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Ashely testifies agaisnt Victor!



Ashley takes the stand. Spencer Walsh stands up and buttons up his button on his blazer. Victor look at Ashley and wonders is she going to testify against him or for him.

Spencer: thumbnailCAMJK5ZL.jpgMs. Abbott you were once married to the Victor Newman correct?

Ashley;ashley.jpg A few times. Most recently about a few years ago.

Spencer: How did the marriage end?

Ashley; The last one ended when his son Adam Newman played tricks on everyone in town including me. He made me think I saw the ghost of Victor’s other deceased wife Sabrina Costelna. Adam even dressed up as Sabrina to haunt me.

Spencer; This really isn’t about Adman Newman. Adam is missing. But more so about Victor. Victor and you brother are business rivals?

Ashley: They are.

Spencer: Tell me more how so? What happened during this rivalry?

Ashley: Some despicable things. Victor bought shares of jabot. Victor hired Patty Williams to get inside Jabot and the Abbot family and Patty who went by Mary Jane, shot Victor, and Colleen died trying to escape her. Victor did all of that.

Victor closes his eyes and looks upwards

Ashley wipes a tear from her eye.

Spencer: Yet you married this man twice?

Ashley; Yes. I loved him. But his crimes have to stop against my family. He uses money and his power to out do Jack whenever he can. It nearly destroyed my family. He kidnapped my nephew and kept him away from his daughter while she had a bout with Leukemia. Victor can be a monster. He’s made it very clear he does not like Jack or Billy.”

Judge Mathis shakes his head and looks at Victor who has his eyes closed looking up.

Mathis pounds his gavel : Excuse me sir, I know you are not sleep”judge-mathis.jpg

Victor opens his eyes and looks at Judge Mathis

Victor:Victor_Newman.jpg No your honor.

Judge: Well good. You need to be hearing all of this sir.

Spencer: No further questions your honor.

Judge: Your witness Ms. Clark.

As Avery is about to stand up Victor stops her sand shakes his head.. Avery, Rafe and Leslie look at each other in confusion.


Episode 89: Ashley testifies against Victor

Written by ML Cooks

Malcolm gets a knock on his door. He opens it up and sees Cane and the twins. Malcolm sees Cane has a black eye

Malcolm; Damn bro who dotted your eye?malcolm-1.jpg

Cane: Your brother. He blames me for Sophia’s death.cane.jpg

Malcolm: Man don’t even say it. I can’t come to terms with it right now.

Cane: I came by so you can see the kids.

Malcolm smiles and picks up Maddie. He holds her in him arms and smiles.

Malcolm; This is my grand daughter.”

Cane smiles too: Your right.

Malcolm: My granddaughter.” He puts Maddie in her stroller.

Cane: You holding up ok?

Malcolm: I just been laying low man. Know whata I’m sayin’? I just can’t believe Soph is gone. Our last conversation was not nice man. I feel bad. So damn bad. I did love her Cane I did.” Malcolm begins to has tears run down his face. Cane gives him a hug.

Cane: It’s ok man. I am sure she is looking down and she hears you.” Malcolm just cries as he can only think about how rude he was to Sophia the last time he saw her.

Back at Court.

Avery: Victor what are you doing?

Victor: I don’t want you to question her ummmk?

Avery: Victor I have to. This is crucial to your case. You are facing the death penalty.

Victor: I’m not worried about that. I will not be put to death. I will beat these charges with out you questioning Ashley.

Leslie: Victor, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You life is on the line.

Rafe: She’s right. Ashley did some serious damage to you.

Victor: Just do as I ask. I pay you to do as I ask. Trust me. No one will beat me. Not even Spencer Walsh and this Judge Mathis celebrity judge. He’s a mockery.

Judge Mathis pounds his gavel

“I don’t have all day. Let’s get it cracking.”

Avery standing up: Your honor we have no question for Mrs. Abbott.”

The courtroom is stunned and people chatter amongst them selves. As Ashley steps down she looks at Victor but Victor has his eyes closed with his face frowned look toward the ceiling.

Leslie whisper to Avery : This is not looking good for Victor.

Avery; I know. A very big mistake.

Back at Malcolm’s. Malcolm pulls back and wipes his tears. He sits on the couch.

He talks to Cane

“I’m so confused. Sophia and I were happy but she had an affair with Neil. And now look at her. She’s gone. And Moses doesn’t have a father. Damn Neil.

Cane: Malcolm as mush as I dislike your brother, this was a twisted accident. Sophia was trying not to hit Phyllis.”

Malcolm: Why the hell was Phyllis riding down a hill in a wheel chair. It makes no sense. She can’t see. This was no accident.

Cane: Maybe your right. It makes no sense that Phyllis would be riding down a hill in a wheel chair.

Malcolm: If it wasn’t for Neil she would be with us still. She would have never been by that hospital. She would be here with me, with our son the second child Neil stole from me. He had everything and still take from me and I’m tired of it Cane. I blame him for Sophia’s death and nothing will change that.

Cane: Malcolm your just in mourning. I’ll be by tomorrow and maybe we can take the twins to Playdom. it’s a brand new place for kids, you know with rides and animals.

Malcolm: Yea man we’ll see.

Cane: Leslie will be here soon right?

Malcolm: She been pulling long hours at Victor’s trial.

Cane: Uh yes that’s right. Well man shoot me a call if you need anything.” Cane grabs the pushes the stroller out Malcolm’s and leaves with t he twins. Malcolm sits on the couch still thinking about how mad he is at Neil.

“Damn you Neil!”

Back at the Court.

Judge Mathis regains order of his court room.

Mathis: Mr. Walsh call your next witness.

Spencer: Your honor the state calls John Abbott Jr. to the stand.

Jack smiles from ear to ear. He looks at Nikki and gives her a kiss.

Victors face cringes at hearing Jacks name. He takes a deep huff and gets a very bored look on his face.

Jack to Nikki:Jack.jpgimagesCA8ORWACsoapoprah.jpg I’ve been waiting for this all my life. I’m going to destroy Victor Newman once and for all. He is going to pay for hurting me and my family.” Jack gets up and walks up to the stand flashing his pearly white smile at Victor as Jack’s face begins to turn red.

Mathis interrupts the bailiff before he swares

Jack in.

“You look a little bit too happy to be here today.”

Jack: I am your honor. It’s time to for justice to be served.” Jack raises his right hand

Victor: Spare Me.


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