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Victor& Victoria's Jailhouse Reunion!



thCAPO8O6U.jpgVictoria is at the Police station being booked. She is fingerprinted, photo taken and put into an orange jump suit. Nikki and Nick barges into the police station.

Nikki: Oh my God Victoria. I’m here darling. Don’t you worry we are going to get you out of here.

Nick: Be Strong Vic.

Victoria is escorted into the holding area. She sees Victor. Victor is absolutely stunned. Victoria is put into a cell across from Victor.

Victor: What the hell is going on?thCAVW0S45.jpg


Episode 115 Victor& Victoria's jailhouse Reunion!

Written by ML Cooks

Co Head Writer: C Nate Richardson

Story Editor: Martin Saenz

Genoa City Memorial

a894db85_zpsc0dd912f.jpgEsther is sitting by Chloe’s side when Olivia walks in. She smiles at them. Olivia tells Chloe she is there to release her from the hospital and begins to give her instructions for post hospital care. Chloe takes a deep breath and looks at her mother.

Esther: its ok Kate. I’m going to be here every step of the way. Esther holds her as Chloe wipes a tear from her eye. Chloe looks Olivia.

Chloe: Can you tell what it was?

Olivia: I’m not understanding;

Chloe: My baby, was it a boy or girl?

Olivia: A boy.

Chloe sheds another tear. She tells her self she can do this. Esther helps her out of bed and helps Chloe gather her things. Up. Before walking out Olivia tells Chloe she wants her to schedule an appointment for a follow.

Police Station. Victoria and Victor look at each other. Victor is in disbelief.

Victor: What the hell is going on here? You’re back in town and in jail?

Vickie: Nice to see you to dad. I heard about what happened at your trial.

Victor: No my dear. Tell me why the hell you are in here.

Vickie: Well this is going to make you very happy.” She turns away from him unable to admit defeat of sorts where Billy concerned.

Victor: Darling please don’t tell me this has something to do with Billy Boy.

Victoria: I caught him, in bed with Chloe as I returned home.

Victor: I’ll kill him. I still don’t get why you are here.

Victoria: I lost control dad. I was so angry. I was confused. I felt this rage and I attacked Chloe. I tired to hit him but she was in the way. We ended up by the stair case and … ( She gets emotional) dad she fell down.“

Victor: Dear god. Is she alright or what?

Victoria: She miscarried. They didn’t know she was pregnant.

Victor: So the police think you pushed Chloe down the stairs and that’s why you are here?

Vickie: Yes, she says wiping tears from her face.

He tells her its good to see her and she is as beautiful as ever but not under these circumstances.

“I’m going to get Avery Clark to get you the hell out of here, this is outrageous! I will not have my daughter spend one night in this place!” He calls out for a guard.

Meanwhile, Esther ushers Chloe out the hospital amongst the frenzy of media reporters.


Chancellor Estate. Kay puts the newspaper down as Murphy sits down in the living room and sips on some tea with Kay. He asks her if there is anything good in the news paper.

Kay: What else? This mess with Billy and Chloe. Such a shame.

Murphy: I agree. They lost a child.

Kay: Very sad. I warned Billy to stay away from Chloe.

Murphy: Now I want to warn you. you’re not going to like this but Katherine I am being serious when I say Tucker is up to something. I can feel it in my gut and my gut has never been wrong.

Kay: Murphy here we go again. I don’t know what to say other than I will talk to him. I am going to prove you wrong. My son is not up to anything. He’s a changed man.

Murphy: Only time will tell.

Tucker’s Penthouse. LlsHDNXzQr2OtKzyC9GISg3777soapoprah.jpgTucker is sitting at his desk looking at reports on McCall industries. He gets a call. “ Really? … Good work boys. Look for a bonus when I wire this money as I appreciate your timeliness and your discretion.” Tucker puts the phone down and smiles.

“ Time to celebrate “ He says as he walks over to his bar and pours himself a drink. He put the glass in the air to toast with himself and says “ Good bye Katherine Chancellor” He drinks his drink toasting in his plans to bring Kay down….

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