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Exposed! ep 141



Westwood Park, Ria’s House

Natalia knocks on Ria’s door. Ria opens it up.


“Hey girl. It’s good to see you.” Ria hears the Bryan’s crying in their stroller behind Natalia.


“Girl, I’m not feeling no chill’rens right now. My stories are on girl. I’m trying to find out who killed Diane Jenkins and just who exactly is the real Todd Manning.”


“You and your soap operas I swear.” She says entering her bestfrieds house with her the double stoller.


“Girl you know I hate to be interrupted during my story time. So what is going on?”


“Well I came to see how you were. I have not seen you in a wile. I’ve been so caught up with Bryan, Sabryn and her trial.”


“I’ve been ok. Just taking it day by day. Watching my soaps keeps my mind of my own problems.”


“Well watching your soaps is not helping the cause. So what’s next? Are you going to get treatment for this breast cancer?”


“I have not gotten that far. I’ve been so scared. I don’t know what to do I just can’t’ believe this is happening to me.” Natalia walks over and gives Ria a hug as Bryan Jr the 1st begins to cry.


“Damn girl. Can’t you shut that damn baby up!?”


“It’s Sabryn’s big headed son who keeps being a cry baby. I don’t know what to do. He won’t shut up. I can’t live my life because all he wants to do is be a cry baby like his mother.”


“Well you ever think he needs his real mother Nat? With as much as Bryan charges for his whack as drinks at his club, he need to be hiring you a baby sitter or nanny or something.”


“It’s all about my son. And keeping my family together. I am doing this for my son. You’re right though. Bryan is making a killing of his notorious expensive drinks at his club. I should be able to live out my life to. I should hire a nanny or something to help out with Sabryn’s bad ass son.”


“Do you really have to since Sabryn is going to jail right?”


“To be honest, I really don’t know. It’s looking like Sabryn's lawyer may beat Sabryn’s murder wrap.”


“Wow, Sabryn shot Ashley eight times in front of police. How does she get away with that?”


“I want to know the same thing. But it looks she’s about to. And the first thing she is going to do is come after me and my family. I have to be ready?”


“Well I will say Lisa is a bad ass lawyer so I am not surprised she’ll get those charges against Sabryn dropped. I will say Nat, Sabryn is a strong person. Are you going to be able to go head to head with her?”


“Ria, I’ve won so far. I got her baby’s father, I got her son, and I now got the company she once dreamed of having. Her fashion house is non existent now. I have the life she wants. She can’t touch me.”


“How can you be so sure?”


“I asked Bryan to marry me?”


“Shut up hoe! No you didn’t. How did that come about?”


“Oooo, Ria you would be so proud. I gave Bryan some good p u s s y and I think he is falling in love with me. He is showing me he cares about me. All it took is some good sex.”


“I know that’s right girl. You doin the damn thang. So what did Bryan say? Is he going to marry you?”


Episode 141: EXPOSED!

Written by ML Cooks

Story Editor: Monique Cooks

Creative Consult: Ian Hefts

Lavender Hill, Karim’s Mansion

Alexis unlocks the door and walks in. She is stunned to see Karim lying naked on a red satin sheet with rose pedals all around him and the floor. Candles are light and the lights are low. Soft music is playing in the background “So Sexual” by Sisqo. Alexis is quite impressed with the scene of romance.

“What is all of this?”


“I’m glad you came. I didn’t think you would come home.”


“And why wouldn’t I?”


“A lot has been going on between us lately. Ladonna, my father and mother, my brother’s suicide, your sister, her child. “


“It has been a lot. “


“I just wanted you to know that I love you and I believe in you. We haven’t had any “us” time. And I felt the tonight it could just be us. So why don’t you get more comfortable and lay here with me.”

Alexis is seduced. Remebering how she fell in love with Karim in the first place. His looks, his body, his sensual eyes. She takes her clothes off and lies next to Karim. He holds her.


“This feels so good Karim. I’ve missed this.”


“I’ve missed you. And I love you Alexis. I apologize about my recent behavior, my drinking and the incident with your sister.”


“So does this mean you are done drinking?”

Karim Looking into her eyes,

“Alexis, I love you, No issues. Not tonight. I just want to love you.” He kisses her passionately. He then pulls back and looks at her once more.

“Alexis I love you and I can’t wait to be a family. You have made me the happiest man in the world. Having my child, it’s something no one else can give me.”


“Karim I love you to.” She kisses him back and they lean back and make love to the music. Alexis makes sure she enjoys this love session with Karim as she knows it could be her last.

