be here. Chiara: I did not have a three cheese omelet. Shut up Amy! Producer: Amy, Chiara, please take off your masks. You are out of the competition and will eat PB&J. Marcelleus gets up and hugs Amy: I have missed you so much Amy!!!Now let's see what everyone is wearing and who we have for eye candy. Dr Will: This is absurd. I am not sitting here like this anymore. Hey, now that I can see everyone, can I go check my bag and see where my toothbrush is. I suggest someone else should too. Hardy jumps up: What? Shannon is here? Dr Will: Oh this is too easy. Heads turn to the door and the new hosts are revealed. Producer: Remember HGs, the grass is not always greener... Boston Rob: So Ambah and I had nothin to do this summah so they called us to help out around here. Keep you all in line. James: Are you kidding me? Amber: Nope. And the HOH will not be leading the competitions this season, we are. Boston Rob: Yeah, so what we says goes: Marvin: Oh I don't think so. (Marvin whips off his mask) Damn there are some fine lookin women here. Rob, I gotta tell you, that Ethan guy did a hell of a lot better than you though scoring Jenna Morasca. Will W: I am just dying of curiosity and I have to pee. OMG, she's here. Dr Will: I know, I had to put up with her all the way to the end of my season, it wasn't fun. Nicole: You almost ruined my marriage! I need a cigeratte! Amber: Sorry Nicole, you can't leave until everyone is done. Nicole bursts into tears: I can't stay in here with him this long, I just can't. Dr Will: When did you start crying more than Bunky? Janelle sighing, OMG Boston Rob: Janelle, you are out. You spoke. Janelle: I did. Will W: Yeah sweetie you did. Marcelleus: Amy, I would maybe cut two inches of her hair and that's it. She's gorgeous. AMy and WIll W: I agree. Nathan: Well I want to see who is here from my season. I have a feeling ALison will be here. Alison: You're right. Three hours pass Nakomis: Ok, I give up. I have to pee, so whoever is left please hurry up. Jack pulls his mask off and says: Rachel, you are the first HOH. Welcome everyone. Amber: So that was our lines. Rachel you will be sleeping in the HOH room tonight and everyone else will be in the dorm room at the end of the hall. There is a hidden room if you are so inclined to look for it. Boston Rob: So Amy, Chiara or whatevah your name is, Marcelleus, Dr Will, Hardy, James and Marvin are eating PB&J. Gotta say, the girls smoked ya. Rachel, in two days you will nominate two people for evicition Alison: Girls are better than boys. We get them to do whatever we want, right Nathan? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two days later Everyone had visited Rachel and pitched their ideas on who should go. Alliances had formed. People were getting on each other's nerves. Rachel gathered Janelle and James in the HOH room to throw some ideas around Rachel: Hey guys, thanks for meeting me in here. I wanted to get your input on who you think I should put up for eviction. James: Dr Will. He is super popular and is the only person here who has actually won. I think it's best that we get him out. Janelle: I agree. Alison too. She's annoying and she plays a strong game. Rachel: Dr Will never wins challenges though. Look at Hardy, he does though. James: Hardy and I are a lot alike. We won challenges but we lost. I say get rid of Will. Janelle: Or Marvin. He's strong too. Rachel shook her head: He doesn't play the mental game well. I guess I am going to have to think about it. Nominations are in a few hours. See you guys in a bit. James walked into the kitchen and Janelle walked into the bathroom where she was met by someone. She looked in the mirror and nodded and walked out. ~~~~~~~~~~~ The backyard, in the hammock Amy: Oh Marcelleus, I hate all that yucky smoke. I hate that Chiwhora. Look at her hanging all over that Hardy boy. I should go make a play for him. Marcelleus, laughing: Oh you should! Amy: Let's see what Will says, Oh Will! Will W. comes over Amy: Do you think that I should go put Chiwhora out of her misery? Maybe throw her in the pool. Or throw myself at Hardy boy. Will W: No, but let's go hang out with my friend Nakomis. She is the nicest, sweetest girl. Marcelleus: She needs a new wardrobe. Will W: This is Big Brother, not Queer Eye. Marcelleus: Hey, what's that I hear? Will, Amy, Marcelleus, Hardy, Jack and Nakomis go running inside where they are met by Janelle, James and Rachel. Alison: Take it back! Chiara: I will not! I saw you take my shirt! I don't care if you were just putting it away, you don't touch what is mine. Janelle, you saw me with this earlier didn't you? You have been angry with me ever since you saw me flirting with Nathan. Alison: Exactly, DOn't touch what is mine. Chiara: Are you saying Nathan is yours? Nathan: Whoa, Alison, calm down. You two Chiara. Chiara: Janelle; is this my shirt Janelle stood there and shrugged: Chiara, well... Chiara: Yes or no. Rachel: Janelle? Janelle nodded. Alison mumbled an apology and walked away. Janelle waited a moment for everyone to disperse and went into the bathroom: I told you it would work honey. Nomination Time Rachel: Being the first HOH is hard. All of you have tried to get to know me which is admirable and I appreciate that. There is no way about this, so don't read anything into it. If I pull your key out, you are safe. Janelle Nicole Nathan Jack Nakomis Marvin James Amy Marcelleus Will W. Hardy Chiara So the two nominees are you Alison and Will Kirby. Will, well you are the only one here who has actually won the game. I think it's only fair that someone else gets a shot. Alison. Well we are not exactly hitting it off and whatever happened between you and Chiara isn't cool. Meeting adjourned Amber: Power of Veto will be tomorrow and there will be a surprise to it. Tune in to see...