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Sabryn's Trial Continues! ep 140



The stakes are extremely high as we begin in Downtown Pasadena, the courthouse.

It’s a scene of chatter and confusion. zt122327ta.jpgSabryn stares Alexis down as she takes off her huge black sunglasses and her big hat on the witness stand. She is acting like a diva shaking her hair all around like she is in a sauve professionals hair commercial. She looks up and sees Sabryn looking at her with content and she flashes a smile at her. Sabryn rolls her eyes and whispers in Lisa’s ear.

“Her testimonies won’t do me any good. She is going to have me convicted.”


“Quit being a scary Mary. Never concede to defeat. Not with me as your attorney.”

jhl.jpgAlexis feels as though she is on top of her game, finally about to send Sabryn to jail for killing her sister. She has a glow about her. That is until she raises her right hand, she sees Karim standing in the back of the courtroom. Standing right behind him is Rufus. Then Ladonna walks in. Alexis shakes her head as all three take seats to listen to Alexis’ testimony.

Alexis thinks to herself

“I’m under oath and I am going to have to lie today in order to keep my man. I have to make it through this trial. I have to have Karim. I just hope Rufus keeps his end of our bargain and not expose me today in this damn court. I will for sure loose Karim. I worked to hard to lose my love now.”

Jack stands up and approaches Alexis.

It seems everyone from Sabryn to Ladonna to Rufus all have some sort of stake in the proceedings today.


Episode 140: Sabryn’s Trial Continues

Written by ML Cooks

Story Editor: Monique Cooks

Creative Consult: Ian Hefts


“State your name for the record.”


“Alexis Jones, but its Miss Jones to you if you are nasty. I am known as a Jones’ girl.”


“Objection! She’s wasting our time and tax dollars by giving long winded, fragmented unnecessary words ya honor. All she had to say was Alexis Jones.”


“Sustained. Don’t be coy Ms. Jones.”


“Alexis, the deceased, Ashley was your sister correct?”

Alexis, who forces a tear before she speaks, knowing it will gain the jury’s sympathy

“Yes. She was all I had until she was brutally assassinated.”


“What can you tell us about this rivalry between your sister and Sabryn?”


“Bryan cheated on my sister with Sabryn. It’s not as though everyone is portraying it. Ashley had Bryan first.”


“That’s a lie!” She screams standing up in an out rage.

Lisa pulls Sabryn back down in her seat.

“Calm down, it’s ok, let her say what she has to say. She’s setting herself up. Trust me I got this. I’m about to have my way with her.”


“Have you’re way? What are we going to Burger King? I don’t eat fast food, what does that mean?”


“Wow, it means I am about to wipe the floor with her face.”



Alexis continues her show

“Sabryn attacked my sister at the wedding. It was so ugly. In fact, Sabryn was the main reason why Ashley was runned over your honor. Sabryn was drunk and crashed into Bryan’s car, which then lead to Bryan running over Ashley. She wanted to kill my sister way back then. To get her out the picture so she could have Bryan for herself. Sabryn is a monster. She has everyone played. Sabryn has attacked Ashley on numerous occasions. “ Alexis really puts on the water works. Jack hands her a tissue as Alexis lets a loud moan.


“So fake.”


“Is she?”


“Hell to the yes. Can’t you see that? Oh I forgot you’re so blinded. I don’t know what she has over you.”


“She is having my child!”


“Is it yours really?”


“We will find out after this trial. She’s getting a test done to determine the paternity.”


“And then what? If it’s not yours you’re going to come back to me?”


“Yes. I love you.”


“It won’t be that easy. You really hurt me.” Karim just looks at her but then focuses back on the trial.


“That’s all I have for the witness.” Jack sits down as Lisa takes her turn with the witness. Lisa stares down Alexis as if trying to intimidate her. Or at least let her know that play time is over. Alexis can sense that it’s a new ball game and quickly gets rid of her sob story mode and switches to razor sharp mode. She knows it’s about to be a battle and she has to be careful as to what she says so she wont loose Karim. Alexis is now nervous.

Across the street, at the Jail

Jenn walks in to visit Ty. She walks up to his cell.


“Why are you here?”


“I thought I’d share some info with you.”


“I don’t want to share anything with you.”


“I thought you might like to know that Santino has taken over your operations.”


“Is that right?” How do you know?”


“The bastard told me himself.”


