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June 21, 2006



-Everyone learns that Caroline was poisoned by the same drug used to kill Alice. John says all these deaths were setup in one way or another and are all connected. If this goes back to 2003 with the Salem Stalker and the fact Marlena is off killing people, John is sure the Dimeras are involved. He calls the ISA.

-Victor says an emotional goodbye to Caroline, calling her the great love of his life. Sami, Eric, John, Hope, Belle, and Maggie all say goodbye. Maggie tells Victor she knows how he feels. She lost Mickey too. They comfort each other.

-Lexie asks Celeste if she has sensed anything else. Celeste just says the danger is great and that they need to get this all figured out before tragedy strikes again. Bonnie freaks and wonders when it will all stop. She vows to avenge her Mimi and wonders where Patrick is. Hope wonders the same and Lexie wonders what happened to Tek too. They never could find them on Morgan Island. Hope wonders if Bo was right and Patrick worked for the Dimeras and he helped plan all of this. Lexie wonders if Tek had a hand in this too.

-Meanwhile, Patrick and Tek are now in Salem looking for Marlena. Tek calls someone on the phone and says Marlena is out of control and that he and Patrick want out of all this. They never signed on for this. Tek hangs up and tells Patrick the boss won't let them out. If they don't follow orders, they are dead themselves either through revealing their pasts or through actual death. Tek and Patrick both agree that this is all too much. They never signed on to see all this death and they can't beleive that their boss is behind this and is letting Marlena do what she wants because it just goes along with what he wants. Tek regrets helping to brainwash Marlena on the island but says he was only following Stefano's'Alex's orders before he died. It was his last ditch effort to get revenge on John and Marlena and have Marlena but then Marlena went and killed him and is now killing anyone she can and Tek thinks his mind control tactic was what put her over the edge as she has been through alot in her life and has been brainwashed and mind controlled too many times. It was too much and his ISA tactic may have been too much for her on top of all that. Patrick wonders why they are letting themselves be forced to work for this boss. They have never seen him. Tek warns that if this guy is letting Marlena run amok and is enjoying it then he is even sicker then her. Tek also warns that based on the last time they seen Marlena (when she caught them trying to run from her and everyone else on Morgan Island) she is more out of control then they though. They, or anyone else, may never be able to stop her or control her. Patrick admits he was scared when she faced off with them at the marina on the island. Tek says they are lucky she just took their boat and ran off because she was on a mission to get to Salem and kill even more beloved Salemites. Tek says there is no telling what Marlena or their boss has in store next.

-Marlena watches everyone at the hospital and says, "It is time to go before I am seen. I have done enough here for now. Time to hide for awhile and plan for my next victim." She runs off.

-Sami asks Eric why he came back and is back with Nicole. Nicole and Sami come to blows when Sami says she isn't right for Eric and that sami was not right for Austin or Lucas. Eric begs them to get along. Sami asks how Highstyle in LA is doing. Nicole says good but with Austin gone who knows. Nicole says she really cared about him. Sami says the same about him too and about Lucas. Greta comes over and agrees about Austin and says she liked Lucas too and Billie. They have lost so much. Sami and Greta are both shocked to see Nicole showing emotion over Austin.

-Sami again asks Eric about why he returned. Eric says he needed to be with his family and just felt like being home. He admits it may have been a feeling as look what has happened. He walks away as Sami doesn't but it. Greta and Nicole say the same thing and wonder why he came back with Nicole in toll.

-John tells everyone he has enlisted Shawn and the ISA's help. Shane is coming to Salem to aid the investigation. Everyone admits they want in and want to help no matter what it takes. John thinks the pros and police should handle it but Victor tells John they have all lost too much. They all want to be a part of this. Maggie agrees and says they all need to unite together-both enemies and friends. There has been too much loss and together with all differences aside maybe they can get to the bottom of this. John doesn't fight it anymore and agrees and makes everyone promise to behave and to forget about the past and just focus on finding out who is behind everything and getting to the bottom of all this. John, Maggie, and Victor agree. Victor and Nicole look at each other as Nicole looks at Greta, Sami, and Eric and agrees. Sami looks at Lexie and John and still agrees. Belle agrees. Celeste and Bonnie agree. Hope looks at Chelsea and agrees. John reminds them all they need to stick together and protect one another. This is a great test and this is for all they have lost-including those they loved. The fact that Marlena is involved too means alot and they need to be prepared for what is ahead. Everyone agrees as John says to himself, "I am going to try to save you Doc. I just hope it's not too late for you to be saved."

-Meanwhile, Marlena is on the pier and her phone rings. She answers, "Well, if it isn't the man who thinks he is my boss. Don't you know by now no one controls me anymore?" She then tells the caller, "Don't worry. Those that you wanted dead are. You are just lucky who you wanted dead I wanted dead because your orders mean nothing. I am only doing this for me and your help is making things much more convenient." She then thanks him for the Salem Stalker mask and comments on how this time these deaths are for real. She then says, "I can assure you there is more death to come but not now. I must wait and lure them in and your plan to trap them is perfect just as long as you let me finish off who I have to or there is no deal. This whole thing is for me not for you. " She then says she won't let his other employees, Tek and Patrick, stop her and doesn't understand why he has sent them after her. "Those two are a nuisance and why you are using them is pointless. They just get in the way and if they ruin my plans I will dispose of them too. You are helping me but this is about me and if those two get in my way your help be damned those two will be dead. I have been wronged for the last time and no one controls me anymore-least of all you STEFANO." The camera then pans up to show Stefano/Alex on the phone talking to Marlena as he says, "I understand. If you do see Tek and Patrick make sure they don't know they are still working for me. I don't want them to know that just yet." Marlena agrees and says, "Just as long as you let me do what I have to do and keep them out of my hair." She hangs up and Stefano/Alex laughs and says, "Just as long as your own plans go along with mine, my dear, you can do whatever you want. Once you do everything I am using you to do, you will be mine and I will have had my revenge." Stefano then plays some opera music and smokes a cigar and laughs as the screen fades out.


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