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ANOTHER WORLD 87 Vicky and Stacey clash




Vicky and Stacey clash


Kirkland gets off of the elevator, notices Charlie, and runs up to her....

Kirkland: CHarlie...glad you're here.

Charlie: Well the feeling's not mutual and I'd like to enjoy the rest of my break.

Kirkland: Can you give me five minutes?

Charlie (sighing): Time's running out.

Kirkland: Come on Charlie don't be like that.

Charlie: Why not?

Kirkland: Because we have feelings for each other.

Charlie: I don't want to be around a person who's consumed with hatred. I know what that's like and it's a sickening feeling.

Kirkland: How I feel about my father has nothing to do with how I feel about you. I love you.

Charlie shoots a stunned, yet touched, look to Kirkland.



John and Gregory eat dinner in the kitchen.

John: I'm glad you're walking again son.

Gregory: I'm glad, too. I can start playing football again.

John: You should be careful before you start playing again. I'm gonna consult with the school doctors.

Gregory: Come on dad. This is why I've worked so hard to start using my legs again. I couldn't have done this without your help...and Lindsay's.

John notices a smile when Greg mentions Lindsay.

John: So...uh you and Lindsay have been seeing each other huh?

Gregory: Yeah dad. She's a great girl. You don't seem enthused about it.

John: Hmm it's nothing.

Gregory: Come on dad, be honest. You don't agree that I'm seeing Lindsay do you?



Lindsay is walking from the coffee shop, and runs into Stacey. Lindsay tries to walk the other way, but Stacey grabs Lindsay's arm.

Lindsay: Mom you're gonna make me spill my coffee!

Stacey: I'll buy you another damn cup. You're not going to be avoid this much longer. I am not going to stop until I get through to you.

Lindsay: I don't wanna talk about it anymore. I know what I have to do.

Stacey: Do NOT tell him that he's your father.

Lindsay: Let me ask you something mom. Why do you want so badly to stop me? What are you hiding?

Vicky walks up to them.

Vicky: Wow Stacey Winthrop, (turning to Lindsay) I'm Vicky McKinnon.

Lindsay: Hi. I'm Lindsay.

Stacey: Lindsay let's go somewhere more private.

Lindsay: I'm gonna be late for work mom.

Vicky: So that's your daughter huh? Is that why you're here? To cause more trouble.

Stacey: Vicky not right now okay.

Vicky: I'd like to know, though, the same thing your daughter wants to..what ARE you hiding?




Charlie: It...it has everything to do with it. You can't love me and hate Grant all at the same time. He's your father for God's sake. Didn't you learn anything from when we thought Mitch Blake died?

Kirkland: You don't understand the things that Grant has done to my mom and me.

Charlie: You just don't get it do you?

Charlie tries to walk away and Kirkland grabs her arm.

Charlie: Let me go!

Cass notices and releases Charlie from Kirkland's grip.

Cass: What the hell are you doing to my daughter?

Kirkland lets her go.

Kirkland: I'm sorry. I'll leave.

Cass: Good idea.

Cass then turns to Charlie.

Cass: Did he hurt you honey?

Charlie: No. I gotta get back to work.


Kirkland dials his Genoa City, Wisconsin contact....262-555-0987.

Kirkland: Hey...I really need to talk to you.



John: She IS part of the Winthrop family, and they can't be fully trusted.

Gregory: Look dad I know about your run ins with Cass and Stacey in the past, but that has nothing to do with Lindsay. She helped me recover.

John: She's a physical therapist. That's her job.

Gregory: Well I really like her and she likes me.

John: Listen. You need to be careful. I don't want you to get hurt.

Gregory: Lindsay would never hurt me.

John: You need to take your time and get to know her before you get too involved with your feelings.

Gregory: Are you saying I should find out everything about her?

John: Son you'll never know everything about anyone. Just get to know her a little better. That's all I'm saying.

Gregory: It's funny because when I ask Lindsay about her mother, she always changes the subject, like she's hiding something. I wonder what she's keeping something from me?



Stacey: What goes on between my daughter and me is none of your business.

Vicky: You must be destroying her life like you did my parents.

Stacey: You know what I'm not gonna get into this with you right now. It happened over twenty years ago.

Vicky: You know I'm glad you left Bay City, and you should have stayed gone.

Stacey: You're still mad about Donna and Michael losing custody of Mikey. My God Vicky don't you think it's time to grow up?

Vicky: Oh I get it. You couldn't have a baby at the time, and I had one with Jamie, so you decided to take Mikey away from my parents to punish me.

Stacey: You're an evil bitch! I will NEVER forget losing Megan.

Vicky: And I'll never forget what you did to my family. I hope you're not staying here long.

Stacey: I don't operate on your timetable. I will stay as long as it takes to help my daughter.

Stacey walks away from Vicky, who is unaware that what Stacey knows can turn Vicky's family upside down again.



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Loved the Stacey/Vicky scenes!

Was John talking about Stacey taking Mikey or was he referring to something else?

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Yes John was talking about taking Mikey from his brother and Sister in law...and Cass going after them about the malpractice lawsuit in 1995, and when Cass was trying to free Felicia for Jason Frame's murder

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