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Jack Confronts Keemo! #121



Chancellor Estate.

Chloe looks at Billy waiting for an answer as he holds Delia. Billy suggests to Delia that she go upstairs and set up a tea party with her favorite dolls and that he will be right up to join her after he talks to her mom. Delia cheers and runs upstairs.

Billy: Chloe I been doing a lot of thinking the last few days. I was thinking we take our daughter and just leave Genoa City. Life for us here will never be the same. I don’t want shame for us or especially our daughter.

Chloe: I do understand. I can’t bear the fact to see Victoria again.

Billy: I hurt her bad. I really messed up this time.

Chloe: Did you?

Billy: With you no. Chloe I love you and I want us to make this work. I want us to be a family.

Chloe: So this is it, you are leaving Victoria for me?

Billy takes a deep breath.



Episode 121: Jack Confronts Keemo!

Written by ML Cooks

Creative Consult: C Nate Richardson

Story Editor: Martin Saenz


Chancellor Industries. Kay barges into her office and sees Jill and Harmony fielding phone calls. They wrap them up and look at Kay.

thumbnailCAP8ZMW2.jpgKay: Alright does some one want to tell me what in the hell is going on here?

167f.jpgHarmony: Mrs. Chancellor, we have a major problem with our hydraulic fracking site down in Briar, Texas.

GW284H380.jpgJill: The mayor has order an injunction and has shut down the operation until a study is done by some made up random government agency. The locals are claiming the fracking we are doing in Briar is the cause of the surges of many earthquakes there and also for contaminatinating the water supply. This shut down of operations will cost Chancellor millions by the day as they sit idle down there.

Kay: Dear God in heaven.” She says as she takes a seat.

Kay: Well what in the hell do you propose we do about this? This company doesn’t have many assets as it is. We don’t have millions to waste away while the workers and more importantly contracts go idle. This new fracking shacking business, or what ever the hell you call it, was supposed to build liquidity and strengthen the position of CI. We have a lot of investors tied up into to this who may pull their money.

Harmony: That’s not all. Protesters in Briar Texas have gained the attention of the national media and its come out on CNN out that we own the Fracking site and are leasing it for development and production.

Kay: It’s a good thing CNN is experiencing its lowest Nielsen ratings in 20 years. I guess this mean our stock value is starting to drop.

Jill: I just checked the numbers and CI is trading at a four week low.

Kay puts her head in her hands and wonders what else can go wrong.

Roxanne’s Apartment.

thumbnailCAERFBK3.jpgRoxanne finishes spraying febreeze around her apartment and makes sure it’s clean for her company Nate. She then hears a loud bang outside her door. Curious, she opens her apartment door and sees a beautiful young lady across the hall. The lady looks at Roxanne.

imagesCA8SBOUY_zps54cf761b.jpg“Oh. I’m sorry did I disturb you? I’m Hillary.” Hillary extends her hand to shake Roxanne does not and begins to blow on her fingernails as if to give the impression her nails are freshly painted.

Hillary: Well Sorry if I bothered you. I’m just moving in. Do you live right there?” She says pointing to Roxanne’s apartment. Roxanne smiles and nods her head.

Hillary: Well then great. (Now noticing how rude Roxanne is) I guess we will be neighbors.

Roxanne gives her a thumbs up.

Hillary: Ok my movers will be done soon so we won’t bother you any longer.

Roxanne gives her a smile then enters her apartment and closes the door. Roxanne studies Hillary through her peep hole. Then Nate obscures her view. She opens and sees Hillary and Nate getting a glimpse of each other. Hillary smiles at him. Nate smiles back. Roxanne pokes Nate. Nate looks at Roxanne and smiles and enters her apartment. Hillary and Roxanne look at each other once more until the door separates their stare at one another.

thCAHNQXA5-1.jpgNate: Who was that?

Roxanne: Why you like her?

Nate: Jealous? ....She looks very familiar.

Abbott Manor.

Jack opens the door to his son Keemo. Keemo enters.

thumbnail.jpgKeemo: I hope you didn’t ask me over to argue with me. I’m not here to do that.

Jack.jpgJack: I just want to know why? What have I done to you for you to betray me and our family like this?

