AMC #28 - Pine Valley Changes FOREVER!
Created By: Agnes Nixon
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Time of Day: Night
(Opal’s Home)
Opal takes her pill for the night. She washes it down with a glass of water. She takes a sigh of relief once the pill goes down. There is a knock at the door. She goes to answer the door. When she does, she is happy. It is Tad at the door. She gives him a hug.
TAD: That was some hug.
OPAL: I’m just very happy to see my son. Please, come in.
Tad enters, as Opal shuts the door.
OPAL: What brings you by this late at night?
TAD: I know about that medication. I just want to know one thing. Is it actually working? Is your tumor shrinking enough to remove it?
(Bianca and Marissa’s Home)
Bianca is sitting on the couch, reading a book on her IPAD. Marissa sits next to her, and reads with Bianca.
ANNOUNCER: The role of Bianca Montgomery is once again being played by Eden Riegel.
MARISSA: Another article on Donald Trump.
BIANCA: He is wild running for presidency. I mean sure, he has made some good points. Otherwise, wow. Just wow.
MARISSA: (Laughs)
Bianca puts her IPAD away, and looks Marissa in the eye. Then, Bianca kisses her.
BIANCA: I love you so much.
MARISSA: Do you?
(David’s Penthouse)
Skye and David enter.
SKYE Are you two done, yet?
BROOKE: We are so done.
DAVID: Good. Because, we have some news.
ADAM: What is it?
DAVID: The patient has escaped.
BROOKE: Who is this patient?
ADAM: I prefer you not know.
BROOKE: Another secret in our marriage. I don’t have time for this. I’m leaving. By the time you get home Adam, I won’t be there. Bye.
Brooke walks off.
SKYE: Aren’t you going to go after her.
ADAM: Not this time. Not this time.
Jackson picks up one of Erica’s “glasses of water” and smells it.
JACKSON: This isn’t water. It’s vodka. Erica, you’re drunk.
ERICA: Jackson, it is not vodka. I ordered water. Okay, just water. And, I don’t believe a waitress would trade my water out for alcohol.
JACKSON: Erica, you are drunk. I can smell the alcohol on your breath. I’ve gotta get you home. Let’s go. Check please!
(Ryan and Greenlee’s Apartment)
Ryan shuts the door.
RYAN: I’m happy that Kendall could get Greenlee out of the house. It must feel so good to get her mind off this whole thing.
ZACH: I’m happy that Kendall can get a break too. But, now that they are gone, that can give us more time to discuss Annie, and what we’re gonna do. So, Jesse. What is the next step in the investigation?
(Caleb and Liza’s Home)
Caleb and Liza sit down.
CALEB: Are you saying that you want me to marry you?
LIZA: Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Caleb Cortlandt, will you do me the honor of becoming my husband?
CALEB: Liza, there is so much to factor in.
LIZA: I thought that we already went over the whole thing of figuring out the factors in us moving on in the future?
CALEB: There is one more thing I forgot to tell you.
LIZA: What is it?
CALEB: Asher lives here.
(Ryan and Greenlee’s Apartment)
Ryan, Zach, and Jesse are huddled around Jesse’s laptop.
RYAN: What exactly are we looking at here?
ZACH: I wonder that too.
JESSE: What you are looking at is a small map of all of Pine Valley. I’ve been trying to get tracks on Annie. I’ve only gotten two. Oak Haven, and the motel on sixth street.
RYAN: Dammit. So, we basically have nothing?
ZACH: Ryan I think you are right. Annie probably knows that we are after her by now, and she has probably evacuated that room by now.
JESSE: She did check out of the room, but the front desk gave me something.
RYAN: What did they give you?
Jesse stands up, and goes to his jacket. He pulls out a piece of paper. He opens it up, and hands it over to Ryan and Zach.
RYAN: What are we looking at here?
JESSE: You are looking at a list that Annie wrote of three names. The names include Kendall, Erica, and Bianca. As you see, the title is “My Revenge.”
ZACH: So, she wants revenge all of them?
JESSE: Apparently.
RYAN: Oh my god.
JESSE: What is it Ryan?
Ryan then has a flashback to when Greenlee and him went to visit Marian.
MARIAN: Annie, was released about six months ago. She wanted to revamp her life. I said that I know of this motel on Cryer street. It isn't much. But, it is cheap. So, she thought about it. She would call me. She checked up on the comings and goings of Oak Haven. One day, she told me about her plan to redeem herself, and take what is rightfully hers. But, I..., I..., I, think she has gotten out of control.
GREENLEE: What do you mean?
MARIAN: She talked about taking Emma.
RYAN: What!?
Ryan stands with Greenlee.
MARIAN: I hope that I didn't upset you.
ZACH: I didn’t know you guys went to visit Marian.
RYAN: It was just a spur of the moment thing. Anyways, we have to go. We have to warn the girls, and find out who Annie is going after next.
JESSE: He’s right. Let’s go.
Jesse grabs his jacket. Ryan grabs his car keys. The men leave.
(Opal’s Home)
Opal and Tad sit down on the living room furniture.
OPAL: I’m doing well. I went to Joe and Angie, today. They said that the medicine is working. Everything is going fine.
TAD: I’m glad to hear that.
OPAL: Honey, you know everything is going to be fine, don’t you? I’m not going down without a fight.
Opal stands up, and holds her forehead.
TAD: (Standing) Are you okay?
OPAL: I just have a headache. It usually happens. In fact, it is the side effect of the medicine. One of them, anyways.
TAD: Would you like some tea?
OPAL: That’d be good. Thank you.
Tad walks off. Opal massages her head. She then looks over at a picture of Palmer. She goes over to hit, and holds it.
OPAL: I wish you were here with me. Fighting this battle. I got a call from Petey, yesterday. I miss him so much. He is hard at work, though. He is making your proud from Heaven. I just know it. I even got a call from Adrian. He is still doing his detective work. I miss that boy. But, hey, I’ve got Tad with me.
Opal goes over to the couch, but before she gets there, she loses balance, and she falls to floor, shattering Palmer’s framed picture. Tad enters, and drops the tea cups. He hurries to his mother.
TAD: Mom! Mom! Mom!
He gets out his phone to call 9-1-1.
(Erica’s Penthouse)
Jackson and Erica enter. Jackson lays Erica down on the couch.
ERICA: Thank you.
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