“I see. And why are you telling me?”


“I just thought you might like to know. In case you wanted to do something about it.”


“Do something about it? Isn’t he your lover? Didn’t you cheat on me with him? Why would you want me to do something to him? Let me guess. He dumped you?”


“He doesn’t deserve to bank on what you created. “


“Why do you care so much? Did you care when you opened your legs to him like a seven eleven, open all night.”


“Where do you get off talking to me like that? You shot me remember!? I never pressed charges against or turned you in for that.”


“It was an accident. You were at the wrong place at the wrong time.”


“And that’s all you have to say about that? That’s your excuse? You can do better than that Ty. “


“Jenn, I wish you would leave.”

Jenn looking at her one time lover in the eyes,

“Ty, I loved you. I left Mike for you.”


“No, you left Mike for the money I had. You only wanted my money.”


“But I grew to love you Ty. I loved you and you loved me. Where did we go wrong?”


“Do you really have to ask that? “WE” went wrong when you had an affair with Santino. Jenn I feel nothing for you. In fact you are an enemy of mine. Just want you to know that yes I am locked up for now, I won’t be in here forever. And when I get out of here, you and Santino both will pay for double crossing me.”


“In your dreams Sly Ty. You’ll be in here for the rest of your life. I tried to extend an arm to you but I see you don’t appreciate it. So go ahead and be lonesome.”


“Then be on your way so I can get back to planning my revenge for Pasadena.” Jenn just walks off as Ty sits down thinking about his ex henchman Santino taking over his empire.

“One day, I will reclaim what’s mine. And people will pay.” He says to himself.

Back in Court

Alexis prepares to give her testimony


“You painted a nasty picture of my client.”


“Well the shoe fits.”


“I see you weren’t here when I had Bryan on the stand. You see he used those cutesy remarks and I shut it down. So let me advise you not to be cute with me. This will be ugly for you I can assure you of that.”

Karim has a look in interest after hearing what Lisa just said. Ladonna smiles and whispers to Karim

“Maybe today we will learn the truth about your precious Alexis.”


“Be quiet Donna.”


“Now regarding the accident where your sister was mowed down by Bryan. It seems you have left a few things out.”


“It was such a long time ago. Like three years. Maybe I left a few things out.”


“Oh you did. Some very important details.” Lisa walks over to the jury so they can hear her loud and clear and so that the next round evidence hits the jury over the head.


“I’ll start with the fact, that one you were driving a U haul truck that slammed into the back of Bryan’s car and then therefore, after receiving the force from the U-Haul ramming of Sabryn’s car, ran over Ashley. So in effect, one could blame you for your sister’s first supposed death?”


“I did not kill my sister. Objection your honor.”

The courtroom laughs at Alexis’s objection.


“You can’t object.”


“I can, and I will and I just did. I did not kill my sister.”


“You hear that jury, Alexis drove the U-Haul. Alexis was the one who was driving the U-Haul that set this ugly tragedy into motion. The force of impact was so great, Sabryn which was following Bryan that dark and stormy night, crashed into Bryan’s car. That whole accident would have never took place if it wasn’t for Alexis. And I also want to make clear, that Miss Jones did not step up at the time and admit that crucial piece of information. She let Sabryn and Bryan go to trial for it. It seems Alexis is a shady character.”


“You can’t just say things like that. Let’s stick to facts.” She says as she begins to get very uncomfortable. Karim notices this and Ladonna can do nothing but smile as she sees Alexis under fire.


“You want to deal in facts? We can do that. I got another fact for you. Is it true, you knew for a long time, before the rest of Pasadena that Ashley was alive and stalking Sabryn? And not only did you know, you helped her in her diabolical schemes. You assisted Ashley in kidnapping Rufus Taylor and Natalia’s baby with Bryan. In fact you even knew that Kelis Williams to the law, known as Mona to her family, and the Lady in Black to her victims. You knew of all the evil doings of Ashley and Mona and did nothing to stop them. Is that true?”

The courtroom is dead silent. You could hear someone’s stomach hunger pains the courtroom is so silent. Everyone leans up in his or her chairs to hear what Alexis’ answer will be.

Alexis wipes sweat from her head and looks down.

“No. I did not know that Ashley was alive until Sabryn’s wedding. And I never knew that Mona was doing what she was doing.” The courtroom lets out a gasp and chatter once again erupts. Rufus is stunned that Alexis has just lied under oath.


