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Episode 72: Slapfest 2012: Kay vs Nikki!




At Jabot. Tucker walks into Jacks office and takes a seat as Jack wraps up a call on the phone.

Jack: Tuck Tuck. Thanks for stopping by.

Tucker: Tuck Tuck?

Jack: Just like Jackie.

Tucker: You’re in a great mood. Jackie. What’s on you mind?

Jack: This alliance to take out Victor Newman and Newman Enterprises. We can’t do this by ourselves. We have to involve more people who will all play active roles in this plan to take Katherine out of Newman and then destroy Newman.

Tucker: Good. Katherine can’t have all the power in this town.

Jack: Katherine has no business taking Victor’s side.

Tucker: We are we talking about?

Jack: My whole family, Murphy, Nikki, you, Phyllis.

Tucker: Nikki will be in this too?

Jack: Yes.

Tucker: That’s quite a coup.

Jack: I know. Victor will go down at any cost. This has to end.


Episode 72: Slapfest 2012: Kay vs. Nikki

Written by ML Cooks

At the GCAC, Avery knocks on Cane’s door. He opens it and is happy to see Avery. He invites her in

Avery: So listen I have some good news for you.

Cane; What’s that?

Avery; We won’t be needing a judge and a court date to get your twins back.

Cane: What do you mean?

Avery: Neil broke the law by taking your kids away from you. He has no legal right to your twins. So in effect he kidnapped them.

Cane: Wow. The high and mighty Neil Winters broke the law.

Avery: He did. Now it’s up to you how you want to proceed. You can press charges and take Charlie an Maddie from him.

Cane smiles. He then engulfs her in a hug.

Cane: Thank you so much. After losing my mother, my father in jail and own my kids have been taken from me I had nothing. But you gave me a glimmer of a better tomorrow for me Avery.” He hugs her and then time kisses her again. She returns the kiss as she is attracted to this Aussie Hunk.

Back at Jabot

Jack: For too long Victor Newman has been systematically destroying the Abbot family. I see a chance to take revenge and I’m going to take it. I’m going to take everything that is near to that rotten Bastard.

Tucker: Does that mean Nikki too?

Jack: I care for Nikki a lot. We have a history.

Tucker: I know. Is history about to repeat itself where you two are concerned?” Before Jack can answer his secretary calls him. He answers the phone and then says ok.

Jack: It seems something big is about to happen at Newman. They have a press conference.” Jack turns the TV on the local business channel.

At the Abbot Mansion Keemo walks in and sees his younger brother playing a racing game on his PS3. Keemo sits next him him. Kyle tries to ignore him. Keemo pushes him.

Kyle: Do you mind? I’m not bothering you why are you bothering me?

thumbnail2.jpgKeemo: Dude that was harsh. Why don’t you like me?

Kyle: Dad says you’re my brother. But you don’t like me. You don’t look like me at all. You look funny.

Keemo laughs: I look funny? Why because I’m half Asian?

Kyle: yea whatever. Why did you come back to Genoa City. This is supposed to be my time with dad.

Keemo: I see. Well Let me tell you this Kyle. I’m a lot older than you and I don’t need or want so much time for dad. You need him more than I do.

Kyle: So I can have him all to myself?

Keemo: I wouldn’t say that. But I’m not here to take him from you.. Listen, why don’t you put this game down and let’s go race some go karts.

Kyle: Go karts?!

Keemo: Yes. I bought us two go karts so we could hang out. I want to get to know my little brother.

Kyle: That’s so cool.” Kyle turns his game off then Keemo hands him his helmet. He runs outside and Keemo chases him.

Back at the GCAC. Nikki is in her suite watching TV when she flips through the channels and sees a press conference at Newman about to be had.

In the lobby of Newman. Jill walks to the podium as the media covers her every move.

Jill: Thank you all for coming.. I come to you with a bit of news. I want to welcome, Neil Winters, Leslie Charleson, and Ashley Abbott to the Newman Board of directors. We are turning the page and moving forward with this company.” The media and attendees applaud as Neil, Leslie and Ashley all come out to be vetted by the media.

At Jabot.

Jack: This is great news.

Tucker: Ashley being a board member at Newman is good?

Jack: Of course. We now have an inside track at Newman. We will now know what Kay is doing over there.

Tucker: The pieces are falling right into place. Victor is going down.

Back at the GCAC. Nikki is disgusted at the sight of Jill and turns the TV off. She then gets a knock on the door. She gets up and opens it. She is not very happy at all to see Kay.

Nikki: What the hell are you doing here?

Kay: Is that how you are really going to speak to me?

Nikki: You betrayed me Katherine. You betrayed me by helping Victor and kicking me and my family out of our own company. It doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to my kids.

Kay: Nikki, Victor needs help right now. I am helping him.

Nikki: Well then we have nothing to discuss. I saw that phony press conference at Newman. You replaced me with Ashley really? She used to be married to Victor and has a child with him. This is truly an insult. I will never forgive you. In fact I am going to take back what belongs to my children.

Kay: How do you propose in doing that Nikki?

Nikki: Just watch me old woman

Kay: Nikki I must warn you, you should ask Jill before going up against me.

Nikki slaps Kay. Kay is stunned.

Nikki: That’s what I think bout your threat Katherine Chancellor

Kay slaps Nikki back. Nikki is stunned at her slap again.

Kay: Nikki that’s enough. You hit me on live TV. You hit Katherine Chancellor. The first one was a mistake I’m sure. But this is enough. I will not stand for this.

Nikki slaps Kay again and then pushes her towards the door.

Nikki: Got to Hell Katherine. This is war.” Nikki pushes Katherine out her room and slams the door in her face.thumbnailCATYS74J.jpgimagesCA8ORWACsoapoprah.jpg


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