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June 20, 2006



-Maggie goes in to say goodbye to Mickey. We see flashbacks of them together. Mickey is taken to the morgue.

-Maggie comes out to find everyone in chaos over Shawn Sr collapsing. The doctors try to revive him but he dies. Victor comforts Caroline. Caroline knows it was just too much for him to handle. Eric blames Victor for his grandfather's death since he always has caused trouble. Victor blames himself too but Caroline reminds everyone that he found out about Frankie and Max and that likely put strain on him and his heart. The doctor confirms his heart gave out. Maggie and Caroline embrace and mourn their husbands.

-Eric tells Nicole how much his family needs him now. He is glad he is there. When he leaves her. Nicole wonders why he wanted back to Salem in the first place. Greta overhears and wonders herself.

-Celeste tells Bonnie she fears one more death tonight. Bonnie is worried as is everyone else.

-John. Hope, Sami, Lexie, and Belle arrive outside the hospital. They all hope they have the strength to tell everyone what has happened. They have heard about what happened at Jennifer and Frankie's wedding and are hoping that everything is alright. They enter and are reunited with everyone there. Sami, Belle, and John are shocked to see Eric and they all reunite. Hope, John,Sami, Belle, and Lexie learn about all the deaths in Salem. Hope is devestated and can't beleive all she has lost. She accidentally blurts out that Bo and Shawn are dead. John reminds Hope that is not how to tell everyone. John then tells everyone about Bilie, Carrie, Austin, Lucas, Roman, Kate, and Mimi being dead. Chelsea is devestated and refuses comfort from anyone. She blames Hope and says she did this to her mom and dad. She just needed to stay out of their business. Hope says she couldn't save them. Chelsea says the wrong people died again and the bitch lived to see another day. Hope is stunned by those words. Hope and Caroline comfort each other over all the deaths they have been through. Sami and John comfort Caroline over Shawn Sr' s death. Caroline is distraught over all the losses in her family. She begins to feel faint. Victor gets her water. While gone, Victor breaks down in tears over losing Bo, Shawn and Philip and vows to avenge them. He is even upset about Austin and Lucas as he felt they were like sons. He vows to find this mastermind and get revenge. He brings Caroline the water which she sets down next to her. Victor informs John, Hope, Lexie, Belle, and Sami about what Nico and him discovered. John admits that Marlena was the one who blew up the plane and killed Abe and Alex/Stefano. John says he thinks Tony may be behind this as Stefano is now dead. Lexie mentions how Abe's coffin was empty as John says they will look into that. Everyone is stunned about Marlena. Chelsea says she will kill that bitch. Caroline reminds them all about forgiveness. John says Marlena is sick and he wonder if Tony or some other Dimera is controlling her again.

-Meanwhile, nearby, Marlena watches and says, "You wish someone was controlling me. Not anymore. You all will pay for everything."

-Belle is devestated over Philip's death as Victor tells her and everyone else that he must have been near Salem. They were led to Morgan Island as a trap. The mastermind made sure Victor didn't let them know by using Philip and threatening him. Belle is comforted by John and Sami.

-Eric and Sami are with John and support Marlena. They tell everyone they need to find Marlena and get her help. Bonnie says they need to lynch her as she keeps killing everyone-this time for real. Lexie even admits it is hard to forget what Marlena has done this time. John urges them to remember the Marlena they all love-not the one who has snapped due to mind control and brainwashing over the years. Celeste warns everyone that it is not over-it is only just beginning. One more will die tonight and great danger lies ahead for those left behind. Just then, Maggie gets a phone call from the mastermind/mysterious caller. Maggie reminds everyone it is the same person who called before as Victor reminds everyone that is the person who talked to him. The mastermind tells Maggie that a wife will soon be reunited with her husband and family. Maggie wonders if she is marked for death and she relays the message sent by the mastermind after he hangs up on her. At that moment, Caroline clutches her chest and collapses. A doctor rushes out and pronounces her dead due to poison. Everyone is stunned. Victor holds Caroline in his arms and says the bastard will pay. Eric and Sami comfort each other and John and Hope do so as well commenting on how great she was. John helps Victor up and both of them together vow to avenge all the deaths and to get to the bottom of everything. Celeste, Bonnie, Lexie, Sami, Eric, Greta, Maggie, a reluctant Nicole who only goes along with Eric, Hope, Belle, and even Chelsea all agree to join up and put aside differences. Celeste says they need to hurry and put everything together because the danger is great and more death may be on the way.

-Marlena laughs as she watches and says, "Your horror is just beginning!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


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