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June 22, 2006



-Victor and Maggie are at the airport with Greta. John has sent them to check out where Jack found the car rigged to crash. Greta points out where they found it and the three begin to interview airport employees and workers. Maggie and Victor talk about the loss of the people they love as they comfort and support each other.

-At the police station, Chelsea waits with Sami, Belle, Lexie, Bonnie, Celeste, Eric, and Nicole. Sami can't beleive Will and the other children are at Victor's mansion being guarded by Victor's security personal and the Salem police. Lexie insists it was the best way to keep all of them safe since there is no telling what this mastermind would do. Sami comments on how Lexie's family is probably behind it so she should know what they are up to. Lexie lunges for Sami but Celeste stops her. Belle tells Sami to back off as does Eric. Nicole claims Sami doesn't know how to back off and Sami gets mad and lunges at her. Eric reminds all of them of the deal they all made-they need to all get along enemies or friends. They all need each other to piece this whole thing together. Everyone agrees to behave better. A nervous Bonnie takes out a cigarette which annoys everyone. Nicole asks her to put it out as does Sami and soon everyone else. Bonnie throws a fit and takes out a flask and downs its contents.

-John and Hope go through some files at the docks. They are trying to track the drug shipments that will thrown into the water supply since 2003 and are using the one Victor was forced to orchestrate to trace everything. They find it odd that the harbor master was unable to provide any info. John says he is probably being paid off by the Dimera's or whoever is responsible since he seemed rather nervous during questioning and has been MIA since Hope and him began searching through ship logs and the like. John and Hope are unable to find any info so they head to the Salem water treatment plant for information.

-Chelsea asks Bonnie if she has anymore of what she is drinking in that flask. She has lost everything and needs something to get her through this. Bonnie takes out another flask and says she does not share unless it is a hunk of a man with abs of steel. Chelsea walks away. Belle and Lexie try to reach out to her but she refuses and tells them both to back off. She tells Lexie that the Dimera's have screwed up her life and her family's lives enough and that if they are responsible for this she will make sure they pay. Belle tells Lexie she knows that it isn't her fault even if the Dimera's are responsible. Lexie says she knows how her family operates-she acted like a Dimera before. She knows they are responsible in some way-it just fits. She continues to wonder where Tek is at and about Abe's empty coffin.

-Eric tells Nicole he will do whatever it takes to avenge the deaths of his family and friends and claims he has nothing to lose. Nicole asks what he means by that. Eric says nothing and answers no further as Nicole remains suspicious.

-Chelsea and Sami bump into each other on accident and end up in a fight when she calls her a slut. Eric breaks it up and reminds everyone again to get along. Lexie blames Sami for always stirring up trouble. Eric tells everyone to cut it out and just behave. Lexie and Sami give each other the stare down.

-Celeste isolates herself from everyone. Bonnie, still drinking, walks over and asks if she senses something. Celeste says she hasn't in awhile but she knows the danger is great and that the worst may be yet to come.

-Maggie, Victor, and Greta come across nothing. Nico arrives and tells Victor that airport security has camera footage of something suspicious. They visit the airport security department and watch the video. They see a man dressed like an airport employee pull up in the car and pretend to drop his wallet under the car. He seems to be reaching under the car for it for quite some time and picks it up and then walks away from the car, leaving it open and out where someone could easily see the door open with keys hanging in the ignition. Jack and Greta enter the picture seconds later and the man is nearby watching as Jack jumps into the open car with Greta in toll. Victor admits the man looks familiar. Nico says the same but neither can place him. Victor asks if he can take this video with him citing it is for an ISA investigation headed by Shane Donovon and John Black. He is given permission and they head for the police station. Victor tells Nico to stay at the mansion and monitor the security of the children. They are to be kept safe at all costs.

-John and Hope are upset when no one at the plant is able to help them. They check with security and a furious John finally snaps when he notices how secretive the security guard is being. John grabs him and tells him if he knows anything he better be out with it or he may just need a new face. The guard admits he can help but is afraid. He adds that those responsible have taken great steps to cover everything up. John says he will make sure that no one comes after him or his family if he tells them what he knows. The guard says he has footage and shows him camera footage of men dressed in black dumping drugs into the water supply. The guard says there is alot of footage but all of it but this video was confistgated by those behind all this. This tape is all he has because he kept it just in case he could ever turn it in for some reason and bust them. John asks who is behind it all. The guard says the most recent dumping was done by mostly men hired by Victor Kiriakis. John says he is aware of that. The guard says that some were not working for Victor but were planted amidst Victor's hired hands to make sure everythign went smoothly. John and Hope remember what Victor said about Chelsea's rape and Josh's death and those that did it killing themselves when caught by Nico and realize those must be the men the guard is talking about. The guard says all other times before the hired hands were not Victor's but a mixture of employees from two crime organizations. One is unknown as they have taken great lengths to remain that way as it appears and the other is a well done crime conglomerate in Salem and worldwide. They appear to know the details and identity of the other organization but won't tell or even hint at it. John and Hope ask the guard about the crime organization involved he does know about. The guard says he will tell them.

-Maggie, Victor, and Greta arrive back at the station and share what they discovered at the airport. Victor then overhears a police officer talking about a major development that may affect the investigation John, Hope, and Shane are working on. Victor demands to know what it is. John walks in with Hope and says he already knows. It's Tony Dimera-he has escaped from solitary confinement and is on the run. The person they found in the cell was not Tony and they don't even know when the switch was made or if Tony was ever there. John says there wasn't even any camera footage to show when he escaped or anything so they covered that up but John mentions what Hope and him discovered, including the camera footage from the plant. Victor relays what he and Maggie, Greta, and Nico learned too. John says one of the orgnanization behind the drug dumping is unknown but the other is the Dimera organization. John says they are disguising the boxes the drugs are in. Everyone is not surprised as John says, "All this means only one thing-the Dimera's are behind this." Victor says that is why he must have recognized the man at the airport in the footage-he probably saw him work for Stefano or Tony at some point. Lexie looks on as Hope comforts her and says it isn't her fault. Chelsea claims it is and so does sami but Hope tells them both to back off. Celeste says she feels the Dimera presence and she feels evil is closing in. She says they need to figure everything else and stop them before it is too late. Everyone looks on worried and promising to stop the Dimera's and avenge the deaths of friends and family as John vows to stop them too and help Marlena-no matter what it takes. The screen then fades to black.


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