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Diary Room Entries



Dr Will: Today I am sitting pretty. I could have had a big target on my back, and I know that I still do. This immunity thing worked out well for me. I have no doubt James would have gotten rid of me. I am working on actually making friends with these people, although I really have nothing in common with most of them. James and Jack are the smartest ones. I enjoy talking with Jack.

Jack: This is not good. Strategically James did a smart thing. We know that he has an alliance with Janelle, Rachel, Nicole and Hardy. Now we are about to lose two of ours. I am going to have to do some recruiting to bolster ours. I think I can get Nathan and Chiara over and possibly Marvin. Chiara is smart and now that Alison is gone, Nathan will fall in line. He needs to be led.

Rachel: I didn't think I would have a friend in here, but Nicole and I are getting to be good friends. She has told me a lot of how Will acts and how he won, which I kept to myself. I know I am in an alliance with James and Janelle, but they don't have to know everything.

Marcelleus: Wow, what a day. I am stressed and need a break. House calls is much better.

Amy: I can't believe I am nominated! What did Ah ever do to James! Ah can't stand him now, Ah am out for his blood now. Ah was nice to him, I talked to him, I made friends with him. Chiara must have put him up to it. Ah need some cheese....

Chiara: I am loving this. Amy, you have my vote. Buh-bye...

Nakomis: I don't know how this happened. I even went to James and pleaded my case. I guess it worked against me. I thought he was going to take the men out as they are so much stronger than him. He can't hold a candle to them physically. I appreaciated him coming up to me later and telling me that I was the strongest player mentally and thats why he nominated me. And I always come up with good plans to get people out. My plan was the blueprint that tried to get him out.

Nathan: I think I am going to have to back away from Chiara. She's nice and all, but I want to win. If we are perceived as a couple, we will be voted out. Have got to keep options open. Jack approached me about joining his alliance and I am all in.

Hardy: I need to win HOH next week. The fungus that is Will Kirby has to go. I don't want to see him charm his way to another win when there are more deserving people here.

James: I think I made good choices this week. I definetly want to see Nakomis gone. She is the smartest female here, sorry Janelle, but she is. If by chance she gets the Veto, then Jack will get nominated. That group needs to be broken up.

Nicole: I am settling in here. Not too much drama yet. Although the drama between AMy and CHiara is funny to watch. It reminds me of me and Will. I really don't hate him, he just exasperates the hell out of me. I just want Amy and Chiara to shut up.

Marvin: I like being the man without strings. I don't have to answer to anyone. I am definetly going to try to stay under the radar for now. Let me tell you, some of these girls are smokin!

Janelle: Things look really good for me and my man right now. Without anyone knowing it, we are starting to control the game. Keep the eyes open and the ears tuned to every conversation. He picked up the other alliance quickly. I have also found out that Nathan is going to join up with that alliance.

Will: I always seem to get screwed. Does James have a twin? I have no clue as to why I am nominated. Now I have to do this Veto challenge and without a partner? James is the freaking Veto king so we know he is going to get it. This sucks. Absouletly sucks. And Nathan, you may be hot, but you are so not my type.


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