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"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 11

All My Shadows


Again, I'm sorry for the delay, really. I haven't had nearly as much time as I used to to right this story out, but I assure you that I'm trying to make as much time as possible to get it done! To help make sure that none of my other stories get these kinds of interruptions, I've started writing them in advance, so don't worry!

Here's part 11 of the saga of Luke and Kevin.


"The Luke and Kevin Story" part 11

It was now around 2:00 PM and Luke had just told Will that he'd see him later. Now he sat in his car near the bridge, starting the engine. When his cell phone rang to the newly-set ringtone of "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, he knew who it was. "Kevin," he greeted when he answered.

On the other end, there was silence. "Kevin?" Luke asked again.

"Luke...he's dead," Kevin finally said. Ever since leaving the blackened remains of his father's house, Kevin had spent the the afternoon locked up in Nora's bedroom at her apartment. Nora and his mother were talking in the living room, but he could do no talking. The shock, the utter surprise, continued to set it and probably would never completely settle in.

"Kevin, what are you talking about?" Luke asked in a concerned tone. He turned off his car engine so he could hear Kevin clearer.

"My...dad...he's dead."

Luke was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say because he still wasn't sure that he heard what Kevin had said. "What...when...how did it happen?"

On the other end, Kevin's voice was frail and fragile. He was panged with immense guilt from the way he treated his father. Sean deserved a lot of what Kevin dished out to him, but a man who was in such a desperate state couldn't have possibly sustained all of that. It hurt Kevin when he realized that just the day before, he was planning to leave his father all alone in that house.

"Kevin?" Luke said agian. He was now fully alert in his car and very worried about what Kevin was talking about. "Kevin, are you still there?"

"Luke, where are you? I need to see you."

"I'm by the old foot bridge around my grandma's farm."

"I'll be there in a few minutes," Kevin quickly said.

"Kevin!" Luke tried to say, but it was too late, Kevin had already hung up the phone.

Luke looked around. He got out of his car, took a deep breath, and decided to go for a walk before Kevin arrived.

Winding around a corner in the woods, Luke stopped dead in his tracks and started to laugh. "Jade, what the hell are you doing here?"

There was the little waif, sitting on an abandoned dock with her feet dangling in the water. "Luke!" she said, immediately jumping from her seat and straightening out her ragged hair.

"Oh, please, don't stop your weekly bath on my account," he snapped at her.

Jade rolled her eyes and turned her back on him, deciding to ignore him. She knew that she brought all of the scorn upon herself, but she just didn't want to hear it. She was tired of having to hear bad comments from the whole town.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry," Luke apologized. He was definitely not a fan, but he knew that she was facing some hard times.

"Don't apologize. I gave you reason to hate me a long time ago and I know that you're still feeling the effects from that."

"Well...yeah, you're right, but I'm still in a better place than you are. Do you have a place to stay?"

Jade finally turned to him again and nodded. "Yeah, actually, I found an ad in the classifieds to share a room with some nice girls."

"That sounds nice," Luke replied. It was so awkward. He didn't just want to cut and run and leave her here, but he wasn't really interested in talking to her either. She'd hurt him and his family very much, but she was still a human being with her own motives and reasoning.

"I hope you don't mind me asking," she said, "but how are things with your parents and Kevin? Have they gotten better over the last few months?"

"Uh...yeah, actually. Dad's been great, Mom's been coming around. The Grandmas are awesome as always."

"And Kevin?" Jade asked, grinning because she knew how Luke felt about the subject.

"Kevin's...fine, which reminds me, I think I should get back to my car."

He turned and started to walk away without saying good-bye, but that came as no surprise to Jade. She was sincerely apologetic for what she did to Luke and his family, but she also knew that telling them that would never be good enough and that it would be best to stay out of the Snyder/Walsh orbit.


Luke sat in his car. It was getting increasingly late and was already an hour past the time he got Kevin's call. Luke could barely grasp the idea that Kevin's father was dead. Maybe, he thought, Mr. Davis had some kind of an accident and was in the hospital. Kevin had to be jumping to conclusions with his claims that his father was dead.

"Luke," Kevin's voice quietly said from a short distance. Luke quickly got out of his car and went to Kevin, who stood not far away. "Luke," Kevin repeated. "He's gone."

"Don't say that," Luke said. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and squeezed him until the feeling in his arms was gone. Kevin's eyes streamed salty tears that stained Luke's shirt. "There's still a chance," Luke quietly whispered into his ear.

Kevin backed away. "What do you mean there's still a chance? I saw it with my own two eyes. The house is gone. My dad is gone. He ran out of chances."

"What happened? How did it happen?" Luke asked.

