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Diary Room Entries



Nakomis: Will and Alison are nominated for eviction and I have to say Rachel did a good job with the nominees. I would not want to be in her shoes. Both of them are annoying and both are good players so at this point, I could care less who goes.

Hardy: Will is nominated, what a joke. Totally made my day. I still can't stand that putz. Today we have the Veto competition and Alison picks Nathan of course. It's sickening because he follows her around like a dog in heat. Rachel chooses James.

Marvin: I have to say, Alison is smokin hot in a bikini but she is so annoying. The sound of her voice makes my toenails curl. Rob and Amber are explaining what the competition will be, which is really a ring toss. Except you want to get the others loaded up first and make sure yours is last. Last one standing wins.

James: Will shocked me because he said,

Dr Will: Why even bother doing this, just give it to James. I never bothered watching any of them but that Kaysar guy said that James wins everything so just give it to him. I start fighting with that moron Rob who thinks he is God's gift because he got CBS to spring for a wedding and I tell him I won't compete in the moronic event. So I finally choose and I choose Hardy and tell Hardy that he hust knock me out.

James: Which made me laugh so hard.

Alison: I don't know what game that Dr Will is playing. But James won the Veto and I am going to have to start paying some attention to him. Maybe brush up to him and what not.

James: I thought coming in here that Dr WIll would be the one to get rid of first but I might like to keep him around for entertainment value alone. Plus, Alison is getting a little too close for comfort.

Chiara: You know, Amy calls me a whore, has she taken a look at Alison lately? Alison was at the pool and she accidently on purpose had her top of her bikini fall down in front of James. Nathan was also right there which I am sure did not please her. So I decided to do the nice thing and took him to the hammock and we spend quite a long time getting to know each other over there. *sigh* He has really soft lips.

Jack: We have some very smart people in this house. James. Nakomis. Janelle may act dumb but she is very smart. Dr Will obviously is very cunning. Alison. Rachel is very smart. I need to align myself with some of these people before they decide to take the old guy out. Nakomis and I are tight, and and Will Wikle is a third with us but I don't know how strong he will stay with us. We need a fourth. I would like to approach Rachel and talk about that,but I think that she is too tight with Janelle and James. We will see.

Rachel: I left the nominations the same. I don't want to rock the boat quite yet. I think I made the right choice with Alison and Will.

Marcelleus: So much interesting stuff is going on! Chaira and Nathan are so going to do it, right under Alison's nose. Amy might have cheese withdrawals. Nicole, well I don't know long she will last under the constant putdowns of Dr Will. Oh and all the men are so hot. I have to say, Hardy is so cute!

Janelle: Well, things seem to be going well for me. I am trying to stay under the radar for now and be friendly to everyone. I do not want to antagonize anyone. I am here to win.

Amy: I want some cheese

Rachel: Interesting thing happened to me in the HOH room today. A TV screen came up and I see Rob and Amber. They tell me I can choose to keep this to myself or tell everyone. At this time I am not sure what I am going to do. Anyway, one person from my season has been watching the live feeds and I can ask them five yes or no questions. The person can answer them truthfully or not. The person I get is Jennifer.

Nathan: I really hate getting jerked around. Alison is just being such a pain in the ass. Chaira is using me too just to get back at Alison. I realize that. She hates Alison and will do anying too annoy her. Who am I to turn down a couple kisses?

Marvin: Come to think of it, Janelle is more smokin hot. The way she looks makes me want to hmmmmmm

Dr Will: Why am I here? Oh because I want to beat James.

James: Dr Will is by far my biggest competition. I have to eliminate him.

Rachel: So I ask Jennifer if there are any secret alliances. She says yes. I ask her if they are between people I trust, she says yes. I ask her if there are any romances between people that I am unawre of and she says no. I ask her if people want to vote Alison out and she says no. I ask her if James is a real threat to me and she says no. Do I believe her? I think their may be a grain of truth, but not much. This is Jennifer.

Nicole: I want Jeff, my husband.

Marcellus: I keep hearing Nicole say that she wants Jeff her husband, I want Jeff Probst.

Will Wikle: I am getting annoyed with the fact that people aren't cleaning the kitchen more. I actually helped Nicole clean, and I mean scrub that kitchen. She wants me to join up with her and Hardy and align withher but I have already commited myself to Nakomis and Jack. Which I think is smart. Jack will not back down. He is solid. I may approach them about seeing if Nicole and Hardy could align with us.

Dr Will: I think it's time for me to go to sleep, or see what James is up too. I will not go to sleep unless he is.

Good night everyone.


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