“She’s lying.


“Donna just give it up. Alexis is under oath. She would perjure herself.”


“To keep you yes she would.”

Lisa, walking towards the witness

“I’ll remind you that you are under oath Miss Jones. Do you want to answer the question again?”


“I stand by my answer.”


“You know you will go to jail for perjury right?”


“No need for me to worry about that. I did not lie.”


“Wow. We’ll see. Witness may stand down.” Alexis is relieved and puts her glasses and her hat back on and leaves with out as so much as looking at anyone. She storms out the courtroom not wanting to make contact with anyone, she just needs some fresh air to exhale. Sabryn smiles, as she knows Alexis just lied under oath. Karim is baffled by what just happened. Ladonna looks at Rufus to see what his reaction is. Ladonna knows that Alexis lied and it’s up to Rufus to expose the truth. She walks over to him to see what she is going to do.


“Court will recess until tomorrow morning. Court is adjourned.” Mike hugs Sabryn before she is handcuffed. Bryan and Natalia both notice this and Bryan is not happy.


“It’s looking real good for you. Soon you will be free”


“Thank you Mike.”


“I’ll be by to see you later.” Sabryn is cuffed and escorted away. He turns around and sees Bryan giving him a dirty look. Mike smiles, having dealt with this kind of situation before with Ty and Jenn. He brushes it off and leaves the courtroom.

nc015.jpgNatalia, to Bryan

“Are you upset that Mike and Sabryn seem to be moving closer?”


“Why does it matter to you? I love Sabryn and I always have. I’m not going to lie about that. What we have Natalia is a business arrangement. We are only together because of my sons.”


“If you want to keep your sons, you’ll stay with me and forget about Sabryn. Bryan if you leave me, I’m taking my son with me. You can have your other son. I only care about mine.”


“I’m starting to think what we did was a mistake.”


“In what way?”


“It’s beginning to look like Sabryn is going to beat this murder rap. And once she does she’s going to try to get her son back.”


“Right, that’s right. That’s why we have to make it harder for her to do that.”


“In what way?”


“Marry Me.”

Ladonna walking up to Rufus

“You know Alexis lied under oath?”


“I do.”


“So when you get on the stand, are you going to lie to or are you going to set the record straight?”


“I guess we will have to find out. Tomorrow is my day for the spot light and I plan to use that to my full advantage.”


“I hope that means you are going to exposé Alexis to Karim.”


“I don’t have a man so I am not in the business of helping you get yours. What do I get? A one-night stand with Karim would be nice; I hear big dicks run in that family? You know, he might my DL Lover.”


“Excuse me? What are you talking about?”


“Some one has been hitting me up on the chat line claiming they are on the Down Low and wants no one to know. He has yet to reveal himself to me. But with all this stress you and Alexis are putting him through, maybe it’s him turning to me for comfort.”


“Uhm yea ok. I just hope you don’t lie under oath.” Ladonna then walks away hoping that tomorrow will be Alexis’ day of reckoning. She thinks back on her last fight with Alexis and kicking her in her stomach a few nights ago.

“She seems to be ok. If she lost her baby I’m sure I would have heard about it by now. I didn’t mean to do that but she took me there.” Ladonna thinks to herself.

She then thinks when Alexis tore Ashley’s diary from her hands and tore it up.

“I know the truth. I know that Ashley knew the whole time her sister was alive. And if Rufus doesn’t tell the truth then I will. I will expose you Alexis.” Ladonna vows as she drives off.

As Rufus is about to leave the courthouse she is spun around by the diva of the day.


“You better watch your hands Alexis. One of my breast might have popped out.”


“Oh please you are trying to hard. I am just here to remind you of the deal we have. I gave you controlling interest of my fashion house with the understanding that you will not expose me at this trial.”


“I’m not dumb. I know what I agreed to.”


“Well good. You better hold your end of the bargain up. I cannot be exposed to Karim and lose him. “


“What is it with the women of Pasadena and their men?”


“I beg your pardon?”


“I was just having a conversation with Ladonna and you two are in heated war over Karim. Do he got it going on like that?”


“Damn that Bitch Ladonna! Always breathing down my neck just trying so hard to get my man. It’s ok. She will not win. I have a plan. If all else fail I have a back up plan. So I am warning you Rufus Taylor. Cross me if you want to, I have a back up plan for all my enemies if I go down tomorrow.” And with that threat, Alexis leaves the courthouse. Rufus just brushes it off and leaves as well.

