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ANOTHER WORLD 85 Enemies are confronted




Enemies are confronted


Cass is there looking over papers while Donna sits across from him.

Donna: I got the papers yesterday.

Cass: E.L. Industries?

Donna: Yes. They want to be the principal investor.

Cass: Looks like they’re fronting most of the money.

Donna: Yeah I had been thinking about this for a long time.

Cass: Reopening the Harbor Club?

Donna: I had to close it down because the economy got so bad, but I think it’s time now.

Cass: These papers look legit. You should be able to move ahead with the re-opening.



Cory, as “Sculptorsson” is on his laptop chatting with someone named “ILLfarmgirl”.

Cory: Are you planning to visit Bay City?

ILLfarmgirl: I may come to see my dad.

Cory: Your dad’s here?

ILLfarmgirl: Yes.

Cory: You’re picture’s cute.

ILLfarmgirl: Yours too. I hope we can get to know each other better.

Cory: Me, too.

Rachel walks into the living room.

Cory: Hey mom.

Amanda now walks into the living room.

Rachel: Have you seen your father?

Cory: I thought he would be with you.

Rachel: I woke up and he wasn’t there.

Bay City Center

Iris is on her cell phone in front of the fountain.

Iris: I’ll be right there.

Iris hangs up her phone, walks away, and someone wearing a brown hooded monk’s sweatshirt follows her.




Donna: My God I’m getting so excited about this.

Cass: You’re gonna help a lot of people.

Donna: I’ve waited years for this. Business wasn’t what it was in the 90s. That’s why I had to close it down but, I’m gonna re-open it. Finally.

Cass: I’ll file the papers and I’ll notify you.

Donna: This should lift Nicole’s spirits, too.

Cass: It definitely should.

Donna: So many things that Reginald has done to us, this is definitely a way out from under his thumb.



Reginald is on the phone.

Reginald: Did you set everything up? (beat) Good.



Cory: Why would dad leave the house without telling you?

Amanda: It is odd that Carl that would do that. After all, he’s just returned to his family.

Rachel: I have no idea why.

Amanda: Well it wouldn’t be the first time he abandoned his family.

Rachel: I am not going to have you talk about Carl like that in front of my son!

Cory: Why not mom? He’s my dad. I should know what he’s capable of.

Amanda: Carl hasn’t even been back that long and he’s out doing God knows what. What kind of husband is he?

Rachel: I think it’s time for you to leave.

Amanda: I think it’s time for you to face who and what Carl really is. He always has an agenda to carry out, and to hell with his family! How can you let him treat you like this?

Rachel: I know exactly who and what my husband is.

Amanda: I hope you wake up, before it’s too late.

Amanda leaves the living room and Rachel turns to Cory.

Rachel: I’m sorry about that.

Cory: About what mom?

Rachel: The things Amanda said about your father.

Cory: Maybe she’s right.

Rachel: I beg your pardon?

Cory: You need to see dad for who he really is, because I’m starting to.



Iris, holding a glass of wine, opens the door…and Grant walks in. After Grant walks in, the man with the brown hooded sweatshirt watches…

Iris: What’s going on? You sounded serious on the phone.

Grant: Our worst nightmare has come true.

Iris: Oh you’re conceding the election to your own son.

Grant: This is no time for jokes.

Iris: Then what is it?

Grant: Carl Hutchins is back in Bay City.

Iris (dropping her glass): What do you mean back in Bay City?

Grant: I told the hospital to let him go. Besides Evan was getting out of control.

Iris: I agree with the Evan part but letting Carl go was a stupid idea.

Grant: You should be happy about what I’ve done.

Iris: And why should I? Carl has not changed over the years. He is still the same dangerous man that tried to kill my father.

Grant: He’s here now, and that way we can keep an eye on him.

Someone knocks on the door, and Iris opens it. A man walks in with a big chef hat looking down pushing a cart in. The cart has a plate with a dome on top of it.

Grant: Did you order room service?

Iris: No I…didn’t. It’s YOU!

The person takes off the hat and looks up at Grant and Iris…

Grant: Carl Hutchins.

Carl faces them, removes the dome, and points a gun at them.

Carl: Hello my fine feathered…enemies.



Recommended Comments

  • Members

Those last scenes are fantastic!

Wow Amanda is a huge bitch, stirring the pot that way because Carl left the house.

Sculptorsson is clever.

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  • Members

Amanda still harbors ill will toward Carl, because he has left Rachel hanging before...and this is affecting Cory's opinion of Carl...

thanks for reading!!

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