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ANOTHER WORLD 90 Grant sees Jack as a threat




Grant sees Jack as a threat


Frankie is there when Kirkland walks in.

Frankie: Kirkland hi. How are you?

Kirkland (looking around): Wow I haven’t seen this office since I was little. My Uncle Ryan worked here with you right?

Frankie (smiling): He sure did. I’ll never forget him. Hey congratulations on your running for mayor.

Kirkland: Thank you.

Frankie: What brings you by?

Kirkland: That’s what I came to talk to you about.

Charlie walks in unheard by Kirkland.

Kirkland: I want you to dig into my father’s past.

Charlie angrily accosts Kirkland.

Charlie: Oh no you DON’T!

Jake now walks in.

Frankie: Charlie what’s wrong?

Charlie: He wants you to dig into Grant’s past so he can get revenge against him!

Kirkland: Charlie come on…

Charlie: NO! I’m not gonna let you use my mother in your feud with your dad!

Jake walks up to Kirkland.

Jake: Kirkland is that true?



Paulina answers the door…and it’s Jack Snyder…

Paulina: Jack. Come in.

Jack: How are you?

Paulina: I’m okay I suppose. Can I get you something?

Jack: No…I suppose.

Paulina: What brings you to my house? I didn’t call the police.

Jack (smiling): I just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing. I didn’t hear from you for a little while.

Paulina: I’m fine, but you could’ve called and asked that. Why did you decide to drop by?

Jack: Umm…cop’s instinct.

Paulina (smiling): About what?

Jack: I get the feeling everything isn’t right with you.

Paulina: You know what…you’re right. I’m not okay…at all.



Rachel stands at the glass doors when Carl comes from behind her and puts his arms around her waist.

Rachel: I still can’t believe you’re here.

Carl: I can.

Rachel: Someone’s gonna need to pinch me so I can make sure that this isn’t a dream.

Carl: You and my children kept me going. You kept me alive.

Rachel: We said good-bye to you. We all thought we would never see you again.

Carl: Evan kept me alive in the hospital.

Rachel: I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that he and Frankie are twins. I thought Howard Battis was Evan’s father.

Carl: Janice and I had a fling. She got pregnant and never told me. She passed Evan off as Howard’s baby, and her other egg was planted in Emma.

Rachel: Wow you’re sowing your seeds everywhere huh?

Carl: Five children, and two of them are dead…thanks to Grant.





Frankie: Charlie what’s going on?

Jake: Kirkland can I talk to you outside please?

Kirkland: Sure.

Jake and Kirkland leave.

Charlie: Mom don’t take any job that he’s offering. All he wants is to get revenge on Grant.

Frankie: Grant moved heaven and earth to take him away from Vicky and Jake. I understand why he’s angry.

Charlie: I don’t. I was angry at you for so long, but when I saw Felicia’s crying over Mitch, I realized my grudge was petty.

Frankie: That’s commendable, but everybody’s not the same. Kirkland seems very angry at Grant.

Charlie: And I don’t want him using you to fuel his anger.

Frankie: I’m a big girl I can take care of myself. I guess what I would want to know is how deep are your feelings for Kirkland?

Charlie: I like him, but he has to give up this vendetta. I don’t want to be with someone consumed with anger like that.

Frankie: Does he like you?

Charlie: Yeah I believe he does. Don’t get me wrong mom, I like him.

Frankie: Then don’t let anything stand in your way. Go for it. Don’t end up like your father and me.



Jake: Can you tell me what’s going on buddy?

Kirkland: I’m running for mayor.

Jake: To get back at Grant?

Kirkland: Something like that.

Jake: So you’re telling me it has nothing to do with what Grant did when you were younger.

Kirkland: So what are you gonna do Jake? Are you gonna try to talk me out of it, too?

Jake: You can run for mayor, but not to get back at Grant. I mean if it were anyone else I’d say go for it, but Grant? You know how your father can be.

Kirkland: And that’s why I’ve gotta crush him. I’m gonna do what I need to do.

Jake: I think you need to be careful when it comes to Grant, especially on this level.

Kirkland: I can handle my dad. I want him to pay for what he’s done. He’s hurt so many people. He killed my uncle Ryan.

Jake: Kirkland it’s not….it’s not up to you to deal out justice. Let everything play itself out. You need to live your life. Seems like Charlie is really into you.

Kirkland: I don’t think so. She wants me to give up running for mayor.

Jake: She sees that it’s going to hurt you…and so do I. You can’t be like Grant. Vicky and I didn’t raise you that way.

Kirkland: Well I’m not that little boy anymore. You might have to get used to the fact that I can be just as ruthless and heartless as my dad.



Carl and Rachel have made their way to the couch. Carl holds Rachel in his arms as they stare at the ceiling.

Rachel: How do you think Grant is involved in Evan’s death?

Carl: I don’t have any proof Rachel. Just a gut feeling.

Rachel: Well…we just got ya back. Are you gonna go on some revenge tirade like you did before?

Carl: I feel the same way now as I did after Ryan was killed.

Rachel: Evan was sick. He kidnapped Amanda, and his own sister.

Carl: He couldn’t have acted alone in carrying this out. Back and forth from Bay City to St. Croix. Someone was helping him.

Rachel: And you think that person was Grant?

Carl: I have no doubt in my mind. It’s time for Grant to pay…and he will…one way or the other.



Grant walks up to the door and notices Paulina and Jack talking. He decides not to interrupt, and eavesdrop.

Jack: I didn’t think so. What’s wrong?

Paulina: Honestly it’s…getting a bit lonely around here.

Jack: What about Dante?

Paulina: He’s going to the Police Academy, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

Jack: Well the Police Academy might be good for him.

Paulina: No it’s not Jack. There’s no way!

Jack: I mean I came out okay right?

Paulina: His father didn’t. My husband didn’t. I don’t want him to end up like Joe. He’s all I have left in Bay City.

Jack: He seems like a smart kid. He’ll be fine.

Paulina: Remy is living her life out of town. Joe’s dead. Now my son is going off to the Police Academy. It seems like every time I love someone, they leave me one way or the other.

Jack: What about Grant?

Grant listens more intently.

Paulina: Why would you ask me about Grant?

Jack: It’s just a question. You said you’re lonely and it seems like he has strong feelings for you.

Paulina: I’m taking that day by day.

Jack: That’s understandable after all the things he’s supposedly done.

Paulina: I’d like to think he’s changed, but there’s something not sitting right with me.

Jack: As I told you before, if you want me to help you, just say the word.



Grant: I see Jack Snyder’s gonna be a problem.




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Great chapter. I especially liked the Jake/Kirkland talk, and Frankie as a PI. So will Jack be torn between Vicky and Paulina?

I think Carl has six kids, with Perry, but I can't keep track anymore :P

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