Kevin took his hand and they sat on the hood of the car. "The police say that he set the house on fire."


Kevin closed his eyes to keep in the tears as he nodded. He sucked it up and tried to be tough, slipping off the hood and walking around with his arms crossed. "And it's pathetic. And typical. It's just like him and I don't know why I'm surprised."

"Kevin, don't say that. I mean, I know you two didn't get along, but he was still your father," Luke said, hoping to make things easier for this boy that he loved.

Kevin shook his head in disagreement. "The worst part is that I should have known it was going to happen."

Luke was puzzled. "I really don't understand what's going on. How could you know that he was going to accidentally set the place on fire?"

Kevin laid it out on the table. "Luke, it wasn't an accident. He did it on purpose to get the insurance money."

Luke couldn't believe it. He knew that Sean Davis was a bad man, but would he really stoop that low? Would he honestly set fire to his own home just to get money? And then he killed himself in the process, Luke thought. Sucks for him. "Kevin, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," Kevin snapped. "Just don't be sorry for me, I don't need pity."

Luke looked at the way Kevin paced around with pain in his steps. Rarely had he seen him this way before. When his mother moved out was one of those times. Also, when he had just missed making the varsity basketball team at Oakdale Latin because he had to miss practice to stay at home and nurse his inebriated father. Luke hated seeing him like this. It was a Kevin that he did not know, but in order to really, truly be with him, he knew that he'd have to know how to bring him out of this state and back into the Kevin that he loved.

"You obviously need something," he said. "What is it?" He went to Kevin and slowly pulled him into a hug, never letting their eyes wander away from each other. Their faces were so close. "Whatever it is, I will get it for you."

Kevin looked into his eyes. There was so much that they said to each other through their eyes. "I need you," Kevin's eyes seductively said to Luke's. "Right here, right now."

Luke understood perfectly and before he knew it, his lips were touching Kevin's. The kiss was by far the most intense that they had shared up to this point and it only got steamier. After finally breaking up a good thirty seconds of lip-locking, they played the eyes game again. It took Kevin no time at all to comprehend Luke's body language. He started to unbutton his lover's shirt, tossing it to the side once it was out of the way.

Instantly, Kevin worked his way up and down Luke's neck, savoring every inch of the soft, milky skin. From the neck he went to the arm. Luke had never, ever felt such...such rage before. It was a rage that had existed inside of him ever since the previous summer. It was a rage to love.

Never disconnecting their bodies, they worked their way back to Luke's car, opened one of the back doors and, together, fell onto the seat. The only break in the passion was when Luke stopped to make sure this was the appropriate thing to do so soon after Mr. Davis's death. "Kevin, are you okay...do you really want to do this now?"

Kevin's answer was light but sultry finger-dance on Luke's back as he reached up for another kiss.


5:32PM. Thursday, June 15, 2006.

That's what the clock read as Luke started the engine, his lover in the passenger's seat. He had never noticed the signifance of anything so insignificant before. Clocks told you more than what time of day it was. They gave you an outlook on your entire life.

For instance, just a year earlier, his mother was involved with Keith. Holden and Lily were divorced, and Lucinda just discovered that she had breast cancer. If Luke remembered correctly, Casey Hughes was still dating that annoying twit Celia Ortega. Meg had just returned to town and Allison Stewart left Oakdale to be with Luke's adoptive half-brother Aaron.

And, now, just two hours earlier, Luke Snyder lost his virginity. To Kevin Davis. And he still didn't know how to react. It was strange to him, that something like this happened at a time like this. Here, Kevin's father just died in a fire, and not even five or six hours later, Kevin and Luke made love on the back seat of Luke's car in the middle of woods, right next to the Snyder farm. It was beyond ironic.

"You wanna come in or something?" Kevin asked when Luke pulled up in the parking lot of Nora's Melrose Place-esque apartment complex.

"Uh..," Luke said, not really sure if he should or shouldn't.

"Come on," Kevin said, reaching over to tug at his shirt. "Nora's cool about everything."

"Okay," Luke said.

As they walked across the parking lot to Nora's door, Luke couldn't help but notice a familiar car. It couldn't be, he thought. It just couldn't be. But when they knocked on the door and he saw his cousin Jack Snyder, he knew it very well was.

"Jack," he said, a little surprised.

"Hey, Luke! I was just about to go out to your place," Jack said with a cheerful attitude. He looked at Kevin and made his voice more serious. "Hey, Nora told me what happened to your dad. I'm sorry things happened the way they did."

"Thank you," Kevin quietly said fast enough to make sure no "I want no pity!" speeches flew out instead.