Keemo: Betrayal? Is that what your labeling it? Where do I start dad?

Jack: The beginning would be nice.

Keemo: Well you place blame on me for Jabot Asia faltering when in reality it was the Glo by Jabot scandal some several years ago.

Jack: I never blamed you.

Keemo: But you removed me from my position and brought me here. There is a phrase here in America. I think it goes something like actions speak louder than words.

Jack: You’re my son. The only relationship I had with you was business. Excuse me from wanting to be more to you than your boss.

Keemo: Then it was Jill. When I took my eye to her you objected vehemently. So I said ok dad, out of respect for you I’ll let her go.

Jack: Even worse your engaged to Gloria Bardwell The casue of the Glo by Jabot disaster!

Keemo: And now you want me to leave her too. It just really feels none of my choices are good enough for you. Put yourself in my shoes. You seem to forget I’m an adult. I can date whom I chose.

Jack: Keemo I will never ever allow you and Gloria to be together. There is no space on that. She ruined my father. Your grandfather and as you say she is the reason Jabot Asia almost collapsed. Why would you want to be with a woman like that? A woman twice your age. Jill was too. What is it with you and older women anyway?

The Chancellor Estate.

Chloe gets up and hugs Billy. She tells him she love him too and that she didn’t think she would ever see this day.

Billy: It means the world to me we are going to be a family. You, me and Delia in a new city with a new start. No more judgmental baggage. We found our way back to each other.

Chloe: But in that we lost something Billy. Our child.” She says as her eyes begin to water up.

Chloe: I think we need to have a service for our baby. It was a boy. Did you know that? We were going to have a baby boy.” She says as she gathers some white candles and begins to light them.

Billy: Wow. No I didn’t. A son. Wow. Chloe I’m so sorry for all of this. I should never have put you in this position.

Chloe: Billy I love you. We are together now. Nothing else matters.” They sit in silence and look into the candle light mourning the loss of their baby together. They hold each other.



Roxanne’s Apt.

Roxanne: Jealous? Boy bye.

Nate: So I’m here, again.

Roxanne: I’ve missed you. I really wanted to see you.

Nate: Why Roxanne?

Roxanne: What’s up with you this evening?

Nate: Just been doing a lot of thinking. My life and the direction I’m going in.

I don’t like what I see Roxanne. This is not who I am.

Roxanne: What do you mean?

Nate: This secret... Moses true paternity. I went against medical ethics and changed those results from Malcolm to Nate due to my selfish ill feelings of Malcolm. I just don’t like him, he’s a loser and doesn’t deserve to be a father. But who am I to make that call on behalf of Moses? This eats at me every day Rox. I’m depressed. My mom is going to be so disappointed in me let alone Uncle Neil. Then its you.” He looks at her.

Roxanne: Me?

Nate: I’m in love with you Roxanne. But you belong to Devon. I ask my self what am I doing here? What am I doing at all?

Roxanne: Nate I’m sorry I’m putting you through this. This is hard for me to. Learning I got a new family. Dealing with the public humiliation. I just needed you tonight. Being around you makes me feel good. Its an escape.” Nate looks at her. She looks at him and they move closer toward each other. She begins to massage his big broad shoulders.

Roxanne: You are a whole lotta man you know that?

Nate smiles at her. “ You like that?” He pulls her even closer to him and kisses her softly on her lips. They pull back but still look into each others eyes. She leans in and kisses him again, this time more passionately.

Meanwhile outside Roxanne’s apt door is Hillary with her ear pressed to a glass that is agaqinst the door so she can eavesdrop on everything taking place inside. Hillary then feels a tap on her shoulder. She is startled then drops the glass and it shatters. Hillary sees Devon.

imagesCAMMDZHMsoapoprah.jpgDevon: Who are you and what are you doing out here?














1 Comment

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  • Members

Good episode!!

I like how you have introduced Hilary and her sudden fascination with Roxanne.

Noxanne is the new supercouple.

The office at Chancellor sounded like a meeting at an office. I liked that. Sounded like they were really at work.

Great nod to history with Glo by Jabot and Gloria's relationship with John Abbott.

The dialogue is great in this episode...keep it up!!

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