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June 26, 2006



-Shane arrives at Salem Airport and awaits a taxi to the police station. A mysterious woman watches as he gets in a cab.

-John and Hope give chase as Marlena races to get away. She heads for the docks.

-Celeste is following John and Hope along with Bonnie, Chelsea, Maggie, Victor, Belle, Sami, Lexie, Eric, Nicole, and Greta. Celeste reminds them all of her vision and insists they all need to be there with John and Hope as there discovery will lead to all the answers they seek. They all give chase to follow John and Hope.

-Tek and Patrick wait for the boat at the docks. They see it in sight as it slowly makes its way to the docks. Once it arrives, they board and it prepares for departure. Just then, Marlena sees the boat leaving and sees Tek and Patrick on board. She jumps on just as it begins to move. John and Hope see her jump on and through binoculars John watches as the boat takes off. The name of the boat is "The Vendetta" and John sees Marlena on board it but also sees Patrick and Tek inside the boat's cabin. Celeste and the others arrive just as John tells Hope who is on board with Marlena. Hope and Lexie are shocked as is Belle, who doedn't beleive Mimi's brother would be involved in this. Sami beleives Tek is capable of anything and that Lexie is probably working with him. She tells Sami to shutup as John quiets them both. The harboar master comes over to them and asks what is going on. A frustrated John demands that the harbor master give him answers this time. He wants info on this boat named "The Vendetta" as John beleives this may be one of the boats involved in the drug operations. The harbormaster becomes difficult but Shane shows up and orders him to tell everything he knows or face prosecution as both him and John are ISA and Hope is a cop. Shane says the station told him where they all were. Everyone joyfully greets him and welcomes him home. The harbormaster agrees to talk after John and Shane vow to protect him and his family from Dimera retaliation.

-Sami continues to be watched by her stalker from a distance. Shane is also being watched by the mysterious woman who was watching him at the airport.

-John calls the worker who helped him and Hope from the water treatment plant to come down to give more info. Shane informs everyone that Melaswen is most likely involved as there has been movement in the Dimera organization and ISA intel has tracked "Tony" to Melaswen. It is likely with Stefano dead for sure he has taken over the empire. Shane also confirms that Tek and Patrick are Dimera employees. He just discovered this now through a spy in a former Dimera run area and was told both were working under Stefano and were blackmailed by way of things in their past. They were both paid money and given special benefits. In Tek's case, Stefano helped put him through police academy and provided what was needed to get him into the ISA. Stefano saw this as a benefit having someone inside the ISA. That is why Tek left so many women as he was always moved based on assignment from Stefano. He needed money to take care of his mother, who was ill and crippled. His father was deceased. As for Patrick, he was always a con and it was easy for him to accept employment from Stefano at first. Stefano provided him with financial help which is how he kept going all these years after leaving home. They still don't why he left home or what Stefano has on both men. They do know once Patrick grew to like those in Salem like Hope, Jennifer, Billie, etc things got difficult and that is why he has changed sides so much. He is conflicted and both men want out now. With Stefano gone and them probably working for "Tony," they figure it is the best time but it seems they will never be out of the organization as long as someone is heading it and knows about their pasts. Hope and Lexie can't beleive they were decieved by the men. Celeste comforts Lexie as John does to Hope. Bonnie is devestated her son works for the Dimera's and Chelsea is shocked about Patrick as well.

-The man from the water treatment plant arrives and John and Shane begin to interrogate him and the harbormaster about "The Vendetta." Both men give the same info-it is the main boat involved in transporting the drugs used in the water supply back and forth. John asks the harbormaster where all the other drugs go that aren't dumped in the water supply. The harbormaster says they are taken to an island in the caribbean owned by the Dimera's. The drugs orginally are made by a company in Europe that flies under the radar. The worker from the water treatment plant says that the Dimera's keep the identity of that company and their mysterious partner in all this a secret, as well as all the employees who assist the Dimera's and work for their mysterious partner. The harbormaster beleives the Dimera's may be the overall mastermind in this plot or in the plot back in 2003-2004. This stuns everyone. Shane calls an officer and makes arrangements for both men and their families to be put into protective custody. Before the men leave, John asks the name of the island. The men say it is hard to pronounce. John asks if it is Melaswen. The men agree that is it and they are taken off for protection. John and everyone else now sees everything being pieced together as Marlena gave them the break they were looking for.

-Meanwhile, on the boat, Patrick and Tek are awaiting arrival on the island to meet their boss. They still are unaware it is Stefano or that Marlena is on the ship. They are also unaware that they were spotted on the ship. Marlena watches them and appears happy. "They saw me and now my beloved John and that pathetic Hope-less will lead all those fools into my trap. Funny-good ole Steffy thinks it's his trap since he believes he is control. Well, he's not and once they all arrive on the island I will destroy him and his legacy too just like he destroyed my life. I will now get my revenge on the Dimera's and everyone in Salem who has wronged me and no one can stop me. I have those two idiots to thank for this since the boat came to get them and everyone saw me get on with them and now they will walk into a trap I never even planned," she says coldly and then begins to laugh in an evil way as she watches Patrick and Tek worry about what may be ahead.

-John and Shane realize they need to get to Melaswen to find the answers they need. Hope and the others want go too. Both Shane and John insist it is too dangerous. Hope reminds John that they all need to stick together and are a team in this. John, realizing he has no choice, agrees to let them come with but they all need to unite and work together no matter what the differences. Celeste then has a vision of several shadows of different people on an island sitting around in what looks like the Brady Pub and they seem like they are waiting for someone or something. Then there is a loug BANG and fire and agonizing screams. Celeste tells everyone of this vision and it intrigues everyone. Celeste warns that they journey will be one of great discovery, one of joy, and also one of loss and life changing events. John says that regardless of what is going to happen they need to go and they need to go now. Victor reminds everyone that his security team and Nico will take care of the kids. John tells everyone to go pack and a specialized ISA jet will be fueled and ready to go to take them to the island. Everyone leaves to pack and Shane makes plants for the jet as John says, "I'm coming Doc. I just hope it isn't too late to save you and to end all this...once and for all." The screen then fades to black.


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