Downtown Pasadena, City Jail

Bryan walks up to Sabryn’s cell.


“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be at home with that tramp Natalia? playing house with my son?”


“That was quite a show you put on with Mike today at court.”


“Was it? The only show I was interested in was the one about me about to beat this murder rap. And you know what is going to happen next when I get out of here?”


“Yea yea same old story Sabryn. Revenge.”


“I can’t believe you are so calm. So you enjoy hurting me Bryan? The only thing I did was love you. How did we get here? Why did you do this to me? Being with Natalia and letting that low class slut raise our son? Why? What did I do to you for you to do me like this?”’


“I was scared! I thought you weren’t going to beat this murder rap Sabryn Jesus Christ you shot Ashley in front of police eight times! How do you except to get away with that? I had to do what was best for my family and Natalia was on the same page.”


“Of course that leech would be. She would do anything to get at me. She’s holding this stupid grudge against me. Well Bryan it looks like I am going to beat these charges. And you should already know when I get out of here I am coming for you and that nasty skank of yours. And of course I will obtain my son. You went too far by being with nasty Natti. That’s unforgivable to me. You have forever ruined us. My son will never know you as his father. So enjoy this time you have with him now.”


“You won’t be able to take my son away from me. I won’t let you.”


“How do you expect to stop me?”


“Well first off, you’re not the same Sabryn. This murder has really brown nosed you. You have lost everything. Your money, your power, and your respect. You don’t have that much to get my son from me.”


“And why is that? Because you had an affair with Ashley. This all stems from that. You did all of this. And I will do some error correction.”


“Natalia asked me to marry her.”’


“You Bastard! A dirty Bastard! I can’t believe I have a child with you. And what did you say? Are you going to marry that whore?”


“You’re going to marry Natalia?” He says walking in on the scene.


“This is none of your business super man.”


“I care for Sabryn. I don’t understand why you here Bryan. I have seen nothing but you hurting Sabryn. She doesn’t need you here rubbing in the fact that you are marrying her enemy.”


“I didn’t say we were getting married. I just said she asked me to marry her. This is none of your business Mike. I have a child with Sabryn and you can’t touch that. Never!”


“Not trying to my friend. It seems you are jealous.”


“Of what?”


“That Sabryn and I are moving closer and you wish it was you. You see you’re the runner up. You got Natalia. I got the grand prize, Sabryn. You have hurt Sabryn deeply and that’s just something she will never forgive. I would advise you not to waste your time coming around her.”


“Who the hell do you think you are man?” Bryan tries to punch Mike but Mike blocks his punch.

Mike, chuckling

“ There there now. Calm down. You don’t want to hit the chief of police now do you?”


“Take that title and shove it your mother’s ass Mike.”


“You know Bryan. I’ve dealt with this kind of situation before. I had to deal with Ty taking Jenn away from me. I’ve learned a thing or two from that. And let me tell you I won’t lose Sabryn to you. I mean I know it won’t even be an issue considering what you are doing to her. And look at where Ty is now, in jail. “

Bryan is furious knowing he is defeated just walks off.


“Wow Mike. You were amazing. That was amazing.”


“I’m not going to let Bryan hurt you no more.” He grabs her hands through the bars. She leans in and kisses him.


“Mike, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Divine Design

Natalia pushes the Bryan’s baby stroller into her new office. She sits at her desk and thinks about what Ria said.

“Bryan should hire you a nanny.” Sabryn’s son begins to cry and Natalia scream out in frustration.

“Shut up damn it!”

“I’m not going to deal with this. I need time to make sure Rufus doesn’t undercut me here at DD. And I have to be ready in case Sabryn is set free. I can’t do all this and raise her damn brat. And now I got Diego back in town playing games with me. I know he’s up to something.” Natalia logs onto her computer and decides to place an add on Craig’s list for a nanny.

Court is now back in session in Downtown Pasadena.

Rufus, Sabryn, Mike, Bryan, Karim, Ladonna, and Alexis are all in attendance.


“State, call your next witness.”

Jack, standing up

“Your honor, my next witness is a doctor and has an emergency at the hospital. I ask for a delay until tomorrow.”


“I see. Does the defense wish to call anybody in the mean time? We can at least get that out the way. This trial is taking to long and taking up to much tax dollars.”