Jack left just as they arrived, leaving Kevin to do the introductions between Nora and Luke. "This is my cousin, Nora Larpenter. And this is Luke Snyder," he hesitated, "my boyfriend."

Nora, who was admiring Jack through the front window as he left, turned to face Luke. "How do you know Jack?" she asked.

"He's my cousin," Luke said graciously.

"Oh, of course," Nora commented. "I shoulda known, good looks must run through the Snyder family tree. Unless there's something in the water at the Snyder pond!"

Luke laughed. First time he smiled all day. "Thanks," he said.

"So you're the kid who's got my cousin up all night," she continued, in a way only she could. "You're Luke. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. Would you like something to drink? Yeah you kids look thirsty. How about some sodas? Or maybe you want something to eat? My best friend's husband's sister's daughter sold me these awesome Girl Scout cookies. They're delish. Yeah, I'll get you guys some soda and cookies."

"I'm not that hungry," Luke said, but it was too late. When Nora thought out loud, she always went ahead with what she thought about. Whether he wanted to or not, Luke was about to get some high quality soda and delish Girl Scout cookies.

Left alone in the living room with Kevin, Luke couldn't help but smile. "You know, I think I like her. I can't wait until Jack's ex-wife meets her, but I like her a lot."

"Yeah, Nora has that effect on people," Kevin replied, not really paying attention as he sat down on the couch.

Luke sensed that something was wrong and sat down next to him. "Hey, what's the matter?"

Kevin looked at him. "Do you regret what we just did?"

Luke didn't know how to talk about it. He had never had sex before, so, naturally, he had never talked about it with someone that he actually had it with afterwards. "No," he simply put it. "Not at all."

Kevin smiled. "Good. Neither do I. I love you, Snyder," he said. He was somehow showing a vulnerable side. "Don't leave me, okay?"

"Not a chance," Luke said. "I'd never leave you."


"I can't believe this," Lily exclaimed when she came through the front door of her home. "Luke!" she called.

Holden came down the stairs and wondered what all of the fuss was about. "Hey, honey, what's wrong?"

"This whole damn thing with Luke and Kevin, and I'm going to put an end to it!" she exclaimed. "Luke!" she called up the stairs again.

Holden was a little out of the loop. "Okay. Luke's not here, and the two of us need to have a talk."

Holden lead her into the living room and they sat down on the sofa. "Now, what exactly has you all riled up?"

Lily took a deep breath. "I don't even know where to begin. Our son thinks he's in love with a felon!"

Holden passively nodded. "You mean Kevin."

"Uh...yea, I do!" Lily snapped, in a condescending tone. "That kid is no good, and now he's stringing Luke along."

Holden, with his arm around her on the sofa, looked away. He couldn't look her in the eye, because she'd know that he knew about Luke and Kevin. He was hoping she'd just forget about it, and he himself thought hard of things to change the subject to.

Lily wasn't that blind, however. She knew what Holden's silence meant. He had always had a passiveness about him, but it was easy to tell when he felt a little guilty about something. "You knew all about it, didn't you?" she asked. She hoisted herself up and paced. "Of course you did, but you did not tell me. Just like you didn't tell me that Luke was gay in the first place!"

"To be perfectly accurate, Lily, I didn't know that Luke was gay at any time before you did!" Holden said, raising his voice just a little bit. He stayed seated on the couch, but sat alert, wanting to get his point across, but not wanting to anger Lily any further.

"No, but you had your suspicions and you failed to tell me about them."

"What was I supposed to do? If told you what I was thinking, you would have went right to Luke, and where would that put me? He'd make me out to be some kind of spy!"

Lily took a deep breath as they both went silent. "We can't let this happen. Kevin as Luke's friend was tolerable, but in a relationship with this kid? Are you for real? Are we even sure that Kevin isn't pretending to be interested in Luke just to set him up for some kind of a heinous hate crime!?"

"Lily, you know Kevin wouldn't do that! You know that! Kevin and Luke have been friends for years. We know his parents for goodness sake."

"We didn't know that he drank, did we? Holden, he could have had Luke killed!" she exclaimed, her voice softening just a bit. "I caved and let him be Luke's friend, but I can't let it go past that. What if Kevin is ready to do something that Luke isn't ready to do?"

Holden got up and put his arms around his wife from behind. "Luke has a good head on his shoulders. He won't do anything that he doesn't want to do. And I don't think Kevin would make him do anything like that."

Lily let out a little laugh. "All of those sleepovers they had growing up."

Holden joined her laughter. "Yeah, who would have thunk it?"


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I love this story, and can't wait for more. It is just like a soap with all of the intertwining of character. Keep up the good writing :D

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