Divine Design

Natalia walks into Alexis’ office with both Bryans in a double stroller. They both are crying outrageously.


“Damn it I can’t take much more of this! I can never do anything because Sabryn’s big headed son is a cry baby.” She walks over to Sabryn’s son and holds him and rocks him in her arms to try and make him calm down. But it doesn’t work. Bryan Jr the 1st keeps wailing away.infant-baby.jpg


“Damn you are a cry baby just like your mother. “ Natalia just sits him back down in the stroller. Just then Rufus walks in the office.

“What the hell are you doing in my office with these two annoying brats?”


“This is Alexis’ office and I’m here working on my new line. Why is that any of your business? For that matter why are you here?”


“I’m about to do some error correction. First of all this is my office now. Alexis happily handed it over to me.”


“Your office?” She says inquisitively.


“With these whining ass babies I bet you didn’t hear me. YES MY OFFICE! Now get these brats and get the hell out!”


“How did you get this office? You work here?”


“Yes Bitch. This is my company now. I won Divine Design. Alexis is a minor stake holder now.”


“That’s funny I own stake too.”


“Doesn’t matter to me. I won a controlling share. And get this, I’m coming out with my own line, debuting at the DD winter fashion show.”


“Alexis promised me my own line as well. I have been working hard on my designs. This is not fair. How the hell did you get this company?”


“I’m good Bitch. That’s how. I can get down like the rest of you bitches here in Pasadena. I’m a bad Bitch too. I had your man, and now I got the company you want. I seem to have a winning streak against you.”


“You must not know about me Rufus. I’m not to be messed with. Just ask Dahlia. She’s dead. That’s what happens when people get in my way. I have my own line coming out and you better not interfere with that.”


“I don’t think so. You see I call the shots around here now. You will not tell me what to do I will tell you what to do. I have the power to shelve your line. So you better begin to respect me. I have control now. I’m in power. You will bow down to me.”




“We’ll see. Get these damn crying babies out of here. I can’t take all this whining. I’m going to get security and by the time I get back, your ass better be gone.“ Miss Rue leaves, slamming the door behind her. The babies cry even more. Natalia is frustrated and walks over and picks up her own son this time. She cradles him in her arms.big1.jpg

“Shh boo bear. Momma is here. I know that drag Queen scared you. Don’t worry; momma wont let him do that again. I’ll teach you a new word my son. Can you say fag? Go ahead my son you can do it. Say fag. That’s exactly what Rufus is, a fag.” Her son quiets down as Sabryn’s son is left in the stroller screaming his head off. Natalia hears the door close and she turns around and almost drops her son when she sees Diego Serrano. Natalia puts her quiet son in the stroller.


“Well look at you. You’re a mother now. “


“That’s right I am.”


“I can’t believe God has blessed a murderer with kids.”


“Well he did. And I will do anything to protect my son. So what the hell are you doing here Diego?”


“Oh me? I’m just passing by.”


“Passing by? I don’t buy that. I don’t want any trouble. Wait, I know. You are here for Sabryn’s trial aren’t you?”


“Don’t worry about that. I wanted to get a cheap thrill and I knew you would squirm if I showed my face so here I am. You did not disappoint.”


“Diego, I’m not the same person as when you left town”


“Oh please Natalia. Mother hood for you is only a mask. You and I both know deep down you are shallow, selfish and evil person. You stole Mark from Dahlia, making him believe she was dead. You even paid Dahlia’s cellmate Suga to stab her to death. You see I still know all about that. You are vile Natalia.”


“I get what I want Diego. Mother hood is no a mask for me. It’s made me a lioness. I will protect my family at all cost. I have a family now. I have everything I wanted. So don’t you cause any trouble for me. I am warning you.”


“I don’t take threats from you. Not only that, I am not scared of you. Just remember, I have nothing to loose. And also remember, all chickens come home to roost. Your time my dear is coming.” Diego then leaves after delivering his ominous warning to Natalia.


“Oh my God. Damn you Diego. I have come to far now to lose my life and my family to you. What the hell are you doing here? I have everything I want, a company, my own fashion line, Sabryn’s man, and a beautiful son. But that’s not the case. Things seem they are turning against me. I will not lose what I have. I will protect it at all cost.“


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