“My pleasure your honor. I call Rufus Taylor to the stand.” Sabryn smile sand looks at Alexis. Alexis rolls her eyes at Sabrina and looks away. She lays her head on Karim’s shoulder and holds his hand. Ladonna notices this sweet scene of romance and is not impressed.

“Do all that while you can Alexis. Rufus is about to expose you.”

Rufus, struts himself up to the witness stand. The chatter increases, as people in the courtroom don’t know what to make of this cross dresser. Rufus is sworn in and Lisa approaches him.


“How shall I address thee?”


“I would like to be called Miss Rue. I’m a bad ass Bitch around Pasadena now. So I need to be respected in that capacity. So it’s Miss Rue.”


“I’m impressed. You know I remember you from trial’s before. You have come a long way Miss Rue. I must say you look nice.”


“Thank you. It’s been a long time coming. And I must say this is only the beginning.”

Alexis standing up

“Objection, this is supposed to be about Sabryn killing Ashley. I don’t pay my tax dollars to hear about this trannys trials and tribulations. My sister is dead; she was assassinated, being shot 8 times in front of police. I want justice damn it!”

Karim pulls Alexis back down as the judge pounds on her gavel.

“One more outburst from you Miss Jones and you will find your self behind bars.”


“She’s getting nervous.”


“Don’t start Ladonna. I have Karim and you don’t It’s that simple. Now just leave us the hell alone. Stop stalking us.”


“She’s right Donna. Just please leave us alone.”

Ladonna, with a tear forming in her eye,

“You’re going to be so sorry Karim.”


“Your honor, I have a method. This is all leading into my point. I am setting it up. Please indulge me.”


“I’ll allow it.”


“Thank you ya honor.” Lisa now walks over to the jury.


“Miss Rue, could you tell us about your relations with the deceased Ashley Jones?” Everyone in the court room leans closer, on the edge of their seats to hear what Miss Rue is about to say. No one is waiting more intently then Alexis and Ladonna.

Miss Rue

“I sure can. My relations with Ashley were not pleasant. Ashley kidnapped me and held me hostage. She held me hostage in a place where Mona was. Mona, Abe, and Sharon. It was terrible. It as something straight out of a Saw movie. Ashley kept talking about getting revenge on Sabryn and how she stalked her for months disguised as a lady in red. At the same time Mona was the lady in black. Ashley kept talking about winning Bryan. I even knew that Ashley stole Natalia’s baby, making Natalia believe that her child died when she was shot. Ashley is also the one who shot Natalia at the fashion show. You know the one where Jodie told the world she had HIV. Ashley is evil. Pure evil. Straight from hell. She even used a chain saw to sodomize me. The bitch was so insane she thought she was Jason Voorhees.”


“Wow. It seems the state left all this information out. Ashley has a record of unstable behavior. Ashley was a demented criminal herself. A menace to society. Maybe it’s a good thing justice was served with her death.” The courtroom is outrage. Alexis burst into tears and Karim holds her.


“Oh Karim. How can they just demonize my sister this way? She’s dead. She’s not her to defend herself. This is all so terrible.”


“It’s ok Lexie. I’m here for you.”


“Not for long.”

Lisa, walking over to Rue

“Can you tell us if Ashley was working alone? Was there anybody who was helping her?”

The courtroom is dead silent


“Yes.” Chatter erupts once more. Alexis’s mouth drops and she begins to sweat. Karim looks at Alexis and Ladonna can do nothing but smile out of enjoyment... The time has come.


“Is the person who helped Ashley in this courtroom right now?” A pause is had. Alexis has a burning sensation in her stomach. Karim begins to get uncomfortable as he watches Alexis squirm. He begins to wonder if everything Ladonna has been telling him for months is true.


“Yes they are!”

Alexis and the courtroom are stunned. Alexis doesn’t know what to do. She is about to be exposed. She wants to stand up and stop the proceedings but she knows if she does it will be an admission of guilt and she’ll lose Karim for sure.

“This is not supposed to happen. This is not part of the deal I made with Rufus. He’s going to betray me. I am going down!” She thinks to herself.


“Miss Rue can you identify the person who was helping Ashley? Who is the person that helped kidnapped you and also knew about Mona and all the crimes against the Williams family?” Sabryn, Mike, Bryan, Karim and Ladonna turn and look at Alexis.


“Oh My God.!” She stands up and gives Rufus a look.

Rufus smiles at her

“It was her. Alexis Jones. She knew the whole time Ashley was alive and knew the goings on about Mona. It was Alexis Jones!”


“Alexis, has finally been exposed!”



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